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New Peyton Commercial, A Signal He Is Ready?


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I have asked you repeatedly for confirmation of this, which you continue to state as fact. I would love for it to be true but I have seen nothing that tells me that is the reality. It may end up being true but today, as I type this that seems a great big unknown. Please enighten me with something official.

there is nothing official. he does not really have a fact, just a gut feeling, and a string of circumstantial evidence-- same as me.

you have a point with that, but by the same token, why does ANYONE post ANYTHING on here? why not just read the colts.com official stuff and leave it at that?? thats what 'just the facts' would lead too, no?

no, we are stuck with guessing, and connecting dots that might not have real connections.

case in point, saturday getting interviewed. no 'facts' in there from the officials, but i think that a little reading between the lines can be done. WHY would saturday make that interview? it just makes no sense to do it with no info-- you do agree that saturday and manning probably have a friendship, right? you think they live in a vaccuum? peyton himself cant 'really' know, only the doctor can make the 'official' call, right? but i speculate that peyton has a track record of pushing the envelope a bit, and i dont think he can do it by himself. so, i speculate that an informal get together happens, with some of the guys.....maybe a cookout and a little touch football. nothing official, but i just bet that anyone in that game would have a good idea if he 'has it' or not.

yeah, go ahead and blast it. i still think that the string of dots taken together have a much better chance of a good outcome than a bad one. a new commercial has a legit possibility that the ADVERTIZERS think he is coming back....otherwise they start marketing the next star on the list. same with saturday's interview, same with addai and game ready balls, same with manning thinking he could have passed the test. taken as a group, they seem to me to reinforce the possibility that he is coming back.

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Honest question - would you have felt better if I just simply said that his interpretation of the commercial was a stretch instead of asking if he pulled a muscle in doing so? Would that have met your standard of decency?

as the op, i will answer that.

yes, it would. it might well be a stretch. attack the idea, not the poster, no?

again, its the connecting of the dots, not the individual dots themselves.....he thought he could pass the test, game ready balls, his center talking, and the marketers re-starting peyton commercials. each can be easily shot out of the water, but taken together, they sort of reinforce each other.

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Call it daft, but the fact that he was finally in another commercial seemed positive to me. Usually, when he is healthy, he's in 3 or 4 different commercials. All season, he was injured, and not in any commercials. FInally, he makes an appearance in at least one (it will be interesting if he shows up in any Super Bowl commercials), and it seems to me almost like a "back to the norm" kind of thing. Hopefully he will be back in blue next season!

Maybe not playing affects his value as an endorser?

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i loved his new commercial, but REALLY think its a signal he is gonna play next season.

he wouldnt just grab the money would he? i would say that a game of connect the dots is in order--

tossed the football after practice 'game ready balls', peyton saying he thought he might pass the end of season physical,

the tone i get from saturdays interview, and this commercial.

sure does not act like a guy sweating a failed procedure!!


I didn't see it. Is it online somewhere?

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Well I see this is going to be an off-season of "Peyton Manning coughed does it mean he's done?" and "Peyton Manning took out the trash today it's clear sign he's coming back!"

i really dont think you are trying to be funny, or make a joke, you are belittling me and my point of view.

Ok, hold on there. I think you are over reacting to a joke. GoColts8818 seem to me (personally) to be referencing the tendency of the media and forum posters to hang on the minutest dribble of news and speculate wildly on the basis of it. Do you not remember the whole Favre-watch thing with places like NFL Network speculating about every reported action or inaction and how it might impact Favre's apparent retirement? The same is true of Peyton already. every tiny news item that might or might not contain real information is combed in the hope of gleening some sign that indicates whether he's healthy and returning or not. Specifically GoColts8818 used two spurious headlines illustrating an extreme of speculation in either direction. He didn;t mis-quote you, nothing derogatory was said, he simply stated an opinion, that comes down to saying that the off season will be full of crazy speculation either way so long as no real information exists, That is absolutely true.

Your reaction though takes this comment by GoColts and elevates it to a personal shot against you, which to behonest, it's not. No mention of you, no deliberate misrepresetnation of your words, nothing targetted, simply an opinion about how this off season is likely to be full of speculation.

you played strawman games-- changing it to 'manning coughed-- he is done' or manning took out the trash he is back'. thats NOT a fair characterization of what i posted, is it? its not a joke, its distorting others points of view and dissmissing them.

See my comments above.

yes i take MY posting seriously, its an honor to be on a site like this. if you dont understand that, go play on someplace like sherdog and live in the cesspool.

I'm glad you take your posting so seriously, however this is a fan forum, and sometimes it's accused of being a fun place with people that make jokes. So, please consider that not everyone has such a serious or high minded view of posting as you do.

Secondly, you pointed a Colts poster at an MMA forum that you characterize as a cesspool. Now, far be it for me to mis-construe your words, but it does rather seem you told someone to go play in excrement. That might break a rule or two you know.

when someone just decides to hijack the thread to make fun of it, i think it comes close to violating the spirit, if not the letter of the rules.

He posted 2 lines, you've posted how many in response? Who derailed what?

you DO understand the reason there is not a 'dislike' button on here right? positive not negative. if you dont like a thread, you dont post 'its stoopid' you dont post at all. now if there are miss-statements, thats fair game.

You could have used your own advice before posting this.

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Sometimes we all take things the wrong way. I know I do it. I understand that you really think highly of posting here, and I am glad that you do. There are times (many) when I wish more people could have the kind of view that you do regarding posting on a forum like this. However I feel like you have to balance that point of view with an acceptance that not everyone will, and that humor is sometimes in the eye of the beholder. Clearly though, the forum does have rules, and if you think someone has overstepped them, that is what the reporting function is for.

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Well Somebody in Miami wants him bad and he is on the top of their wish list. Didnt think I would hear the day Manning might be a Dolphin. I would have to root for them BUT if that day comes please bring Reggie with u Peyton. Dolphin stadium is alot closer afterall. lol

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Well Somebody in Miami wants him bad and he is on the top of their wish list. Didnt think I would hear the day Manning might be a Dolphin. I would have to root for them BUT if that day comes please bring Reggie with u Peyton. Dolphin stadium is alot closer afterall. lol

It is sad knowing that might actually be possible. OUCH!

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It's not about what I want. It is about the standard the forum is trying to set across the board. If you notice, I have said that I don't think it amounts to much, but I didn't belittle the guy in the process. It was nice to see Peyton joking around and having fun. It lifted my spirits about him returning. Did it not lift yours?

Dear Holy God...

Yes - I thought the commercial was funny. I have already said that. But at no point did I leap to the conclusion that this was at long last, the sign that he will play in 2012.

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i really dont think you are trying to be funny, or make a joke, you are belittling me and my point of view. let me explain it to you--

i put up a thread with evidence (maybe not rock solid, but evidence nonethe less) that peyton is looking pretty good.

what did you respond with?

you played strawman games-- changing it to 'manning coughed-- he is done' or manning took out the trash he is back'. thats NOT a fair characterization of what i posted, is it? its not a joke, its distorting others points of view and dissmissing them.

edited for length

oh, as far as your 'serious' reply--

i can play too, they took peyton off the MNF opening because he was not playing, and his future was in doubt. they filmed a new commercial (yes a month ago or so) AFTER he has healed up.

there's no rule that you have to check your sense of humor at the door. being able to laugh at yourself with others is one of the finest pleasures there is

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I had the same problem with the OP in another thread. Its obvious the guy/girl has no sense of humor what so ever. When ever he/she comes to a thread you better not say anything that could be construed as funny, otherwise he'll/she'll have a problem with that.

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I do find it interesting that he is back on the tv doing commercials. If you look back over this season, we (the fans) were the only ones that seem to be in the dark as to what was going on with Peyton. In the begining of the season they just came out with "Peyton's not going to be playing. . . " but if you looked between the lines you never saw a commercial release, you didn't hear about him, or the "Peyton Manning" childrens hospital. . . Now we at least get a commercial, and I heard on the radion a commercial for the childrens hospital. Is it a good sign; well I would like to hope so but only time will tell. It sure will be a rough road without him on the roster.

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Breaking News: Howie, Terry, Golic, and Strahan seen in a commercial,sources say they are returning to the nfl. Also sources say greeney will be trying out for the jets after doing p90x and being in a commercial.

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peytons gonna retire am sure he was meant to be fully healed before the season ended its taking longer than expected why is that and why have we not had a update on him since end of season

there is a 1 year recovery period from his last surgery which was in sept last year..... if he planned to be healthy by season end it is because he is just that bad edit but a realistic mentality would be to plan on being 100% in June-Sept time period.

that being said, i hope irsay resigns him on mar 8 knowing that he is on schedule and will be fine

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