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Colts Will Get #1 Pick If They Lose To The Jags


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If we can beat Tennessee and Houston, I don't see Blaine Gabbert beating us next week. I am torn because i want Colts to always win. But if you are going to suck for a season, might as well come out of it with a potential you franchise QB. So if they win, i will be happy. If they lose, I will be too.

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To be honest I don't even want Luck. I want either Morris Claiborne or Quinton Coples to replace Mathis. I'd much rather us draft a guy like Nick Foles out of Arizona that we can develop into a starter, rather than have a guy to sit on the bench the next four years. I want an immediate impact making, defensive stud. Claiborne is this years shutdown CB and Quinton Coples is this drafts Julius Peppers.

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Colts have been a terrible road team. It will be loud and crazy in Jville for the last game of the season and the Jags won't lay down on us. Texans technically played better ball today, Yates and Foster played well, but they had extreme penalties that could be attributed to the lose. The Jags will play us tough...

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Colts have been a terrible road team. It will be loud and crazy in Jville for the last game of the season and the Jags won't lay down on us. Texans technically played better ball today, Yates and Foster played well, but they had extreme penalties that could be attributed to the lose. The Jags will play us tough...

This is exactly it - penalties (some very soft ones at that) won us the game today.

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I think there is a chance this could happen. While our ground game has really been dialed in the last couple of games we are winning because our defense has been playing their best football of the season outside of maybe the Steelers game. We all know that when our defense goes on the road it tends to play very differently than it does at home. I wouldn't be shocked at all to see us lose to the Jags and see all the Colts fans that are losing their minds tonight because we won feeling really silly when we still end up with the top pick.

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no his wind-up is fine. its really his size, arm strength, and not playing in a pro style offense. he is similar in terms of manning with his smarts and not getting sacked.

Well then maybe he makes more sense to let him come in and learn the Colts ofense.

Oh well the door hasn't completely closed on Luck yet either, if we lose to the Jags Luck is still ours if we want him.

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Well then maybe he makes more sense to let him come in and learn the Colts ofense.

Oh well the door hasn't completely closed on Luck yet either, if we lose to the Jags Luck is still ours if we want him.

And we (the colts fo) will want him. I want to win next week in part just to avoid the luck drama. Dont like the bad feelings it has generated. Luck is sort of becoming tebow-like with his polarizing stature.

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The Colts won tonight for a few reasons only. Send off Regie Wayne with a home win; he called the last play where he grabbed the TD. Second is to give the fans a feel good send off for the season; they can lose next week but at least they got their last home game with a W. Luck is ours and the Jags are gonna "crush it" next week.

I live in Vegas, all my money is going on the Jags for a win. There's not too many sure things at the sports book but this is one of them. There is NO way the Colts win next weeks game.

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Just heard Freddie Coleman talk about this on his show saying the Colts will get the 1st pick based on SOS. Who else is rooting for a loss against the Jags? We've come to far guys, dont blow the best QB prospect in over a decade.

Rather than rooting for a Colts loss, I am a temporary Viking & Rams fan for the next two weeks. One more win each by both would clinch the first pick for Indy even if they beat Jacksonville as I fully expect them to.

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I'm holding out hope for Russell Wilson somewhere in the 3rd or 4th. In essence, I'm hoping to win out and take a QB later. I think he'll go around there. For a guy who is on the small side (probably 5'11ish), he's got few other weaknesses. He plays in a pro style system (Wisconsin), with pro sized linemen (average about 6'5 320), and played at a very high level. He's a complete prospect. He's just short.

I also think the Colts can beat the Jags. Blaine Gabbert ruins any kind of balance that team could ever wish to have.

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Okay, please don't get me wrong. I am a long time Colts fan and bleed blue. I was in high school when they came to town in the middle of the night on Mayflower trucks (my mom worked for Mayflower back then), and I was a huge fan win or lose (more losing than winning back then) just because we finally had a pro team in my home town. But seriously, this is a business that just happens to be a sport. We all love our Colts, so why wouldn't we want the best for them? I totally agree that it is awesome when they win and I live for that. I do the happy dance. But they are not a group of 10 year-old kids that need to feel good for winning and taken to Chuckie Cheese for a win party. They need to look at the team as a business and do what is best for the team. At this point are we going to the playoffs? (Playoffs? PLAYOFFS?) No. So why would we risk the #1 pick next spring? I am not saying that we should "suck for Luck", but the first round pick could do more for us than get us Mr. Luck. It could get us the rights to the first round pick, which could allow us an exchange for a couple of other good picks. Either way, Luck or no Luck, winning these last games is not going to help us for this year, next year, or the next 10 years if it takes away from us getting good draft position. Peyton was a first round pick, and look where we ended up. I know we might not see Reggie or Jeff or Robert next year and they want to go out with a bang, but who will remember a 3-15 season? No one other than the stat buffs. These guys will be remembered for their Superbowl win, the amazing things they did for our Colts, and their many pro-bowl picks. And undoubtedly their Hall of Fame induction.

Let's hope that we will have the first round pick come draft season. I am not saying that we should throw in the towel, but maybe we should consider where we will be this time next year. Or the year after.

God bless our Colts and Happy Holidays!

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Okay, please don't get me wrong. I am a long time Colts fan and bleed blue. I was in high school when they came to town in the middle of the night on Mayflower trucks (my mom worked for Mayflower back then), and I was a huge fan win or lose (more losing than winning back then) just because we finally had a pro team in my home town. But seriously, this is a business that just happens to be a sport. We all love our Colts, so why wouldn't we want the best for them? I totally agree that it is awesome when they win and I live for that. I do the happy dance. But they are not a group of 10 year-old kids that need to feel good for winning and taken to Chuckie Cheese for a win party. They need to look at the team as a business and do what is best for the team. At this point are we going to the playoffs? (Playoffs? PLAYOFFS?) No. So why would we risk the #1 pick next spring? I am not saying that we should "suck for Luck", but the first round pick could do more for us than get us Mr. Luck. It could get us the rights to the first round pick, which could allow us an exchange for a couple of other good picks. Either way, Luck or no Luck, winning these last games is not going to help us for this year, next year, or the next 10 years if it takes away from us getting good draft position. Peyton was a first round pick, and look where we ended up. I know we might not see Reggie or Jeff or Robert next year and they want to go out with a bang, but who will remember a 3-15 season? No one other than the stat buffs. These guys will be remembered for their Superbowl win, the amazing things they did for our Colts, and their many pro-bowl picks. And undoubtedly their Hall of Fame induction.

Let's hope that we will have the first round pick come draft season. I am not saying that we should throw in the towel, but maybe we should consider where we will be this time next year. Or the year after.

God bless our Colts and Happy Holidays!

This is a confusing post. Can you elaborate on what you mean? You don't want them to throw in the towel, but you want them to realize that winning might not be good for the team in the long run and...?

Also, why should the players be concerned about the long term health of the team? Most of them won't be here in 10 years, several won't be here in the next 3, and losing doesn't help them make money when their contract is up (and especially if it's up soon). If a bunch of fans were playing, they might be concerned, but these guys are getting paid to win, not to insure the #1 pick for their team.

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Just heard Freddie Coleman talk about this on his show saying the Colts will get the 1st pick based on SOS. Who else is rooting for a loss against the Jags? We've come to far guys, dont blow the best QB prospect in over a decade.

The Best QB of for how long? Who has never thrown an NFL pass... Sorry but I'll take my chances and take a "broken down Manning" over the "hot shot rookie".

Rodgers 23 pick in first round

Brees Second round

Brady Sixth round

Roethelisberber teens first round

Cutler teens first round

You don't need the 1st pick to get a "great" QB.

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Posted · Hidden by Peytongirl, December 26, 2011 - reply to a now deleted post - off topic
Hidden by Peytongirl, December 26, 2011 - reply to a now deleted post - off topic


The only hunt I am on is for those who disrupt this board. :evil:

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i really don't think there is any way that the Texans or Jags lose on purpose just to prevent us from drafting Luck. Luck has incredible upside and talent, but I doubt either of those teams are scared of a QB that hasn't played an NFL down in his life.

It also looks like the AFC South will be much more competitive in the near future. Jake Locker looks like he will be a great QB for the Titans. If they had played Locker the whole game last week, i think they may have beaten us. Houston has a great QB in Shaub, and Yates can keep them competitive. The jury is still out on Gabbert, but I'm not gonna pass judgment on him until his 3rd year.

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This is a confusing post. Can you elaborate on what you mean? You don't want them to throw in the towel, but you want them to realize that winning might not be good for the team in the long run and...?

Also, why should the players be concerned about the long term health of the team? Most of them won't be here in 10 years, several won't be here in the next 3, and losing doesn't help them make money when their contract is up (and especially if it's up soon). If a bunch of fans were playing, they might be concerned, but these guys are getting paid to win, not to insure the #1 pick for their team.

Sorry to confuse. I don't think that most of the players get paid any differently whether they win or lose, unless they are going to the playoffs or the Superbowl. Their contracts are based on time and their ability to stay off the IR list, not wins or losses. It might affect the players future as far as contract negotiations are concerned, but that should not be the concern of the team owners. I agree that most of the players won't be here in the next 3 or 10 years, but the players don't control the future of the team, or what pick the team gets in the draft next year, the owners do, and the owners need to run it like a business. If that means putting in 3rd string players or calling plays that might not be the most probable for creating a win at this point in the year when there is not much to gain for a win, and that could mean that they will get a better pick in the draft next year, then maybe that would be the best choice for the team in the long run.

I really am sorry for creating such a controversial post as a "newbie" to this site. I was really not trying to stir anything up and didn't know it would be monitored so closely or create such a stir.

I truly hope everyone has a nice Holiday. Believe it or not from me, Go Colts!

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The phones will be ringing in jax. The Texans and Titans will "explain" to Jax how a loss to Indy means a better long-term outcome for them in the division.

Kind of a "Suck for Luck" but in reverse........ kinda.


wouldn't it be kinda ironic if we lost the first overall pick because the Jags pulled their starters in the third quarter...

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The Best QB of for how long? Who has never thrown an NFL pass... Sorry but I'll take my chances and take a "broken down Manning" over the "hot shot rookie".

Rodgers 23 pick in first round

Brees Second round

Brady Sixth round

Roethelisberber teens first round

Cutler teens first round

You don't need the 1st pick to get a "great" QB.

To elaborate on your post.... Manning 1st overall. BOTH of them. BOTH of them Super Bowl Champions.

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Posted · Hidden by Peytongirl, December 26, 2011 - someone who thinks I did something I didn't...oh well
Hidden by Peytongirl, December 26, 2011 - someone who thinks I did something I didn't...oh well

The only hunt I am on is for those who disrupt this board. :evil:

Kicked for 24hrs over that ..................... GET A LIFE

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    • I think even though the sample size was small last season it gave people a false sense of where he is. But we also can’t ignore thst maybe the regression is just because of the lack of off season work. If it’s just the lack of offseason work it should correct itself fairly quickly. We should def him settle in by game 6 or 7.
    • It just seems like people have sold themselves the idea he was going to come out great this season which I think is and was completely unreasonable.   I hope to see some improvement by the end of the season, but I really don't expect a whole lot until sometime next season. AR has got so much catching up to do.   I mean, there's no doubt AR's struggles are affecting MPJ, but MPJ has never been a great separater and seeing a defender right besides MPJ is probably stopping AR from throwing his way at this point.   Also, to be clear, I'm not saying AR will DEFINITELY be great, but I do think we DEFINITELY don't know yet and people need to be a lot more patient with him.
    • They both couldn’t throw or work on footwork. To ignore this could be a possibility with AR is naive. Let’s see where he is by game 7. Especially when it looks like he went backwards  from last season.
    • Other than the fact that Luck was a proven NFL QB in his prime and that his shoulder rehab lasted 3x as long.   
    • His lack of experience was a well-known risk in drafting him and it's a big reason why some were skeptical (including me). On the flip side, it sort of seemed like people disregarded his lack of experience then in favor of things like potential and upside. But now he's struggling and it's showing. If anything, it's validated those initial concerns.   I tend to think WR drops following a QB from college to the NFL says as much about the QB as it does the pass catchers. But they need to do better. I think it will take a combination of improvements from both AR and the pass catchers.   Not sure if something is up with MPJ, but some "regression" this year was very predictable. At one point, I actually thought he might leave in FA when faced with prospect of re-signing with a run-first team and a young QB who is still learning how to throw short and intermediate passes (the area he operates). But he stayed...and I am glad he did. But if it continues, there are going to be a lot of people blaming MPJ, which is pretty ridiculous, when you think about just 6 months ago, people were talking about how great of a contract it was and that MPJ was a legit WR1 with AR.  
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