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Refs may face punishment in 2016


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According to the article the NFL is working on a discipline matrix that would punish the refs for messing up. I believe that it is definitely something that is needed. However, it will all be after the fact. Do you think the team that gets screwed will actually feel better that the ref was suspended for a game? Especially if the call changes a game with playoff implications. 





Oh, and they messed up the clock in our game versus the pats. Not once, but twice. Not sure if we benefitted or the pats but still. 

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The NFL sets the refs up for failure.  Make them full-time employees so they can actually focus on doing their job correctly.

They've been trying to do that.  The NFLRA has been resistant basically wanting a larger cut of money.  It's reasonable on some end, but without being in the negotiations, it's impossible to say who's being unrealistic.  The big hang up during the lockout was pensions, which I thought was kind of silly.  Who uses pensions anymore?  Like 10% of companies?  When you're making $6,000 a week for 17 weeks (plus whatever they make in their other jobs), a 401k should be just fine.

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They've been trying to do that.  The NFLRA has been resistant basically wanting a larger cut of money.  It's reasonable on some end, but without being in the negotiations, it's impossible to say who's being unrealistic.  The big hang up during the lockout was pensions, which I thought was kind of silly.  Who uses pensions anymore?  Like 10% of companies?  When you're making $6,000 a week for 17 weeks (plus whatever they make in their other jobs), a 401k should be just fine.

Interesting.  I didn't know much about their discussions.  Thanks for the info!


Human error is going to happen whether they are full time or not.

True, but I think they can at least reduce it.  If anything, they can at least be more consistent.  They might not call every penalty, but if they call a soft penalty on one team and don't call a blatant penalty on another, that's an issue

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According to the article the NFL is working on a discipline matrix that would punish the refs for messing up. I believe that it is definitely something that is needed. However, it will all be after the fact. Do you think the team that gets screwed will actually feel better that the ref was suspended for a game? Especially if the call changes a game with playoff implications. 





Oh, and they messed up the clock in our game versus the pats. Not once, but twice. Not sure if we benefitted or the pats but still. 


I don't think it will help. It certainly, as you pointed out, won't help the team that may have just lost because of a botched call. I didn't read the article, but if they start suspending refs, who's the replacement ref? Won't he/she be lacking experience (potentially)? I don't know. This was my, quick, off the cuff response. I would have to ponder over it for a while.

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What is the accountability now?  


Obviously mistakes will happen and some will be game changers.  Will more accountability lessen the number of mistakes?


IDK but it's worth exploring how we have fewer mistakes.  Not sure that is penalty or what it is.


There must be something that can be done

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What is the accountability now?  


Obviously mistakes will happen and some will be game changers.  Will more accountability lessen the number of mistakes?


IDK but it's worth exploring how we have fewer mistakes.  Not sure that is penalty or what it is.


There must be something that can be done


IMO, more accountability won't make a difference. Unless refs are purposely making bad calls, how will more accountability make them make a better, more accurate call? I think utilizing video, and maybe changing some rules for review would make more sense. But, we don't want the games to drag on either.

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IMO, more accountability won't make a difference. Unless refs are purposely making bad calls, how will more accountability make them make a better, more accurate call? I think utilizing video, and maybe changing some rules for review would make more sense. But, we don't want the games to drag on either.

That's pretty much what I was thinking.

They don't want to make mistakes already

Maybe more review procedures would help

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Interesting. I didn't know much about their discussions. Thanks for the info!

True, but I think they can at least reduce it. If anything, they can at least be more consistent. They might not call every penalty, but if they call a soft penalty on one team and don't call a blatant penalty on another, that's an issue

You don't need to be a full time ref to know the rule book. They can be trained 365 days a year. Mistakes will still be made

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Allowing for replay to be used for everything and not just certain things would help(But keeping with the 2 challenges). Yeah some people will complain the games would be to long blah blah...Then don't watch it. The officials and the rest of the NFL have an obligation to get calls right and especially not cost a team a chance to win or tie because a missed call.


Or if its the last play of the game and a bad call screws a team over and it costs the team a chance to win or tie then replay that down......They owe that to that team to do that, Ya cant just say....Oh the game is over to bad so sad you should have played better throughout the rest of the game so we are going to take this last chance you have to win or tie because you did not play well enough earlier

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Human error is going to happen whether they are full time or not.

No argument there Jvan, but when you hire referees full time it means that the owners respect these zebras enough to view them as esteemed professionals & by making it a 12 month position the men & women serving in this upgraded salary capacity will work more diligently to perfect their craft & play calling. If players get shown organizational respect thru money & a new contract, why should it be any different than an elite athlete?  Plus, when you remember that rules get modified or introduced every year by the NFL rules committee & that referees are brought into to all 32 practices to familiarize coaches & players with what is & what isn't acceptable on the field; it seems reasonable to pay these refs accordingly for the time & commitment involved. 


It's not a question of eliminating all mistakes in a given game. It's a question of professionalism & whether the league's checkbook puts a premium on excellence with the men & women who wears stripes on Sundays or not. We tend to value what we pay the most for & isn't a clean game the perfect metaphor for protecting the shield or the integrity of the game? 

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Allowing for replay to be used for everything and not just certain things would help(But keeping with the 2 challenges). Yeah some people will complain the games would be to long blah blah...Then don't watch it. The officials and the rest of the NFL have an obligation to get calls right and especially not cost a team a chance to win or tie because a missed call.


Or if its the last play of the game and a bad call screws a team over and it costs the team a chance to win or tie then replay that down......They owe that to that team to do that, Ya cant just say....Oh the game is over to bad so sad you should have played better throughout the rest of the game so we are going to take this last chance you have to win or tie because you did not play well enough earlier



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This is not going to help. 


Refs are human beings, not machines. They're going to make mistakes, just as all of us do. 



Another note; refs can't catch everything. They often miss calls, because the game moves so fast at it's break down pace of plays, it would impossible for them to catch every single thing. 

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Improve the replay/challenge system. NHL has a hub in Toronto that will let the refs know to stop the game and review if something should be looked at. For example a crazy play where a puck could go off the post and fall behind the line then back into play very quickly and the ref can't tell is stopped no matter what's happening on the ice. Refs can also call delay of game penalties and review them to make sure they are correct. They also introduced the coach's challenge this year.


MLB also implemented the home run replay and then rolled out the manager challenge to contest safe vs. out plays.


These things shouldn't take entire commercial breaks to figure out. You have a couple people analyzing in Toronto or NY and tell you what it is. Not the referee who initially missed the call.


One thing NFL should do: implement two colors of flags. Sick and tired of seeing FLAG after a play and sitting wondering for 10-15 seconds who it's on. Throw a yellow for defense and a blue for offense, basically how a referee scores a wrestling match with red and green wristbands.

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The NFL has put the officals in a no win situation because they have made the rules far to complecated, for example I'm not sure what constitutes a catch anymore and after listening to most of the telecasters they dont know either, This after having the ability to look at the same play from different angles and slowed down, yet the officials are supposed to do it in real time

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IMO, more accountability won't make a difference. Unless refs are purposely making bad calls, how will more accountability make them make a better, more accurate call? I think utilizing video, and maybe changing some rules for review would make more sense. But, we don't want the games to drag on either.


This . . . 


Unless the real refs are like the one in the State Farm commercial ("Your mic is on!!") then what purpose does this serve?  Game moves extremely fast.

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Lol, a lineman for the Ravens reports as eligible looking right at the ref and then the refs call the Ravens for illegal formation. Unless there was something else going on, which I doubt, you just gotta love these part timers.

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