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Irsay working on major front office deal w/ Manning


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7 minutes ago, Superman said:


Can't even leave to be an OC, unless the Colts give permission. Assistant coach is assistant coach, coordinator or not.

True...but that would be pretty crappy of us to not allow him permission for a better job knowing OC is his only hope to get back to HC. That said after the Miami fiasco I doubt he ever is the HC again.

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2 minutes ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

I don't know if I'd say that but Philbin would probably run a West Coat and I think Luck would flourish in it. Who knows though, Vontae Davis seemed to think he wasn't a good HC.

He was a pretty hot target coming out of Green Bay.  

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Honestly at this point the Colts could name Curtis Painter head coach and some people would be happy because it isn't Pagano anymore.  That's coming from someone who thinks there needs to be a change too, just not for anyone.  I want it to be an upgrade.  It sounds like Irsay tried to get an upgrade and couldn't get who he wanted or wasn't willing to do what it took to get his upgrade.  I'd rather the Colts keep Pagano, someone who they have had success with, rather than just making a change to make a change and not getting who they really want.  That's how teams end up like 49ers who will be on their fourth headcoach in as many years. 

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19 minutes ago, dgambill said:

So what made that playoff win impressive for us? That was my original point that us beating them and a beat up KC at home as happy as it made me wasn't that impressive. The Broncos win definitely was even if Peyton was hobbling. We just had them figured out.

I never said it was impressive.  I said the better argument was the bengals are....well, the bengals.

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1 minute ago, GoColts8818 said:

Honestly at this point the Colts could name Curtis Painter head coach and some people would be happy because it isn't Pagano anymore.  That's coming from someone who thinks there needs to be a change too, just not for anyone.  I want it to be an upgrade.  It sounds like Irsay tried to get an upgrade and couldn't get who he wanted or wasn't willing to do what it took to get his upgrade.  I'd rather the Colts keep Pagano, someone who they have had success with, rather than just making a change to make a change and not getting who you really want.  That's how teams end up like 49ers who will be on their fourth headcoach in as many years. 

No, the Niners fired a heckuva coach and promoted the dline guy lol

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Just now, BOTT said:

I never said it was impressive.  I said the better argument was the bengals are....well, the bengals.

Gotcha...I agree because well they aren't the Browns or the Steelers...they are the Bengals lol...but the Bengals minus Green is not nearly as impressive even if you think they aren't that good with him. But I gotcha.

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4 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

Honestly at this point the Colts could name Curtis Painter head coach and some people would be happy because it isn't Pagano anymore.  That's coming from someone who thinks there needs to be a change too, just not for anyone.  I want it to be an upgrade.  It sounds like Irsay tried to get an upgrade and couldn't get who he wanted or wasn't willing to do what it took to get his upgrade.  I'd rather the Colts keep Pagano, someone who they have had success with, rather than just making a change to make a change and not getting who they really want.  That's how teams end up like 49ers who will be on their fourth headcoach in as many years. 


So what if nobody is available next year that Irsay thinks is better then Pagano?  The year after that? At what point does Irsay figure wasting years of Lucks career is not worth sticking with Pagano just because he is afraid to roll the dice on someone else?

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Just now, indy1888 said:


So what if nobody is available next year that Irsay thinks is better then Pagano?  The year after that? At what point does Irsay figure wasting years of Lucks career is not worth sticking with Pagano just because he is afraid to roll the dice on someone else?

What if Pagano goes 12-4 next year and the Colts get a first round bye?  We can play the what if game to whatever end.  Clearly there will come a point Irsay will pull the plug regardless.  What that point is none of us know. 

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1 minute ago, GoColts8818 said:

What if Pagano goes 12-4 next year and the Colts get a first round bye?  We can play the what if game to whatever end.  Clearly there will come a point Irsay will pull the plug regardless.  What that point is none of us know. 


If Irsay thought the Colts were going to go 12-4 next year he wouldn't have just wasted his time looking like a fool trying to replace Pagano.  Irsay is sticking with someone who he does not have faith in all because he is scared to roll the dice on someone who is not a "homerun" in his mind.

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1 minute ago, GoColts8818 said:

What if Pagano goes 12-4 next year and the Colts get a first round bye?  We can play the what if game to whatever end.  Clearly there will come a point Irsay will pull the plug regardless.  What that point is none of us know. 


My problem with all of this is that it doesn't seem like Irsay knows what that threshold is either.


I could have lived with Jim coming out and saying, "Hey we just re-upped these guys last year. We knew this would be a rebuilding year because we needed to address the OL and the defense. We knew we couldn't fix both in one offseason, so we're giving our guys a year to get the defense together so we can re-evaluate."


I could have lived with that. What Jim has done this offseason makes me feel like he doesn't really have any kind of grasp on what he thinks the next steps should be in regards to building a winning football team. The only thing that's obvious is that he isn't happy.


That doesn't inspire confidence in my opinion.

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Just now, BCoop said:


My problem with all of this is that it doesn't seem like Irsay knows what that threshold is either.


I could have lived with Jim coming out and saying, "Hey we just re-upped these guys last year. We knew this would be a rebuilding year because we needed to address the OL and the defense. We knew we couldn't fix both in one offseason, so we're giving our guys a year to get the defense together so we can re-evaluate."


I could have lived with that. What Jim has done this offseason makes me feel like he doesn't really have any kind of grasp on what he thinks the next steps should be in regards to building a winning football team. The only thing that's obvious is that he isn't happy.


That doesn't inspire confidence in my opinion.

It does kinda feel like ameteur hour

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Just now, indy1888 said:


If Irsay thought the Colts were going to go 12-4 next year he wouldn't have just wasted his time looking like a fool trying to replace Pagano.  Irsay is sticking with someone who he does not have faith in all because he is scared to roll the dice on someone who is not a "homerun" in his mind.

I didn't say I thought Irsay did think that.   I said what if they do? 


I think he wanted an upgrade from Pagano but wasn't willing to just dump Pagano to dump Pagano.  He only wanted what he viewed as an upgrade.  If he couldn't get that he seems happy to bring back Pagano.  My guess is because of Pagano's past success he rather take another shot with him rather than dumping Pagano for an unknown.  If the Colts have another season where they miss the playoffs then it's very possible Irsay might decide he's willing to part with Pagano regardless of if he can get a guy he views as a major upgrade or not. 


You, me, and everyone else can think this is the wrong decision and time might very well prove it was the wrong call but I think that is what Irsay was thinking and frankly as much as I would like a change I would rather have another year with Pagano than Irsay hiring someone he didn't truly want because he had to have a coach and end up firing that guy in a year or two when he can get a guy he really wanted. 

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5 minutes ago, BCoop said:


My problem with all of this is that it doesn't seem like Irsay knows what that threshold is either.


I could have lived with Jim coming out and saying, "Hey we just re-upped these guys last year. We knew this would be a rebuilding year because we needed to address the OL and the defense. We knew we couldn't fix both in one offseason, so we're giving our guys a year to get the defense together so we can re-evaluate."


I could have lived with that. What Jim has done this offseason makes me feel like he doesn't really have any kind of grasp on what he thinks the next steps should be in regards to building a winning football team. The only thing that's obvious is that he isn't happy.


That doesn't inspire confidence in my opinion.

That's a very fair opinion to have and I can fully understand why anyone is feeling that way right now. 


I do think he knew what he wanted to do.  He wanted Peyton Manning and John Gruden and was only willing to make changes if he could land them.  He couldn't land them.  Why?  We don't really know and probably wont know. 

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4 minutes ago, BCoop said:


My problem with all of this is that it doesn't seem like Irsay knows what that threshold is either.


I could have lived with Jim coming out and saying, "Hey we just re-upped these guys last year. We knew this would be a rebuilding year because we needed to address the OL and the defense. We knew we couldn't fix both in one offseason, so we're giving our guys a year to get the defense together so we can re-evaluate."


I could have lived with that. What Jim has done this offseason makes me feel like he doesn't really have any kind of grasp on what he thinks the next steps should be in regards to building a winning football team. The only thing that's obvious is that he isn't happy.


That doesn't inspire confidence in my opinion.

Yes, this. The silence and approaching people while you still have the other guys in place is terrible. If you don't think you are headed in the right direction then why let these guys gamble with the future of your team for another FA, draft, season?

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I think this Grigson talk is just *ic.  So Jim Irsay is willing to fire Bill Polian, a HOFer.  But he will let Peyton and Gruden walk because he is married to Grigson?  Come on, let real.  You can't have Peyton on the team, tell him to build the team, but insist on Grigson being there too.  What the heck would Peyton do with Grigson around?


This stuff is 99% nonsense.

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28 minutes ago, lennymoore24 said:

I think this Grigson talk is just *ic.  So Jim Irsay is willing to fire Bill Polian, a HOFer.  But he will let Peyton and Gruden walk because he is married to Grigson?  Come on, let real.  You can't have Peyton on the team, tell him to build the team, but insist on Grigson being there too.  What the heck would Peyton do with Grigson around?


This stuff is 99% nonsense.



My understanding of the Polian situation is that it was really about getting rid of Chris Polian. Bill basically told Jim that if he fires Chris then he needs to fire him too. (this is what I heard reported in the past at least) Jim could have looked at that situation as Bill will retire soon, he doesn't want to be stuck with Chris, and felt better starting a new era with a new GM as opposed to hanging on to Bill for a few more years. (or however long he was going to stay until retiring) I only say this to point out that they are different situations.


Also, I mentioned it in another post but we don't know how much say that Irsay's daughters have in all of this. It's possible that they are influencing the decision-making in favor of Grigson. Not that I know they are doing so but just saying there are lots of possible factors in play here.


I do agree that letting Peyton and Gruden walk because of Grigson seems absurd...how can Jim go into this thinking he wouldn't need to get rid of Grigson...but I also think that about the way Irsay has handled this whole situation for the last year.


It's one thing for us as fans to complain and point out failures of the GM and/or HC. It's bad when you feel the owner feels the same way as you do only couldn't get a deal done to try and make things right.

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