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Manning's progress - updated according to NFLN (merged)


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Any one ever notice that LOMBARDI and JASON LA CONFORA are always HATING on PEYTON MANNING!!!!

They alwasy tryn to make him look bad

I dont think anyone can make peyton look bad, so i doubt thats actually what they are trying to do.

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Throwing when? From what i remember reading from the Star, Phil Wilson said a colleague of his saw him throwing with decent velocity last week. I also thought i remember hearing that TV cameras were not allowed so not sure how they would have got that footage.

As for Lombardi, he's been right in regards to injuries and the Colts before. It was him that reported Manning had a 2nd knee surgery which nobody believed. Turned out to be true, the Colts wouldn't admit it though, not until Manning admitted it halfway through the season. He also had a report that the Colts were concerned last year that Bob Sanders may never play football again. Well, he did, for half a qtr, and now he is no longer a Colt. I'm not saying he is right this time, but i wouldn't trust anything you hear from the Colts any more then i would trust what Lombardi says. The Colts have a long history of being less then honest in regards to injuries.

+1 on that one there, i believe it was bill polian who said he would much rather if there were no injury updates... but that was some seasons ago so idk if it was injury or depth chart updates.

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Speaking of Jamie Dukes and how bad he sucks all you need to do is google Jamie Duke sucks.. Good thing we aren't alone... It's going to be tough for the Colts NOT to make the playoffs if they are healthy.

i love Jamie Dukes . . . not sure why all the hate . . . i just caught the 11 pm rerun of NFL Total Access and what Jamie Dukes said on was IF Peyton does not play the first games of the season, he would find it difficult for the colts to make the playoffs having to rely on Painter and company for the first handful of games of the season . . . i am sure some of you all colts fans, (including the "we'd be 2-14 without Peyton" fanclub) . . . would not necessarily disagree with Dukes if the first 3-5 colts games had Painter under center and then PM comes back to try to make a playoff run . . .

surely, there had been the pereninal "the window is shutting" commentators on TV, but in this case i think Dukes and company and just voicing an opinion if PM misses some games early . . . my two cents . . .

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i love Jamie Dukes . . . not sure why all the hate . . . i just caught the 11 pm rerun of NFL Total Access and what Jamie Dukes said on was IF Peyton does not play the first games of the season, he would find it difficult for the colts to make the playoffs having to rely on Painter and company for the first handful of games of the season . . . i am sure some of you all colts fans, (including the "we'd be 2-14 without Peyton" fanclub) . . . would not necessarily disagree with Dukes if the first 3-5 colts games had Painter under center and then PM comes back to try to make a playoff run . . .

surely, there had been the pereninal "the window is shutting" commentators on TV, but in this case i think Dukes and company and just voicing an opinion if PM misses some games early . . . my two cents . . .

Mod Edit Personal attacks are not allowed on this forum. Please review the forum rules and post appropriately.

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i love Jamie Dukes . . . not sure why all the hate . . . i just caught the 11 pm rerun of NFL Total Access and what Jamie Dukes said on was IF Peyton does not play the first games of the season, he would find it difficult for the colts to make the playoffs having to rely on Painter and company for the first handful of games of the season . . . i am sure some of you all colts fans, (including the "we'd be 2-14 without Peyton" fanclub) . . . would not necessarily disagree with Dukes if the first 3-5 colts games had Painter under center and then PM comes back to try to make a playoff run . . .

surely, there had been the pereninal "the window is shutting" commentators on TV, but in this case i think Dukes and company and just voicing an opinion if PM misses some games early . . . my two cents . . .

No. He was referring to Manning missing camp and pre-season and said, verbatim "The Colts might not make the playoffs this year". Then almost mumbling, adding in the 08 season when he missed the same amount of time and how Manning struggled and the Colts opened up 3-4 "and went on to win 9 straight..." LOL YEA, that sucks, 9 straight to close and 12 wins total. Thats only better then most QB's do with a full camp and pre-season.

Manning could spend the first 4 games lickin oreo's with his kid brother and we're still a play-off lock, write that down and report it Mr Dukes!

He was just trying to make a shock statement, and to the Colts compliment, it would be a shock for us to miss the playoffs.

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This is really a pet peeve of mine. I don't care who you are a fan of or how long you have been a fan. You are one now and that is all that matters.

You are not a better fan because you have been so longer. Senority does not count in my book.

We all love our team for whatever reason and I thank those who stand and cheer with me when we score a touchdown, those who save year around to go to one game to watch them play, and those who scream at their TV's because they love our team as much as I do.

Fans berating other fans is not cool imo.

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This is really a pet peeve of mine. I don't care who you are a fan of or how long you have been a fan. You are one now and that is all that matters.

You are not a better fan because you have been so longer. Senority does not count in my book.

We all love our team for whatever reason and I thank those who stand and cheer with me when we score a touchdown, those who save year around to go to one game to watch them play, and those who scream at their TV's because they love our team as much as I do.

Fans berating other fans is not cool imo.

Thank you for not being a complete jerk off like a lot of guys on here. Many of these guys would like to call me a "manning era" fan. And I am. But I think they should stop to consider, that while I am a manning era fan, I have also been a colts fan my ENTIRE life. Just because I wasn't born in the &$%*ing 50s doesnt make me any less of a fan.

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Well look at my username and guess when I became a Colts fan? lol

But let it also be known that I have never been a fan of any other NFL team. I learned to love football due to Peyton. Does that make me less of a Colts fan? I think not.

So let's stop this kind of nonsense right now, folks.

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Well look at my username and guess when I became a Colts fan? lol

But let it also be known that I have never been a fan of any other NFL team. I learned to love football due to Peyton. Does that make me less of a Colts fan? I think not.

So let's stop this kind of nonsense right now, folks.

A girl I dated a few years back got "hooked" on the Colts primarily because of manning also.

She's still a Colts fan.

He ain't sexy. He's no Brad Pitt or Clooney. But he does pull in as many female fans (if not more) than Brady it seems.

I guess girls are attracted to large foreheads. I think I'll cut my bangs. haha.

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No. He was referring to Manning missing camp and pre-season and said, verbatim "The Colts might not make the playoffs this year". Then almost mumbling, adding in the 08 season when he missed the same amount of time and how Manning struggled and the Colts opened up 3-4 "and went on to win 9 straight..." lol YEA, that sucks, 9 straight to close and 12 wins total. Thats only better then most QB's do with a full camp and pre-season.

Manning could spend the first 4 games lickin oreo's with his kid brother and we're still a play-off lock, write that down and report it Mr Dukes!

He was just trying to make a shock statement, and to the Colts compliment, it would be a shock for us to miss the playoffs.

Ruksak, yes he did say everything that you mentioned, but the thrust of his statement and comments, along with Warren Sapp, was that they would be in trouble of Peyton doesnt start the season under center . . . Dukes talked, and joked/discredited, Painter when he talked about no one wants that "number 7" under center for the colts . . . he then later talked about that guy number 6 or 7 and "I don't even know their names" so he was basically saying that the colts have no name backups, he continued by stating that B. Polian should have really have a solid back up, and lastly, Sapp said "i don't see number 209 [start] happening" [or something close to this effect - he might of said 'it might be unlikely' i forget it was 8 hrs ago] we all know that PM streak is presently at 208 starts {they also showed the list consecutive starts for present qbs) . . . so the overall thrust of the segment, was if or if not PM going to start, and if so what will happen, they alos queried what would happen if he did start and what would happen if he condition and shape was like '08 and the outlook of the season if they repeat the 3-4 start of '08 . . .

so that was my read on the take, it was not a comment on a 100% healthy colt team and predictions . . .and yes we all know there have been those share of commentators that having been predicting the colts miss the playoffs each year since '07 and iching to be right and the first to predict it . . . but for me the instant case was the chaces of PM not starting or if he does start will he be hampered, and in both cases the panel opined on the season results in both cases . . .

for me if PM starts and is in reasonable condition there should not be a drop off, but if he doesn't start the first few games or he does and they repeat the 3-4 of '08, it could get a little dicey in Indy . . .

stepping back it should be interesting, the colts are only one year removed from being 14-0 and altho they were 10-6 last year, they did have some injuries . . .if the '09 colts show up it should be a great year for the colts . . .

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A girl I dated a few years back got "hooked" on the Colts primarily because of manning also.

She's still a Colts fan.

He ain't sexy. He's no Brad Pitt or Clooney. But he does pull in as many female fans (if not more) than Brady it seems.

I guess girls are attracted to large foreheads. I think I'll cut my bangs. haha.

I think women that like football like Manning more because he married an all american gal, where as Brady got wrapped up in a supermodel, knocked her up, ect. Mannings more of what a real woman wants. A stable, clean cut, good looking professional. IMO.. ;)

More men like Brady, well.. because his gal is a supemodel.. lol.

Back to OP, I'm just gald to see Manning is out there with the team helping the WR on routes and timing. If he can't throw to them, at least he can teach it to them from the sidelines! What a true leader!!

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I think women that like football like Manning more because he married an all american gal, where as Brady got wrapped up in a supermodel, knocked her up, ect. Mannings more of what a real woman wants. A stable, clean cut, good looking professional. IMO.. ;)

More men like Brady, well.. because his gal is a supemodel.. lol.

It all depends on the woman. Some women like unpredictable bad boys, some women like the predictable and stable ones, at least that is what I gathered by observing my wife and her sister, who are polar opposites of each other :-).

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Thank you for not being a complete jerk off like a lot of guys on here. Many of these guys would like to call me a "manning era" fan. And I am. But I think they should stop to consider, that while I am a manning era fan, I have also been a colts fan my ENTIRE life. Just because I wasn't born in the &$%*ing 50s doesnt make me any less of a fan.

even if you are a so called "manning-era" fan, you have been a fan for over 13 years. thats a long time.

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This is really a pet peeve of mine. I don't care who you are a fan of or how long you have been a fan. You are one now and that is all that matters.

You are not a better fan because you have been so longer. Senority does not count in my book.

We all love our team for whatever reason and I thank those who stand and cheer with me when we score a touchdown, those who save year around to go to one game to watch them play, and those who scream at their TV's because they love our team as much as I do.

Fans berating other fans is not cool imo.

I agree with all this, however....I have had several girlfriends over the years that pretend to be fans. They act all into it just because I am, they buy the jerseys and wear them because everyone else is. Which I find kinda cute in its own little way. But then during playoff games they stand in the other room talking on the phone to their mothers. They walk right up and start talking about off the wall topics during the last minute of a close game and get upset when I'm obviously transfixed on the game. Then when the games over I have to deal with an emo girlfriend that feels like I think football is more important than her.....argh.

This classification of a "fan" is the only one I disparage. The fake fan that only wears the guise of a fan because everyone else is. When in fact, they don't even like football but walk around in a Manning jersey, plan game-time parties and then somehow forget that people tend to watch games intently at game-time parties.

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I agree with all this, however....I have had several girlfriends over the years that pretend to be fans. They act all into it just because I am, they buy the jerseys and wear them because everyone else is. Which I find kinda cute in its own little way. But then during playoff games they stand in the other room talking on the phone to their mothers. They walk right up and start talking about off the wall topics during the last minute of a close game and get upset when I'm obviously transfixed on the game. Then when the games over I have to deal with an emo girlfriend that feels like I think football is more important than her.....argh.

This classification of a "fan" is the only one I disparage. The fake fan that only wears the guise of a fan because everyone else is. When in fact, they don't even like football but walk around in a Manning jersey, plan game-time parties and then somehow forget that people tend to watch games intently at game-time parties.

bold part made me laugh. most people who know me well enough know better than to bug me during a game unless they are as into it as i am

sure there are fake fans. but i doubt those sorts would take the time register & post on a forum message board (trolls aside)

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bold part made me laugh. most people who know me well enough know better than to bug me during a game unless they are as into it as i am

sure there are fake fans. but i doubt those sorts would take the time register & post on a forum message board (trolls aside)

You need to do what I do.

1st, the phones get turned off during Colt games. I also WON'T answer the door if someone comes. Even my 83 yr old Mom doesn't call when the Colts are on. (shes a Colts fan too even tho we live in Pa and my brothers like the Steelers)

2nd, I have a door mat that says "Go AWAY" instead of the usual "WELCOME". (I love it)

3rd, I watch the Colt games alone so I'm not bothered by anything.

A funny sidenote about the "GO AWAY" doormat. One Halloween, I noticed no kids were coming that night for treats. Finally, the doorbell rang (I LOVE trick-or-treaters and like to "tease the kids. For example if a kid is dressed like Batman, I'll say "hello Spiderman") and when I opened the door, I realized I didn't remove the doormat after the last Colt game. I commented and apologized to the kid's parents about the mat and told them I put it out during Colt games which they found funny. The father of the kids said he did notice it, but at quick glance , he thought it said "GO NAVY".

Too funny.

PS, I have an "odd" sense of humor and I think I'm much more funny than my "jokes" actually are. Oh well, as long as I enjoy my humor.

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It all depends on the woman. Some women like unpredictable bad boys, some women like the predictable and stable ones, at least that is what I gathered by observing my wife and her sister, who are polar opposites of each other :-).

Summed up best by the great Charlie Pride - "Kiss an angel good morning and love her like the devil when she gets back home...."

and - "when we get behind closed doors ....."

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You need to do what I do.

1st, the phones get turned off during Colt games. I also WON'T answer the door if someone comes. Even my 83 yr old Mom doesn't call when the Colts are on. (shes a Colts fan too even tho we live in Pa and my brothers like the Steelers)

2nd, I have a door mat that says "Go AWAY" instead of the usual "WELCOME". (I love it)

3rd, I watch the Colt games alone so I'm not bothered by anything.

A funny sidenote about the "GO AWAY" doormat. One Halloween, I noticed no kids were coming that night for treats. Finally, the doorbell rang (I LOVE trick-or-treaters and like to "tease the kids. For example if a kid is dressed like Batman, I'll say "hello Spiderman") and when I opened the door, I realized I didn't remove the doormat after the last Colt game. I commented and apologized to the kid's parents about the mat and told them I put it out during Colt games which they found funny. The father of the kids said he did notice it, but at quick glance , he thought it said "GO NAVY".

Too funny.

PS, I have an "odd" sense of humor and I think I'm much more funny than my "jokes" actually are. Oh well, as long as I enjoy my humor.

We do about the same things during Colts games man. I can't watch the games with anyone as well. I have to watch them alone for luck and not to be bothered as well man. I live here in PA to, this made me laugh pretty good. Sorry about to your bros too man for being picksburgh stealers fans

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This is really a pet peeve of mine. I don't care who you are a fan of or how long you have been a fan. You are one now and that is all that matters.

You are not a better fan because you have been so longer. Senority does not count in my book.

We all love our team for whatever reason and I thank those who stand and cheer with me when we score a touchdown, those who save year around to go to one game to watch them play, and those who scream at their TV's because they love our team as much as I do.

Fans berating other fans is not cool imo.

Agree, but with a qualifier.

If you're a fan coming on here adamantly claiming various things based upon bad history, bad information or bias... correctional measures are appropriate. It'd be irresponsible not to. By definition, some situations I'v seen here more or less rate a vehement condemnation. I never miss a chance to hear the old timers or the well educated students of the game share a word. Much can be learned. Now.....screamin' & shoutin' at the TV, anyone can do that & sure you're a fan too. Absolutely. Not sayin' one is better than the other, but there's a difference.

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It all depends on the woman. Some women like unpredictable bad boys, some women like the predictable and stable ones, at least that is what I gathered by observing my wife and her sister, who are polar opposites of each other :-).

The question has to be asked... are you an unpredictable bad boy or the predictable stable one? ;)

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We do about the same things during Colts games man. I can't watch the games with anyone as well. I have to watch them alone for luck and not to be bothered as well man. I live here in PA to, this made me laugh pretty good. Sorry about to your bros too man for being picksburgh stealers fans

I guess I got the brains in the family. haha

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The question has to be asked... are you an unpredictable bad boy or the predictable stable one? ;)

I used to be the "bad boy" that took women for granted and I had them literally "swarming" all over me.

Now, I'm the predictable stable type and get taken advantage of it seems.

Women are nuts. (sorry, but true) They are never satisfied. Men too. We want it both ways.

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Why are we bashing on a guy for asking a simple question? Jskinnz that was totally inappropriate behavior on your part. If that's the way you feel you need to respond to a simple question than maybe you need to find another forum to troll. Some people on here go to the camp often and would know the answer to his question. Bayone usually fills us in on camp details that some of us can't witnesses for ourselves. So please respect other Colts fans as w should be one big happy group and not be smart@'s to one another.

He absolutely did not bash him... are people this sensitive on the Internet. He just said he should have the same info as everybody else, he didn't know about the cell unless there are deleted posts??

And btw it should be a known fact that we will never get info from the surgery on any colts players especially manning.

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He absolutely did not bash him... are people this sensitive on the Internet. He just said he should have the same info as everybody else, he didn't know about the cell unless there are deleted posts??

And btw it should be a known fact that we will never get info from the surgery on any colts players especially manning.

So are you trying to start a fight? Or do you prefer to cut people down to make yourself feel better?

no one asked about the surgery, but how he is feeling. And did it ever occur to you that maybe some of us do not have the time to dig through all the information and on what small time we have to be online and would just like to ask if anyone had read or come across something to help answer our question. Bayone usually keeps us well informed on anything occurring. The guy has mad computer skills. So excuse me and any other colt fan that has ever asked a question regarding the team.

btw, im not a "him", im a her.

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So are you trying to start a fight? Or do you prefer to cut people down to make yourself feel better?

no one asked about the surgery, but how he is feeling. And did it ever occur to you that maybe some of us do not have the time to dig through all the information and on what small time we have to be online and would just like to ask if anyone had read or come across something to help answer our question. Bayone usually keeps us well informed on anything occurring. The guy has mad computer skills. So excuse me and any other colt fan that has ever asked a question regarding the team.

btw, im not a "him", im a her.

I didn't cut anyone down one, I just said people are being to sensitive on the Internet he only said that because normally one could type Peyton manning on google or watch espn to find the info if they're not an full out Internet addict...

It just annoying that people called Jskinz a jerk for saying he know as much as u do , which is true no one will ever truly know about colts injuries tbh

And my comment wasn't aimed at you it was aimed qt whoever made that comment, that's just stupid, I'm pretty sure your feelings and stuff like this happens on forums all the time you were not hurt and if uwere


He may have worded a bit mean but to actually attack him when he is one of the more observant and better posters is well.. Unnecessary

I understood you wanted to know and Need a source, that's ok I wasn't attacking you or anyone, it's just that you weren't a victim of anything and people really shouldn't have feelings on the Internet, it's the Internet... Never take stuff here personal

Mannings fine, the best news you'll get on him tbh is from ESPN or NFLN, no colts insider will be Ble to tell you anything on him k

Sorry ma'am

Edit: Thanks for the mame correction

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