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Anyone Wish The Colts Had Won That Last Game Now?


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So wishing for Luck to tear acl in rookie camp is bad taste... Well darn I have bad taste.

Bad taste? No that isn't in bad taste.

I'd actually use much stronger language to describe that sort of nonsense but the forum rules prohibit me from using my full range of expression.

So until that changes, you're out of order.

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??? If one has been reading between the lines through out the last few months then the team's intentions have been "clear as could be" ... No conspiracy.. just a change... it happens all the time.

That's what I'm referring to, the media hysteria, the interviews, speculations, etc. Nothing would have stopped it. I wasn't commenting on whether we were keeping him or not. I actually believe we are keeping him with him signing a heavily incentive contract.

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I feel the curse of Peyton coming to this franchise. Just when we got over the Baltimore curse there will be another one. 1st there was Babe Ruth, then there was the goat in Chicago now we will have the curse of Peyton. March 3rd date is the one I'm waiting on from a PR stand point.

I guess they were right, the world is ending this year.

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I feel the curse of Peyton coming to this franchise. Just when we got over the Baltimore curse there will be another one. 1st there was Babe Ruth, then there was the goat in Chicago now we will have the curse of Peyton. March 3rd date is the one I'm waiting on from a PR stand point.

I guess they were right, the world is ending this year.

There is no such thing as curses.

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I remember when I was rooting for the Colts to loose the last game of the season because I wanted the #1 overall pick so the Colts could trade it and get numerous picks to address several area's of need. Now we have sat through a month and haif of Manning Gate and it is the same thing everyday. The soap opera continues everyday. Now I know how the Packers must have felt when Favre was replaced but at least they had a prepared Rodgers ready to take the reigns.

If I only knew what I knew now I might have rooted for them to win that last game so we wouldn't have the #1 overall pick and all this talk of replacing Manning would be different I think. What would we be thinking then? Wouldn't it be nice to be #2 overall and have a healthy Manning coming back into the fold? Would we be talking about drafting RG3? How things could have been different if we just had won that last game.

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lol, these last few posts have been the best ever. I have now been called a Manning "Fanboy" so I guess I take that with a smile and after thinking long and hard, I guess I am.

Cause see when I graduated from High School the Colts became a passion to me. I worked hard all week just to make the money to go buy a scapped ticket to see my beloved Colts play on Sunday's because way back then they were never on TV. Sometimes when things were real tough, because they are when your starting out in life, I would go to a secret location and pay $25 to watch the Colts on pirated satellite. See I loved the Colts and my week always revolved around them. I sat through the horrible years and rooted knowing they would probable not win but if they did, man it was nice. Then there was the miracle year where we were one hail marry from going to the Super Bowl in the "Let it Rip" years. These were the years when small market teams never had a chance. I went and stood in line, in the rain, and bought my Touch Down Monkey and Extra point Monkey when others just laughed. I went to training camp opening day every year for the last 27 years. I have missed three home games in 18 years of being a STH and two of those were this year. I can remember the draft in 98 when we took a young kid from TN who turned around a franchise that was going no where. Was the laughing stock of the league and the whipping boy for most of the league. I was there, every Sunday. I watched one of the greatest QB's, turn a City and a franchise around in two years. He gave us hope every week that we could win, he made it proud to be a Colts fan. I cried when he won us a Super Bowl because I knew how much of my life and time, not to mention the financial sacrifices I had made to go to games. All the jeers I endured from friends and co-workers through it all but I kept my chin up and believed. Now the organization that I never doubted is on the verge of just saying, thx Peyton but we don't need you anymore, you made us who we are but pack up and move on. You didn't miss a game in 13 years, you won more games and took us to more consecutive playoff games than any other franchise in league history but hey, your done. You can play but it will have to be for another team now because there's this new guy that we think will be better than you and we want him now so sorry your 13 years don't mean anything to us. Oh and by the way, sorry about that perfect season we had going that we just gave away because stats didnt mean anything but hey the very next week we let certain players achieve there goals but we weren't worried about them getting hurt in a meaningless game. Oh and one last thing, don't say anything till after March 3rd because we don't want to upset the STH and have them not renew there tickets.

See, a lot of the so called Fans on here have only been a part of the winning, the Manning years but my support goes way beyond Manning. As I have gotten older I have seen many players come and go but never a player as special as Peyton Manning. I have seen what he has done for us, the Colts Fan and the League. I believe in respect, loyality and in this case, trust. If Peyton Manning is healthy and can play this game, he deserves to play with the team he built, the francise he took upon his shoulders and carried for 13 years. A lot of people want the Colts to take Luck and that is fine, they have there opinions but don't call people out because they don't see eye to eye with you. This goes way beyond money and whats best for the franchise with me! So if I'm a Manning "FanBoy" I'm proud of it because I've earned that right. Good luck to the next generation of Colts fans and I hope your years with Luck are half of what my memories were with Manning.

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I remember when I was rooting for the Colts to loose the last game of the season because I wanted the #1 overall pick so the Colts could trade it and get numerous picks to address several area's of need. Now we have sat through a month and haif of Manning Gate and it is the same thing everyday. The soap opera continues everyday. Now I know how the Packers must have felt when Favre was replaced but at least they had a prepared Rodgers ready to take the reigns.

If I only knew what I knew now I might have rooted for them to win that last game so we wouldn't have the #1 overall pick and all this talk of replacing Manning would be different I think. What would we be thinking then? Wouldn't it be nice to be #2 overall and have a healthy Manning coming back into the fold? Would we be talking about drafting RG3? How things could have been different if we just had won that last game.

No i wanted the 1st pick it gives the COLTS more power to deal it in case they want to get extra picks
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lol, these last few posts have been the best ever. I have now been called a Manning "Fanboy" so I guess I take that with a smile and after thinking long and hard, I guess I am.

Cause see when I graduated from High School the Colts became a passion to me. I worked hard all week just to make the money to go buy a scapped ticket to see my beloved Colts play on Sunday's because way back then they were never on TV. Sometimes when things were real tough, because they are when your starting out in life, I would go to a secret location and pay $25 to watch the Colts on pirated satellite. See I loved the Colts and my week always revolved around them. I sat through the horrible years and rooted knowing they would probable not win but if they did, man it was nice. Then there was the miracle year where we were one hail marry from going to the Super Bowl in the "Let it Rip" years. These were the years when small market teams never had a chance. I went and stood in line, in the rain, and bought my Touch Down Monkey and Extra point Monkey when others just laughed. I went to training camp opening day every year for the last 27 years. I have missed three home games in 18 years of being a STH and two of those were this year. I can remember the draft in 98 when we took a young kid from TN who turned around a franchise that was going no where. Was the laughing stock of the league and the whipping boy for most of the league. I was there, every Sunday. I watched one of the greatest QB's, turn a City and a franchise around in two years. He gave us hope every week that we could win, he made it proud to be a Colts fan. I cried when he won us a Super Bowl because I knew how much of my life and time, not to mention the financial sacrifices I had made to go to games. All the jeers I endured from friends and co-workers through it all but I kept my chin up and believed. Now the organization that I never doubted is on the verge of just saying, thx Peyton but we don't need you anymore, you made us who we are but pack up and move on. You didn't miss a game in 13 years, you won more games and took us to more consecutive playoff games than any other franchise in league history but hey, your done. You can play but it will have to be for another team now because there's this new guy that we think will be better than you and we want him now so sorry your 13 years don't mean anything to us. Oh and by the way, sorry about that perfect season we had going that we just gave away because stats didnt mean anything but hey the very next week we let certain players achieve there goals but we weren't worried about them getting hurt in a meaningless game. Oh and one last thing, don't say anything till after March 3rd because we don't want to upset the STH and have them not renew there tickets.

See, a lot of the so called Fans on here have only been a part of the winning, the Manning years but my support goes way beyond Manning. As I have gotten older I have seen many players come and go but never a player as special as Peyton Manning. I have seen what he has done for us, the Colts Fan and the League. I believe in respect, loyality and in this case, trust. If Peyton Manning is healthy and can play this game, he deserves to play with the team he built, the francise he took upon his shoulders and carried for 13 years. A lot of people want the Colts to take Luck and that is fine, they have there opinions but don't call people out because they don't see eye to eye with you. This goes way beyond money and whats best for the franchise with me! So if I'm a Manning "FanBoy" I'm proud of it because I've earned that right. Good luck to the next generation of Colts fans and I hope your years with Luck are half of what my memories were with Manning.

Good job i have been a COLTS fan since 1968 and have seen it all but i have never seen anything like PEYTON and i doubt i ever will again it is sad the way it is ending. I remember being patient all those years before MANNING taking all that abuse but we must move on GO PEYTON GO COLTS
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lol, these last few posts have been the best ever. I have now been called a Manning "Fanboy" so I guess I take that with a smile and after thinking long and hard, I guess I am.

Cause see when I graduated from High School the Colts became a passion to me. I worked hard all week just to make the money to go buy a scapped ticket to see my beloved Colts play on Sunday's because way back then they were never on TV. Sometimes when things were real tough, because they are when your starting out in life, I would go to a secret location and pay $25 to watch the Colts on pirated satellite. See I loved the Colts and my week always revolved around them. I sat through the horrible years and rooted knowing they would probable not win but if they did, man it was nice. Then there was the miracle year where we were one hail marry from going to the Super Bowl in the "Let it Rip" years. These were the years when small market teams never had a chance. I went and stood in line, in the rain, and bought my Touch Down Monkey and Extra point Monkey when others just laughed. I went to training camp opening day every year for the last 27 years. I have missed three home games in 18 years of being a STH and two of those were this year. I can remember the draft in 98 when we took a young kid from TN who turned around a franchise that was going no where. Was the laughing stock of the league and the whipping boy for most of the league. I was there, every Sunday. I watched one of the greatest QB's, turn a City and a franchise around in two years. He gave us hope every week that we could win, he made it proud to be a Colts fan. I cried when he won us a Super Bowl because I knew how much of my life and time, not to mention the financial sacrifices I had made to go to games. All the jeers I endured from friends and co-workers through it all but I kept my chin up and believed. Now the organization that I never doubted is on the verge of just saying, thx Peyton but we don't need you anymore, you made us who we are but pack up and move on. You didn't miss a game in 13 years, you won more games and took us to more consecutive playoff games than any other franchise in league history but hey, your done. You can play but it will have to be for another team now because there's this new guy that we think will be better than you and we want him now so sorry your 13 years don't mean anything to us. Oh and by the way, sorry about that perfect season we had going that we just gave away because stats didnt mean anything but hey the very next week we let certain players achieve there goals but we weren't worried about them getting hurt in a meaningless game. Oh and one last thing, don't say anything till after March 3rd because we don't want to upset the STH and have them not renew there tickets.

See, a lot of the so called Fans on here have only been a part of the winning, the Manning years but my support goes way beyond Manning. As I have gotten older I have seen many players come and go but never a player as special as Peyton Manning. I have seen what he has done for us, the Colts Fan and the League. I believe in respect, loyality and in this case, trust. If Peyton Manning is healthy and can play this game, he deserves to play with the team he built, the francise he took upon his shoulders and carried for 13 years. A lot of people want the Colts to take Luck and that is fine, they have there opinions but don't call people out because they don't see eye to eye with you. This goes way beyond money and whats best for the franchise with me! So if I'm a Manning "FanBoy" I'm proud of it because I've earned that right. Good luck to the next generation of Colts fans and I hope your years with Luck are half of what my memories were with Manning.

Nice post!

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