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Referees from yesterday should be fired


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I hate to say it, but the home team always gets the calls from the refs. When it's said the home team gets a 3 point advantage for being at home, that's because of favoritism from the refs on flags, not because of crowd noise, or playing in your home stadium, etc... That's a common misconception. Whenever we are playing in another team's stadium, we will have to deal with poor officiating. Likewise, we will get those calls in our favor at home in Lucas Oil Stadium.

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10 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I hate to say it, but the home team always gets the calls from the refs. When it's said the home team gets a 3 point advantage for being at home, that's because of favoritism from the refs on flags, not because of crowd noise, or playing in your home stadium, etc... That's a common misconception. Whenever we are playing in another team's stadium, we will have to deal with poor officiating. Likewise, we will get those calls in our favor at home in Lucas Oil Stadium.

Yeah,   I don't think that is correct.   Plus the hard and fast 3 point edge to the home team is antiquated.  Casinos use a varying home field advantage to determine it.   Seattle for example will get more of a bump than Jacksonville

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7 hours ago, Pacergeek said:

They are stupid and unfit to referee an NFL game. This is a fact. They missed the helmet to helmet call on Hines. With all the focus on player safety, missing this call is a fireable offense. They also made bogus calls which favored Philly during the 4th quarter, which means they obviously had incentive for Philly to win the game. Dangerous to have stupid people referee an NFL game

I disagree, the colts lost the game themselves. it's easy to blame the refs, but they had the chance to win the game toward the end when they drove all the way down to the eagles 5 yard line. on 3rd and 2 and you know you're going for it on 4th down, they should have ran the ball to pick up the first down, especially since they had 3 time outs remaining.......... 


Second, they could have kicked a FG, to put the game within one, stopped the eagles using all 3 time outs and then with 40 seconds to go they could have tried to get into FG range for Adam V and try to win the game there. 


Yes the refs made some bad calls, but it went both ways, there were a couple calls they gave the colts that should not have been called. 


Now what upset me was this the Nelson Angholar catch on 3rd and 9 on that final drive by the eagles that resulted in a first down and the Colts never challenged it. I mean seriously, how do you not challenge it? that would have been 4th down and the Eagles would have been held to a FG if not punted. 





sorry some reason the picture will not upload 

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Refs were not good there late, I agree.  But the Colts squandered what 3 or 4 red zone chances and kicked FG's instead of TD's?  I have to put at least SOME of the blame on the offense here.  If they cash in just ONE of those opportunities, then at least we just need a FG at the end.

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19 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

Yeah,   I don't think that is correct.   Plus the hard and fast 3 point edge to the home team is antiquated.  Casinos use a varying home field advantage to determine it.   Seattle for example will get more of a bump than Jacksonville

People need to realize they set odds on how they think people will bet, not what they think the outcome will be.  


People notoriously overpick home teams to win hence the automatic "2-3" point odds maker point swing. 

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I don't understand why fans refuse to blame the refs and the bad rules.    

Seems like some kind of brainwashing.


NFL refs can and do swing games.  


It happens all the time.  

It seems worse now with all the bad and difficult to interpret rules, plus all the different camera angles. There no excuse nowadays for missing calls. 


If there was a competent crew there on Sunday, the Colts win.  


You can't pick and choose when to call fouls. Either call or every time or don't call it at all.   


Don't get me started on this new roughing the passer rule. I've completely tuned out everything NFL besides the Colts, but I have seen some of those balls against Clay Matthews.  

Let's just switch to 2 hand touch. 

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21 hours ago, NewEra said:

It's becoming as bad as the NBA. I stopped watching that years ago when LeFlop starting getting all the calls. Him and the Miami Feet ruined it for me


I agree.  I have a hard time watching the NBA since a guy can get mugged and nothing is called and then another guy gets slightly brushed and a foul is called.


And don't get me started on the constant carrying and traveling. 


And the NFL is going that way.

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Agree...the refs were awful.


But if we are putting on tin foil hats...with the idea that this game looked rigged...then the Colts were in on it as well. (This is mostly tongue-in-cheek...but it was a very frustrating game.)


1) Reich inexplicably doesn't challenge Agholor's foot on a 3rd down play that would have set up a 4th down on PHI's TD drive? The Colts would have still had two TOs and plenty of time to score if they got it wrong. And I assume there were multiple people telling him to do so. Reich is a rookie HC...but he has been a coordinator for years...the rookie status doesn't give him an excuse.  Also, look at Hooker's "tackle" attempt there.


2) Then the Colts, down 4, march all the way to the 4 yard line (with ease). On 3rd down, they inexplicably run a fade their smallest WR...an incredibly low percentage play. Watch that play again...no one else even runs a route (it was Hilton fade or bust).


And then on 4th down, they go with 13 personnel (1 RB with 3 TEs)...a run-first formation when PHI knew they wouldnt run. Basically, they put in their two slowest pass catchers (Hewitt and Swoope) who can't separate...limiting what they could do. And to make it worst, they had Hewitt running a route (when that his sole purpose for being on the field is blocking)...and had Hines blocking (when he is the only other playmaker on the field). And who knows what Luck was doing there.


Just atrocious play calls...that a team trying to would not make. The result was not surprising.


3) Finally, the Colts get the ball back with :39 left. Needing a TD to win, they proceed to check down 6 times before setting up a 60 yard hail mary. You have to get the ball downfield there. If Luck can't throw downfield, then he shouldn't have been in there at all. If he can...then they intentionally didn't take any shots downfield. Either way, it doesn't seem like they wanted to win.


Again, this is just tongue-in-cheek...but the end of that game was suspect on so many levels. Who knows...even if they converted that 3rd or 4th down...the refs probably throw a flag for holding. Ultimately, while the Colts did get jobbed a bit...they missed some huge chances.


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21 hours ago, NewEra said:

It's becoming as bad as the NBA. I stopped watching that years ago when LeFlop starting getting all the calls. Him and the Miami Feet ruined it for me

I stopped watching the NBA after the Kings were totally robbed in the early 00's.

NFL has definitely gotten worse over the last few years, I don't know what happened honestly.

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On 9/24/2018 at 11:33 AM, NorthernBlue said:

Bruh......the refs not even looking at the play smh 


There is a ref standing looking down the sideline in the right hand side of that picture you can see him. He deliberately gave them the first down. This is one reason that I am starting to let go of wanting to watch the NFL anymore. The other reason is all the rules. They need to go through and only keep essential rules to the game. There’s a freakin flag every 15 real time minutes. It’s so ridiculous. I just want to watch football.

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