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Pags comment (merge)


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I'm looking straight at Pep Hamilton with my ire. The play calling and game planning is laughable. These two games and the AFC Championship game have demonstrated clearly that Pep lacks the vision to game plan a championship offense. Yes, Grigs should take some heat for the O-line personnel issues and Pags should take some heat because he's the Head Coach, but this team is loosing games because Pep is way out of his league.

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Well you can only expect so much when your fifth corner is your number one corner. With that said the pass rush is just not there. Werner ran Fitz into a sack on one play and I think Mathis got to him on another, while he didn't get to the sack he speed up the play. That was about it. Cole has been a major disappointment so far.

Cole has been terrible. I was really stoked about this pickup and thought he would be serviceable at least. To me he seems like he's been invisible.

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And that off-set max protect thing seems to always work. Work last year late season when we struggled on OL too.

I'm just confused by alot of things.

Less penalties, drops, fumbles, muffs, interceptions would help too.

Need accountability from the top down. A wake-ip call.

They're just goin thru the motions it appears.

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Well for what it's worth..I liked that Pags showed he was * off. He showed some fire. His last comment was that the Colts just need to go out like they did last year and put another string of 5 wins in a row together. He said that and then walked out. Let's see it.

Yeah but when you start taking jabs at your boss and your QB......you may have sealed your fate.  Not that he said anything untrue or uncalled for but I'm sure Irsay's not liking that one

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Again, Pags was responding to the question "Is Andrew speeding things up". He simply said that after three years of seeing the same pocket, he should be used to it and shouldn't be throwing multiple interceptions. No, he is not speeding things up relative to what he has seen the past three years.

I don't think that was meant as a shot at management. I think it was meant to tell Andrew that he needs to do something other than force the ball.

If a coach can't criticize a player...what's the point of being a coach? Its part of the job.

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I'm not attacking you. I just don't think what you're saying is true. Any offensive lineman who hasn't been flagged hasn't played enough. So the only way you had all those games of football as a lineman without being penalized is if you were riding the bench.




I had a lot of respect for you whether I agreed with you on your OPINIONS or not.  I would never call you a liar and discredit you based on zero factual knowledge to the contrary.  I do not hide who I am on this site using my own photo and revealing who I am in my profile.  You are anonymous though work in an official capacity here and this behavior, at best, is troll like on your behalf and certainly violates the site rules and because you are calling me a liar you are discrediting me publicly.  This site is officially linked to the Indianapolis Colts and you are working for them in an official capacity as a moderator on their behalf.  Libel laws are on my side.  


Facts: I played for a high school team who was State Ranked every year I was there, went 47-4 and played in two state championships and won my Senior Year.  I lettered 3 years, but played all 4.  (My freshman year I broke a wrist and could not play enough plays to qualify for a letter). I started at Defensive Tackle and Offensive Tackle.   In college, I lettered all 4 years (something rare in the history of the University), at Offensive Tackle and Center as well as playing Defensive End for a year.  Our Senior year we were Nationally ranked and I was the starting Center.  In all that play on both sides of the ball (starting both ways in high school) I never had a single penalty of any kind.  I was also honored with All State and won a State Championship.   I was not ever a bench rider as you claim.  .  


Either offer evidence that any of that is untrue, or take back your personal attacks and libelous comments.  You should NOT receive special treatment as a moderator.  


Jumping off sides/false start is 100% preventable in all levels of football.  You simply go on the ball movement or snap count, let alone the dumbest penalty of all (in my opinion) lining up offsides.  Personal fouls are entirely preventable in all levels of football, you simply don't break the rules, fight or act like an *.  It is entirely possible not to block someone in the back, grab their facemask etc. with technique, discipline and skill   As I said previously, the only penalty exception I make is for holding in the NFL because a hold is often better than losing your Franchise QB.  Holding in other circumstances can be prevented with technique, skill and common sense (like if you're away from the play action, why would you EVER hold? In the NFL people do it often anyway).  Now, you may 100% disagree with those opinions and that is perfectly fine with me.  But it is an entirely different thing to call someone a liar about their personal life and experiences.  When you do it as an official representative of the website message board that represents the Indianapolis Colts, that is not only libel, but it is also unnecessary like a false start penalty.  


Stop with the false accusations and personal attacks okay?  Surely you're better than that.  

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I had a lot of respect for you whether I agreed with you on your OPINIONS or not. I would never call you a liar and discredit you based on zero factual knowledge to the contrary. I do not hide who I am on this site using my own photo and revealing who I am in my profile. You are anonymous though work in an official capacity here and this behavior, at best, is troll like on your behalf and certainly violates the site rules and because you are calling me a liar you are discrediting me publicly. This site is officially linked to the Indianapolis Colts and you are working for them in an official capacity as a moderator on their behalf. Libel laws are on my side.

Facts: I played for a high school team who was State Ranked every year I was there, went 47-4 and played in two state championships and won my Senior Year. I lettered 3 years, but played all 4. (My freshman year I broke a wrist and could not play enough plays to qualify for a letter). I started at Defensive Tackle and Offensive Tackle. In college, I lettered all 4 years (something rare in the history of the University), at Offensive Tackle and Center as well as playing Defensive End for a year. Our Senior year we were Nationally ranked and I was the starting Center. In all that play on both sides of the ball (starting both ways in high school) I never had a single penalty of any kind. I was also honored with All State and won a State Championship. I was not ever a bench rider as you claim. .

Either offer evidence that any of that is untrue, or take back your personal attacks and libelous comments. You should NOT receive special treatment as a moderator.

Jumping off sides/false start is 100% preventable in all levels of football. You simply go on the ball movement or snap count, let alone the dumbest penalty of all (in my opinion) lining up offsides. Personal fouls are entirely preventable in all levels of football, you simply don't break the rules, fight or act like an *. It is entirely possible not to block someone in the back, grab their facemask etc. with technique, discipline and skill As I said previously, the only penalty exception I make is for holding in the NFL because a hold is often better than losing your Franchise QB. Holding in other circumstances can be prevented with technique, skill and common sense (like if you're away from the play action, why would you EVER hold? In the NFL people do it often anyway). Now, you may 100% disagree with those opinions and that is perfectly fine with me. But it is an entirely different thing to call someone a liar about their personal life and experiences. When you do it as an official representative of the website message board that represents the Indianapolis Colts, that is not only libel, but it is also unnecessary like a false start penalty.

Stop with the false accusations and personal attacks okay? Surely you're better than that.

Libel? Really? Lol. Good luck with that.
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Yeah but when you start taking jabs at your boss and your QB......you may have sealed your fate. Not that he said anything untrue or uncalled for but I'm sure Irsay's not liking that one

If the reports are true Pagano is probably gone next year anyway. Don't think his comments sealed his fate since reports say he won't be back regardless.

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Cole has been terrible. I was really stoked about this pickup and thought he would be serviceable at least. To me he seems like he's been invisible.

I wouldn't say he's been invisible as he's been decent in run support but as a pash rusher so far he hasn't done much for sure. Still plenty of time for him to turn it around.

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Grigs didn't tell him to ignore the TEs......

Probably didn't tell him to ignore the defensive linemen and LB's in his face all night either. My recollection of the game I did not see a lot of short routes being run. Grigson has tried, but failed, to get some interior offensive line help. He had Mewhort in there at G last year and he did a good job but now hes out at Tackle and he's still on a learning curve in that position. He did an OK job the other night but I saw him get pushed around a number times and the 3 interior guys we currently have starting would not start on 75% of the teams in the NFL.

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Pep's tight ends caught 98 passes last year.    51 for Fleeners,  29 for Allen (and he was hurt)  and 18 for Doyle.


Pep came from Stanford where using the tight end is job one.


But something has gone sideways this year and we're barely throwing to them at all this year.  


It's a complete mystery to me.     I don't know what is going on in Pep's mind.....?

Based on what we saw with Richardson, I think it's fair to suspect there is pressure to use the tools we brought it.  We need to feature Gore and get Johnson looks.  Then, we still need to get TY touches, Moncreif is currently out performing everyone and we haven't even discussed Dorrsett.  Which is why I went ham when we made the pick to begin with...just dumb.  I digress, we don't have enough possessions to spread it around the TE's in addition to spoken or unspoken mandates.  I'm don't like Pep's game plans at all but I also see where he came into to a situation where we wanted to the old Arian's offense in combination with his offense and it just hasn't worked out and it shows.

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Chuck probably new that sooner rather than later he'd get to thrust "his guy" Chud in there. Maybe that time is coming sooner than some may realize.

I'll be honest, when I saw/heard that Pep Hamilton was coming in I thought he and Luck knowing this Offense and how it was supposed to work along with their history that they'd be able to execute it flawlessly. Obviously all the stars need to align for that to happen, which include all the things that have been talked about numerous times on here already.

I am tired of beating these topics like a dead horse....no pun intended.

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If the reports are true Pagano is probably gone next year anyway. Don't think his comments sealed his fate since reports say he won't be back regardless.

I would agree. I think Chuck sees it as he doesn't have a lot to lose.


Eerily similar to this:



Jim pointed the finger at Manning and rightfully so at the time. I dont recall people being so openly critical of Manning at that time like they are with Luck now.

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I had a lot of respect for you whether I agreed with you on your OPINIONS or not.  I would never call you a liar and discredit you based on zero factual knowledge to the contrary.  I do not hide who I am on this site using my own photo and revealing who I am in my profile.  You are anonymous though work in an official capacity here and this behavior, at best, is troll like on your behalf and certainly violates the site rules and because you are calling me a liar you are discrediting me publicly.  This site is officially linked to the Indianapolis Colts and you are working for them in an official capacity as a moderator on their behalf.  Libel laws are on my side.  


Facts: I played for a high school team who was State Ranked every year I was there, went 47-4 and played in two state championships and won my Senior Year.  I lettered 3 years, but played all 4.  (My freshman year I broke a wrist and could not play enough plays to qualify for a letter). I started at Defensive Tackle and Offensive Tackle.   In college, I lettered all 4 years (something rare in the history of the University), at Offensive Tackle and Center as well as playing Defensive End for a year.  Our Senior year we were Nationally ranked and I was the starting Center.  In all that play on both sides of the ball (starting both ways in high school) I never had a single penalty of any kind.  I was also honored with All State and won a State Championship.   I was not ever a bench rider as you claim.  .  


Either offer evidence that any of that is untrue, or take back your personal attacks and libelous comments.  You should NOT receive special treatment as a moderator.  


Jumping off sides/false start is 100% preventable in all levels of football.  You simply go on the ball movement or snap count, let alone the dumbest penalty of all (in my opinion) lining up offsides.  Personal fouls are entirely preventable in all levels of football, you simply don't break the rules, fight or act like an *.  It is entirely possible not to block someone in the back, grab their facemask etc. with technique, discipline and skill   As I said previously, the only penalty exception I make is for holding in the NFL because a hold is often better than losing your Franchise QB.  Holding in other circumstances can be prevented with technique, skill and common sense (like if you're away from the play action, why would you EVER hold? In the NFL people do it often anyway).  Now, you may 100% disagree with those opinions and that is perfectly fine with me.  But it is an entirely different thing to call someone a liar about their personal life and experiences.  When you do it as an official representative of the website message board that represents the Indianapolis Colts, that is not only libel, but it is also unnecessary like a false start penalty.  


Stop with the false accusations and personal attacks okay?  Surely you're better than that.  




I am under no obligation to believe everything you say, regardless of my role here. There's nothing personal about me saying that. I didn't call you a liar, and I didn't accuse you of anything. My opinion of your comments is my opinion only, and everyone else here is free to determine their own opinion of your comments (and mine, and anyone else's), without regard for my opinion.


Your claim of libel makes me think you're taking this exchange a little too seriously. Like I said, this is my personal opinion, as is everything else I post, unless specifically stated as fact. I think we both ought to be able to post our opinions freely on a site like this without being accused of stuff like libel. Seriously.


As for penalties, many of them are avoidable, and yet, in the NFL, every player gets penalized at one point or another. Acting like the very act of getting penalized is completely egregious is over the top, and that's what my point was. 

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I would agree. I think Chuck sees it as he doesn't have a lot to lose.


Eerily similar to this:



Jim pointed the finger at Manning and rightfully so at the time. I dont recall people being so openly critical of Manning at that time like they are with Luck now.

For those that remember, expectations were different then, expectations are the difference.  I used to root like heck to be over .500, that was a Super Bowl for us once upon a time.  I hope we don't openly set Super Bowl or Bust expectations again.  The goal needs to be win every week, execute like crazy and focus on improving every day.  That's the formula for greatness. We've become somewhat spoiled as Indy fans and we're being a little childish as a fan base.  I think this team will be right there at the end of the season.

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For those that remember, expectations were different then, expectations are the difference.  I used to root like heck to be over .500, that was a Super Bowl for us once upon a time.  I hope we don't openly set Super Bowl or Bust expectations again.  The goal needs to be win every week, execute like crazy and focus on improving every day.  That's the formula for greatness. We've become somewhat spoiled as Indy fans and we're being a little childish as a fan base.  I think this team will be right there at the end of the season.

You're probably right but there were expectations that year. We had the "triplets" and there was definitely pressure there. Edge went down with the ACL but the defense was getting lots of criticism. There was not much talent on that defense at that time. Before Freeney, Mathis, Bob Sanders, Brackett, Bethea etc. Bill definitely went to work and got some talent on defense after that.

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    • Yes. Just like you might want to try to make a player drop to you, you might want to bump up the stock of another player so he gets taken ahead of you and this drops another player you actually like to your team.  This to me looks even worse. This provides even further layers of anonymity and even more questions about the veracity of the report. With what McGinn is doing at least we know where(generally) this is coming from and what the potential pitfalls might be(conflict of interest). If he generalizes it to "People are saying"... this could be anyone... it could be a scout... it could be an exec... it could be an actual coach of the player(this might actually be valuable)... or it could be a water boy the player didn't give an autograph to... In a certain way it makes it easier to ignore, but it feels worse to me because of lack of specificity about the reliability of the source.  There is a lot of appetite for more and more information about the players. I'm not so sure there is a ton of appetite for anonymous reports about character failings specifically. In fact, I think those are some of my least favorite pieces of content around the draft. I think there is TONS of good(and some bad) substantiated, analytical, narrative content for fans to consume without going into the gutter of dirt that a lot of those anonymous reports are dealing with. Unless it is factually substantiated(example, player X is being charged with Y crime, i.e. there's actual case... it's all fair game to explore that...)    Someone pointed out that it was Ballard that went to Marcus Peters' house and spent a couple of days with him and his family to give the OK to the Chiefs to draft him. Ballard is not a stranger to having to clear a prospect's character for his team so they'd be able to draft him. IMO he seems very confident in his read on Mitchell. I don't think he'd go to that length to defend his player the day he drafts him if he didn't really think the things he said. And I really think he feels strongly about this. I guess we will see in due time if he was right. 
    • Does the same dynamic and conflict exist when it's a positive report, based on unnamed sources?    What if a reporter just generalizes this information, without offering quotes? 'People I've talked to have concerns about this player's maturity...' Is the standard the same in that case?   I think if media didn't share these anonymous insights, the stuff we love to consume during draft season would dry up, and we'd be in the dark. There's a voracious appetite for this kind of information. That doesn't mean the media has no responsibility and shouldn't be held to some kind of standard, but I think your standard is more strict than it needs to be. JMO.   To the bolded, I think that's the job of the scouts, and it's one of the reasons there's a HUGE difference between watching video, and actually scouting. That's why teams who have access to film and independent scouting reports still pay their own scouts to go into the schools, talk to the coaches, talk to family and friends, etc., and write up in-depth reports on players that they'll likely never draft. I'm confident the Colts got sufficient answers to those questions, which is why I'm not concerned about it. If the Colts didn't have a reputation for being so thorough with stuff like this, I might feel differently.
    • Not sure. To me a lot of those (not just about AD) read very gross and icky, especially coming from people who have things to gain from perpetuating a narrative. IMO unless it's factually supported, you probably shouldn't print it(this is specifically about character/attitude things... things that we cannot see with our own eyes on the field - about those... go wild... print whatever you want, unless you are concerned with looking foolish). Or at the very least you should make everything possible to corroborate it with people who are close to the situation - for example, your anonymous scout tells you AD Mitchell is uncoachable. You do NOT print this unless a coach who has worked with him confirms it. Your anonymous scout tells you that when AD Mitchell is not taking care of his blood sugar levels, he's hard to work with. OK, this seems reasonable enough. But does it give an accurate picture of what it is like to work with Mitchell? In other words - how often does that actually happen? Because Mitchell's interview with Destin seems to suggest that he's been taking the necessary measures to control his blood sugar levels. Did it happen like once or twice in the span of 3 years in college? Or is it happening every second practice? Because when you write it like McGinn wrote it and then suggest that he's uncoachable, what's the picture that comes to your head? And the fact that your scout also told you "but when his blood sugar is ok, he's great", doesn't really do anything to balance the story here. 
    • Got it. But what do you think should be done about this?
    • I mean that anonymous scouts and anonymous execs work for some team in the league. Those teams have interests very separate from the interests of the reporters giving them platform... 
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