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A Good Problem To Have


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1 hour ago, dudeski said:

Pretty sure that never crossed their minds

Based on what?  They played him at LT in Preseason until he got hurt.  They played Clark at RT.  That certainly indicates it DID MORE than cross their minds, they tried it out and he proved up to the task, which has been the case at 3 other positions already this season.  Sorry, but your weak and baseless attempt to be contrary is a fail.  You offered nothing to support your unsupportable position, there's game tape to prove my point.  

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59 minutes ago, jbaron04 said:

I think the colts should roll with

Ac - Lt 

Jw - lg

Rk - c

Dg - rg

Jh - rt for this yr and have him and clark battle in the off season 


Joe reitz in no way shape or form should be starting he has costly  penalties in every game he plays. He should be back up swing tackle and heavy package te / t that's it 

He's not as bad as Good. 

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5 hours ago, JPFolks said:

He's not as bad as Good. 

Joe reitz is our second lowest graded oline men to play all season, only person worst than him is Austin. Just to let you know and good is better at pass pro that reitz which is second worst on the team only to again Austin while good is 4th best.  I'm not saying he is a good player but good is best than reitz at this point of the season 

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I think Good has been better and better each game.  His size and strength has been a huge boon for the team. 1-1, he seems to bully people. You just don't see him even give ground to people he is actually on.  Last night watched him just 'punch out' from standing position on the guy Rietz was blocking and that guy literally flew away to his back.  His biggest problem is watching for end arounds and delayed blitzes when he is already locked onto someone. He needs more awareness in that area because teams have caught on to that and send those type of blitzes Good's way.  But he has gotten better the past couple games.  And he'll need to to keep his starting job.  But this IS the first time he EVER played guard,...so he not used to watch his sides when blocking...more time at the position and i think he'll get accustomed to it.

Another guy i have had a lot of critism for this year has been A.C. .  But this last game he was VERY solid.  Reitz is seems just doesn't have the 'it' power really for me as a starter,.. very goood filler man a long the line though.  Same a Heag.  But this beeing his first year, i fully expect Heag to be a starter in the near future.  

Kelly and Mewhort has easily been our most consistant linemen though.  Glad our 1st round pick was worth that first round pick. :)

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I still have no idea why having the problem of who to start at RG and RT mid way through the season is a good thing to have. You don't want that problem. You want your O Line spots locked down. As a matter of fact you want as many positions to have clear cut #1 starters as possible. You don't want to be deciding on who you think should start every other week or after so and so gets healthy. The only exception is you have 2 QB's playing well or who have played well but got injured while 1 of them is towards the end of his career such as the Cowboys situation 


You don't want to have to decide on two players at 1 position because neither have locked that position down. That just means you don't have that position fixed yet


Does anybody really think the Cowboys would be happy if Travis Fredrick got injured or was bad and they had to choose between Joe Looney and Shane McDermott off the PS at Center or deciding on Frederick or Looney because Frederick was not good? I sure don't. I'm pretty sure they don't want to have to worry about Center and with Frederick at Center you don't have to worry

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On 10/24/2016 at 10:32 AM, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

"Great for this team" thats not how that works. Saying the run game was solid would mean the run game had a good day. Barely 3.2 ypc isn't a good day and the line didn't open up many holes for them. Yes we converted on some short yardage situations but we also couldn't use the run to help us avoid long down situations much  


First, I wouldn't call our running game for Sunday great on any level.


That said,  having a reasonable expectation of a decent running game against a team with a very good run defense is EXACTLY how it works.


Doubt the Colts thought that Gore would run for 5 years a carry.     Or even 4.5 a carry.


But if they could get 3.5 to 4,   and keep the defense honest,   then the Colts have had a decent day and helped Andrew Luck in the passing game by taking pressure off him.


Not only did Gore pick up a number of 1st downs running,  he caught 5 passes including one for a touchdown.   Gore had a decent day.


We did OK in the run game,   and on Sunday,   OK was good enough.


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7 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


First, I wouldn't call our running game for Sunday great on any level.


That said,  having a reasonable expectation of a decent running game against a team with a very good run defense is EXACTLY how it works.


Doubt the Colts thought that Gore would run for 5 years a carry.     Or even 4.5 a carry.


But if they could get 3.5 to 4,   and keep the defense honest,   then the Colts have had a decent day and helped Andrew Luck in the passing game by taking pressure off him.


Not only did Gore pick up a number of 1st downs running,  he caught 5 passes including one for a touchdown.   Gore had a decent day.


We did OK in the run game,   and on Sunday,   OK was good enough.


Gore was great(although IMO he didn't break the tackles he normally would) but I just don't think the line did a great job helping him up. 


And to me even if you're playing a good defense I still judge position play the same. I'm not give Luck credit if he,  say, passes for only 250 yards and a td vs the Vikings. Maybe that's okay for the losers of the league but I just hold my team to a higher standard of play than the status quo I guess. 

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1 hour ago, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

Gore was great(although IMO he didn't break the tackles he normally would) but I just don't think the line did a great job helping him up. 


And to me even if you're playing a good defense I still judge position play the same. I'm not give Luck credit if he,  say, passes for only 250 yards and a td vs the Vikings. Maybe that's okay for the losers of the league but I just hold my team to a higher standard of play than the status quo I guess. 


Food for thought.....


Whoever you think are the best players at their positions of all time....    we're talking Hall of Fame guys....    even those guys don't crank out the same numbers week in and week out.....


They have great games against lesser teams and good games vs. better teams.      Yes,  there are exceptions to the rule,   but on balance,   you just can't do the same week after week....       better teams will hold you down and the below average teams will let you put up big numbers.


The only standard I hold my team to......    is winning.     But even then,  I don't expect them to win every game.   Look at the history of the league.....    it just doesn't happen.


Just a different perspective.


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On October 24, 2016 at 10:32 AM, JPFolks said:

Good has been the worst lineman on the field in every game he has played.  Haeg is looking like the most impressive lineman this year, even slightly ahead of Kelly because he's played well at 3 positions compared to other starters. We didn't even miss Mewhort thanks to him, but we did miss him on the right side.  I bet he is the best option at LT (where he thrived in preseason in limited action) after Castonzo. He'd probably be the best backup center as well. 

Haeg is not better than Good.    Good has played well.  Not sure what you are talking about 

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5 hours ago, Gavin said:

I still have no idea why having the problem of who to start at RG and RT mid way through the season is a good thing to have. You don't want that problem. You want your O Line spots locked down. As a matter of fact you want as many positions to have clear cut #1 starters as possible. You don't want to be deciding on who you think should start every other week or after so and so gets healthy. The only exception is you have 2 QB's playing well or who have played well but got injured while 1 of them is towards the end of his career such as the Cowboys situation 


You don't want to have to decide on two players at 1 position because neither have locked that position down. That just means you don't have that position fixed yet


Does anybody really think the Cowboys would be happy if Travis Fredrick got injured or was bad and they had to choose between Joe Looney and Shane McDermott off the PS at Center or deciding on Frederick or Looney because Frederick was not good? I sure don't. I'm pretty sure they don't want to have to worry about Center and with Frederick at Center you don't have to worry

The only question is whether you start Haeg or Reitz.    IMO it should be Haeg.   

And again why did they move two lineman last week to cover for one spot?


Reitz is a better LG than he is a RT and Haeg has been holding his own


unless they feel Reitz is a better RT than Haeg but that just doesn't make sense 


which goes along with the coaching mindset for this team 

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On 10/24/2016 at 10:23 AM, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

Look. I get it. We won, everyone be positive. But let's be realistic here; the line wasn't any good. Our run game didnt do so great and anytime the titans sent a blitz our line totally collapsed. 


Luck simply got the ball out quickly or danced in the pocket like Brady. It took a near perfect game from Luck to win that one and our line play did us no favors. + the penalties, once again. 


Just a trend I've noticed every game. Every time they want to blitz the qb or get in the backfield, they do. Most teams only send 3/4 guys and thats often enough to mess our line up. 

I can agree with this mostly. Not sure about how many they send but when they blitz, they often get through. They did do a better job overall with protection but it wasn't a top 10 line play. 


Saying that, what I did finally enjoy seeing is the use of the 3 step drop and fire. Here is where I felt this has hurt the oline blocking. If the defense knows we will take 7 step drops all the time, they know they have a better chance to send the house and get to him because routes are made for chunk plays as opposed to catch and run plays. What I liked this time was the quick passes and let the receiver get yards. Once they develop an ability to mix in 3 step and fire patterns in with the deeper drops, the defense will have to respect both patterns now and have to adjust for that as opposed to just send them every play. This is the brightest part of our offense as I've seen all year and maybe last couple. If we game plan like this more each game, defenses will stop firing into our oline and we can develop some continuity and game experience in our young line. 

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On 10/24/2016 at 11:19 AM, BCoop said:

Castonzo has been much better after the preseason and first week or two. Isn't his PFF score right around Mewhort? I thought I had seen he was in the top 5 LT after week 5 or 6. 


I'm finally to a point where I'm ready to start Haeg full-time. Throw him at RG or RT and sit whoever he's replacing. It seems like the best lineup right now might be Castonzo, Mewhort, Kelly, Haeg, Reitz. If we want to kick him out to tackle at some point, throw him at RT and slide Reitz back inside. If you feel that Haeg is the LT of the future, then you can switch Castonzo to the right side. Lots of options with the group we have currently.


Anything Clark eventually gives us is a bonus at this point. I do wish we didn't spend a 3rd on him though. Could have really used a LB at that spot this year.



I wouldn't mind seeing what Good can give us at tackle actually instead of Reitz. I do think Haeg warrants starting somewhere and the dividends should show up at the end of the season or into next year. He could be our Tarik Glenn move, meaning time at the fairs spot and later move into a starting tackle spot, whichever side they choose. Castonzo is actually the least of this lines problem so let's leave that be until it's a real issue. It's a tiny wart in his play at times but not the problem. 

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18 hours ago, Gavin said:







Good needs to learn what it means to be a pro before he is considered to be a starter. He needs to get his weight under control and drop some weight and work on his technique


Its really not a good problem to have when you have to decide who you want to play at RT and RG half way through the season. You'd like to have a clear cut #1 guy at each spot that have those positions locked down. We dont


The problem is starting Haeg AND Reitz in affect takes away from that proverbial 6th O Lineman this coaching staff seems infatuated with so much unless you want to throw Clark into that role having only taken 1 snap on the season. Its a risk but it might e 1 I'm willing to take to get Good off the field



When you bring in 3-4 new oline guys to try and solve a line that's been an issue for how many years now, add in a guy (Good) that's a second year player who showed much potential last year, a scheme change and a coaching change, and you think it's a slam dunk we should have them all figured out at the start of the season who fits where? Now if this was all season 2-3 of these young guys I could say they should know what skill sets these guys possess and have real NFL tape on but I'm not surprised they are still trying to figure out who fits best where. 


Good, Mewhort and Haeg all show solid potential. Everyone knows what Reitz is. Nobody knows what Clark or Blythe is yet and nobody knows how a group of any of these guys look like with 5-6 games together yet because of the injuries. We know that Mewhort and Kelly are solidified in their spots. Castanzo is likely staying put until his contract is up (he may not be playing as a top 3 guy but he isn't playing below a top 5 guy either).


Whatever we get from Haeg, Good and Kelly this season will mean so much more for the following seasons to come. I'm happy in the direction this team has gone finally on the oline. May need one more higher pick next season (3-4 round) but overall, I feel we have the horses to make a respectable oline for the season to follow. 

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On ‎10‎/‎24‎/‎2016 at 10:19 AM, TKnight24 said:

It's been a long time coming, but yes this is a positive thread about the offensive line


Yesterday was fantastic fellas! Absolutely fantastic. Backup targets to throw to and Andrew still had time to throw the football 


Now, here's the good problem. Jack Mewhort comes back next week I'd imagine. 


Joe Haeg was shown to be a better Guard than Tackle. What 5 do we put out there next week against a very good Kansas City front?


My pick: 








No disrespect to Good, I like him. But I like Haeg as a Guard more than him as a Guard. Just my opinion 

Not to be too argumentative, but you must be joking. Good is fast becoming the Colts best O-lineman. He gets so much better every week and his power is impressive. Way above Mewhort… and way,way, way above Reitz and Haeg

Good and Kelly are the anchors going forward, those two move people and Good is a man among boys. He’s knocking D-linemen on their butts.

Haeg & Reitz on the other hand are getting shoved around and tossed aside on 50% of the plays. Haeg  may have a future at tackle, if he ups his strength a bunch. He played the position in college so he knows what to do, but he’s given up more pressures, hits & sacks than the rest of the line combined.

The idea that either Reitz or Haeg should play before Good is a joke. I recommend NFL Rewind, Condensed Version with Slow Motion.

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12 hours ago, jbaron04 said:

Joe reitz is our second lowest graded oline men to play all season, only person worst than him is Austin. Just to let you know and good is better at pass pro that reitz which is second worst on the team only to again Austin while good is 4th best.  I'm not saying he is a good player but good is best than reitz at this point of the season 

In this snapshot, some stat site that most people laugh at says Good is horrible, but slightly less horrible than Reitz.  I disagree and Good isn't even remotely a good short term fix, let alone long term answer.   He plays about at the same level as Harrison did.  But Pre-Season he was the worst.  And when he's in, he's dangerous to Luck's health.  Reitz was a desperation start, so at best, even if you're correct, Good, who they seem happy to start even with other options, is slightly better than a desperation start at a much harder O-Line position, RT.  Not a convincing argument.   Good is awful.  He's not fit to be a starter.  Just because you found a stat that says Reitz, who they don't intend to be a starter, is slightly worse, is no comfort or "pro Good" piece of info.  Put Good at RT and see how he does.  Put Reitz at RG and see how he does.  My bet is Reitz would prove he's a better o-lineman.  But since (hopefully) we'll never see that, can you at least agree that Good is not good, nor should he be starting unless there simply isn't anyone else?  I mean we saw them try to cram Harrison down our throats and he had hordes of supporters here too.. thankfully they seem to be off him, but instead, they're on to another Grigson longshot project Good.  A typical ham handed pattern by Grigson.  

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2 hours ago, Coltfreak said:

Haeg is not better than Good.    Good has played well.  Not sure what you are talking about 

Seriously?  If you believe that then there's no amount of proof or facts that you'll accept.  Enjoy the stunning talent on display with Good.  I just hope he doesn't get Luck killed.  Good is the worst starting lineman on our team.  Reitz, as someone else mentioned may be worse though I disagree, but he's not really an intended starter anymore.  

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I'm a good fan and I'm a Good fan.  I read that Good slapped the doctor when he was born.  When Philbin gives up on him, then I'll give up on him...but right now he is playing him and he's learning from a master teacher.  If Reitz weren't making mistakes, I would start him, but he isn't perfect either.  Actually, with his experience, he is the one who should be playing better.

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Again, I am simply stunned by folks ripping on Good.  I honestly think they don't really watch his play and just get a periferal look at him.  Really, watch the game again and just watch Good.


Anyway, thinking I may have missed something, I went back and watched the game looking only at Good on every play.  He had three bad plays.  On all three, he lost his balance and fell.  Other than that, he was outstanding.  He gave up zero pressures, stood up his man at the line of scrimmage and also showed good agility in switching off his man if Kelly had him and went to help Reitz or a blitzer.  He was also our best run blocker.  He consistently moved his man off the line of scrimmage and pancaked I don't know how many defenders.


I would not touch him and let him continue to grow into his RG position.  

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9 minutes ago, JPFolks said:

Seriously?  If you believe that then there's no amount of proof or facts that you'll accept.  Enjoy the stunning talent on display with Good.  I just hope he doesn't get Luck killed.  Good is the worst starting lineman on our team.  Reitz, as someone else mentioned may be worse though I disagree, but he's not really an intended starter anymore.  



Well here is what PFF says on their first look.....   Do the math on the hurry's and see if Good is the problem


Starting tackles Anthony Castonzo and Joe Reitz each surrendered six total pressures, and LG Joe Haeg allowed a sack, a hit, and a hurry. Luck faced pressure on 17 of his 43 dropbacks, but he was even productive on these plays (9-of-15 for 111 yards and one TD).


17 pressures 6 each from AC and Rietz leaves 5 and of course take out the pressure from Haeg and his sack and hit and it sure seems to me to be pretty good proof


The numbers seem to prove my case



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43 minutes ago, Douzer said:

 I recommend NFL Rewind, Condensed Version with Slow Motion.


Only way to really evaluate anyone, especially linemen where they tend to all lump together in a mass of humanity.  Great tool for Oline geeks like me!

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Just now, cbear said:


Only way to really evaluate anyone, especially linemen where they tend to all lump together in a mass of humanity.  Great tool for Oline geeks like me!


I love the 10 second rewind feature too. Some plays I have to watch x times to grasp how each player faired.

I've watched and (re)watched every game, including preseason this way for years.

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25 minutes ago, cbear said:

Again, I am simply stunned by folks ripping on Good.  I honestly think they don't really watch his play and just get a periferal look at him.  Really, watch the game again and just watch Good.


Anyway, thinking I may have missed something, I went back and watched the game looking only at Good on every play.  He had three bad plays.  On all three, he lost his balance and fell.  Other than that, he was outstanding.  He gave up zero pressures, stood up his man at the line of scrimmage and also showed good agility in switching off his man if Kelly had him and went to help Reitz or a blitzer.  He was also our best run blocker.  He consistently moved his man off the line of scrimmage and pancaked I don't know how many defenders.


I would not touch him and let him continue to grow into his RG position.  

Agreed! And if you go back and check those three plays, you'll probably notice that on at least one of them, Reitz was blasted off his feet and driven right into Good's legs with so much force it almost knocking Good down, and did knock Good off of the rusher he was owning.

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39 minutes ago, cbear said:

Again, I am simply stunned by folks ripping on Good.  I honestly think they don't really watch his play and just get a periferal look at him.  Really, watch the game again and just watch Good.


Anyway, thinking I may have missed something, I went back and watched the game looking only at Good on every play.  He had three bad plays.  On all three, he lost his balance and fell.  Other than that, he was outstanding.  He gave up zero pressures, stood up his man at the line of scrimmage and also showed good agility in switching off his man if Kelly had him and went to help Reitz or a blitzer.  He was also our best run blocker.  He consistently moved his man off the line of scrimmage and pancaked I don't know how many defenders.


I would not touch him and let him continue to grow into his RG position.  

The knock I have on Good is his weight and that he seems to wear down as games go on and it leads to mistakes and hits to Luck or Luck having to be on the run. I agree Good has steadily got better little by little however. Run Blocking he has a ways to go yet.


Your probably right to leave him at RG. He is young. Reevaluate at the end of the year and with a healthy Hugh Thornton. I think they still will keep Thornton around to see how he comes along post injury

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1 hour ago, Douzer said:

Not to be too argumentative, but you must be joking. Good is fast becoming the Colts best O-lineman. He gets so much better every week and his power is impressive. Way above Mewhort… and way,way, way above Reitz and Haeg

Good and Kelly are the anchors going forward, those two move people and Good is a man among boys. He’s knocking D-linemen on their butts.

Haeg & Reitz on the other hand are getting shoved around and tossed aside on 50% of the plays. Haeg  may have a future at tackle, if he ups his strength a bunch. He played the position in college so he knows what to do, but he’s given up more pressures, hits & sacks than the rest of the line combined.

The idea that either Reitz or Haeg should play before Good is a joke. I recommend NFL Rewind, Condensed Version with Slow Motion.

Totally agree.  Good is a man among men and then some. He gets to the second level and is destroying people. They have to be thrilled with his progress and he's only played six games.  He will be our starting RG for a long time. Great pickup by Grigson.  I agree on Haag as well.  Needs to get much stronger.  A strong bullrush drives him into the QB but he has great potential.  I think this is going to be a great line going forward. 

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15 minutes ago, Gavin said:

The knock I have on Good is his weight and that he seems to wear down as games go on and it leads to mistakes and hits to Luck or Luck having to be on the run. I agree Good has steadily got better little by little however. Run Blocking he has a ways to go yet.


Your probably right to leave him at RG. He is young. Reevaluate at the end of the year and with a healthy Hugh Thornton. I think they still will keep Thornton around to see how he comes along post injury


He's still improving no doubt and is not a finished product.  However, I would have to disagree though on the run blocking.  Imo, he's the one oline man that most often gets movement off the line.  Most of the others tend to occupy or turn and shade their man.  Good can actually push his into the backfield, if not out right throwing him down.  His strength is amazing.  I really think he can be special down the line. 

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2 minutes ago, cbear said:


He's still improving no doubt and is not a finished product.  However, I would have to disagree though on the run blocking.  Imo, he's the one oline man that most often gets movement off the line.  Most of the others tend to occupy or turn and shade their man.  Good can actually push his into the backfield, if not out right throwing him down.  His strength is amazing.  I really think he can be special down the line. 

But if you notice many of the best Guards just turn and shade their man. Their aren't many Guards that can just straight drive their man off the LOS much. I've seen Thornton be able to do it once in a while but most Guards just turn and shade their man which works well, Just read the D Lineman in front of you. The majority of the time that he is lined up on either shoulder is the gap he wants to get to so just pin him down which is what a lot of great Guards do

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1 hour ago, JPFolks said:

In this snapshot, some stat site that most people laugh at says Good is horrible, but slightly less horrible than Reitz.  I disagree and Good isn't even remotely a good short term fix, let alone long term answer.   He plays about at the same level as Harrison did.  But Pre-Season he was the worst.  And when he's in, he's dangerous to Luck's health.  Reitz was a desperation start, so at best, even if you're correct, Good, who they seem happy to start even with other options, is slightly better than a desperation start at a much harder O-Line position, RT.  Not a convincing argument.   Good is awful.  He's not fit to be a starter.  Just because you found a stat that says Reitz, who they don't intend to be a starter, is slightly worse, is no comfort or "pro Good" piece of info.  Put Good at RT and see how he does.  Put Reitz at RG and see how he does.  My bet is Reitz would prove he's a better o-lineman.  But since (hopefully) we'll never see that, can you at least agree that Good is not good, nor should he be starting unless there simply isn't anyone else?  I mean we saw them try to cram Harrison down our throats and he had hordes of supporters here too.. thankfully they seem to be off him, but instead, they're on to another Grigson longshot project Good.  A typical ham handed pattern by Grigson.  

Reitz is horrible, good is our 4th best graded pass blocker. men lie women lie ratings don't lie 

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38 minutes ago, Gavin said:

But if you notice many of the best Guards just turn and shade their man. Their aren't many Guards that can just straight drive their man off the LOS much. I've seen Thornton be able to do it once in a while but most Guards just turn and shade their man which works well, Just read the D Lineman in front of you. The majority of the time that he is lined up on either shoulder is the gap he wants to get to so just pin him down which is what a lot of great Guards do


No doubt that is correct.  Still though, it's good to have someone that can move his man off the line if need be.

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1 hour ago, cbear said:


Only way to really evaluate anyone, especially linemen where they tend to all lump together in a mass of humanity.  Great tool for Oline geeks like me!

Your last line made me chuckle cbear. Out of respect or appreciation for 1's craft/obsession not ridicule just to be clear. 


I like fans who embrace what they do & what they like with no regrets. Nice. Am I an expert in this area? No, but I know who to pay attention to though. :thmup:

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40 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Your last line made me chuckle cbear. Out of respect or appreciation for 1's craft/obsession not ridicule just to be clear. 


I like fans who embrace what they do & what they like with no regrets. Nice. Am I an expert in this area? No, but I know who to pay attention to though. :thmup:


No worries SW1.  And I'm certainly no expert.  It's just that Oline play has always fascinated me.  I'm always reversing and forwarding till I figure out what the line was trying to do on each play.  It really is a choreographed dance and a fascinating thing to watch in it's own way.

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2 hours ago, cbear said:

Again, I am simply stunned by folks ripping on Good.  I honestly think they don't really watch his play and just get a periferal look at him.  Really, watch the game again and just watch Good.


Anyway, thinking I may have missed something, I went back and watched the game looking only at Good on every play.  He had three bad plays.  On all three, he lost his balance and fell.  Other than that, he was outstanding.  He gave up zero pressures, stood up his man at the line of scrimmage and also showed good agility in switching off his man if Kelly had him and went to help Reitz or a blitzer.  He was also our best run blocker.  He consistently moved his man off the line of scrimmage and pancaked I don't know how many defenders.


I would not touch him and let him continue to grow into his RG position.  

If the announcers don't tell them, most people here wouldn't have a clue who is in the field 

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2 hours ago, Douzer said:


I love the 10 second rewind feature too. Some plays I have to watch x times to grasp how each player faired.

I've watched and (re)watched every game, including preseason this way for years.


Me too.  My wife always tells me to stop doing that or I'm going to get vertigo!!  I actually did once.  Was watching in the dark and going back and forth watching a Freeney pass rush and for a second, I did get a bit dizzy!  What fans won't do.

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19 minutes ago, cbear said:


No worries SW1.  And I'm certainly no expert.  It's just that Oline play has always fascinated me.  I'm always reversing and forwarding till I figure out what the line was trying to do on each play.  It really is a choreographed dance and a fascinating thing to watch in it's own way.

Yeah, I remember watching RW in 2013 behind his OL & saying to myself "Imagine what Luck could do with that line in INDY? Wow, I'm so jealous." 

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6 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

I'd switch it up. Keep Good at RG and put Haeg at RT.

the added bonus to this is 2 fold.

1: Heag is know to be able to handle speed rushers, and have issues with big strong guys bull rushing him. (atleast so far)

2: I have seen Good last game see Rietz have an issue with a bull rush, and Good just put his hands on the D-lineman and flat-footed, shove the man backwards onto his back, and the switched back to his guard spot looking for someone else to block.

This is what i am hoping for more often from Good. Awareness to see no-body is near him to not just stand there, pop a guy next to him, then quickly look back for someone else.  Once he gets more experience in him,...a little more coaching, and awareness...I think Good can end up being a pro-bowler.  

I don't watch the o-line as often as a should, but this year alone,..i've seen Good accumulate at least 5 pancakes....just because they popped out at me and i rewound it...lol 

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