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XFL Returning in 2020

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I remember the first go-round with the XFL and actually enjoyed it .... other than some of the production snafus.


I am really looking forward to seeing it again!!  Please note that this is coming from a fan who watches the CFL all summer long & CFB on Saturdays.  I am a football junkie...

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So basically he is trying this league again because he thinks he can make some gains into the viewership because he is not going to let people kneel or tweet about something they believe in politically?  I hate to tell Vince a lot people are not going to tune into an inferior product just because somebody takes a knee.  Sure, will there be an audience that tunes in, but unless that product is good they are not going to stay.  Americans value being the best over anything else so if you are not getting top tier talent and putting on a great show that anti political correctness will not have staying power.

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36 minutes ago, Bad Morty said:

I'd rather see the USFL come back. My guess is that this is going to be a cartoonish joke that features over the top displays of "look how much we all LOVE America!!!!" to reel in the vastly overstated "NFL Boycotters" audience.

Or people outside of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut :headspin:

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22 hours ago, Reality Check said:

I remember the first go-round with the XFL and actually enjoyed it .... other than some of the production snafus.


I am really looking forward to seeing it again!!  Please note that this is coming from a fan who watches the CFL all summer long & CFB on Saturdays.  I am a football junkie...


What was it you liked about it the first time round?  Was it a very similar product to the NFL or was there some major differences?


I don't remember a lot about it aside from the start of the game being decided by a race for the ball or something? haha

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5 hours ago, DaveA1102 said:


What was it you liked about it the first time round?  Was it a very similar product to the NFL or was there some major differences?


I don't remember a lot about it aside from the start of the game being decided by a race for the ball or something? haha


An awesome color schemed ball, no fair catches, ball race instead of coin flip, and whatever name they wanted on the back of their jersey were about the only differences.


Oh, and the popularity of Tommy Maddox and "He Hate Me" was a big difference also.



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Let's break this down logically. 


They are emphasizing a better quality product this time. 


Ok, great idea. 


But wait a minute... when we ply this, it doesn't translate. 


Why has the CFL failed to gain any real mainstream support in the US? (Other than the goofy rules.)


The talent differential is a real thing.


We've had a couple of the CFL's best players come through with the Colts in the last couple years (Ben Henan and Duron Carter) who couldn't make any kind of noticeable impact in the NFL. Even arguably the greatest coach in CFL history washed out of the NFL in no time at all. 

So how is the XFL going to bring in talent for a better quality product when those players are going to the NFL?


And you're not going to convince kids coming out of college to forgo the NFL for the XFL. Even a low NFL salary is likely going to be more than a good XFL one.


And then they are going to compound that issue with their desire to employ only players without a criminal record. 


Which is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. For those who may not remember, the "X" stands for Xtreme. "You can't play in our league because you have a misdemeanor!" Xtreme indeed. 


This whole thing seems aimed at the conservative republican who touches themselves when Trump tweets about the NFL. It's born of anthem protests and people "boycotting" the NFL who were never really fans to begin with. 


They are asking us for ideas, which just goes to show how much they've actually  got on the shelf. 


Shorter games, shorter season, less commercials, less players, less teams... THEREFORE less outside revenue. Which means, as we mentioned, less talented players. Which means a lesser quality game. 


They talk about wanting to make strides in player safety. 


With 40 man rosters. 


Smaller rosters will lead to an increase in injuries. Players will be less inclined to come out of the game for a lack of roster depth.


This is not the economic environment to try and launch a sports league. The costs associated with trying to bring fans onboard is going to be far more than the league will bring in. 


It's just not going to work any way you slice it.

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10 hours ago, DaveA1102 said:


What was it you liked about it the first time round?  Was it a very similar product to the NFL or was there some major differences?


I don't remember a lot about it aside from the start of the game being decided by a race for the ball or something? haha

Some of the stuff I liked:

-Matador/Coliseum atmosphere...Michael Buffer & personalized intros for the players

-Innovative camera views which NFL now uses as “mainstream views” in all their games...madden cam, cable cam, on field cam, pylon cams, locker room cams... all this was promoted in the XFL 

-Wide open FUN & TRASH TALK was encouraged

-Tommy Maddox & HeHateMe ...lol


If nothing else , XFL was innovative...2nd rate Production however

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4 hours ago, John Waylon said:

Let's break this down logically. 


They are emphasizing a better quality product this time. 


Ok, great idea. 


But wait a minute... when we ply this, it doesn't translate. 


Why has the CFL failed to gain any real mainstream support in the US? (Other than the goofy rules.)


The talent differential is a real thing.


We've had a couple of the CFL's best players come through with the Colts in the last couple years (Ben Henan and Duron Carter) who couldn't make any kind of noticeable impact in the NFL. Even arguably the greatest coach in CFL history washed out of the NFL in no time at all. 

So how is the XFL going to bring in talent for a better quality product when those players are going to the NFL?


And you're not going to convince kids coming out of college to forgo the NFL for the XFL. Even a low NFL salary is likely going to be more than a good XFL one.


And then they are going to compound that issue with their desire to employ only players without a criminal record. 


Which is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. For those who may not remember, the "X" stands for Xtreme. "You can't play in our league because you have a misdemeanor!" Xtreme indeed. 


This whole thing seems aimed at the conservative republican who touches themselves when Trump tweets about the NFL. It's born of anthem protests and people "boycotting" the NFL who were never really fans to begin with. 


They are asking us for ideas, which just goes to show how much they've actually  got on the shelf. 


Shorter games, shorter season, less commercials, less players, less teams... THEREFORE less outside revenue. Which means, as we mentioned, less talented players. Which means a lesser quality game. 


They talk about wanting to make strides in player safety. 


With 40 man rosters. 


Smaller rosters will lead to an increase in injuries. Players will be less inclined to come out of the game for a lack of roster depth.


This is not the economic environment to try and launch a sports league. The costs associated with trying to bring fans onboard is going to be far more than the league will bring in. 


It's just not going to work any way you slice it.

No question NFL talent is far and away THE BEST!  However, the XFL feels the y can exist WITH the NFL and turn a profit.  They just want a fairly small piece of the “NFL pie”.


as for quality of play, TBH I like all levels of football...I follow All of it.  At the core, it is running,blocking,tackling,passing,catching. A competitive game is good at any level...

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Exactly.....The XFL didn't go against the NFL....

IT was spring football when they NFL is down...That void has always been there....


Players who want to make the NFL can get a shot by playing in the XFL....

Shorter games isnt a bad idea....and obviously, the season will be something like 10-12 games

I agree that a 40-man roster isn't realistic but shorter rosters wont increase or decrease injuries....


It depends on who is going to play quarterback.

If Robert Griffin III is the QB of a team in Texas....or is Tim Tebow is the QB of a team in Florida, people

 will go see them play...You can bet on it

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Here is a conspiracy theory that I believe was from a podcast that someone posted here; or was it on a radio show ...can't remember now but anyway ...


Vince McMahon is using the announcement of restarting the XFL as leverage to get the NFL to agree to let him buy a majority ownership stake in the Carolina Panthers .. since Jerry Richardson is basically forced to sell after the season.


I don't know if I buy it, but it's not totally out of the realm of possibility.

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Lets talk "power" and what happens to people that try to mess with it. How much power do you think the NFL has in all medias and sports world in general? Where are the prime time games in the CFL and Arena League games? Ever hear the popular phrase "crush you like the cockroach that you are" from Shark Tank? To McMahon, "fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me".  NFL= Not For Long applies to the XFL tenure.

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17 hours ago, esmort said:

Here is a conspiracy theory that I believe was from a podcast that someone posted here; or was it on a radio show ...can't remember now but anyway ...


Vince McMahon is using the announcement of restarting the XFL as leverage to get the NFL to agree to let him buy a majority ownership stake in the Carolina Panthers .. since Jerry Richardson is basically forced to sell after the season.


I don't know if I buy it, but it's not totally out of the realm of possibility.


I don't buy it. Vince would just outright put a group together to make the deal happen.


Vince is a really smart businessman even despite this turd he's trying to polish. Again. Vince would be a great NFL owner. People think they know Vince based off his television character. That's not Vince at all. 


Vince's problem is that he's a micromanager. He wants to be in charge of as much as he can. Every detail has to be his way. That's why the lure of running an entire league is more appealing to him than just one team. 

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On 1/26/2018 at 9:42 PM, Reality Check said:

No question NFL talent is far and away THE BEST!  However, the XFL feels the y can exist WITH the NFL and turn a profit.  They just want a fairly small piece of the “NFL pie”.


as for quality of play, TBH I like all levels of football...I follow All of it.  At the core, it is running,blocking,tackling,passing,catching. A competitive game is good at any level...

I agree.  To me it's all about entertainment and competition.  The NFL provides the best players but that doesn't

always result in great competition.  I see 6th graders play basketball and some of the games are really, really

competitive.  They go down to the last seconds some times.  I'll take that to an NBA blowout anytime.


I do think Vince has a few ideas that will probably prove to be entertaining.  Whether people give it a pass as a

product they'll pay for...?

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if they could structure it like the G league it could really work out but there had to be some player development happening to be very beneficial to them. I doubt thats the direction they are going in but it would be nice to have a place to help develop players outside of the confines of a 60 man roster. 

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