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Was the Browns game or the Falcons game the bigger hurt?


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Did a game where you showed up for 60 minutes but taken away from you by bad NFL officiating hurt more?




Does a game where our players didn't play to their abilities and take it as seriously as we could have hurt us more down the home stretch towards the end of the season?


Browns game was earlier in the season while the Falcons game was much later in the season where we knew everything was in front of us and it was a lackluster effort by the OL, defense and offense overall. Granted, we didn't have Pittman for the Falcons game but we had the talent to match up with them if we played our A game.

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Falcons game we didn't look like we wanted it. Just a terrible game with the offseason on the line.


Browns game we had in our hand. We were the better team over 60 minutes, but turnovers and poor defense cost us.

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Browns game because the Colts won it before the refs took it away with some very questionable calls.  The falcons game the Colts just got flat out beat.  You could say the samething about the Saints, Bengals, both Jags games, or Rams game for example.  

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4 minutes ago, JediXMan said:

Browns game because it was a extra conference game we could’ve had in the AFC tiebreaker scenarios.

This, and because the refs totally screwed us in that ame, especially at the end

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2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

You seriously think the Colts players didn’t take this game seriously?     

Are you serious?   

Im beginning to seriously wonder about you.     Dear God….   :facepalm:


My basis was this:




You know, it is a game, I don’t know if we approached it with the right urgency. 


These were Minshew's words. Why would he even suggest that or say that?

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2 minutes ago, chad72 said:


My basis was this:




You know, it is a game, I don’t know if we approached it with the right urgency. 


These were Minshew's words. Why would he even suggest that or say that?

It was about the ATLANTA GAME WHERE THEY LOST 29-10.  


This isn’t about TONIGHTS GAME, the last game of the season, where they lost on practically the last play of the game.   Why would anyone compare the two?!?   

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2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

It was about the ATLANTA GAME WHERE THEY LOST 29-10.  


This isn’t about TONIGHTS GAME, the last game of the season, where they lost on practically the last play of the game.   Why would anyone compare the two?!?   


Dude, wth are you talking about? I am just asking folks which of the 2 games (Browns or Falcons game, it is in the title of the thread, btw) probably hurts the most for the Colts when it was all said and done. Browns game was at the beginning of the season while the Falcons game, the standings were more crystal clear and should have had more urgency. It was the Falcons game I was referring to, for the lack or urgency.


I said nothing about the Texans game.

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6 hours ago, chad72 said:

Did a game where you showed up for 60 minutes but taken away from you by bad NFL officiating hurt more?




Does a game where our players didn't play to their abilities and take it as seriously as we could have hurt us more down the home stretch towards the end of the season?


Browns game was earlier in the season while the Falcons game was much later in the season where we knew everything was in front of us and it was a lackluster effort by the OL, defense and offense overall. Granted, we didn't have Pittman for the Falcons game but we had the talent to match up with them if we played our A game.

Falcons for sure

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The Falcons and I know not one of the options but I want to include the Bengals as well. These were the games that playoff teams need to win. They showed us exactly what we were…an over achieving team. The Bengals game is where I felt this team would not make the playoffs and the Falcons game certainly confirmed it. It’s a bummer the season is over but for the first time since Luck was returning from injury, I’m excited about the future. I’m upbeat and not really concerned about what could have happened but agree it’s fun to discuss. 

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As far as the Browns game goes, Steichen made plenty of his own mistakes, and repeated one last night.  As for the refs, we got an equal number of breaks in Baltimore, so that's a wash.


If you're a playoff team, you have to beat Atlanta.  We didn't even show up.  The Colts were bullied physically for 4 quarters.

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The browns game hurt worse because they are an AFC team. And to add insult to injury, the refs were bad. So for everyone out there who don’t like to put blame on the refs for rigging games, tell me how that game didn’t hurt the colts winning the division this year? Or being in the playoffs? Because 1 game can cause you to miss the playoffs, or lose a playoff game ultimately losing your chance at a SB. Every call that is made weighs heavily on what happens with any said team in the league or in sports in general. Legalizing gambling has made this even worse. 

ultimately I think less rules is better for the game of football. 

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12 minutes ago, Indianapolis-Colts-Fan said:

The browns game hurt worse because they are an AFC team. And to add insult to injury, the refs were bad. So for everyone out there who don’t like to put blame on the refs for rigging games, tell me how that game didn’t hurt the colts winning the division this year? Or being in the playoffs? Because 1 game can cause you to miss the playoffs, or lose a playoff game ultimately losing your chance at a SB. Every call that is made weighs heavily on what happens with any said team in the league or in sports in general. Legalizing gambling has made this even worse. 

ultimately I think less rules is better for the game of football. 

Refs can be incompetent and not mean they are rigging games.

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22 minutes ago, Indianapolis-Colts-Fan said:

ultimately I think less rules is better for the game of football. 

That’s an unrealistic statement to make. We will have every DB pulling every pass catcher down if they could get away with it and every defender like Kazee and Kareem Jackson spearing people and get away with it.


I do think the head ref needs to talk to the coaches and fellow refs to let them all know what areas they will focus on and be consistent with it throughout the game. I wonder to what extent it happens game after game.

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Poor coaching cost us in both those games and not the Refs. So sick of people blaming the Refs for the Browns game. If we don’t give up that 3rd down we’re off the field. 

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10 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

It was about the ATLANTA GAME WHERE THEY LOST 29-10.  


This isn’t about TONIGHTS GAME, the last game of the season, where they lost on practically the last play of the game.   Why would anyone compare the two?!?   


I understand that fans cope with losses differently. Some vent, some remain optimistic, some say they don't want to follow the team, some come to a forum to exchange thoughts, etc. This is a time to let folks cope how they can. Losing is disappointing, escpecially when the playoffs seemed minutes away.


I recommend letting people vent and share their tthoughts 


This message is for everyone, myself included.


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If people want to * and moan about Steichen the Falcons game was a much better case for it, since in that game the players just didn't look prepared to play and win that game. That's more on Steichen than designing a great play and 2 players not being able to execute it the simplest of passes. 


So yeah... the Falcons game was one we should regret much more than this one vs the Texans. This one was a good game between two teams on the rise and one of them executed better and had better talent at QB. 

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