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Luck And His "posse" Have Been Very Quiet.....

John Dee

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If you watch Luck in his interviews, he is extremely mature, has a lot of character. When asked about RG3 and himself, he knew the media was trying to get him to say something so they can latch on and make a story of it but he was a man of class and gave RG3 a ton of credit.

Very professional.

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What has that got to do with the price of eggs so to speak. Just like I have a doctor that is with a team my doctor is still my doctor not the team of doctors. So just because anyone is in a group doesn't mean that they don't have their own individual clients and that should not be discussed with the other group members. JMO of course.

It has nothing to do with the price of eggs.

I am just clarifying the fact of the matter. Given the facts, I can see how someone can mistakenly construe Luck and Peyton having the same agent.

The fact of the matter is that they have the same company (agency), but different agents.

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I see where your coming from, but Luck will get game time experience, it may not be when it really matters but he'll be in there. I also think that regardless of Manning's health we go the route of GB and give Luck the ball when it's his turn. That was the right move to make in GB and I think it's the right move here.

It's worked out for Green Bay. I'll say that, it's worked out far better than they could have expected. It's worked out so good, the alternative at this point is meaningless, but it can make you wonder what would have happened if they would have gone a different route.

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So you'd prefer continuing the trend of manning "leading us to the playoffs" then we get beat-up or "one & done" in the playoffs?

We need bigger, better talent. I like to build thru the draft, but some FA help is also needed. Its worked alright for NE and other teams, as long as you don't go crazy with big$. Smart FA pickups are still a good thing to supplement the draft.

Wayne, garcon, etc are fine if you have at least a decent QB. Painter was never that. Neither was Danny O, although he did improve somewhat toward the end of the season. but still not good enough.

This. You look at good teams, and good teams make smart moves in FA. Haynesworth for 100 mil, not a smart move. The Raider's acquisition of Javon Walker... not a smart move. The Colt's acquisition of Corey Simon, initially was paying off. Turned out to be what Philly fans had warned us of.

In this day and age, we need to make some investments in FA. We just need to make wise ones. Abrayo Franklin went to NO on a 1 year deal. We picked up Sims and Anderson on 1 year deals. They should keep doing this, and hopefully make an effort to re-sign the players that pan out.

Granted, since our defensive philosophy is changing, we may not want to hang on to Sims or Anderson. But had we stuck with the 4-3, I could see us throwing a short 2 or 3 year deal at Anderson as he seemed to be a good change-up option from Freeney/Mathis. Different style, but a worthwhile addition.

Anyhoo, dropping Manning leaves a lot more on the table to put a receiving corps around Luck and added defensive pieces to help with the 3-4 migration. While I'd like to see Manning finish with the Colts, it just doesn't seem to be in the cards. Despite what Irsay has said about health.

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He left that company in 2006, and joined Wasserman shortly thereafter.


He's still with CAA, though and not the Wasserman group. I thought he sold IMG to CAA as opposed to leaving it. Thanks for the link.


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It has nothing to do with the price of eggs.

I am just clarifying the fact of the matter. Given the facts, I can see how someone can mistakenly construe Luck and Peyton having the same agent.

The fact of the matter is that they have the same company (agency), but different agents.

Sorry didn't read it that way. I knew that I had read that he didn't have the same agent. Thanks for not flaming me and telling me to read before I post. haha

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If you watch Luck in his interviews, he is extremely mature, has a lot of character. When asked about RG3 and himself, he knew the media was trying to get him to say something so they can latch on and make a story of it but he was a man of class and gave RG3 a ton of credit.

Very professional.

It's what a lot of proffesional athletes do.

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I am starting to think more and more that some "BIG" decisions have been made for some time now.

Remember Eli and Elway... coming right out and stating "don't draft me" "or else"....

The Luck's have been eerily silent.... I wonder if there have been some behind the scenes "negotiating" going on?

Think about it, if there was ANY chance Manning is back in Indy wouldn't one think that the Luck's may be a little squirrelly about the prospect of sitting for a "few" years?

But they are stone cold quiet. While Peyton and Irsay are jockeying for "image points" When the whole thing goes down so “they” won’t be viewed as the “bad guy”….

I just feel if Manning were a realistic option to return to Indy I would think that the Luck camp would not be happy about sitting for a LONG time.

Am I just silly or what?

They do have the same agent.... Luck and PM....

Personally... I think It's a done deal, Manning out ... and Luck ... Welcome to Indy.

No they don't. Peyton's agent is Tom Condon. Luck is represented by his uncle, Will Wilson.


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Think about it, if there was ANY chance Manning is back in Indy wouldn't one think that the Luck's may be a little squirrelly about the prospect of sitting for a "few" years?

While I would enjoy playing as thats what I do, I wouldn't snuff at the idea of getting big dollars just to stand and hold a clipboard while learning from one of the best ever.

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I am starting to think more and more that some "BIG" decisions have been made for some time now.

Remember Eli and Elway... coming right out and stating "don't draft me" "or else"....

The Luck's have been eerily silent.... I wonder if there have been some behind the scenes "negotiating" going on?

Think about it, if there was ANY chance Manning is back in Indy wouldn't one think that the Luck's may be a little squirrelly about the prospect of sitting for a "few" years?

But they are stone cold quiet. While Peyton and Irsay are jockeying for "image points" When the whole thing goes down so “they” won’t be viewed as the “bad guy”….

I just feel if Manning were a realistic option to return to Indy I would think that the Luck camp would not be happy about sitting for a LONG time.

Am I just silly or what?

They do have the same agent.... Luck and PM....

Personally... I think It's a done deal, Manning out ... and Luck ... Welcome to Indy.

Ya, your silly among other things. Im curious your line of thinkijg to think that Manning/Luck is a done deal.

I have seen no indicators other than typical Media bias to think Manning is done in Indy. After all it has been dually noted Manning wants to stay in Indy and Irsay wants Manning in Indy. Vinny has shared his take on the matter stating Manning is looking good. The only people painting a dull picture is the * over at ESPN, Deon Sanders, and Micheal ive got nothin nice to say Irving.

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So you'd prefer continuing the trend of manning "leading us to the playoffs" then we get beat-up or "one & done" in the playoffs?

We need bigger, better talent. I like to build thru the draft, but some FA help is also needed. Its worked alright for NE and other teams, as long as you don't go crazy with big$. Smart FA pickups are still a good thing to supplement the draft.

Wayne, garcon, etc are fine if you have at least a decent QB. Painter was never that. Neither was Danny O, although he did improve somewhat toward the end of the season. but still not good enough.

Here is my problem with that line of thinking. The Colts just seriuosly overhauled the coaching staff. Hired a strong defensive minded coach to strenghtn the team and make it more rounded. This colts team will no longer be a one and done especially wtih Manning leading the offense and a strong defensive presence. This is not the same team. Nor can the outcome in the future refect on the past, too many new componants changing.

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I am starting to think more and more that some "BIG" decisions have been made for some time now.

Remember Eli and Elway... coming right out and stating "don't draft me" "or else"....

The Luck's have been eerily silent.... I wonder if there have been some behind the scenes "negotiating" going on?

Think about it, if there was ANY chance Manning is back in Indy wouldn't one think that the Luck's may be a little squirrelly about the prospect of sitting for a "few" years?

But they are stone cold quiet. While Peyton and Irsay are jockeying for "image points" When the whole thing goes down so “they” won’t be viewed as the “bad guy”….

I just feel if Manning were a realistic option to return to Indy I would think that the Luck camp would not be happy about sitting for a LONG time.

Am I just silly or what?

They do have the same agent.... Luck and PM....

Personally... I think It's a done deal, Manning out ... and Luck ... Welcome to Indy.

I think Irsay and Manning have already put the "jockeying for hearts and minds" drama to rest.

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Read the article on colts.com...Arians comments sound different to me without the spin PFT and ESPN are putting on them.

I see nothing in either article that leads me to believe that Arians knows the future of what Irsay will do with the option bonus question.

All I see is that Arians is excited to be working with a new QB, which is no surprise, given that Irsay has already said that the Colts will be drafting a QB with the #1 overall pick.

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I see nothing in either article that leads me to believe that Arians knows the future of what Irsay will do with the option bonus question.

All I see is that Arians is excited to be working with a new QB, which is no surprise, given that Irsay has already said that the Colts will be drafting a QB with the #1 overall pick.

It's not what Arians said, it is what PFT says about what Arians said:

"It’s no secret by now that the Colts expect to move on from Manning. Arians knows it; he’s openly “excited” about it. According to NFL Network’s Jason La Canfora, new G.M. Ryan Grigson knew about it “weeks ago.”"

I think we agree that Arians is saying nothing either way, but PFT is making it sound like he is. That is all I was pointing out. ESPN was doing the same thing yesterday...

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huhh? If Luck's father Oliver (former NFL QB, and AD @ WV) had one tid bit of a bad vibe about Indy I guarantee you they would be rocking he boat.

BUT, alas..... it's smooth sailing for the Colts... on the Andrew Luck front.

It's a done deal.

Oh and were Eli Manning and John Elway "immature jerks" for utilizing thier "hand" ????

And if you recall correctly Peyton Manning walked into his Colt "interview" with a "huge" list of Q's HE had for Indy.... and he was satisfied. Don't kid yourself, these players hold the hammer. Not the team owners....

a) Guarantee? You have no idea what they are thinking, and no idea what they are likely to do. That may be what YOU would do. Frankly it makes little sense in my opinion for them to whine and moan publicly, it only makes them look bad which damages the image that they just hired his uncle to build. And either way, the deadline for declaring for the draft was only two weeks ago. The combine is way off, much less the draft. He would look arrogant for even assuming that he IS going to be the top pick at this point, which also goes against his public image. And it is WAY too early for even respectful discussion of the issue. Much less the desperation "let me force their hand in the court of public appeal because it doesn't look like I'm going to get my way" nonsense that you are advocating as if it is normal behavior.

b) Done Deal? The Colts have said that they will take the best QB available with the first pick regardless of Peyton's health. So THAT'S a done deal, assuming that they don't change there minds. The entirety of the package that you are envisioning is NOT however a done deal. Far from it.

c) Absolutely positively yes, Manning and Elway were inmature jerks. I like Eli, but there was no rational basis for avoiding the Chargers. It's not like they were the dysfunctional dregs of the earth. Many players would give their eye teeth to play in southern CA. As another poster said, they weren't that public or offensive about it, but they were manipulative. Most teams in most years would have just told them to sit down and shut up. He had NO leverage. I've always maintained that the trade had a lot more to do with Ernie Accorsi (as the poor * who was forced to trade Elway away) seeking personal vindication that it did Eli. How many other QBs have you ever heard complain? You honor the system, you go where you are told to go, and you honor your contract. A given player isn't bigger than the system. You don't ball up your fists, kick your feet and whine. If the team is lousy, you're suppossed to have the confidence that you are good enough to transform them, not say "but I don't want to play there, I want to play on a good team. Wahhh". The last place team is lousy EVERY year that's the point of the system. Lucks case is a little different, but he isn't an all pro free agent, he is a college kid. His goal should be to force Peyton out of town like Rodgers did to Favre, or to increase his value so much that they trade him. He is in absolutely no position to demand ANYTHING.

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It's not what Arians said, it is what PFT says about what Arians said:

"It’s no secret by now that the Colts expect to move on from Manning. Arians knows it; he’s openly “excited” about it. According to NFL Network’s Jason La Canfora, new G.M. Ryan Grigson knew about it “weeks ago.”"

I think we agree that Arians is saying nothing either way, but PFT is making it sound like he is. That is all I was pointing out. ESPN was doing the same thing yesterday...

I am not surprised by media pundits and talking heads spinning the quotes different ways. Big deal, that's just their opinion.

I like facts better. That's why, when I read news reports, I give more credence to what is in between the quotation marks of an interview, than to how the reporter is framing it.

I was taught how to do this in high school in english class, in a section (if my memory serves) called critical reading and understanding.

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Id be fine with starting new with Andrew Luck. The guy is as sure thing as it gets for an NFL prospect. Plus we cant risk 28 million dollars on a guy we dont know will be healthy or not.

Plus we could do so much with the money we save in the long term from releasing Manning like signing big name FAs.

Understand that starting new sounds like 'expansion team'

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Good luck Smitto on trying to get this point across. Some op just don't want to read what is on the home page that Irsay quoted and believe him. This wouldn't have come up again but someone wanted to :stir: and get this started again. This has been discussed many times and then the flaming begins. I for one am just reading what Irsay has just said and taking him for his word. No ifs, ands or buts I will read what Irsay post and let him decide.

Wish everyone had your mind frame, its the same thing with ppl thinking that irsay has made up his mind on who he wants to draft... not even close, he knows what position but not who yet..... irsay just keeps on proving that he's one of the better owners in the league.

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Luck speaks!

Or so the AP would have you believe! There are no quotes from Luck here so I guess we just have to take the AP's word for it (also I know this is on the ESPN webpage but is scroll down you see they got it from the AP)

Headline is a little misleading while whoever wrote this says Luck would like to start right away the writer says Luck said he could coexist with Manning as well.

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Luck is doing exactly the right thing...

Lay low....... wait for the draft....and let it play out...

He really cant lose.....

Worst case scenario..(which is the best case fr the Colts) he backs up Peyton Mannng...

And gets paid several million dollars in the process to do it.

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I am starting to think more and more that some "BIG" decisions have been made for some time now.

Remember Eli and Elway... coming right out and stating "don't draft me" "or else"....

The Luck's have been eerily silent.... I wonder if there have been some behind the scenes "negotiating" going on?

Think about it, if there was ANY chance Manning is back in Indy wouldn't one think that the Luck's may be a little squirrelly about the prospect of sitting for a "few" years?

But they are stone cold quiet. While Peyton and Irsay are jockeying for "image points" When the whole thing goes down so “they” won’t be viewed as the “bad guy”….

I just feel if Manning were a realistic option to return to Indy I would think that the Luck camp would not be happy about sitting for a LONG time.

Am I just silly or what?

They do have the same agent.... Luck and PM....

Personally... I think It's a done deal, Manning out ... and Luck ... Welcome to Indy.

If I'm looking at this right. And if what I've read and heard about luck is true and these "quotes" I read are accurate. Then the kind of family the lucks are and the guy of guy Andrew is. He is a highly mature person. A good guy with the respect of the game comes first and also a hard worker. One who would have respect for this game and respect for irsay AND manning. He doesn't personally not want to play. But he's "ok" with sitting for a year or two. It is not unreasonable to ask for something like that. This is the NFL. And Andrew would also understand that a first round pick does not mean you get everything handed to you. He is a hard worker? He's a highly mature and upstanding guy? If that's so true? He won't be asking for a trade. He will be OK with sitting. Doesn't mean he likes it but if he's the way ppl say then I don't think he's going to be a brat about things... You guys arent looking at this on his character but in what others have done and also how immature a lot of players are... We will see.

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I am just curious as I am not very familiar with the draft history of QB's but do you think that one, two or three years later it will not be possible to draft a QB who can be very successful with the Colts (no matter if drafted at #1, 10, 18 or 63)? I am not convinced that these "once-in-a-generation" prospects really come up only once each 15 years when I look at all the different QB names that won SB trophies - especially one who can win his 4th SB although drafted only at #199...

And what is Luck supposed to say? I mean, Irsay made it very clear that he will thoroughly go through the process whether Luck or RGIII fits best.

Sorry, I missed this earlier.

One way to determine how often these "once in a generation QB prospects" come about is to look at various professional scouts ratings of these prospects.

Currently, Mel Kiper has rated Luck as a 99/100. We can look back through history and see if he has rated any player (not just QB) as high (or higher).

Currently, Todd McShay has rated Luck as 99/100. Similarly we can look back to see his historical ratings on other players.

You can continue to do this to a big sample of professional scouts, and determine how often these "once in a generation QB prospects" come about.

I think the last person (besides Luck) Kiper rated as a 99 or 100 was Elway. Someone will let me know if I am mistaken.

Sure there are other QB prospects in all rounds of the draft that will become good if not great QBs in the NFL. And...there will be those QB prospects that will bust in the NFL. The problem is determining which ones will and which ones won't before you draft them and attach probabilities. Generally, the higher a QB prospect is rated, the less likelihood (although no guarantees) there is of a bust. What also complicates matters is that busts may not be the fault of the prospect. If a team's situation is such that even the best prospect gets mauled behind an ineffective OL (ala David Carr), it could lead to injury and loss of confidence to trigger the bust.

Yes, the scouts have got it horribly wrong in the past, and these cases are often talked about ad infinitum. However, to see the big picture, the scouts are more often right than not about a prospects potential in the NFL. That's why NFL teams pay them for their services.

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Irsay and Peyton SURE have NOT been quiet though.

And TBH I doubt everything is lovey dovey between them either. Irsay's tweet tonight is cold and to the point. He called him a politician.

Peyton has forced Irsay's hand right now.........

This is going to get VERRRRRRRY interesting.

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It has nothing to do with the price of eggs.

I am just clarifying the fact of the matter. Given the facts, I can see how someone can mistakenly construe Luck and Peyton having the same agent.

The fact of the matter is that they have the same company (agency), but different agents.

Just to clarify.. WNDE stated about a month ago or so that Luck was looking to hire TC as his agent. I just assumed..

and we all know how that turns out .....


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Irsay and Peyton SURE have NOT been quiet though.

And TBH I doubt everything is lovey dovey between them either. Irsay's tweet tonight is cold and to the point. He called him a politician.

Peyton has forced Irsay's hand right now.........

This is going to get VERRRRRRRY interesting.

Won't be interesting at all... they are parting ways... it is just a matter of "public perception" now.. Nobody wants to be viewed as the bad guy.

And they both have huge EGO's and .... and the SB is in "their" city RIGHT NOW....

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Irsay and Peyton SURE have NOT been quiet though.

And TBH I doubt everything is lovey dovey between them either. Irsay's tweet tonight is cold and to the point. He called him a politician.

Peyton has forced Irsay's hand right now.........

This is going to get VERRRRRRRY interesting.

It's been interesting for a while. I'm spending way too much time on message boards. LOL

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It's been interesting for a while. I'm spending way too much time on message boards. LOL

I find it more interesting then the Favre drama. This is less sleazy with more puzzle pieces needing to be put together.

And we all know Luck is no dummy either.

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Sorry, I missed this earlier.

One way to determine how often these "once in a generation QB prospects" come about is to look at various professional scouts ratings of these prospects.

Currently, Mel Kiper has rated Luck as a 99/100. We can look back through history and see if he has rated any player (not just QB) as high (or higher).

Currently, Todd McShay has rated Luck as 99/100. Similarly we can look back to see his historical ratings on other players.

You can continue to do this to a big sample of professional scouts, and determine how often these "once in a generation QB prospects" come about.

I think the last person (besides Luck) Kiper rated as a 99 or 100 was Elway. Someone will let me know if I am mistaken.

Sure there are other QB prospects in all rounds of the draft that will become good if not great QBs in the NFL. And...there will be those QB prospects that will bust in the NFL. The problem is determining which ones will and which ones won't before you draft them and attach probabilities. Generally, the higher a QB prospect is rated, the less likelihood (although no guarantees) there is of a bust. What also complicates matters is that busts may not be the fault of the prospect. If a team's situation is such that even the best prospect gets mauled behind an ineffective OL (ala David Carr), it could lead to injury and loss of confidence to trigger the bust.

Yes, the scouts have got it horribly wrong in the past, and these cases are often talked about ad infinitum. However, to see the big picture, the scouts are more often right than not about a prospects potential in the NFL. That's why NFL teams pay them for their services.

darn, I just look at what wins in todays NFL....

Luck is Big, Fast, and he is SMART.........

Stanford.... yes STANFORD was a NC contender the last 2 seasons!!!!!!!

This kid is a no brainer.... Manning's health or lack of.... Indy has the first pick in the 2012 NFL draft. And the pick is Luck.

Nice potential problem ... Manning and Luck on the same roster..... ehehee,,

It won't happen tho...

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Won't be interesting at all... they are parting ways... it is just a matter of "public perception" now.. Nobody wants to be viewed as the bad guy.

And they both have huge EGO's and .... and the SB is in "their" city RIGHT NOW....

Someone said this on the radio the other day.

"You have a man and a woman thinking of getting a divorce. It's the Holiday's. The family is in town. The couple decides to hold off "the talk" until they all go home. But, neither the man or woman can help it. They take cheap shots at each other publicly while drunk and everyone in the room knows something is up."

The SB is the family in town.

I am guessing Luck is now the other woman for Irsay?! Peyton feels cheated on. Peyton wants an answer. Peyton is saying "Jim do you still love me. Jim we went through so much together. Oh JIM PLEASE NOT NOW. Luck is young but I swear I still have much to give you."

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I find it more interesting then the Favre drama. This is less sleazy with more puzzle pieces needing to be put together.

And we all know Luck is no dummy either.

I've never seen anything like it. The whole unpredictability of Manning's condition using your analogy is like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. Or maybe someone snuck in a piece from another puzzle and exchanged it.

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Someone said this on the radio the other day.

"You have a man and a woman thinking of getting a divorce. It's the Holiday's. The family is in town. The couple decides to hold off "the talk" until they all go home. But, neither the man or woman can help it. They take cheap shots at each other publicly while drunk and everyone in the room knows something is up."

The SB is the family in town.

I am guessing Luck is now the other woman for Irsay?! Peyton feels cheated on. Peyton wants an answer. Peyton is saying "Jim do you still love me. Jim we went through so much together. Oh JIM PLEASE NOT NOW. Luck is young but I swear I still have much to give you."

Now see this is what we all want to "avoid"...

It's business... but... teh EGO is a ....

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