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Jim Irsay's Interview - "Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel"


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10 minutes ago, ShuteAt168 said:

I’ve never met any billionaires but I’m sure they’re like literally any other group of people — some good folks and some tools. I hold no ill will toward billionaires. In fact, if I could have been a billionaire I definitely would have. My only advice to the billionaires reading this: If you’re going to use and/or drink, just hire a driver. 

That's what I'll never understand.   Very wealthy people out driving intoxicated.   Why?  You have plenty of money to hire a full-time driver 

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45 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

To give people an idea of how rich Carmel is at one point it cost MORE to live there than Beverly Hills.  That was a few years ago so that might not be true anymore but point stands rich people live there.

I'm not sure that's accurate.   

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1 hour ago, BeanDiasucci said:

That's true among many people in society, but the American justice system has always favored rich white males. That will make Irsay's quote difficult for many to swallow. 

actually rich people, it doesn’t matter the race! OJ Simpson! If you can afford a team of top lawyers, you are going to end up much better than the average person.

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1 hour ago, w87r said:

More like Hamilton County in general, although all sides of Indy has rich suburbs.


Hamilton County is the the richest county in Indiana.






I was born in Noblesville, I consider it a testament to me that I can still afford to live here. Because I am far, far away from being rich.



Carmel Police are the worst though, not speaking on this matter, just in general.



Out of all the cities in Hamilton County, that is last place I want to be pulled over. That isn't a new thing that goes back 25-30 years.



2020 Census had Hamilton County as the 53rd richest county in the US.


1 hour ago, chad72 said:


Irsay had mansions in both Carmel and Zionsville. He sold his Zionsville mansion in 2019. Zionsville is another place where some Colts players live. Carmel is also where some big company execs live, and the doctors and the lawyers. 


I live in Brownsburg, another suburb like @w87r, where things are still affordable to move in. But folks here moved in 30 years ago thinking it won't change, to live on a fixed income. But as crime goes up in the city, folks who want safe conditions for their families have to move somewhere to some suburb that is affordable and typically Carmel and Zionsville are crossed off the list (unless you moved in there 20 years ago). There is always resistance to change when the younger families invade what the previous generation thought was a safe haven to live with fixed income, and with it comes a little resentment, more property taxes, more need for schools, and feelings such as how they don't want their place to grow/become like Carmel etc. :)  A lot of companies do pay corporate taxes in Carmel, which is where I work too but not live. However, people out there do get a bad reputation unnecessarily, because of the broad brushing that goes on. My kid is in Marching Band and we talk with Marching Band parents in Carmel, they are people just like anyone else, very nice and not all of them are rich (which to me is becoming a relative term).


Having a kid in high school, I see both sides of the spectrum but it has drawn more inner city talent to sports in Brownsburg schools, that is for sure. 

Thanks to both of you for the really good 411.   And when @w87r tells me he doesn’t like the Carmel police, THAT gets my attention!    

Turns out, I know a tiny bit about Indy.  And I want to stress TINY.   I’m a fan of the HGTV show Good Bones which is set in Indy.   And they always show a map showing where their latest renovation is happening.   So I’m a little bit familiar.  

Indy seems like a charming city.  I hope to visit someday….  

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I don’t doubt the police profiled him. They could arrest him and spend a few hours booking and processing him, or go do their beat out on 38th street or worse yet the east side and take the chance of not coming back from the end of that watch. I’m sure they’d hold me up for a simple right on red or a missed stop sign for as long as they could to avoid getting back to the regular, more dangerous % that goes on in that city. It’s just the far south side of Detroit these days. 

A respectable track record is not what IMPD stands for. 

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29 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Thanks to both of you for the really good 411.   And when @w87r tells me he doesn’t like the Carmel police, THAT gets my attention!    

Turns out, I know a tiny bit about Indy.  And I want to stress TINY.   I’m a fan of the HGTV show Good Bones which is set in Indy.   And they always show a map showing where their latest renovation is happening.   So I’m a little bit familiar.  

Indy seems like a charming city.  I hope to visit someday….  

Good bones is just SouthEast of Downtown.(Fountain Square area)


That doesn't make you that familiar. 😂


I'll give you a "little bit", I guess. Lol. You did emphasize the TINY.



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38 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

Thanks to both of you for the really good 411.   And when @w87r tells me he doesn’t like the Carmel police, THAT gets my attention!

I will say, to be fair. I haven't had any interaction with them in probably 15-20yrs at least.



Never had a good one though(and hearing others experience over the years), but I don't think the Police did anything wrong in Irsay's case. I actually like the fact that they held him accountable, because despite what he said, yes the average joe would've been hauled in. Only difference is it wouldn't of made the news.



Whether he experiences it in other ways I have no idea, can't speak to being a billionaire, but he just needs to own this one.

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3 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

Like Kevin just said on the radio you can tell when it’s him and social media people tweeting. That’s definitely him.

I know, I was joking, but come on Jim.



I get being angry if you feel you're being lied about, but just sue them. Don't say a word.

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2 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

Irsay is a very good man who is a much better owner than his father ever was and is one of the better owners in sports.  He still said something that is at best tone deaf last night but as someone once told me no one is the villain in their own story.  The good news for  him is that this aired two days before one of the two most important holidays in the US.  It’s going to have a short shelf life as long as Irsay lets it die and doesn’t remind people he said this after Thanksgiving is over.  The people who don’t like Irsay are going to pound him for this.  Those that like him will be more likely to give him a pass.  Just how these things work for better or worse.


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16 minutes ago, w87r said:

Good bones is just SouthEast of Downtown.(Fountain Square area)


That doesn't make you that familiar. 😂


I'll give you a "little bit", I guess. Lol. You did emphasize the TINY.



Don’t they do rehabs in all sections of Indy?    I think they’ve talked about all of them….  

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3 hours ago, Bravo said:

That most likely wouldn’t be any police departments goal. Especially with a large department like Carmel.

Of course the cops would be pumped about popping a billionaire for whatever reason. Why wouldn’t they be? All kinds of people are cops, including ones that would love to put their department in the news for arresting the owner of the colts.

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4 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

The interview last night was a nothing burger then he escalated it and acts like a fool. If he does not stop soon he is going to room this entire organization and the GM and HC won’t want to be here.

You have a huge gift for over-statement.   The GM has been here thru plenty of drama.   The HC has made a number of stops in the NFL, he’s not going to get scared off.   

No one is running away because of this.   

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Just now, NewColtsFan said:

Don’t they do rehabs in all sections of Indy?    I think they’ve talked about all of them….  

Pretty sure it's just probably like a 2-3 square mile radius or something. Not very big. Indianapolis is about 368 square miles.


They are usually not too far down the street from the other rehabs. That's part of their shtick, fixing up their neighborhood. 

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Irsay is his own worst enemy.  If he just left this alone this would have gone away by tomorrow.  Now it’s going to be a major news story.  

To me, and I want to be very clear this is just my opinion others don’t have to agree with me on it and I will not debate others over it you can think whatever you like, Irsay doesn’t understand his privilege.  I am not trying to make any kind of political or racial statements with that either.  

I stand by what I said before Jim Irsay is a good man who does good things for the community and is a good owner.   With that said, it’s at the very best completely tone deaf to say what he said in today’s world.  Again, right, wrong, agree it should be that way, disagree it should be that way doesn’t change the world we live in and in todays world saying something like that is going to bring public scrutiny and sadly has completely overshadowed all the other good he said in that interview.  

further more doubling down and getting into a heated debate with people who get paid to make up things to argue about is going to end very badly for him.  That’s why the vast majority of sports figures just ignore shows like this.  Debating with them is never going to end well for you and is going to do very good things for them.

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If I were a billionaire I wouldn't give two s#!*'s what the peasants think.  But I also wouldn't walk around with wounded pride over getting what I deserved when I made a mistake.


Guess this is one way of saying I like my billionaires arrogant and above things like the airing of grievances.

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My thoughts on the “white billionaire” comment by irsay:

I get what he’s trying to say, I really do.  We all have something to go through and experience no matter the color of our skin or financial circumstances, but 10 times out of 10 id rather be a rich white billionaire rather than a rich black billionaire lol and I say that as a middle class black man.  

in other words, I’d rather have the problems Jim has dealt with than my own any day of the week.  Jim meant well, but his comment will come off as insensitive and in a sense it is.  But not that insensitive where I have a problem with it.  

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Just now, smittywerb said:

My thoughts on the “white billionaire” comment by irsay:

I get what he’s trying to say, I really do.  We all have something to go through and experience no matter the color of our skin or financial circumstances, but 10 times out of 10 id rather be a rich white billionaire rather than a rich black billionaire lol and I say that as a middle class black man.  

in other words, I’d rather have the problems Jim has dealt with than my own any day of the week.  Jim meant well, but his comment will come off as insensitive and in a sense it is.  But not that insensitive where I have a problem with it.  

I think he was speaking more on the history of the local police there not a general all around statement. Yeah it was a little tone depth though.

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Just now, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

I think he was speaking more on the history of the local police there not a general all around statement. Yeah it was a little tone depth though.

honestly, he could’ve been talking about anything, I’d still rather be a rich white billionaire in any experience I face.  ESPECIALLY with law enforcement lol

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The First Take crew said all the things I expected.   It was only Stephen A’s last comment that really jumped out.  

“Good luck getting free agents to want to go play for that guy!”


Obviously I hope he’s wrong,  but Ballard’s job next free agency may have just gotten much,  MUCH harder. 

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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:

The First Take crew said all the things I expected.   It was only Stephen A’s last comment that really jumped out.  

“Good luck getting free agents to want to go play for that guy!”


Obviously I hope he’s wrong,  but Ballard’s job next free agency may have just gotten much,  MUCH harder. 

You don’t hang out with the person signing your check, you just want the best one you can get. It all spends the same!

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2 hours ago, Nate! said:

Society is completely set up in favor of billionaires

And people still hold biased stereotypes against them, and spread hate about them all day every day.  If Jim was a regular guy that got this dui no one would care, this is all over the media because hes Jim Irsay and people make a bunch of prejudice comments about him without knowing the full truth.


He is right about the prejudice= twitter, reddit and this forum have been proving that to be true all day.


Sure he has it made but that prejudice does exist.


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