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Luck Will Play When Healthy

King Colt

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2 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

Irsay was being asked about Luck playing which is why he said he might not be read for the Rams game but then said he would be ready for the start of the season.  He wasn't talking about practice he was talking about playing in a game



A player on the PUP... will come off  and play right away?  When doctors and my self were saying 2-6 weeks of practice minimum?  and you choose to beleive the non medical team owner?  That's on the fan.


2 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

The man either didn't tell the truth or something changed that they didn't tell the public about it.  Given the amount of leaks that have come out about Luck's injury status I don't think it was the latter.  It's not the first time Irsay has been less than 100% honest about his franchise QB.  Which takes me back to my point, you have to take what Irsay says with a grain of salt.  


You can do that, or do what I do.  Disregard it entirely and search out  educated opinion form medical people.

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36 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

Saying he will play when healthy is being vague saying he will play at the start of the season is not.  Had Irsay just said he’ll play when healthy from the start that would have been better.  Still he didn’t so he set expectations that weren’t met.  


You misrepresent him.  He said he will be ready (he did not use the word play) at the start of the season.  You are inferring it means play.  And unless someone asks him, we don't know exactly what he was implying. 

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3 minutes ago, Dark Superman said:

So if the Colts are 3-10 the Colts are still going to bring Luck in behind the worst line in the NFL?

Good riddance.

The Jaguars just sacked Brisset 10 times last weekend.

This organization is a joke.


If he is healthy, and fully ready to play and they don't let him, then this organization will be a joke.


Not everybody has a pass rush like Jax... sometimes O lines have a bad day.  but I know this... most NFL teams O line are poor, and many are using backups because they have injured starters too.  So all NFL teams with injured O line players need to sit their QB until next year?


Would you care to provide proof to support your claim the Colts line is the worst in the NFL, as there are a lot of bad ones out there along with them.

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2 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


You misrepresent him.  He said he will be ready (he did not use the word play) at the start of the season.  You are inferring it means play.  And unless someone asks him, we don't know exactly what he was implying. 

Yes because in this insistence ready and play clearly don’t mean the same thing.  He clearly meant Luck would be ready to do the team laundry my mistake...


we do know exactly what he was implying.  He was asked when Luck will play and he said, and I am going to paraphrase here, he might miss the Rams game but he would be ready for the start of the season.  He was saying Luck would be ready to play in a game early in the season.  He wasn’t speaking in some riddle or some hidden message or trying to imply something different, the only people who think that are those who don’t want to admit Irsay wasn’t 100% honest because it’s the only he could have said that and not been lying.

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2 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


A player on the PUP... will come off  and play right away?  When doctors and my self were saying 2-6 weeks of practice minimum?  and you choose to beleive the non medical team owner?  That's on the fan.



You can do that, or do what I do.  Disregard it entirely and search out  educated opinion form medical people.

1.  I am not the one who said that.  Irsay did.  When on earth did I say he should or was going to play that early?  Never.  I just said what Irsay said as again proof Irsay isn’t always honest when it comes to his fanchise QB.  Wether or not Irsay’s lie was believeable or not doesn’t change the fact it was a lie.  


2.  That’s the exact samethng...  That’s a perfect example of what taking what Irsay says with a grain of salt means.

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16 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Basically, you have to assume everything Irsay says about Luck is a lie. He's running a business, and it's all deception. Deceiving teams into possibly preparing for him, deceiving fans into buying tickets and merchandise. Irsay is a 100% liar until proven otherwise from now on to me.


When it comes to medical information, I don't listen to him.  Other items, I do.


5 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

Yes because in this insistence ready and play clearly don’t mean the same thing.  He clearly meant Luck would be ready to do the team laundry my mistake...




5 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

we do know exactly what he was implying.  He was asked when Luck will play and he said, and I am going to paraphrase here, he might miss the Rams game but he would be ready for the start of the season.  He was saying Luck would be ready to play in a game early in the season.  He wasn’t speaking in some riddle or some hidden message or trying to imply something different, the only people who think that are those who don’t want to admit Irsay wasn’t 100% honest because it’s the only he could have said that and not been lying.


Exactly.  I think in mid August, maybe there was hope Luck could be ready in 6-8 weeks.  Within 2 weeks after this, Ballard is saying Luck will come off the PUP sometime before the season begins {which was code for 10 minutes before the final paperwork deadline is due}.   When he did come off the PUP, it was I who cautioned folks here he will need at least 2-3 weeks (I'm fully stuck on 3 minimum now) practice with Full Participation status. And to keep tabs on his practice participation status each week.  I caught some flack from some here about it back then... not so much now.


5 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

1.  I am not the one who said that.  Irsay did.  When on earth did I say he should or was going to play that early?  Never.  I just said what Irsay said as again proof Irsay isn’t always honest when it comes to his fanchise QB.  Wether or not Irsay’s lie was believeable or not doesn’t change the fact it was a lie.  


2.  That’s the exact samethng...  That’s a perfect example of what taking what Irsay says with a grain of salt means.


Irsay was vague and conflicting, but he did present people with the opportunity to infer whatever they wish from it, and that is on him.  I feel if you are going to be vague (and this situation needed it more than most) don't present conflicting arguments and be vague on the side of caution. With the possibility of a setback (slow recovery, unanticipated complications, whatever you wan to call it) , which was always there,  was conveyed to Irsay, Ballard, and Pagano.  The GM and HC 'got it', thus the continuous  'No timetable'  mantra that appeared to tick so many off, so some decided Irsay's vague and conflicting 'ready' statement is the one to flock to and construct their vision of things unfolding.


Lessen?  You already stated it.  when  it comes to medical information about a team player, take it with a Grain of Salt, as you put it.  All the NFL requires form the Colts is -


Luck -    Right Shoulder    DNP


Anything beyond that, well, call for a supply...



Or, better yet, look to better sports medicine sources.  They're out there.  Or check to see my posts, and track them for accuracy if you wish.  ;-)

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11 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


Yes, it is.  let me ask you this... does Luck's surgeon k now? Does the Colts team physician know?  does the

Colts Athletic trainer know?  Now, do they have a projected date in mind if he progresses through the program?


Lucks type of injury is harder to pinpoint a healed date than a broken collar bone, yes.  But anticipated recovery dates are not completely out of the question. 


And we can speculate and discuss.  I will say some can speculate with a more 'educated' guesstimate' than others....

You highlighting my phrase of "Nobody knows how Luck will perform" is kind of out there. I can 100% guarantee you that NOBODY knows how Luck will play. As for if Luck's surgeon knows or the colts team physician, does it matter? Will they tell you/us? No. They want to sell Andrew Luck to us. Take what they say with a grain of salt. You know we are getting played, so lets quit playing ourselves on top of that and just wait for him to suit up again instead of speculating what cereal he ate this morning. 

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20 minutes ago, Mick12Maher said:

You highlighting my phrase of "Nobody knows how Luck will perform" is kind of out there. I can 100% guarantee you that NOBODY knows how Luck will play. As for if Luck's surgeon knows or the colts team physician, does it matter? Will they tell you/us? No. They want to sell Andrew Luck to us. Take what they say with a grain of salt. You know we are getting played, so lets quit playing ourselves on top of that and just wait for him to suit up again instead of speculating what cereal he ate this morning. 


I can assure you, they won't tell you (there are laws about this), and the medical team has absolutely no interest in 'selling' anything.  There is one objective... get the patient healed And back to work. Period. and they have procedures, protocols, treatments, and benchmarks to do just that.  After that, the football club coaches have to get the recovered patient back into work shape, just being 'medically healthy' isn't enough.  I do not want either of these steps impeded in any way.


If you aren't in the medical field, you don't/can't understand.  The football team will feed you information as they see fit, not what was told them by the medical team.  That is why you have to have your salt.  That does not mean the medical team does not know what they are doing and are just waiting for Luck to be magically OK again... not by a longshot. But, then again, there are no guarantees either.  Everyone is unique.  The medical team adjusts just like a good football team adjusts for the second half of a game.  Both trying to 'win'.  Let them.


I  will watch the injury report for practice participation, and pretty much have a good idea if/when Luck will play.  Not kidding.

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Just now, ColtsBlueFL said:


I can assure you, they won't tell you (there are laws about this), and the medical team has absolutely no interest in 'selling' anything.  There is one objective... get the patient healed and back to work. Period. and they have procedures, protocols, treatments, and benchmarks to do just that.  After that, the club coaches have to get the recovered patient back into work shape, just being 'healthy' isn't enough.  I do not want either of these steps impeded in any way.


If you aren't in the medical field, you don't/can't understand.  The football team will feed you information as they see fit, not what was told them by the medical team.  That is why you have to have your salt.  That does not mean the medical team does not know what they are doing and are just waiting for Luck to be magically OK again... not by a longshot. But, then again, there are no guarantees either.  Everyone is unique.  The medical team adjusts just like a good football team adjusts for the second half of a game.  Both trying to 'win'.  Let them.

I agree with what your saying. However, I wasn't attacking the medical team, I meant the Colts organization (Mostly Jim Irsay) is selling Andrew Luck to us fans trying to give us hope for a lost season. Does hearing Luck may come back this year excite me? Hell yeah it does! No Colts fan would say it doesn't excite them the least bit to hear Luck might play this year. I know its in his best interest to not unless he's 100% healthy but when he is, he will play. It doesn't matter if our OLine is in shambles. I can tell you, the Colts are definitely selling Andrew Luck. The media (for the most part) is selling Andrew Luck. It's all about the $$. I have tickets to go to the game on December 14th against Denver and I can assure you I won't be making the trip from South Dakota unless Luck is suited up. 

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Luck is the face of the franchise, of course he's the headliner of the team.  People range from putting him on the shelf now (sometimes to preserve a top draft pick!) to running him out early to keep from being labeled one of the worst teams in the NFL for 2017.  It is a hot topic, one with many varied opinions.  But there is a path the Colts are following, and they have never rushed going down it all along the way.  There is no reason to think they won't finish it, nor will they rush the process.  I'm telling you, watch the practice reports.  Once Luck has completed at least a couple weeks with the Full Participation (not Limited, not with days off for rest, etc...) designation, he will be on the cusp of starting (and likely getting first team reps in practice then).  Listen to non medical media and the team with one eye squinted and the other looking out toward the side...  take an Rx  grain  of salt, as GoColts8818 prescribes..  ;-)

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4 hours ago, NannyMcafee said:


"The Colts reportedly intend to insert Luck into the lineup if he's healthy enough to play this season, but it's difficult to understand why they're rushing to put their quarterback in the line of fire. "

If he is healthy enough, how is that 'rushing' him?  It's not.


"According to the Football Power Index, their chances of making the playoffs are less than 0.1 percent."

Playing him has zero to do with playoffs, or even wins/losses this year


"Jacoby Brissett has also been pleasantly surprising for a player who was acquired after being shopped by the Patriots in advance of a roster cutdown he likely wouldn't have survived in New England."

He is an good long term backup, something I've longed for  the last few years.  And he got a good rookie (essentially, that is what he is) orientation and next year the game will be slower for him, if needed.  Hopefully not.  But when Luck is healthy, it is his team. And it is not rushing if he is healthy and practiced well.  It's called earning your job back.  I will bet if you ask him, Andrew has worked harder to get his job back than he ever has when doing it


"The Colts aren't tanking ... but they have less to gain by winning than anyone else in football right now."

Luck will be rusty.  Schedule will be harder.  Winning is not a given whether JB or Andrew plays this year.  We will have a good draft slot regardless, it seems.  However, the only reason I'd even hope to get as high a drat as possible by not playing Luck (if he even gets more wins in our last 4 games than JB could, being out of football shape), is if circumstances dictate we need to draft his replacement.  Im' not convinced that this is necessary at this time. Otherwise, I want my Franchise QB out there as soon as the risk to his shoulder is nearly as low as before he suffered theinjury. If that is December 2017... so be it.


"Let's say three weeks pass before Luck starts throwing and three more weeks pass before he's ready to take the field. That would line up Luck to return against the Bills in Week 14, with just four games to go in Indianapolis' season."

Ok, reasonable hypothetical -


"Unless the Colts go on an unexpected run over the next few weeks, what is the real benefit to bringing back Luck into the lineup behind a makeshift offensive line?"

The benefit is both Luck himself, and the Colts know where he stands making preparations for 2018 so much easier. it is also less worry over the winter for Luck's mental disposition having to go out there a re-learn everything and perform, having not done it in over a year and a half.  It's not about playoffs, it's not about letting some fans get to see AL in a game instead of JB (but nice for them anyway), it's evaluation and improvement time for our QB.  Also, in a  month and a half, if the O line hasn't improved enough for Luck to play at all, then that great draft we are supposed to have better have 5 Offensive linemen as first 5 taken, and FA have at least 2 more... depth for Kelly and AC, and new starters +injury depth, otherwise you are only delaying Luck getting decimated until 2018, right?


"If tanking means placing Luck on injured reserve and resisting the temptation to bring him back for a few meaningless games in December, the Colts should seriously consider tanking. The risk-reward ratio for bringing back Luck is wildly skewed against that decision. The risk-reward ratio for leaving him out, on the other hand, makes it clear that the Colts would have quite a bit to gain by leaving him wrapped in cotton wool for the rest of 2017.

That is as much bull diddly doo as I have read in a good while.  Luck won't get better (he's essentially healed) by further rest or being wrapped in cotton wool..  He gets better trying to get back in football shape.  That's his hurdle.  Going on IR essentially eliminates him (can no longer practice with the team, just like PUP) from doing that another 8 months. Unless he does a Peyton Manning and goes to Todd Helton and they play underneath Rockies Stadium, or goes the Cutliffe, etc... in the off season.  But that is still not  "Team drills/practice  7 on 7, 11 on 11)  What if he re-injures it doing off season throwing while not on medical supervision?  Get that part off the table ASAP, IMHO.


Has anybody asked Luck what he wants?  Everybody is selfish for their needs and wants and being 'right' in their perspective.  But there are 3 entities that decide whether Luck plays or not, and it starts at the top.  (and reads like computer programming code!  LOL)


1. Does Luck want to, and feel like he can play?
          if yes, then-
2. Does the Surgeon and team doctor agree Luck is fit enough to practice/play without significant threat to his shoulder?
         if yes, then-
3. Have the coaches put him through enough team dills and practice the he can execute the game plan(s) at a high level, and is ready to be tested without the Red Jersey?
         if yes, then-

He plays.  Any "no" in the above derails the return. We live with that, and go on from there. Otherwise, people can say and write anything they want, but those 3 together will make the call.  Nobody else.


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2 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


"The Colts reportedly intend to insert Luck into the lineup if he's healthy enough to play this season, but it's difficult to understand why they're rushing to put their quarterback in the line of fire. "

If he is healthy enough, how is that 'rushing' him?  It's not.


"According to the Football Power Index, their chances of making the playoffs are less than 0.1 percent."

Playing him has zero to do with playoffs, or even wins/losses this year


"Jacoby Brissett has also been pleasantly surprising for a player who was acquired after being shopped by the Patriots in advance of a roster cutdown he likely wouldn't have survived in New England."

He is an good long term backup, something I've longed for  the last few years.  And he got a good rookie (essentially, that is what he is) orientation and next year the game will be slower for him, if needed.  Hopefully not.  But when Luck is healthy, it is his team. And it is not rushing if he is healthy and practiced well.  It's called earning your job back.  I will bet if you ask him, Andrew has worked harder to get his job back than he ever has when doing it


"The Colts aren't tanking ... but they have less to gain by winning than anyone else in football right now."

Luck will be rusty.  Schedule will be harder.  Winning is not a given whether JB or Andrew plays this year.  We will have a good draft slot regardless, it seems.  However, the only reason I'd even hope to get as high a drat as possible by not playing Luck (if he even gets more wins in our last 4 games than JB could, being out of football shape), is if circumstances dictate we need to draft his replacement.  Im' not convinced that this is necessary at this time. Otherwise, I want my Franchise QB out there as soon as the risk to his shoulder is nearly as low as before he suffered theinjury. If that is December 2017... so be it.


"Let's say three weeks pass before Luck starts throwing and three more weeks pass before he's ready to take the field. That would line up Luck to return against the Bills in Week 14, with just four games to go in Indianapolis' season."

Ok, reasonable hypothetical -


"Unless the Colts go on an unexpected run over the next few weeks, what is the real benefit to bringing back Luck into the lineup behind a makeshift offensive line?"

The benefit is both Luck himself, and the Colts know where he stands making preparations for 2018 so much easier. it is also less worry over the winter for Luck's mental disposition having to go out there a re-learn everything and perform, having not done it in over a year and a half.  It's not about playoffs, it's not about letting some fans get to see AL in a game instead of JB (but nice for them anyway), it's evaluation and improvement time for our QB.  Also, in a  month and a half, if the O line hasn't improved enough for Luck to play at all, then that great draft we are supposed to have better have 5 Offensive linemen as first 5 taken, and FA have at least 2 more... depth for Kelly and AC, and new starters +injury depth, otherwise you are only delaying Luck getting decimated until 2018, right?


"If tanking means placing Luck on injured reserve and resisting the temptation to bring him back for a few meaningless games in December, the Colts should seriously consider tanking. The risk-reward ratio for bringing back Luck is wildly skewed against that decision. The risk-reward ratio for leaving him out, on the other hand, makes it clear that the Colts would have quite a bit to gain by leaving him wrapped in cotton wool for the rest of 2017.

That is as much bull diddly doo as I have read in a good while.  Luck won't get better (he's essentially healed) by further rest or being wrapped in cotton wool..  He gets better trying to get back in football shape.  That's his hurdle.  Going on IR essentially eliminates him (can no longer practice with the team, just like PUP) from doing that another 8 months. Unless he does a Peyton Manning and goes to Todd Helton and they play underneath Rockies Stadium, or goes the Cutliffe, etc... in the off season.  But that is still not  "Team drills/practice  7 on 7, 11 on 11)  What if he re-injures it doing off season throwing while not on medical supervision?  Get that part off the table ASAP, IMHO.


Has anybody asked Luck what he wants?  Everybody is selfish for their needs and wants and being 'right' in their perspective.  But there are 3 entities that decide whether Luck plays or not, and it starts at the top.  (and reads like computer programming code!  LOL)


1. Does Luck want to, and feel like he can play?
          if yes, then-
2. Does the Surgeon and team doctor agree Luck is fit enough to practice/play without significant threat to his shoulder?
         if yes, then-
3. Have the coaches put him through enough team dills and practice the he can execute the game plan(s) at a high level, and is ready to be tested without the Red Jersey?
         if yes, then-

He plays.  Any "no" in the above derails the return. We live with that, and go on from there. Otherwise, people can say and write anything they want, but those 3 together will make the call.  Nobody else.



You deserve a trophy. 

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This is beyond stupid and has more to do about pride. Just give it up, were done. We can't compete in our division, making the playoffs doesn't mean Jack when we get utterly embarrassed.


Save luck, give brissett experience and leave it at that. Ensure we get a pick position that we can trade down and try again next season.


I'm so done with the stupidity of this team. Honestly everyone sees it but the handful of people this decision. 


Brisset was sacked 10 times, but we want to put luck in just as he gets healthy!?  What sense does that make?! Im out. I'm not going to support this season and this coaching staff. 

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3 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


"The Colts reportedly intend to insert Luck into the lineup if he's healthy enough to play this season, but it's difficult to understand why they're rushing to put their quarterback in the line of fire. "

If he is healthy enough, how is that 'rushing' him?  It's not.



For me it all comes down to this question, even if declared healthy enough to play.


For any significant impact that could be expected in game play (e.g.  landing on this elbow after a hit and jarring the shoulder socket), is the risk of re-injuring the shoulder greater in Dec-2017 vs. Aug-2018?

Could he be declared "healthy enough" to play but still be at greater risk of re-injuring his shoulder at 10 months after surgery vs. allowing it to continue healing/strengthening for an additional 9 months.


The fact that he's barely throwing anything over a warm-up tosses 9 months after surgery make me wonder how he could be completely healed/strengthened by next month (vs. the shape it could be in at Aug-2018). 


I would think the risk of aggravating or re-injuring the shoulder would be reduced the longer it's shielded from significant impacts.   If this is true, I would completely understand sitting him if it was just a few games at the end of a lost season to ensure his shoulder is as strong as it can be in 2018.



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1 hour ago, ponyboy said:


For me it all comes down to this question, even if declared healthy enough to play.


For any significant impact that could be expected in game play (e.g.  landing on this elbow after a hit and jarring the shoulder socket), is the risk of re-injuring the shoulder greater in Dec-2017 vs. Aug-2018?

Could he be declared "healthy enough" to play but still be at greater risk of re-injuring his shoulder at 10 months after surgery vs. allowing it to continue healing/strengthening for an additional 9 months.


The fact that he's barely throwing anything over a warm-up tosses 9 months after surgery make me wonder how he could be completely healed/strengthened by next month (vs. the shape it could be in at Aug-2018). 


I would think the risk of aggravating or re-injuring the shoulder would be reduced the longer it's shielded from significant impacts.   If this is true, I would completely understand sitting him if it was just a few games at the end of a lost season to ensure his shoulder is as strong as it can be in 2018.


It's my understanding that there are no concerns about the structural integrity of the shoulder. Once it's healed, it's healed. If he suffers another injury to his shoulder, it will be a new injury, not a setback from the previous injury.


The remaining rehab process includes rebuilding the muscles that support the shoulder and the throwing motion, and regaining full range of motion in the shoulder, while building up his stamina and ability to throw the ball like an NFL QB without experiencing significant soreness or discomfort.


The presumption is that, once Luck is ready to play, waiting another month or another nine months doesn't protect him from injury, aside from keeping him off the field where he can't get hurt at all, but you can't do that forever. Once he's healthy and ready to play, there is no benefit to keeping him on the bench, at least not as it relates to Luck's rehab.


If they determine that the shoulder isn't fully healed -- which I think we're past that point already -- or they have concerns about his ability to handle an NFL QB workload, then they won't play him. But once those hurdles are cleared, it's time for him to play, and there are numerous benefits to him doing so. 

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On 10/26/2017 at 1:02 AM, Superman said:


They've been doing that all along. They've refused to be nailed down to any specific timeframe, even once Luck started throwing and practicing. There's been a steady barrage of questions about Luck since January, and besides Irsay's off the cuff remarks at times, no one in the know has suggested any return date for him. The closest to a benchmark is Ballard saying he thinks Luck needs to practice for a while before he can play.


Everyone, from the local media to the national media to fans, has been sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for some indication about when Luck will be back.


It's been like watching a pendulum swing: 'they're putting Luck on PUP, he's not going to play' swung over to 'they took Luck off PUP, he'll be back by Week 3!', then it swung back to 'Luck must have had some setback they're not telling us about, or he wants to be traded,' then he started practicing and it was 'he'll be back by the Bengals game!', and now he's shut down for two weeks and we're all the back over to 'Luck won't play this year, they should just shut him down now.' 


Meanwhile, everyone with the team has said the same things -- there's no timetable, we're going to be extra careful with him, we'll work him in gradually... Even with the shutdown, Ballard said they're not surprised, this is something they knew could happen, and when he's ready to start throwing again he might just pick up where he left off. 


He's their franchise QB, they're paying him $140m, and they can't contend without him. He had a signification operation to his throwing shoulder. They're going to step as lightly as a mother with sleeping quintuplets, and they should. But when Luck is ready -- and I believe the very MOMENT he's ready, whether that's the end of this season or not -- they should put him back on the field and let him do his job. 

Smart post.

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