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Best Cheerleaders and acknowledgements?


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Which team has the best-looking Cheerleaders, And should they be given more credit for game victories?

Many people automatically claim that Dallas Cowboys have the best Cheerleaders

Ours aren't bad, but not the best appearance or outfit wise. I'd say the Cardinals are up there, along with Tampa Bay. Cowboys' give others a run for their money.

Get that Visa logo out of the way!

Their job, to pump the crowd up and keep them in the game when things aren't going their way. You won't hear any Coach say: "If it weren't for those Cheerleaders keeping those fans on their feet, than we couldn't have made that comeback win." How sexist, not even the slightest nod.

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certain this isn't serious

none of it

You're absolutely right. People tend to take themselves too seriously at times and overvalue their opinions. They can be so uptight. They feel the need to be right all the time, while forgetting how to just enjoy the little things. Like these forums for instance. Similar topics and everyone has their own solutions, but aren't in the position to put it in effect, this is as far as they will ever come.

Which is why I find it quite alright to create something different for entertainment purposes. Pulling away from the negative threads that we are so used to by now.

And if someone does not wish to post, all they have to do is keep their wise-@$$ comments to themselves and bypass the thread altogether, then again some can't seem to help themselves in that department either.

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You're absolutely right. People tend to take themselves too seriously at times and overvalue their opinions. They can be so uptight. They feel the need to be right all the time, while forgetting how to just enjoy the little things. Like these forums for instance. Similar topics and everyone has their own solutions, but aren't in the position to put it in effect, this is as far as they will ever come.

Which is why I find it quite alright to create something different for entertainment purposes. Pulling away from the negative threads that we are so used to by now.

And if someone does not wish to post, all they have to do is keep their wise-* comments to themselves and bypass the thread altogether, then again some can't seem to help themselves in that department either.

OK then

I can really dispute your choices, but can't endorse them either. I've seen plenty of attractive ladies for each team, but can't pretend to have seen them all. Though I can say the Honey Bears are the worst.

I also don't think they deserve credit for a teams success or spirit. Though that could be because I've never sat close enough.

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OK then

I can really dispute your choices, but can't endorse them either. I've seen plenty of attractive ladies for each team, but can't pretend to have seen them all. Though I can say the Honey Bears are the worst.

I also don't think they deserve credit for a teams success or spirit. Though that could be because I've never sat close enough.

Thank you. That is all I ask. Now I don't have to eat this Bullet and can carry on.

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Hmm, good question with regards to which team has the most attractive cheerleaders. Obviously Dallas is the biggest one but I've seen just as attractive from other teams. Overall I imagine which team has the most attractive cheerleaders are in the eyes of the beholder.

With regards to credit for victories they should be on a similar level to the 12th man, er women in this case. I don't really think things would change much with regards to team play, chemistry for example if they weren't there. They get notoriety for doing good things in the community but really have little to no impact when it comes to the wins and losses.

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There's plenty of image boards and sites to browse pictures and judge women by their looks if that is what you want today. They're even dominated by all male audiences, so if you want an internet man cave without the woman there to say something, it's there. 



I'm gonna pull the WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS card here and talk about how this board is family friendly, so this thread should be locked before it gets out of hand and turns into a frat boy party of judging women based on their physical appearances. 


We can discuss football without the over sexualized women on the sideline that are only there to entertain bored heterosexual men. Thread should be locked before it turns into a horror show that looks like something from a man cave website. (Again, family friendly site. Let's keep it in check) 

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I think this topic is ok, after all, we've had 'handsomest player' threads which is kind of the ladies version of this.  Just keep it family friendly please.


That said, for me, NFL cheer squads are really dance teams.  And that's fine.  But, I really like college sports cheer squads.....I like the flips and the gymnast moves.  Firing the crowd up with chants and what not.


As far as rating entire squads against each other on looks, I have no clue.  They're all pretty.


Maybe we need a 'cheer off'


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I think this topic is ok, after all, we've had 'handsomest player' threads which is kind of the ladies version of this.  Just keep it family friendly please.


That said, for me, NFL cheer squads are really dance teams.  And that's fine.  But, I really like college sports cheer squads.....I like the flips and the gymnast moves.  Firing the crowd up with chants and what not.


As far as rating entire squads against each other on looks, I have no clue.  They're all pretty.


Maybe we need a 'cheer off'


To the bolded, I think college cheerleaders definitely have a little more value in college games when they are in front of the student section.  When all the students get involved, the rest of the fans typically follow suit.  The same thing with the bands.  In the NFL, they're just a side show.  Not that its bad, it's just different element that I think has helped attract some of the viewers interested in cheer and dance, especially for the younger girls who aren't necessarily interested in football and looking for something to watch during games while their other family members watch the game.  If there's one thing the NFL has done well, it's adding attractions for everybody to broaden the scope of its fans.    

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Cheerleaders almost seem antiquated to me in the pro game. As Nadine said, they are a much bigger part of the college game and high school. It is almost as if the pro teams feel like they need to continue the tradition but really no one cares except for the first few rows in the stadium that are right in front of them.

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To the bolded, I think college cheerleaders definitely have a little more value in college games when they are in front of the student section.  When all the students get involved, the rest of the fans typically follow suit.  The same thing with the bands.  In the NFL, they're just a side show.  Not that its bad, it's just different element that I think has helped attract some of the viewers interested in cheer and dance, especially for the younger girls who aren't necessarily interested in football and looking for something to watch during games while their other family members watch the game.  If there's one thing the NFL has done well, it's adding attractions for everybody to broaden the scope of its fans.    

colts added some guys to cheer.  I'd like to see some of those girls in the air, standing on the guys one hand and then flip down!

I like it when the college cheerleaders get the crowd going.  We just don't have that in the NFL

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colts added some guys to cheer.  I'd like to see some of those girls in the air, standing on the guys one hand and then flip down!

I like it when the college cheerleaders get the crowd going.  We just don't have that in the NFL

I think it has a lot to do with the comraderie between schools and their students/alum.  In the NFL, your ties to a team are merely preference and/or, at most, proximity.  With college, it's the place where you grew up, discovered yourself and your interests and set you off on your career for many people.  The ties are much stronger and even if you hated the school some day down the future  and followed a different team, there's no changing the impact that the roughly 4 years of your life at that university had.


Speaking of colleges though, and if this isn't appropriate for these forums, so you can edit this out if you need to. But did you see that IU Fraternity that got busted? I'm an IU Alum, and it makes me pretty sick to my stomach to call myself an IU graduate today. 

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I think it has a lot to do with the comraderie between schools and their students/alum.  In the NFL, your ties to a team are merely preference and/or, at most, proximity.  With college, it's the place where you grew up, discovered yourself and your interests and set you off on your career for many people.  The ties are much stronger and even if you hated the school some day down the future  and followed a different team, there's no changing the impact that the roughly 4 years of your life at that university had.


Speaking of colleges though, and if this isn't appropriate for these forums, so you can edit this out if you need to. But did you see that IU Fraternity that got busted? I'm an IU Alum, and it makes me pretty sick to my stomach to call myself an IU graduate today. 

I did see that.

Disappointing to see disgusting behavior like that from smart kids

People will say 'boys will be boys' but that's not like any boys I ever knew, including frat boys

My husbands old fraternity got shut down for hazing (years after he graduated).  It has to do I think with who they prioritize and select to join their fraternity.

When he was in it, it was all geeks ..........who all went on to do very well and they are all still friends.


I went to a few events with the 'newer classes' and got to the point where I wouldn't go because these guys were so full of themselves and really smarmy


Turns out I was right.......


Totally preventable by paying attention to the jerks you are letting in


And btw, the girls from what I could see.......flocked to the fraternity, even though it was clear that these guys were predatory.


Good looks and money > character causes these problems

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I did see that.

Disappointing to see disgusting behavior like that from smart kids

People will say 'boys will be boys' but that's not like any boys I ever knew, including frat boys

My husbands old fraternity got shut down for hazing (years after he graduated).  It has to do I think with who they prioritize and select to join their fraternity.

When he was in it, it was all geeks ..........who all went on to do very well and they are all still friends.


I went to a few events with the 'newer classes' and got to the point where I wouldn't go because these guys were so full of themselves and really smarmy


Turns out I was right.......


Totally preventable by paying attention to the jerks you are letting in


And btw, the girls from what I could see.......flocked to the fraternity, even though it was clear that these guys were predatory.


Good looks and money > character causes these problems

Yeah, I was never attracted to the whole fraternity culture either.  One or two of my high school friends wanted to pledge, and the stuff they have you do is just unnecessary.  It's like they purposefully sink you down to their level so they can get away with otherwise criminal acts because they got your hands dirty, so you can't run your mouth without incriminating yourself.  


When I was at IU, the Alpha Pi fraternity was one of those frats with a seriously bad reputation.  If I recall, there were some investigations into one or two incidents that died pretty quickly of women accusing members of date rape.  They were closed either my last year there or shortly after for some over the top hazing.  It didn't sound like it was this bad, but had a few things gone the wrong way, it could have resulted in death or serious injury.


I wasn't a perfect kid in college by any means.  But I sure as heck knew better than to get involved in that kind of environment. I pray to God I raise my daughter better than to get love struck by someone like that.  

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Yeah, I was never attracted to the whole fraternity culture either.  One or two of my high school friends wanted to pledge, and the stuff they have you do is just unnecessary.  It's like they purposefully sink you down to their level so they can get away with otherwise criminal acts because they got your hands dirty, so you can't run your mouth without incriminating yourself.  


When I was at IU, the Alpha Pi fraternity was one of those frats with a seriously bad reputation.  If I recall, there were some investigations into one or two incidents that died pretty quickly of women accusing members of date rape.  They were closed either my last year there or shortly after for some over the top hazing.  It didn't sound like it was this bad, but had a few things gone the wrong way, it could have resulted in death or serious injury.


I wasn't a perfect kid in college by any means.  But I sure as heck knew better than to get involved in that kind of environment. I pray to God I raise my daughter better than to get love struck by someone like that.  

I wasn't much of a joiner in college so, sorority's were not for me.  I'm just not keen on a group telling me what I have to wear and where I have to be.  And, stupid hazing stuff, even if it's harmless, I find demeaning and no group is worth that to me.


My husband had some minor hazing but back then it was stupid stuff, like cleaning the bathroom with a toothbrush. He looks back on it fondly although I have no clue why lol.


All three of my daughters pledged sororities and had really great experiences and made some great friends.  So, it just depends on the people.


Most kids know not to get into those kinds of crowds.  The kind of behavior at that frat, idk, pretty awful


Raise your daughter so that she doesn't feel like she needs boyfriends like that.  That's all you can do


There are decent guys everywhere, she's just got to get a sense for guys that are bad news.

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Cheerleaders almost seem antiquated to me in the pro game. As Nadine said, they are a much bigger part of the college game and high school. It is almost as if the pro teams feel like they need to continue the tradition but really no one cares except for the first few rows in the stadium that are right in front of them.


Pro-game it was always about giving guys something to look at during a timeout or something.  Those girls don't even do tricks or anything like cheerleaders at a college or even high school game do.  They just dance and wear skimpy outfits.  In fact Tom Landry years ago was famous for having opposed the Cowboys having cheerleaders because he thought it was corrupting and he was a religious person.


Like I don't have a huge problem with it because it's sort of done everywhere and I'm used to it but we shouldn't be afraid to call it for what it is.  


Honestly I don't even think college or high school cheerleading even is totally pure.  They are just a lot less overt then pro leagues are.  


Except for the Packers who use local college cheerleaders and dress them similar to cheerleaders you see at a college game pro-leagues might as well just stop calling them cheerleaders and call them attractive local women in skimpy outfits.  

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I did see that.

Disappointing to see disgusting behavior like that from smart kids

People will say 'boys will be boys' but that's not like any boys I ever knew, including frat boys

My husbands old fraternity got shut down for hazing (years after he graduated).  It has to do I think with who they prioritize and select to join their fraternity.

When he was in it, it was all geeks ..........who all went on to do very well and they are all still friends.


I went to a few events with the 'newer classes' and got to the point where I wouldn't go because these guys were so full of themselves and really smarmy


Turns out I was right.......


Totally preventable by paying attention to the jerks you are letting in


And btw, the girls from what I could see.......flocked to the fraternity, even though it was clear that these guys were predatory.


Good looks and money > character causes these problems


Honestly I think the easiest best way to prevent stuff like this from going overboard is to have a tradition as to how people are brought into the group.  


If you have a set in stone thing of "this is what we do every year" then it can be fun and things don't get out of hand.  Because this is what we do every year and we just don't go outside of that because it's tradition.  


I think the problem is when you don't have that then you end up with groups who's initiation ritual ends up being group members just doing whatever the heck they like and ultimately this is going to go overboard.   

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I wasn't much of a joiner in college so, sorority's were not for me.  I'm just not keen on a group telling me what I have to wear and where I have to be.  And, stupid hazing stuff, even if it's harmless, I find demeaning and no group is worth that to me.


My husband had some minor hazing but back then it was stupid stuff, like cleaning the bathroom with a toothbrush. He looks back on it fondly although I have no clue why lol.


All three of my daughters pledged sororities and had really great experiences and made some great friends.  So, it just depends on the people.


Most kids know not to get into those kinds of crowds.  The kind of behavior at that frat, idk, pretty awful


Raise your daughter so that she doesn't feel like she needs boyfriends like that.  That's all you can do


There are decent guys everywhere, she's just got to get a sense for guys that are bad news.

Best way you can do that and how I intend to is to be an example by treating my wife in a way that my daughter knows the difference between a good man and a bad man.  It's so funny, because when she wants one of our attention and we just so happen to be showing each other some affection, she gets sooo mad and tries to get us to stop and pay attention to her instead...and she's just over a year old.  I just can't wait until she has friends over and they're talking about boys or something and I get to be the dad that gets her to get a little embarrassed and tell mom and dad to "get a room" or something silly like that.  LOL.  Not sure what I am gonna do when the first boyfriend comes over the house though.  I am definitely gonna have fun, but gotta be a little cautious with that one.  Can't risk losing her trust or something.  Any ideas are appreciated  :D

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Best way you can do that and how I intend to is to be an example by treating my wife in a way that my daughter knows the difference between a good man and a bad man.  It's so funny, because when she wants one of our attention and we just so happen to be showing each other some affection, she gets sooo mad and tries to get us to stop and pay attention to her instead...and she's just over a year old.  I just can't wait until she has friends over and they're talking about boys or something and I get to be the dad that gets her to get a little embarrassed and tell mom and dad to "get a room" or something silly like that.  LOL.  Not sure what I am gonna do when the first boyfriend comes over the house though.  I am definitely gonna have fun, but gotta be a little cautious with that one.  Can't risk losing her trust or something.  Any ideas are appreciated  :D

Kids are so easily embarrassed by their parents that it's almost impossible to resist the temptation to embarrass them intentionally.  I mean they are just asking for it.


When they grow up, not only are they not embarrassed but they are proud.  My girls cannot get over how cool my mom is.  She's in her 80s and is someone that my daughters love to spend time with


so, they do wise up.


It just takes a while.  In the mean time, when they are shallow, they are just asking for it. And that's what we are there for :)


One of my sisters has a daughter who is a serious hipster and she was ranting one day about how 'uncool' some girl was


My sister told her she was being shallow and that she was ashamed of her......not that it made any difference to her but, one day, she'll see


The whole cool thing is really hard to give your kids any perspective on until they are out of it


Just hope your isn't 'cool'


cool kids are the worst

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OK then

I can really dispute your choices, but can't endorse them either. I've seen plenty of attractive ladies for each team, but can't pretend to have seen them all. Though I can say the Honey Bears are the worst.

I also don't think they deserve credit for a teams success or spirit. Though that could be because I've never sat close enough.

I've sat close and let me say it makes me terribly uncomfortable. Sitting next to my wife or not I felt very guilty. I don't go to the game to see that sort of stuff. The outfits are a bit too revealing for my taste. Perhaps I'm a prude or maybe I am just admitting my carnal weaknesses but I am simply a man and I don't like the fact that I have such thoughts for someone other than my wife.  I do everything possible to not look or think on that for very long if possible. Now I can appreciate a very pretty girl (clearly I married the prettiest) without having to have the sexual stuff shoved down my throat showing off the skin and the gyrations. I actually prefer to sit away from the sideline area where they do the skits. I don't think it has anything to do with football and while I appreciate the hard work for their dance routines I don't think it does anything to spur on the Colts or to make my wife enjoy her experience anymore either. Its a long distance from the high school cheerleaders I grew up with and some places it more closely resembles a gentleman's (I use that term very loosely) club than a sporting event. If they were doing things like I see at the college games with the megaphones and the signs etc I would have a better opinion but until they put on some more clothes or actually engage the crowd in some sort of chants/cheers I'm going do my best to not acknowledge their existance lol. (I promise my wife wasn't looking over my shoulder when I typed this.) 

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If you want my opinion as a sometimes overly honest woman? The NFL cheerleading is pretty darn lazy. It's basically everyday girls or wannabe models who dance for even much less money a stripper can earn at a good club. I actually have more respect for exotic dancers over cheerleading. Many top exotic dancers have DIFFICULT moves and routines. We take girls in the NFL and throw them in tiny clothing and they basically just shimmy back and forth to popular songs. How is this even acceptable to people at times in a so called family oriented sport? I have more respect for adult dancers then cheerleaders.


What I mean by lazy is I am a former competitive figure skater and ballet dancer myself and I used to have to put hours upon hours of hard work into ridiculously difficult routines and moves. And yes wear little clothing at times since you can't exactly do it in a snow suit. I also had to spend hard work putting in crazy creativity to it all and finding obscure music nobody else used.


But, the NFL cheerleaders don't even do much at times. They just kinda dance like you could do a night club and move around and wave at fans and sign autographs. 


And yes they get paid little at times so sometimes I cut them slack since I am not sure they have to put in the extra work when many of them probably have other jobs as well. I get they are workers underpaid but still a lot of it is MEH to me.



With legit cheerleading in the country and competitions and stuff there is heavy gymnastics and intricate moves that can wow us.


In the NFL it's pretty much sideline ornaments to entertain men who sit close enough. 



And I am far from trashing these women. I have mad respect for female entertainers. I just am not sure anything in the NFL with cheerleading ever "wowed" me on a personal level outside a few of them looking like Miss America contestants and usually that comes from Dallas and squads like that.



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If you want my opinion as a sometimes overly honest woman? The NFL cheerleading is pretty darn lazy. It's basically everyday girls or wannabe models who dance for even much less money a stripper can earn at a good club. I actually have more respect for exotic dancers over cheerleading. Many top exotic dancers have DIFFICULT moves and routines. We take girls in the NFL and throw them in tiny clothing and they basically just shimmy back and forth to popular songs. How is this even acceptable to people at times in a so called family oriented sport? I have more respect for adult dancers then cheerleaders.


What I mean by lazy is I am a former competitive figure skater and ballet dancer myself and I used to have to put hours upon hours of hard work into ridiculously difficult routines and moves. And yes wear little clothing at times since you can't exactly do it in a snow suit. I also had to spend hard work putting in crazy creativity to it all and finding obscure music nobody else used.


But, the NFL cheerleaders don't even do much at times. They just kinda dance like you could do a night club and move around and wave at fans and sign autographs. 


And yes they get paid little at times so sometimes I cut them slack since I am not sure they have to put in the extra work when many of them probably have other jobs as well. I get they are workers underpaid but still a lot of it is MEH to me.



With legit cheerleading in the country and competitions and stuff there is heavy gymnastics and intricate moves that can wow us.


In the NFL it's pretty much sideline ornaments to entertain men who sit close enough. 



And I am far from trashing these women. I have mad respect for female entertainers. I just am not sure anything in the NFL with cheerleading ever "wowed" me on a personal level outside a few of them looking like Miss America contestants and usually that comes from Dallas and squads like that.

Spot on post Jules. Lazy is a great description. They are just there for ornaments as opposed to truly entertaining with actual cheerleading moves/routines. I don't fault them as that is the way the clubs want it and like you said they get paid peanuts anyways. It is just part-time work for most of them who have real full time jobs.

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If you want my opinion as a sometimes overly honest woman? The NFL cheerleading is pretty darn lazy. It's basically everyday girls or wannabe models who dance for even much less money a stripper can earn at a good club. I actually have more respect for exotic dancers over cheerleading. Many top exotic dancers have DIFFICULT moves and routines. We take girls in the NFL and throw them in tiny clothing and they basically just shimmy back and forth to popular songs. How is this even acceptable to people at times in a so called family oriented sport? I have more respect for adult dancers then cheerleaders.


What I mean by lazy is I am a former competitive figure skater and ballet dancer myself and I used to have to put hours upon hours of hard work into ridiculously difficult routines and moves. And yes wear little clothing at times since you can't exactly do it in a snow suit. I also had to spend hard work putting in crazy creativity to it all and finding obscure music nobody else used.


But, the NFL cheerleaders don't even do much at times. They just kinda dance like you could do a night club and move around and wave at fans and sign autographs. 


And yes they get paid little at times so sometimes I cut them slack since I am not sure they have to put in the extra work when many of them probably have other jobs as well. I get they are workers underpaid but still a lot of it is MEH to me.



With legit cheerleading in the country and competitions and stuff there is heavy gymnastics and intricate moves that can wow us.


In the NFL it's pretty much sideline ornaments to entertain men who sit close enough. 



And I am far from trashing these women. I have mad respect for female entertainers. I just am not sure anything in the NFL with cheerleading ever "wowed" me on a personal level outside a few of them looking like Miss America contestants and usually that comes from Dallas and squads like that.

My wife watched something on like Bravo or one of those channels about the selection process for the Dallas cheerleaders. It was very reality based...kinda of a mix of between reality and american idol where they went and did little stories about the girls and showed them trying out over several days etc. There were some very very bad dancers there and some amazing dancers like you elude to. I only caught a few minutes because I would rather shoot myself in the head then watch anything my wife does on those channels lol but I did remember catching a few minutes. I doubt every team goes through such a selection process etc but I fully believe they some of those girls can do some amazing dance/artistry if they were allowed to do something more than shimmy or whatever.


Spot on post Jules. Lazy is a great description. They are just there for ornaments as opposed to truly entertaining with actual cheerleading moves/routines. I don't fault them as that is the way the clubs want it and like you said they get paid peanuts anyways. It is just part-time work for most of them who have real full time jobs.

They do make very little as far as salary...but they do have signings etc and can always make money off of having that on their resume. I mean Dallas Cowboy cheerleader....they could likely walk away with any job (dance/cheer) that they apply for. I'm sure pay from the team is pretty poor but there are plenty of ways to use monitize their position.

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Oh she's a year old now.  This picture is probably from a year ago about this time.  I need to update it, lol.  But thanks all the same!

You may be a ways off from this now, but wait until you have raised your children and they have children. That's when the real fun of watching what you and your spouse have built together. It's the most amazing feeling in the whole world, OPC! Going on 40 years of marriage now, and wouldn't trade any of it for any reason whatsoever.

Congrats, my man. Family is where the heart resides for your entire lifetime.

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I used to actually watch the Cheerleaders challenge on the NFL Channel. It hasn't been on in a few years. Where they would compete against each other regarding running, lifting weights, etc.. That was kind of interesting. Most of those women are in tremendous shape.

I was flippin through the channels the other day and there was a women's football game on. It looked a little sleezy because they were running around in underwear or whatever....that said for the few moments I was watching it they were knocking the snot out of each other lol. Had they been wearing something more substantial I think I actually would have kept watching. The one girl had a nice spiral (maybe better than Peyton's). I love sports so much I was watching the WNBA finals between innings and I thought my wife was going to have a fit because she kept wanting me to turn it to the Hank and Kendra lifetime show or whatever. Honestly I would rather watch any sporting event than the other crap on tv but I must say womens athletics have come a long way and there are many times I prefer to watch them to the men because of the style they play with (not as much one on one but movement and screens etc). I've never seen what you were talking about but I bet they were.  Some of those ladies are very fit and very athletic despite the non-sense they have to do on Sunday.

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I was flippin through the channels the other day and there was a women's football game on. It looked a little sleezy because they were running around in underwear or whatever....that said for the few moments I was watching it they were knocking the snot out of each other lol. Had they been wearing something more substantial I think I actually would have kept watching. The one girl had a nice spiral (maybe better than Peyton's). I love sports so much I was watching the WNBA finals between innings and I thought my wife was going to have a fit because she kept wanting me to turn it to the Hank and Kendra lifetime show or whatever. Honestly I would rather watch any sporting event than the other crap on tv but I must say womens athletics have come a long way and there are many times I prefer to watch them to the men because of the style they play with (not as much one on one but movement and screens etc). I've never seen what you were talking about but I bet they were.  Some of those ladies are very fit and very athletic despite the non-sense they have to do on Sunday.

You may have been watching lingerie Football. I think the women have a league. Not sure what channel it is on. Everytime I here the name Hank I want to puke to be honest. That onside kick still haunts me today.

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