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Report: Charlie Whitehurst likely to start


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3 minutes ago, dw49 said:


I have never seen a QB look worse than Charlie Whitehorse looked in that jacksonville game. Be cognizant that I'm 66 and have been watching NFL football almost every Sunday for the past 55 years. Anyway .. Sammy Davis Jr was a frail little black man with a glass eye . He was probably the most amazing entertainer of at least the 20th century. Here's a quick read on what he was known for...



I have, his name is Curt Painter. That's what it reminded me of. Very Very Bad!

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2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

haha he may need it, not sure what his injuries are? I thought it was just a minor rib problem. He did grab his collar bone at 1 time but continued to play. Colts are so freakin secretive! I am shocked that Chuck announced Andrew isn't playing so soon.


I thought Matt was supposed to be ready to go and available for Sunday?


What in the freaking world is going on for someone on ESPN to announce this.


Hasselbeck come on........

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4 hours ago, Nesjan3 said:

uh oh, that might eliminate any shred of hope

There's no might about it Nj3. If Charlie starts this weekend, start playing "Taps" on the trumpet because our season just died. Oh well...Crap. LOL! 

3 hours ago, chrisfarley said:


Somebody's about to get smoked alright Chris INDY....Curtis Painter 2.0 with Jesus AKA Charlie under center that is. 

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7 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

There's no might about it Nj3. If Charlie starts this weekend, start playing "Taps" on the trumpet because our season just died. Oh well...Crap. LOL! 

Somebody's about to get smoked alright Chris INDY....Curtis Painter 2.0 with Jesus AKA Charlie under center that is. 

Yeah he reminds me of Painter. Just awful.

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35 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I have no idea. I have no idea how ESPN could even know this. Chuck even said today that Hass was practicing Thursday.

Fair observation there & it wouldn't be the 1st time ESPN was factual inaccurate about an injury or breaking news segment CBE. Unless Matthew had a relapse complication of some kind that didn't show up pain wise until now. 


On the plus side, Houston is a good football team that I respect & if my Colts have to lose to a division foe this year, I can learn to accept that. It's not like we would lose to Tennessee or something. Besides, Matthew is a good regular season QB, but we can't expect him to take us to a SB this season. If he was back in his Pacific NW starting days absolutely, but now no the dude is in his 40's man. Come on be practical INDY Nation. 


I wasn't chastising CBE or anyone in particular here BTW. I just know that I like Houston as a rival. I don't hate them & quite frankly the Colts have been spoiled as a franchise & we need to be reminded that the Playoffs aren't a foregone conclusion for us either. Whatever happens I will be okay & one way or another there will changes in Indy anyway next year. 

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3 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Fair observation there & it wouldn't be the 1st time ESPN was factual inaccurate about an injury or breaking news segment CBE. Unless Matthew had a relapse complication of some kind that didn't show up pain wise until now. 


On the plus side, Houston is a good football team that I respect & if my Colts have to lose to a division foe this year, I can learn to accept that. It's not like we would lose to Tennessee or something. Besides, Matthew is a good regular season QB, but we can't expect him to take us to a SB this season. If he was back in his Pacific NW starting days absolutely, but now no the dude is in his 40's man. Come on be practical INDY Nation. 

This season has been so frustrating. It figures the 1st season I start Posting here Andrew gets injured and now we might not even make the Playoffs. Last season was so much fun, making the Final 4 and Andrew throwing for 40 TD's.

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36 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I have, his name is Curt Painter. That's what it reminded me of. Very Very Bad!



I live in Huntington Beach Ca. In a tall and skinny condo (house too expensive) about a quarter mile from the ocean . If I walked Charlie into town and onto the pier , I really doubt he could throw it in that ocean. And last I knew, the Pacific was the world's biggest. 

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7 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Fair observation there & it wouldn't be the 1st time ESPN was factual inaccurate about an injury or breaking news segment CBE. Unless Matthew had a relapse complication of some kind that didn't show up pain wise until now. 


On the plus side, Houston is a good football team that I respect & if my Colts have to lose to a division foe this year, I can learn to accept that. It's not like we would lose to Tennessee or something. Besides, Matthew is a good regular season QB, but we can't expect him to take us to a SB this season. If he was back in his Pacific NW starting days absolutely, but now no the dude is in his 40's man. Come on be practical INDY Nation. 



Dunno if it's a question of a "relapse." MH is an old guy that was last seen with his left arm in a sling. So what we have is a guy that looked very hurt coming out of the Jacksonville game and an espn report that its probably CW. On the other side we have a Pagano report from a few days ago saying he expects MH to be ready to play. Going by past history I would lean toward see CW start this game. Not being a smart butt , just saying I would lean in that direction. 

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5 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

This season has been so frustrating. It figures the 1st season I start Posting here Andrew gets injured and now we might not even make the Playoffs. Last season was so much fun, making the Final 4 and Andrew throwing for 40 TD's.

It's all good my man. You're not bad voodoo or something CBE. Trust me. Although, the sarcastic side of me thought about tormenting you over that line in comic jest like "Thanks a lot man. You can leave now." I'm just kidding of course. haha


Andrew is still a great QB that will never change we just need a better o-line coach & a new staff regime. We're gonna be okay. In Jimmy I-rsay I trust & his drive to win.  

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1 hour ago, southwest1 said:

It's all good my man. You're not bad voodoo or something CBE. Trust me. Although, the sarcastic side of me thought about tormenting you over that line in comic jest like "Thanks a lot man. You can leave now." I'm just kidding of course. haha


Andrew is still a great QB that will never change we just need a better o-line coach & a new staff regime. We're gonna be okay. In Jimmy I-rsay I trust & his drive to win.  

Hopefully we still find a way to win Sunday and Andrew gets healthy after that. This season is not what I expected at all.

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13 minutes ago, ReMeDy said:


“I’m pretty comfortable,” Whitehurst said about the Colts offense. “Luckily some of the terms have been around long enough.


^ That doesn't exactly renew my confidence, lol.

Thanks for this article RDMY. "I feel confident, ready to go.” Ready to go & do what? Throw picks Charlie. 


I know; I know. SW1 needs to be positive & rally around Charlie & our team but the guy is a lousy QB. Funny, Skip Bayless should love this guy since he is fond of NFL train wrecks like Tebow, Manziel, RG3...I'm sure Charlie is a nice guy off the field but if I don't believe in a guy you can read my face like an open book...We are so bleeped. What the hades. I'm gonna congratulate JJ Watt, Vince Wilfork, & QuizBoy right now on winning the title this season. 


If Hasselback plays, we have a shot, but if it's Jesus Christ Superstar Charlie turn out the lights. It's over.  

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3 hours ago, dw49 said:



Dunno if it's a question of a "relapse." MH is an old guy that was last seen with his left arm in a sling. So what we have is a guy that looked very hurt coming out of the Jacksonville game and an espn report that its probably CW. On the other side we have a Pagano report from a few days ago saying he expects MH to be ready to play. Going by past history I would lean toward see CW start this game. Not being a smart butt , just saying I would lean in that direction. 

It's a good bet you're right Dw49. Charlie will probably start this weekend. I have no idea who to believe right now over which QB is starting. I wouldn't take ESPN's word over Chuck's at the moment, but the Jags D knocked the snot out of Matthew on Sunday. He took a beating. I'm surprised Hasselback is ready to go. Old guys don't heal as fast as young pups do. 


Yates is playing for Houston too I think. That kid has the it factor man & if you square him against Charlie, it's not even a fair fight man. It's like Charlie Brown in the cartoon vs Lucy & with Mr. W. we can't even count on making the field goal man. :P


Yeah, my intuition tells me that Houston knocks us out on Sunday. It's just a feeling I have. I'm not throwing in the towel. I just look at the quarterbacks & say to myself with Yates & Romo C. vs Charlie & our banged up o-line; I know who should win this game...Not us...


We are playing at home which might help out on the noise factor front a little I guess. I just hope we don't get any false start penalties at LOS. Nothing irritates me more than jumping early at home. It drives me nuts. 

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Off topic briefly: 


Since I need to be cheered up from our impending doom, I had to check out what film critic Richard Roeper said about "The Force Awakens." He loved it & this guy never lies about movies. Yes! I feel better now. See...



The inner geek in me is  okay now & besides we're all friends here anyway right? Yep. Okay, back on topic.


When I review this flick, I will focus close attention on the primary sinister villain because as the old saying goes "you can't appreciate the light without the darkness first." 


BTW, I encourage all Star Wars fans to tell me their impression of the film once they see it in my movie thread because I get a kick out of different interpretations of the same picture & what resonates with people. We are all critics & we all have specific ideas of what was awesome & what sucked in a film. 

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9 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

I think ESPN is wrong....I've heard nothing that says Hasselbeck cant play at all..

Colts would have signed another QB if Matt cant go at all..,,right?

That will be the telling sign.  If the Colts bring up Tanney from the PS it probably means Matt isn't playing.  If they don't then Matt is probably a go.

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6 hours ago, dw49 said:


I have never seen a QB look worse than Charlie Whitehorse looked in that jacksonville game. Be cognizant that I'm 66 and have been watching NFL football almost every Sunday for the past 55 years. Anyway .. Sammy Davis Jr was a frail little black man with a glass eye . He was probably the most amazing entertainer of at least the 20th century. Here's a quick read on what he was known for...



This post is hilarious. Well done. :)

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Just now, buck_hunter21 said:

If Charlie plays....I really really hope he makes a giant leap forward progress wise from last week. I think ultimately he will play in this game. Even if Matt were to start, he has been getting hit so much I am not sure he could make it through the game. I hope I am wrong....



Probably right

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Historically speaking, this may be lightning striking twice.....the year the Seahawks made it to the postseason with a 7-9 record and then beat the Saints.....I want you guys to go back and look at the box score of the clincher....Matt Hassellbeck was injured and couldn't start. None other than old Clipboard Jesus took over for him for the one game and clinched the division....just saying

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4 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

That will be the telling sign.  If the Colts bring up Tanney from the PS it probably means Matt isn't playing.  If they don't then Matt is probably a go.


Charlie Whitehurst, he never looked up the field and it was all dink and dunk or holding the ball too long for sacks. That was all in the limited time he played as our 3rd string QB.


Excuse me if I am apprehensive.

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1 hour ago, chad72 said:


Charlie Whitehurst, he never looked up the field and it was all dink and dunk or holding the ball too long for sacks. That was all in the limited time he played as our 3rd string QB.


Excuse me if I am apprehensive.

Umm okay, I don't get why you quoted me as I get why people are nervous about Whitehurst starting.


i was posting what will be the telling sign for if he does start or not.  

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1 minute ago, GoColts8818 said:

Umm okay, I don't get why you quoted me as I get why people are nervous about Whitehurst starting.


i was posting what will be the telling sign for if he does start or not.  


I was going to say that Tanney guy from PS gives me just as much confidence as Whitehurst because my confidence level is at zero. That is why I quoted you because you specified Tanney.

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10 minutes ago, chad72 said:


I was going to say that Tanney guy from PS gives me just as much confidence as Whitehurst because my confidence level is at zero. That is why I quoted you because you specified Tanney.

Yeah I don't have much confidence in it either it will just be the telling sign to if Matt plays this weekend.


Good news, Hasselbeck is practicing today per Chappell on Twitter so there is that.  What's going unnoticed is Moncrief is missing his second day of practice.  Oh and Toler is back..yippie...(yes that's sarcasm.)

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8 hours ago, southwest1 said:

It's a good bet you're right Dw49. Charlie will probably start this weekend. I have no idea who to believe right now over which QB is starting. I wouldn't take ESPN's word over Chuck's at the moment, but the Jags D knocked the snot out of Matthew on Sunday. He took a beating. I'm surprised Hasselback is ready to go. Old guys don't heal as fast as young pups do. 


Yates is playing for Houston too I think. That kid has the it factor man & if you square him against Charlie, it's not even a fair fight man. It's like Charlie Brown in the cartoon vs Lucy & with Mr. W. we can't even count on making the field goal man. :P


Yeah, my intuition tells me that Houston knocks us out on Sunday. It's just a feeling I have. I'm not throwing in the towel. I just look at the quarterbacks & say to myself with Yates & Romo C. vs Charlie & our banged up o-line; I know who should win this game...Not us...


We are playing at home which might help out on the noise factor front a little I guess. I just hope we don't get any false start penalties at LOS. Nothing irritates me more than jumping early at home. It drives me nuts. 


MH practicing today , so maybe you're right and I'm wrong. I hope that's the case...

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18 hours ago, 1959Colts said:

ESPN's Adam Caplan just reported on SportsCenter that Charlie Whitehurst will likely start vs Houston Texans


14 hours ago, dw49 said:


I have never seen a QB look worse than Charlie Whitehorse looked in that jacksonville game. Be cognizant that I'm 66 and have been watching NFL football almost every Sunday for the past 55 years. Anyway .. Sammy Davis Jr was a frail little black man with a glass eye . He was probably the most amazing entertainer of at least the 20th century. Here's a quick read on what he was known for...



 Manning in the last game he played, or Manning against us in the playoffs last season, Or most Curtis Painter starts, or 100`s of other games i`ve watched including a few Luck games this season.

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12 minutes ago, krunk said:
Hasselbeck says he showed the coaches today in practice what he has to offer. Coaches decision from there https://t.co/tX6N8DU2OC
ffe282510964cf2783abd660827b4f50_normal. 10m
Matt Hasselbeck says he thought Monday there was no way he would play this Sunday. Practiced today. Heavy breathing remains biggest hurdle.

I am not going to be shocked when it comes out at the end of the year that Matt has several broken ribs and maybe a shoulder injury.  This is a guy who knows this is it and is trying to give the team everything he has.  You can't draw up a better team guy and teammate than that.  I know Matt is never going to be in the Ring of Honor (nor should he) but he has earned a spot in my heart as one of my favorite Colts for how he has handled everything since he got here and this season.  He has truly given the Colts everything he has and probably more. 

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4 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

I am not going to be shocked when it comes out at the end of the year that Matt has several broken ribs and maybe a shoulder injury.  This is a guy who knows this is it and is trying to give the team everything he has.  You can't draw up a better team guy and teammate than that.  I know Matt is never going to be in the Ring of Honor (nor should he) but he has earned a spot in my heart as one of my favorite Colts for how he has handled everything since he got here and this season.  He has truly given the Colts everything he has and probably more. 


Yeah I know!  I hope we can put up 2 or 3 scores while he's playing because I don't expect him to finish the game.  I think he'll get knocked out again.  Too much pain going on to absorb getting sacked and hit.  If they can't get to him they'll be trying to smack him in the chest and arm area, or knock him down a couple times.

I know it's coming because even with all the short passes he throws he's still been getting knocked down quite a bit.  I just hope we reach the end zone enough before it happens.

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5 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

I am not going to be shocked when it comes out at the end of the year that Matt has several broken ribs and maybe a shoulder injury.  This is a guy who knows this is it and is trying to give the team everything he has.  You can't draw up a better team guy and teammate than that.  I know Matt is never going to be in the Ring of Honor (nor should he) but he has earned a spot in my heart as one of my favorite Colts for how he has handled everything since he got here and this season.  He has truly given the Colts everything he has and probably more. 

Yeah he is definitely not 100% but he knows this is it. He can deliver a huge moment in Colts history by taking out Houston too. I love what he has brought to the table this season

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