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Peyton Manning sex assault allegations


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20 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Well,  the legal system has accepted that two cases were settled.    But the Manning's paid-up in both cases. 


So,  now that this is getting far more attention now,  Manning is likely going to be looked at in a different way by a sizable number of people....




They settled outside of court FYI.




Here's some interesting facts to point out here:


-The trainer signed a binding document in 1996 stating there was NO contact. At best? Manning mooned a teammate. At worst? He mooned the trainer. Hardly sexual assault.


-Shaun King has been known to be a hack for quite some time that pushes racially-charged agendas. Convenient that this comes out after an African American quarterback loses the Super Bowl with accompanying backlash for how he conducted his post game interview.


-The 2003 lawsuit came about as Manning apologized for his actions in the book.


"Regardless, the trainer filed a lawsuit, claiming that despite the fact that Manning didn't name her in the book and said his behavior was inappropriate, everyone at her new place of employment was now aware of her past history and it was causing problems for her at work. (I would have loved to have argued the other side of this case. "Really? So everyone on your new college campus read Peyton Manning's book and even though you weren't named in it and it was a couple of paragraphs from a several hundred page book, they identified you as the trainer in question from a decade ago? And now you can't do your job? If you really wanted to move on from a 1996 prank wouldn't you, you know, NOT FILE A LAWSUIT NAMING YOURSELF AS THE UNNAMED TRAINER FROM HIS BOOK." But maybe this makes too much sense.)"


This story is a joke.


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23 hours ago, QwizBoy said:

Sexual assault is sexual assault. I'm sure no one is going to be giving Manziel excuses in 20 years just because he was young. But the timing of this report is dubious at best. Manning is a model citizen now, but he still did what he did. No one is perfect.


A sexual assault would have been prosecuted 20 years ago .


It was about money then & When the Manning book came out it was about money again & now that 18 has reached the pinnacle of success its all about money again .


Did something happen ?   With out doubt the question has to be why bring this up now ? 


I say for headlines the person in question has been more than happy to enrich her self & that IMO is at the root of this.

This is not a murder we are talking about so there must be a statute of limitations , This is a smear campaign only .

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21 minutes ago, Restored said:


They settled outside of court FYI.




Here's some interesting facts to point out here:


-The trainer signed a binding document in 1996 stating there was NO contact. At best? Manning mooned a teammate. At worst? He mooned the trainer. Hardly sexual assault.


-Shaun King has been known to be a hack for quite some time that pushes racially-charged agendas. Convenient that this comes out after an African American quarterback loses the Super Bowl with accompanying backlash for how he conducted his post game interview.


-The 2003 lawsuit came about as Manning apologized for his actions in the book.


"Regardless, the trainer filed a lawsuit, claiming that despite the fact that Manning didn't name her in the book and said his behavior was inappropriate, everyone at her new place of employment was now aware of her past history and it was causing problems for her at work. (I would have loved to have argued the other side of this case. "Really? So everyone on your new college campus read Peyton Manning's book and even though you weren't named in it and it was a couple of paragraphs from a several hundred page book, they identified you as the trainer in question from a decade ago? And now you can't do your job? If you really wanted to move on from a 1996 prank wouldn't you, you know, NOT FILE A LAWSUIT NAMING YOURSELF AS THE UNNAMED TRAINER FROM HIS BOOK." But maybe this makes too much sense.)"


This story is a joke.


Maybe this makes too much cents? There, I fixed it for you. haha

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27 minutes ago, Restored said:


They settled outside of court FYI.




Here's some interesting facts to point out here:


-The trainer signed a binding document in 1996 stating there was NO contact. At best? Manning mooned a teammate. At worst? He mooned the trainer. Hardly sexual assault.


-Shaun King has been known to be a hack for quite some time that pushes racially-charged agendas. Convenient that this comes out after an African American quarterback loses the Super Bowl with accompanying backlash for how he conducted his post game interview.


-The 2003 lawsuit came about as Manning apologized for his actions in the book.


"Regardless, the trainer filed a lawsuit, claiming that despite the fact that Manning didn't name her in the book and said his behavior was inappropriate, everyone at her new place of employment was now aware of her past history and it was causing problems for her at work. (I would have loved to have argued the other side of this case. "Really? So everyone on your new college campus read Peyton Manning's book and even though you weren't named in it and it was a couple of paragraphs from a several hundred page book, they identified you as the trainer in question from a decade ago? And now you can't do your job? If you really wanted to move on from a 1996 prank wouldn't you, you know, NOT FILE A LAWSUIT NAMING YOURSELF AS THE UNNAMED TRAINER FROM HIS BOOK." But maybe this makes too much sense.)"


This story is a joke.



No.    It's not a joke.    And only die-hard Peyton Manning fans are defending him.


You have a very poor understanding of what happened here and you're definitely not reading my posts.


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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


No.    It's not a joke.    And only die-hard Peyton Manning fans are defending him.


You have a very poor understanding of what happened here and you're definitely not reading my posts.



Yes it is. Mooning someone isn't sexual assault.


I don't have a poor understanding at all. Read the article I sent you and take a law class at your local community college then come back here to discuss.

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I've seen the name "Bill Cosby" pop up a few times in this thread...not because the alleged crimes are similar.  They are not.  But the thing with the Bill Cosby story was how it started as a little smoke and turned into a forest fire very quickly once the media started poking around and things started coming out of the woodwork.  With this and the HGH story, it's kinda starting to have that feeling...


I think the lesson to be learned here is that fans need to not put these professional athletes on such high pedestals.  They're not perfect, they make mistakes.  Sometimes, the public face they put out there is very different from reality.  Peyton has literally written the book on how franchise QB's are supposed to act in public.  Every move he's made, especially off the field, have been done to improve his brand.  Every player is their own CEO, and he's on Warren Buffet's level in the sports world.  The lengths Peyton will go to in order to protect his carefully cultivated brand likely have few limits.  Sometimes, there will be victims along the way.  I think this is one of those cases.


It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.  It's a snowball rolling downhill at the moment, and there are very real legacy implications because of it. 

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26 minutes ago, LJpalmbeacher said:

REGADLESS how long ago it happened is NO EXCUSE to Disrespect women.


He was a kid. He made a mistake. He apologized.  The school settled.  He made another mistake by apologizing, without naming her.  She apparently wanted the notoriety and made sure everyone knew.  She was so disrespected she wanted the world to know.

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2 minutes ago, Mrs. Misunderstood said:

He was a kid. He made a mistake. He apologized.  The school settled.  He made another mistake by apologizing, without naming her.  She apparently wanted the notoriety and made sure everyone knew.  She was so disrespected she wanted the world to know.


See, I have a problem with part of this line of thinking.  He was a big name athlete at a top SEC school who was the son of a revered NFL QB...he was not just "a kid."  He had been trained his entire life to be what he was at that time.  It's not like some kid off the streets who was new to this world of high stakes athletics and celebrity.  That's all he'd ever known at that point in his life.  He knew there could be consequences for his actions, and like so many who grow up in a bubble of invincibility he figured there wouldn't be any.  He doesn't get a free pass on this anymore.


That said...it's a very old incident that's already been handled via the settlements.  Not really news anymore. 

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18 minutes ago, LJpalmbeacher said:

REGARDLESS how long ago it happened is NO EXCUSE to Disrespect women.



There are  women dancers getting disrespected far worse 1 dollar at a time .


This lap dance has gone on 20 years & she has milked it for all its worth . 


19 year olds make mistakes & it would seem that 2 pay days should be sufficient .


Unforgivable ?   Even the Pope forgives call it what it is a smear campaign because thats all it is unless charges are pending for sexual assualt ? 


No one really knows the whole truth is it fishy ?  Yes 


That women disrespected her self & any who followed in her footsteps IMO I have a daughter & it is my hope she would press charges & testify with the so called witness they could have stopped this .


IMO a payday was more important & because of that this has festered 20 years .


Spread your indignation around the truth has not been as important how many times can a blackmailer come back for more cash ? 


Timing is everything ...





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34 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


No.    It's not a joke.    And only die-hard Peyton Manning fans are defending him.


You have a very poor understanding of what happened here and you're definitely not reading my posts.



No your wrong Jason Whitlock is not a Colts fan . Just a lil of what he said .



“The guy that wrote this story for the New York Daily News, he’s not a journalist,” Whitlock said. “He’s a race hustler from Twitter, from the Black Lives Matter movement who stirs racial controversy to elevate himself. Listen, the guy’s been busted. First of all, he’s white and presenting himself as black. He said that as a child in high school he was allegedly attacked by a group of white people because he was black. Well, he wasn’t black and there were people saying that wasn’t why he was attacked and there’s no proof of it. He said that it was the first hate crime in Kentucky or whatever.

“I looked into this all at the time because I interviewed this guy for a job at The Undefeated months ago,” Whitlock said, referring to the microsite he was hired to develop at ESPN. “And after interviewing him I was like, ‘Holy cow.’ There’s so much suspicious, skeptical stuff to this guy that we walked away from this guy and looked into the stories he told us, and we couldn’t find proof of them.”



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36 minutes ago, Restored said:


Yes it is. Mooning someone isn't sexual assault.


I don't have a poor understanding at all. Read the article I sent you and take a law class at your local community college then come back here to discuss.


Nobody was mooned.     Peyton made the assertion and his teammates did NOT back him up.


It was proven to be FALSE.


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12 hours ago, Carlos Danger said:

I believe that he's lying, yeah... At least one other athelete in the room has corroborated the trainer's story in public. It just seems to me like it's much more likely that he's lying than she is... His story becomes, a female trainer saw my butt and concocted a story about me and got others to back her up, even though nobody could forsee having anything to gain from doing so...


I don't believe that for a second...

Btw, this didn't change my love for #18 when I first heard about it and it didn't now... I don't think he's a sexual predator or whatever the connotations of "sexual assault" are... I do think he did it and that not admitting it was a mistake. I think he should pay the woman in leu of his role in her misfortune...



Unless you've seen something I have not, that isn't true. The athlete in question said Peyton "messed up" and "dropped his pants." I have not seen anything containing a quote from that athlete saying that Peyton did what the trainer is claiming.

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10 minutes ago, General_Hux said:


How is one month shy of 20 years old not adulthood? 

Yeah, you're right.  A 19 yr. Old College kid ~~ exactly the same as a 39 yr.  old man who learned from mistakes of his youth.  What was I thinking. :scratch:


Carry on acting like he's the scum of the earth.

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6 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Nobody was mooned.     Peyton made the assertion and his teammates did NOT back him up.


It was proven to be FALSE.



Could you provide a citation for this? All I've seen is the one athlete saying "Peyton you messed up" and describing the incident as Peyton "dropping his pants" (which is hardly a description of what the trainer is accusing him of).

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7 minutes ago, General_Hux said:


How is one month shy of 20 years old not adulthood? 



So your opinion is that 1 month should make a difference in what we call him why ? 


If so try Blackmailed ..


How about this kids go to school & they make mistakes if it was so serious then , It would have been prosecuted then not 20 years later in the court of public opinion ,


The same court that Convicted David Jewell its easy to do when uninformed believe they are .





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1 minute ago, Mrs. Misunderstood said:

Yeah, you're right.  A 19 yr. Old College kid ~~ exactly the same as a 39 yr.  old man who learned from mistakes of his youth.  What was I thinking. :scratch:


Carry on acting like he's the scum of the earth.


Oversensitive, much?  Where did I say he's the scum of the earth?  That's an overly emotional reaction to a FACT.


19 year olds have been known to do some pretty amazing things.  Starting companies, going to war, creating new products, changing the world, throwing touchdowns...do I need to go on? 


He was not a kid, by any legal or common sense standard.   

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Just now, General_Hux said:


Oversensitive, much?  Where did I say he's the scum of the earth?  That's an overly emotional reaction to a FACT.


19 year olds have been known to do some pretty amazing things.  Starting companies, going to war, creating new products, changing the world, throwing touchdowns...do I need to go on? 


He was not a kid, by any legal or common sense standard.   


Where is the fact? This woman accused him.... that doesn't make it fact.

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5 minutes ago, ÅÐØNϧ 1 said:



So your opinion is that 1 month should make a difference in what we call him why ? 


If so try Blackmailed ..


How about this kids go to school & they make mistakes if it was so serious then , It would have been prosecuted then not 20 years later in the court of public opinion ,


The same court that Convicted David Jewell its easy to do when uninformed believe they are .





You're absolutely right...if it really was so serious and outrageous, why no criminal charges?  I totally agree.  Something happened, this much is certain, and she got paid.  He was stupid, she got paid. 


But let's not pretend he was a "kid". 


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1 minute ago, General_Hux said:

You're absolutely right...if it really was so serious and outrageous, why no criminal charges?  I totally agree.  Something happened, this much is certain, and she got paid.  He was stupid, she got paid. 


But let's not pretend he was a "kid". 



"Something happened" isn't good enough. She has accused him of sexual assault. He says he mooned a teammate (certainly NOT sexual assault). I want to know why so many here are acting like she is more believable than he is.

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Just now, ColtsSouljah said:


This is what baffles me here. You have ACCUSATIONS from the trainer and one athlete supposedly saying Peyton "messed up" and "dropped his pants." HOW do those two things prove Peyton did what she accuses him of?!


Like everyone has heard for years a grand jury can indict a ham sandwich .


And anyone can make a claim I read the info it bothered me that I had not heard about this but I can only assume it was not a big deal . 


Because I read a player wrote 18 a letter telling him to come clean if what I read was true I cannot explain why it took 20 years to become a wildfire  . 


I can only assume that the truth is not what is at the heart of this .


Harry Reid went after Mitt Romney with what he knew were lies when asked later about it he smiled & said yes but it worked .


IMO  there are greedy people & haters they love this smear campaign .  


By linking Peyton Manning to this it gets headlines on the heels of a Superbowl Win by the Broncos but thats it .


This is all about the money & never about prosecuting a crime not then & certainly not now ..



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4 minutes ago, Mrs. Misunderstood said:

I am appalled and disgusted that anyone thinks or thought this would be a good topic of discussion here.


All of you holier than thou who have never done anything wrong, continue casting your stones.  

So it's only a matter of time before this thread is wiped from existence because it's critical of Peyton, is what you're saying? 


For the record, I'm of the opinion that this was done and handled back in 2003 and that should be the end of it.  When the final narrative is written about Peyton, it SHOULD be a part of that narrative.  But it'll be a couple of sentences in what will be pages and pages of positive things.  Some here are so delusional that they believe it shouldn't even be mentioned...in a creepy Orwellian sort of way. 



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6 minutes ago, General_Hux said:

You're absolutely right...if it really was so serious and outrageous, why no criminal charges?  I totally agree.  Something happened, this much is certain, and she got paid.  He was stupid, she got paid. 


But let's not pretend he was a "kid". 



He was stupid she was greedy ..



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Just now, Fx Stryker said:

Originally sexual assault was never used. Not a direct quote, but in court she stated that his naked rear end was in her face, and he proceeded to do something appalling.

The news on UT's campus at the time was that he farted.


lmao Peyton is basically being labeled a sexual predator because he crop-dusted in some chicks face loooooool

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22 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Nobody was mooned.     Peyton made the assertion and his teammates did NOT back him up.


It was proven to be FALSE.



Except for the fact that she signed an affidavit stating there was no physical contact then changed her story in 2003. 

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7 minutes ago, ColtsSouljah said:


Which leads to a very interesting question. If she CHANGED HER STORY, why is she more believable than Peyton?

I literally posted on page four of this thread that there are several screenshots online of her personal facebook (now deleted - I saved to my phone) of her being extremely vulgar, plus the fact she changed her story 17 years later. The fox sports article I just posted puts it in perspective pretty nicely especially about her losing her job at UCF. They would not have been able to deduce reading 4 paragraphs in Peyton Mannings book that she was the trainer in question and then fire her unless she wanted herself to be known.

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1 minute ago, General_Hux said:

So it's only a matter of time before this thread is wiped from existence because it's critical of Peyton, is what you're saying? 


For the record, I'm of the opinion that this was done and handled back in 2003 and that should be the end of it.  When the final narrative is written about Peyton, it SHOULD be a part of that narrative.  But it'll be a couple of sentences in what will be pages and pages of positive things.  Some here are so delusional that they believe it shouldn't even be mentioned...in a creepy Orwellian sort of way. 




Who is saying that? Peyton himself wrote about the incident in his book.... nobody is trying to hide it. What we want to know is "why are people more prone to believe the trainer?" If Peyton's story is true, it's hardly a scandal. He mooned a teammate and didn't know she could see it. That's unfortunate that she did, but it's not any kind of scandal.

On the other hand, what she claims is certainly a scandal!
Peyton's story really is no big deal. Her story is a very big deal. I have no problem with people discussing it, but there needs to be evidence and proof before we make Peyton out to be a liar and guilty of sexual assault!

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