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50 minutes ago, BR-549 said:

Have been listening on 1070 (occasionally peaking at the TV) and have not been able to read all the comments so sorry if I am repeating anything....


Seriously, how much more of this cat (Scott freaking Tolzien) do we need to see?  I am so sick and tired of our organization thinking we only need a body for backup and nothing more.  Well, that is exactly what we have- a body.


This is crap.  I am not bailing on Ballard or anything like that, but we are seriously looking at third in our division at best.... with or without Luck.  


I know we will improve somewhat as the season progresses but so will everyone else.  


What about Hankins?  Stands up immediately when the ball is snapped and chicken fights with the guard or center.... he sucks right now and I don't see the value.  I sure hope he gets it figured out because he looks easily replaceable in my opinion.  What have we had... one sack?




The only positive I have seen at all is the O-line seems to be somewhat better than we are used to.  Other than that it is hard to figure out which side Scott Tolkien plays for..... Goff looks decent actually for a change.


My freaking god

I think this is less of an indictment on Ballard then people think. Even if Morris was better he wasn't that much better. Ballard at least recognized it and made a trade with someone that we were in all likelihood thinking of releasing anyway. Brisket wasn't amazing by any means, but he at least push the ball up the field a little bit. Certainly not bad for someone who has only been with the team barely a week.

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2 minutes ago, will426 said:

You wouldn't kno unless you picked him up.but if we're using comparisons in stats KAP is Better until proven otherwise 

his stats are horrible


wasnt he dead last in yards per game?


i know the team was bad, but so are the colts.  kaepernick is not the answer to anything

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1 minute ago, aaron11 said:

his stats are horrible


wasnt he dead last in yards per game?


i know the team was bad, but so are the colts.  kaepernick not the answer to anything

Never said he was the answer to anything and stats show he's still better. Point is kap is better than Scott which is what I was referring to in the first place 

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Tolzien can not play another down. They need to cut ties and bring Morris back. Roll with Morris and Brissett. Brissett looked good out there. Its probably still too early for him to carry a whole game but our options are limited. Can't get worse than what was on display today.

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10 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

worse than brisett




I really disagree. Kaep's playoff resume speaks for itself. Brissett has yet to start for us (although I wish he had started today). Let's not get crazy.


It's a pointless argument anyway since this team won't sign him. 

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Just now, Smitto said:

Right now just about every transaction the front office dabs their fingers in is questionable... Doesn't take a genius to realise releasing him was a mistake.... 

If it was a huge mistake,   someone would have signed him by now.  Tolzien  must have showed he was better than Morris in some way.   Pagano knows he is coaching for his job

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5 minutes ago, James said:


Which team kept Tolzien?



The one that saw booth in practice everyday.   I wouldn't have a problem with cutting tolzien and bringing back Morris to back up brisset.  But the team knows something about Morris that we don't,   or he would still be here

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1 minute ago, jvan1973 said:

If it was a huge mistake,   someone would have signed him by now.  Tolzien  must have showed he was better than Morris in some way.   Pagano knows he is coaching for his job

Why would any team sign him if they feel comfortable with their own QBs? Tolkien showed nothing and it was evident today and the whole of camp. The keeping of Tolkien smells like an Irsay move as well so Pagano probably had no choice... Point is they both need to be left in LA

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5 minutes ago, snkdy said:


I really disagree. Kaep's playoff resume speaks for itself. Brissett has yet to start for us (although I wish he had started today). Let's not get crazy.


It's a pointless argument anyway since this team won't sign him. 

Kaep's playoff resume happened years ago. He was awful last year. I agree that he should be on a roster if people like Geno Smith and Blaine Gabbert get opportunity after opportunity, but he would not win us any games this season.

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The Colts have some serious decisions to make. No way you leave this thing in Scotties hands. Just wont get a thing done. As optimistic as I try to be I just don't see. Doesnt even have the arm strength to run what we like to do on top of countless other issues.

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Just now, Bluefire4 said:

Kaep's playoff resume happened years ago. He was awful last year. I agree that he should be on a roster if people like Geno Smith and Blaine Gabbert get opportunity after opportunity, but he would not win us any games this season.


I don't know if he would make that much of a difference. This team won't accomplish anything until Luck returns and maybe not after that. But the argument was that Kaep is worse than Brissett and I'm sorry, that's just untrue. 

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11 minutes ago, snkdy said:


I really disagree. Kaep's playoff resume speaks for itself.

he won games when his team had  close to the number one defense, oline and running games in the league


give that to brisett and he probably wins those games too.  kapernick never did anything special except for a good run or two 

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I can't believe some of you guys!!!! 


You all are acting like they got beat 46-9 by the Rams or something........ er wait, hmmm...  


I thought scott played well.  He was 9-18 128 yards, 2 INTs, 4 sacks, 1 fumble..  He'll dominate again next week.  I think he might break 150 yards next week.  

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1 minute ago, snkdy said:


I don't know if he would make that much of a difference. This team won't accomplish anything until Luck returns and maybe not after that. But the argument was that Kaep is worse than Brissett and I'm sorry, that's just untrue. 

We don't know that yet until we give Brissett a opportunity to play so an argument for or against cannot even be made yet. Kaep is better than Tolzien and other backups in the NFL though.

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Just now, aaron11 said:

he won games when his team had  close to the number one defense, olines and running games in the league


give that to brisett and he probably wins those games too.  kapernick never did anything special except for a good run or two 


Most teams who make it that far in the playoffs have complete rosters. That doesn't mean he didn't have anything to do with it. 


You pose an interesting hypothetical but it's not something that can be proved. Brissett has yet to accomplish anything as a starter and I say that as someone who didn't want Tolzien leading this team today.  

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13 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

If it was a huge mistake,   someone would have signed him by now.  Tolzien  must have showed he was better than Morris in some way.   Pagano knows he is coaching for his job



I am not just asking you, but does anyone know what Tolzien is better at?  I agree that that Colts kept him for some reason, but it can't be what is shown on the field.

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3 minutes ago, Bluefire4 said:

We don't know that yet until we give Brissett a opportunity to play so an argument for or against cannot even be made yet. Kaep is better than Tolzien and other backups in the NFL though.


Agreed, that's exactly my point. :)

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3 minutes ago, Malakai432 said:

I can't believe some of you guys!!!! 


You all are acting like they got beat 46-9 by the Rams or something........ er wait, hmmm...  


I thought scott played well.  He was 9-18 128 yards, 2 INTs, 4 sacks, 1 fumble..  He'll dominate again next week.  I think he might break 150 yards next week.  


Maybe, he can throw 3 pick 6's.

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Just now, snkdy said:


Most teams who make it that far in the playoffs have complete rosters. That doesn't mean he didn't have anything to do with it. 


You pose an interesting hypothetical but it's not something that can be proved. Brissett has yet to accomplish anything as a starter and I say that as someone who didn't want Tolzien leading this team today.  



i guess we will see what brisett can do fairly soon 


i dont really care about kaps protests either, but we all know the colts probably wont be the team to sign him unless they feel pretty desperate 

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I hold nothing against Tolzien. He is a guy doing what he is told to do. There are many sub-par players in all sports so Tolzien just plays the best he knows how until a change is made. I watched the Texans as well today and their coach pulled the plug on their QB a put the rookie in. Pagano on the other hand if you watched the game patted Tolzien on the head and rear end after his second interception as if Tolzied was 8 years old and coach was his daddy.

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