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Manning Interview


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Mostly just talking about the Super Bowl and Indy and that he's continuing to rehab.

One comment of interest. He says that the doctors have indicated that he will be "cleared and ready to go."

I guess, exactly what that means is up for interpretation.

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Everything sounds upbeat. He's progressing well in his rehab and it certainly sounds like any drama between him and Irsay was overstated to say the least.

Peyton basically wants us to focus on the Superbowl and that's there's really no new news yet.

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From what i got peyton will be playing next year. Like Schefter said. Why would a guy go through all the rehab to just retire. He wouldnt. Peyton plans to play next year. He stated that his doctors are optimistic about him playing. Said he had a great workout today. I urge all you luck supporters. Go out, get your custom luck jerseys made(saw one already down at the nfl experience sunday, bout made me sick) and watch luck either be traded or ride the pine for the next four years. Like chris mortensen said. Peyton is at no more risk of going out and playing than Eli is. The fusion has taken place we all were aware of that months ago. He will not get paralyzed if he gets hit again. Comeback player of the year. PEYTON MANNING!

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Here is the link: http://espn.go.com/n...timing-decision

Here are the interview excerpts:

Peyton Manning, speaking at length for the first time since the 2011 season ended, told ESPN on Tuesday that he plans to return to football, but he and Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay have not discussed his future.

Manning, in an interview with ESPN's Trey Wingo, said that he and Irsay will discuss whether the Super Bowl-winning quarterback will remain with the Colts "at the appropriate time, and when we do, I think some decisions will be made after that. But until then I'm just continuing to rehab, work hard, and to enjoy this week because it really is a special week for the city and certainly for my family."

Manning said that his recovery from spinal fusion surgery in September -- his third surgery in 19 months is going well despite the fact he didn't play last season. "I really feel good. I continue to make progress every day," he said. "Everything that the doctors have told me has been on point, which is encouraging to me. I just had a great day today with rehab, just got back from the facility, and that's what we continue to do. Just keep trying to get better. So far I have. That's the plan from here on out."

Manning said that he'll continue to have checkups over the next several weeks, and termed his mood as "encouraging."

The Colts face a March 8 deadline for a decision on Manning. They owe him a $28 million option bonus on that date. If they don't pay it, he becomes an unrestricted free agent.

Asked to predict what decision will be made, Manning deferred. "I cannot predict that," he said. "I think it's well documented how I feel about this city, the fans, the Colts, Jim Irsay. It's well documented. Tough decisions have to be made. They'll be made at the appropriate time. This is just not the week to do it. It's not the week. I know people can talk about it, that's fair, that's part of the game. It doesn't mean that I have to add to that conversation, and I just don't plan to." How many more years will he play? Hard to say," Manning said. "Hard to say. "(There's) no set timetable. I really don't. I've played a long time. I'm grateful for the time that I've played so far, and I have nothing to complain about. How much longer, we'll see."

Manning said he will wait for the Super Bowl to be over before talking to Irsay. He added that he doesn't think the decision on his future with the Colts will come down to the last minute. "I think the sooner the better, I really do," he said. "Jim and I talk constantly, we really do. We're in constant communication, and after this week is over, we'll do it, and we'll make a good plan from there. Either way, it's going to be good. I'm at peace, and it'll be a positive thing, I can assure you."

The Colts finished 2-14 last season and have the No.1 pick in the NFL draft. Since the end of the season, Irsay has fired Colts vice chairman Bill Polian, general manager Chris Polian, coach Jim Caldwell and most of Caldwell's assistants.

On Monday, Irsay tried to deflect attention away from a public spat he was having with Manning and put the focus squarely back on the Super Bowl matching the New York Giants against the New England Patriots. "I'm not talking about Peyton this week," Irsay said as more than a dozen reporters followed him through the media center's hallways. "When Peyton and I talked (last week), we both thought the focus should be on the Super Bowl. We want to focus on the Super Bowl." Manning termed his relationship with Irsay as "great." "It's always been great," Manning said. "And it will continue to be great, I assure you of that."

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Ok sounds great..but where did the rumors that he stopped progression in rehab? Oh well, CMON PEYTON!!

After interview Adam said that rehab is going slower then they thought he can play football isn't at risk to be hurt anymore then Eli is Sunday. Only concern is will his arm strength return that is up in the air.

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From what i got peyton will be playing next year. Like Schefter said. Why would a guy go through all the rehab to just retire. He wouldnt. Peyton plans to play next year. He stated that his doctors are optimistic about him playing. Said he had a great workout today. I urge all you luck supporters. Go out, get your custom luck jerseys made(saw one already down at the nfl experience sunday, bout made me sick) and watch luck either be traded or ride the pine for the next four years. Like chris mortensen said. Peyton is at no more risk of going out and playing than Eli is. The fusion has taken place we all were aware of that months ago. He will not get paralyzed if he gets hit again. Comeback player of the year. PEYTON MANNING!

Colts r drafting luck/rg3 no way around it. He won't be drafted then traded he won't ride the bench for 4 years. Direct message me march 8th and let me know how ur prediction worked out

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From what i got peyton will be playing next year. Like Schefter said. Why would a guy go through all the rehab to just retire. He wouldnt. Peyton plans to play next year. He stated that his doctors are optimistic about him playing. Said he had a great workout today. I urge all you luck supporters. Go out, get your custom luck jerseys made(saw one already down at the nfl experience sunday, bout made me sick) and watch luck either be traded or ride the pine for the next four years. Like chris mortensen said. Peyton is at no more risk of going out and playing than Eli is. The fusion has taken place we all were aware of that months ago. He will not get paralyzed if he gets hit again. Comeback player of the year. PEYTON MANNING!

Whoa! Slow your roll. I want him to come back as much as anybody but a lot of the muscle strength regeneration is out of his hands. Even after that interview some of the ESPN guys said the Colts will release him. I'm hoping for the best though. Sounds more promising than it did yesterday anyway.

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Whoa! Slow your roll. I want him to come back as much as anybody but a lot of the muscle strength regeneration is out of his hands. Even after that interview some of the ESPN guys said the Colts will release him. I'm hoping for the best though. Sounds more promising than it did yesterday anyway.

Those ESPN guys are just stuck on the idea. There opinion is no better than yours. Unless they have psychics on the pay roll.

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From what i got peyton will be playing next year. Like Schefter said. Why would a guy go through all the rehab to just retire. He wouldnt. Peyton plans to play next year. He stated that his doctors are optimistic about him playing. Said he had a great workout today. I urge all you luck supporters. Go out, get your custom luck jerseys made(saw one already down at the nfl experience sunday, bout made me sick) and watch luck either be traded or ride the pine for the next four years. Like chris mortensen said. Peyton is at no more risk of going out and playing than Eli is. The fusion has taken place we all were aware of that months ago. He will not get paralyzed if he gets hit again. Comeback player of the year. PEYTON MANNING!

He would go through rehab because he has to work on rebuilding the muscle strength/nerve strength and regeneration to get through the rest of his life outside football too. I don't doubt Manning is working hard with an eye on continuing his career. I also don't doubt that there are doctors, some who were sources for the Yahoo report, some who Irsay may have talked to, etc., who believe the nerve regeneration won't ever return to where it started. Dan Le Batard today said he had a source who talked to a 'high ranking Colts official' who said Manning still has issues even gripping a football. We want Manning to stay and perform at the level he has for years. Manning surely wants to come back and play. Irsay, in a perfect world, would love for his team to be more like it was in 2009 or 2010 than it is today. But wanting and wishing aren't things that tend to help real decisions that, in the Colts case, have to happen on or before 3/8. The other odd thing to me is, why hasn't Peyton or Irsay or anyone else officially discussed how he is throwing? A passing question to Addai weeks ago doesn't cut it to me. If Mannning was zipping the ball all over the practice facility again, why wouldn't he be the first to discuss it? Progressing with rehab is a broad, general, non-football specific answer. As upbeat and positive Manning was, as much as he's saying the right things, I still don't think anyone knows if he will be NFL football ready any time soon. And soon for the Colts is one month.

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Those ESPN guys are just stuck on the idea. There opinion is no better than yours. Unless they have psychics on the pay roll.

Thanks Joker I was thinking the same thing. They are so caught up on their opinion they won't change their mind until something is decided between Irsay and Manning.

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I didn't review any other posts here, as I didn't want them to sway my thoughts. I'll do that next.

Also, I have to say that it's been quite a while since I've seen Peyton interviewed in this setting. Usually, it's after a game.

To me, he seemed a bit anxious to convey a message.

There seemed to be a little nervous enthusiasm in his demeanor.

I'll offer no opinion on if he was conveying actualities, or simply what he and Irsay want conveyed.

BTW, I couldn't pay a lot of attention to the words he said, but did get a feel for HOW he responded.

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Ok sounds great..but where did the rumors that he stopped progression in rehab? Oh well, CMON PEYTON!!

There was no good information on the subject. All talk for the sake of talking. People keep asking them, so they have to produce something.

After interview Adam said that rehab is going slower then they thought he can play football isn't at risk to be hurt anymore then Eli is Sunday. Only concern is will his arm strength return that is up in the air.

True, but this puts to bed the idea that he's contemplating retirment. So far, the media has been batting .000

Colts r drafting luck/rg3 no way around it. He won't be drafted then traded he won't ride the bench for 4 years. Direct message me march 8th and let me know how ur prediction worked out

Man. I've never seen someone want their QB gone so badly. You sound a little hurt right now. You okay there, MP?

Those ESPN guys are just stuck on the idea. There opinion is no better than yours. Unless they have psychics on the pay roll.


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I can't believe some people are still trying to push him out the door. He looks great, he sounds positive. He has had nothing but positive feedback about his neck. What else do you want?

Those gomers on ESPN are just that. Gomers. Is it me or does he look alot more buff in his neck?? And had great movement.. this man wants to play and play in Indy.

He was bobbing up and down. Lol His neck looks great. Now come on nerves.

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Manning said he will wait for the Super Bowl to be over before talking to Irsay. He added that he doesn't think the decision on his future with the Colts will come down to the last minute. "I think the sooner the better, I really do," he said. "Jim and I talk constantly, we really do. We're in constant communication, and after this week is over, we'll do it, and we'll make a good plan from there. Either way, it's going to be good. I'm at peace, and it'll be a positive thing, I can assure you."

Is what I wanted to hear. If he has to leave, I understand, just please don't make it ugly. Both Manning and Irsay have done too many positives for it to end on a sour note. Hopefully if he will be healthy enough to play, he'll be healthy enough by the deadline so Irsay isn't put in a very hard position.

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He would go through rehab because he has to work on rebuilding the muscle strength/nerve strength and regeneration to get through the rest of his life outside football too. I don't doubt Manning is working hard with an eye on continuing his career. I also don't doubt that there are doctors, some who were sources for the Yahoo report, some who Irsay may have talked to, etc., who believe the nerve regeneration won't ever return to where it started. Dan Le Batard today said he had a source who talked to a 'high ranking Colts official' who said Manning still has issues even gripping a football. We want Manning to stay and perform at the level he has for years. Manning surely wants to come back and play. Irsay, in a perfect world, would love for his team to be more like it was in 2009 or 2010 than it is today. But wanting and wishing aren't things that tend to help real decisions that, in the Colts case, have to happen on or before 3/8. The other odd thing to me is, why hasn't Peyton or Irsay or anyone else officially discussed how he is throwing? A passing question to Addai weeks ago doesn't cut it to me. If Mannning was zipping the ball all over the practice facility again, why wouldn't he be the first to discuss it? Progressing with rehab is a broad, general, non-football specific answer. As upbeat and positive Manning was, as much as he's saying the right things, I still don't think anyone knows if he will be NFL football ready any time soon. And soon for the Colts is one month.

Manning's opening comment was how so much attention shouldn't be on he, Irsay, and the Colts right now with the Super Bowl in town. I imagine that's part of why we aren't hearing anything about it. The Colts have often been really hush-hush about everything anyway. Nobody has been correct about recent hirings, for example, and we heard up until 3 minutes before the press conference announcing Caldwe's firing that he was staying.

I also doubt that exactly how he's throwing matters at this point, because he's probably focusing solely on exactly what the doctors and trainers want him to do. It's not like they are putting him through a therapy session, having him throw, then another therapy session, then seeing if he can throw it 5 yards farther, etc.

Any rumors about him gripping the ball, "higher ups" and the like, are just rumors. Every time we've had direct speech from Manning or Irsay, it has contradicted what the media seems to think is happening.

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What he said was, everything the doctors have been telling him is on point and he expects to be cleared and ready to go this season. He also said he and Irsay have, and will continue to have a great relationship for the rest of there lives. Following the interview Schefter completely fails in the category of comprehension and asserts something he can not possibly know. He said given the way Peyton feels and Mr. Irsay wanting to do everything possible not to put Peyton in a situation where the injury could be compromised means that Peyton will be released, even after Mort made it perfectly clear that the risk of injury is no greater for Peyton than it is his brother this weekend. Nevermind that letting him play elsewhere does nothing to reduce the risk of injury. Quote from Schefter "If you factor in the way Jim Irsay feels and the way Peyton Manning feels you can see where this is all going, it's all going to Peyton Manning being released....". So Adam knows how both men feel about Peyton continuing to play for the Colts and asserts that he will be let go, despite numerous comments by both clearly stating they both want Peyton to always be a Colts. Schefter is doing the kind of reporting that makes him a commentator not a journalist. He's having trouble separating his opinion from verifiable facts. I would suggest that any naysayer that watched that interview and is still absolutely convinced Peyton will be let go is the true denier, not those of us that believe he will remain with the team.

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After the Superbowl every fan will get their answer... one thing I know for sure is that if peyton stays a colt all you luck fans can say bye bye cause they will draft griffin, cause luck will not wanna sit down for over a year neither will irsay pay so much for two QBs on his roster.

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