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Say Matt Patricia or Josh McDaniels 1 more time


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1 hour ago, ReMeDy said:

Yea I was going to say, if Peyton is supposedly such a good coach, why was Curtis Painter so atrocious? Jim Sorgi wasn't much better. I know he wasn't paid to coach, but did he seriously not have anything to offer those players?

You can't shine a turd

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Some of the biggest failures in nfl history have been Belichick assistants becoming head coaches. They are horrible. Look it up. Maybe it's because they don't try to cheat every second of every day and just try to abide by the rules. Hiring a * assistant would drive this franchise right into the abyss similiar to the 80's and 90's. The only success this franchise has had in the last 43 seasons has been with intelligent African-American head coaches so that is only way to go if a new head coach is needed following this season. Names to consider- Singletary, Hue Jackson, of course bring back Dungy, Leslie Frazier, Ray Horton, and there are others to consider. I don't know how the Texans suddenly turned it around this year other than there were alot of people laughing at how bad that former Belichick assistant O'brien was doing, then suddenly they started winning, with out a qb at that. HAHAHAHA

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On 12/22/2015 at 9:11 AM, krunk said:



Herm Edwards record was worse than Pagano.  He came into KC and ruined a quite functional offense.  Plus if you hire him you have to totally rebuild the defense because he's going to take us right back to the good ole Tampa 2.

Never had Luck..js...I'd run through a wall for that guy..

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On 12/22/2015 at 6:57 PM, Coffeedrinker said:

I don't dislike Pagano at all.  And he has helped orchestrate some of the best comeback victories in Colts history.  I like him about as much as I did Jim Mora.  Good coach but has some flaws that I don't think he can overcome.

Pagano will be a college coach from hell, where he belongs tbh...

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27 minutes ago, lennymoore24 said:

Well, when you say name a QB they had.  but that is pretty much the rule of any coach in the NFL.  Bill Belichick didn't have  QB in Cleveland.  Most coaches who don't have good QB are going to lose.

Not sure but thought I read somewhere that the hoodie is around 500 without Tommy.

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30 minutes ago, lennymoore24 said:

Well, when you say name a QB they had.  but that is pretty much the rule of any coach in the NFL.  Bill Belichick didn't have  QB in Cleveland.  Most coaches who don't have good QB are going to lose.

That was the point

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On 12/23/2015 at 10:07 AM, Jason_S said:


What is "it" exactly?

"It" is the combination of skill and intelligence in understanding strategy, tactics, personnel and leadership that it takes to win at football. In asking that question, I hope you are not trying to become a coach in the NFL.

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3 minutes ago, CoachLite said:

"It" is the combination of skill and intelligence in understanding strategy, tactics, personnel and leadership that it takes to win at football. In asking that question, I hope you are not trying to become a coach in the NFL.


Thanks for your concern, I suppose, but I wasn't asking for myself.  I just wanted  to see if you had any idea what you were talking about.

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Don't want Gruden- did OK in Oakland, had one real good season in TB before coaching that franchise down into the swamps. Like him even less now that I have listened to him waffle all over the place calling games. One minute the guy is the second coming, the next he can't get out of his own way. 


Do want a coach that will make an impact. Just my opinion, but we seem to be a team that lacks any kind of identity on O or D. Don't see where Pagano has really made a difference with this team as far as knowing who we are or how we play. He hasn't built a monster. He hasn't brought any kind of real stamp to this team. It all just seems kind of, OK. Agree with previous posters who said that he doesn't really seem to bring any tactical advantage to the team. Don't ever remember when anyone talked about how they needed to gameplan for any aspect of our team- no, well on a Pagano team ______


Have suggested a couple of names in another thread (just thoughts), but like Shaw from Stanford (good NFL connections and credentials), Pete Carmichael from New Orleans (maybe time for Offensive focused HC), or Doug Marrone (quirky guy, but seems to win wherever he goes)

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On 12/22/2015 at 8:36 AM, jshipp23 said:

Colts need a proven coach who will have the players RESPECT...These are my top choices. ..                            1-Bill Cowher, will change the culture and bring the toughness we have been lacking for years...               2-John Gruden , will do wonders with Luck's progression. ...

 3-Jim Harbaugh, would b my #1 choice and the perfect coach , but it's  a long shot he will leave Michigan...Throw 10 million a yr at him and gm and hc and u never know..........                                             4- Herm Edwards,  has had success without having a qb, give him Andrew Luck and see what he can do...I guarantee the players will run through a wall for him and be accountable. .He is my dark horse and possibly the best choice....           5- Hue Jackson, love his offensive philosophy,  get a good DC and he could very well turn us into a juggernaut. ...

Bill Cowher/ John Gruden/Herm Edwards -- are retired and have NO plans coming back so I dont see that happening.


harbaugh -- He will not leave till they win a national title again.


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On ‎12‎/‎27‎/‎2015 at 6:33 PM, lennymoore24 said:

Well, when you say name a QB they had.  but that is pretty much the rule of any coach in the NFL.  Bill Belichick didn't have  QB in Cleveland.  Most coaches who don't have good QB are going to lose.



Hmm... he did go 11-5 with Matt Cassel. The same Matt Cassel who is 1 and 7 behind the much vaunted Dallas O Line this year.

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1 hour ago, MartinPeterson said:



Hmm... he did go 11-5 with Matt Cassel. The same Matt Cassel who is 1 and 7 behind the much vaunted Dallas O Line this year.

BB also made the playoffs 1 of the 3 years he was in Cleveland. But does ANYONE do well in Cleveland? 

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1 hour ago, MartinPeterson said:



Hmm... he did go 11-5 with Matt Cassel. The same Matt Cassel who is 1 and 7 behind the much vaunted Dallas O Line this year.

The same Matt Cassel who led the Chiefs to the playoffs.  Funny how BB gets more credit for missing the playoffs with Cassel than Todd Haley does actually making the playoffs with him.....with a less talented team no less.


people probably get tired of me pointing this out, but I find it amusing.

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On 12/22/2015 at 11:41 AM, CoachLite said:

Yes. You don't want a HC that has never failed, but one smart enough to learn from his mistakes. Gruden seems like "he gets it". What "it" is, is the important part.



he had seasons of 4-12 and 5-11    where does the line for fail no fail fall?

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3 hours ago, BOTT said:

The same Matt Cassel who led the Chiefs to the playoffs.  Funny how BB gets more credit for missing the playoffs with Cassel than Todd Haley does actually making the playoffs with him.....with a less talented team no less.


people probably get tired of me pointing this out, but I find it amusing.


I don't know about the more or less credit thing, but the Pats missed the playoffs with an 11-5 record, while the Chargers made the playoffs at 8-8. (Could be the same this year with the Steelers and whoever wins the AFC South.) 

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11 minutes ago, John Waylon said:

Chip Kelly come on down, you're the next contestant on the list of candidates!



Houston radio has us getting Sean Payton too now lol. That I would not be against but I don't see it happening.


If Chip Kelly was looked at by the Colts......omg....no. Please no.

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7 hours ago, BOTT said:

The same Matt Cassel who led the Chiefs to the playoffs.  Funny how BB gets more credit for missing the playoffs with Cassel than Todd Haley does actually making the playoffs with him.....with a less talented team no less.


people probably get tired of me pointing this out, but I find it amusing.


The 2008 Pats also played an absolute cupcake schedule. And it was still the 2007 18-0 team basically give or take a player.

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3 minutes ago, Jules said:


Houston radio has us getting Sean Payton too now lol. That I would not be against but I don't see it happening.


If Chip Kelly was looked at by the Colts......omg....no. Please no.

Chip Kelly

Sean Peyton

Matt Patricia


Coordinator for the Bills (forgot his name)

Jon Gruden

Mike Ditka (heard his name thrown out there but god help us all)

Jutting Jaw

who else do you surmise?

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