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take the wonderlic test

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Took it once and got a 39 out of 50 


Questions were relatively easy but there were some difficult ones.


Edit: The link doesn't show my results for some reason, just the original screen, but I got a 39.

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Pretty fun but surely the real thing is more difficult, right?

I'm guessing so, these questions make you think and it takes a bit of time on some of them. I had 2 1/2 minutes left when I finished.

I started off slow, but got into a groove and got 35 questions done in 6 minutes. If you can think fast, I think the real life one isn't too much harder. These seem like the type of questions that would be asked. You have to estimate on some of the math ones sometime and guess the closest answer so you don't waste a minute or two. I'm guessing this is close. I'd probably get a few extra wrong on the real one, but even a 35 or 36 for real would be respectable.


Did you take the test backshoulderfade?

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I'm guessing so, these questions make you think and it takes a bit of time on some of them. I had 2 1/2 minutes left when I finished.

I started off slow, but got into a groove and got 35 questions done in 6 minutes. If you can think fast, I think the real life one isn't too much harder. These seem like the type of questions that would be asked. You have to estimate on some of the math ones sometime and guess the closest answer so you don't waste a minute or two. I'm guessing this is close. I'd probably get a few extra wrong on the real one, but even a 35 or 36 for real would be respectable.

Did you take the test backshoulderfade?

I did, I scored a 41 but I usually score average on aptitude tests. The ones I got wrong were some of the ones comparing the two words. Some of them seemed like they were related but not similar so that threw me off.

And yeh, a lot of the math ones you can figure by just adding everything before the decimal.

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I did, I scored a 41 but I usually score average on aptitude tests. The ones I got wrong were some of the ones comparing the two words. Some of them seemed like they were related but not similar so that threw me off.

And yeh, a lot of the math ones you can figure by just adding everything before the decimal.

Nice job on the 41! That's very good. I agree on all your points, the similar and contradictory were easy to tell apart from each other, but sometimes it was confusing whether they were related or not. The ones I took a 50/50 guess on I ended up being wrong every time lol. The math ones take a little common sense, once you figure them out, they become easy. I'm curious on how certain players do so bad on this test? Even if it is a little harder, you see lots of them get 10 and below. Either the test is a lot harder or they aren't very smart, lol. It was a blast to try out though.

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Nice job on the 41! That's very good. I agree on all your points, the similar and contradictory were easy to tell apart from each other, but sometimes it was confusing whether they were related or not. The ones I took a 50/50 guess on I ended up being wrong every time lol. The math ones take a little common sense, once you figure them out, they become easy. I'm curious on how certain players do so bad on this test? Even if it is a little harder, you see lots of them get 10 and below. Either the test is a lot harder or they aren't very smart, lol. It was a blast to try out though.

Definitely no indication of my intelligence though. Case in point, I am having a particularly lazy day. I decided I needed to go to the shop and got half way down the road before I realized I was wearing Batman Pyjama pants...

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Pretty fun but surely the real thing is more difficult, right?


I would guess the real one is more difficult.  Andrew Luck graduated from Stanford with a degree in Architecture and scored a 37, and you have so many on here getting scores of 40+.  


Either we've got a lot of people of extremely high intelligence or perhaps the real wonderlic is harder then the same one.  


Also there are sources saying the average scores of chemists is like 31.  


Just too many extremely high scores to think that the sample test is as difficult as the real thing.

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I would guess the real one is more difficult. Andrew Luck graduated from Stanford with a degree in Architecture and scored a 37, and you have so many on here getting scores of 40+.

Either we've got a lot of people of extremely high intelligence or perhaps the real wonderlic is harder then the same one.

Yeh, i'm certainly no Stanford student.

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The real test must be much more difficult. I scored 48 out of 50 and had 2 minutes still left. I have taken these sample Wonderlic tests in the past and always scored high but this is the highest I have gotten. I would always run out of time but not this time.

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Well, relative to others who have posted their scores, I'm embarrassed to say that I only got a 31, but had 12 questions left.  I spent way too much time on the math questions early on then figured out I was running out of time, then got into a groove.


What struck me about the questions was the need to read them precisely.  Tens place and tenths place was a common distinction, (like how you might speak the words similarly).  Flammable and Inflammable can appear to be contradictory, when in fact they are similar.


I think what the test measures is the skills needed to process and comprehend precise language  in a short amount of time...like an audible at the line of scrimmage...or even an entire playbook, moreso than overall aptitude.


While its telling that someone like Wilfork gets a 6, its not really that big of a deal for a big fatty who's role is to clog the middle.  However, Vince Young scoring an 8 is probematic for a QB, IMO. 


And I would want my offensive players to do well, maybe not so concerned about the defensive players as much.


Also, I would think that anyone who took one of these practice tests beforehand would have no problem with the format of the test, which sort of took me a while to figure out as I took it this first time.  If we all took it again, we could probably hit our groove earlier and score better.  So, there's no excuse for any college player to get an absurdly low score anymore, since many of these sample tests are available.

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They claim they don't try or care, which I think is both untrue and stupid.  Vince Young and Morris Claiborne come to mind


I could see some of them not caring and not trying.  Wonderlic is probably the event that GM's care about the least.  The only time it even seems to be an issue is QB's.


That having been said, I would think one would care just simply because you don't want to look bad.  Getting a low score is an invitation for people to call you stupid.  


But like I said before, I'm pretty sure the real wonderlic is harder then the one we just took.  I just can't buy that a random sample of Colts fans on the internet would just average out to somewhere in the low 40's.  Meanwhile Stanford Architecture Grad Andrew Luck is at 37 (which is considered pretty high) and Manning was something like 25 which seems to be more or less average.

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