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Tom Brady 4SBs


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On 1st and goal from the 5, Marshawn gains 4 yards.  He scores the TD on 2nd and goal from the 1.  I have no doubts he would have scored.  That is literally the exact situation you want Lynch for.  You want a guy who can get you 1 yard when you really need it.  No single yard was more important to Seattle's season than that one.  This is literally why you have a power back on your team.  Lynch gains like 3 yards when he's falling.


The OC just tried being cute, in my opinion.  Instead of a boring handoff, he wanted his young QB to throw the game winning TD pass in the late seconds of the Super Bowl to win it all.  Make the safe play and get the win.

What about the element of surprise though on Darrell Bevell's part though 21? You see, what you classify as cute I deem as clever because everybody in the stadium expected Beast Mode to get the ball. 


True, the ploy didn't work yes, but why are so many people automatically assuming that Lynch would score? That assumption is not a foregone conclusion. It's it highly likely? Probably. A certainty? Absolutely not. 


What if Lynch is given the ball, fails to score a TD, & the Hawks still lose the game? Fans would be screaming "Darn it Bevell, why didn't you tell Wilson throw the bleeping ball into the back of the endzone?!" 

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Thanks Shane. It is a great night here in Boston. Big snow storm coming in about two hours. School already cancelled for my girls which is cool as tomorrow will be like a holiday anyways. I may try to make the parade on Tuesday.

Yeah I do know about snowstorm, I live in CT :).

Stay safe.

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Just out of curiosity did QB RW thank his creator for guiding him & giving him the strength to endure this heartbreaking loss with grace? I just wanna see if he's consistent.

If a person is very pious, they usually thank a higher power in both wins & losses equally. I'm not calling into question RW's devoutness just the balance of it in good times & bad.

I know it sucks to lose the SB & I'm not trying to trivialize the pain of it. I just wanna know that RW is humbled in both victory & defeat & you don't only praise a higher power when you beat GB in the Championship Game.

Grace & humility flow equally regardless of what the final score indicates when all is said & done. JMO.

That's all very easy to wanna sit back and judge from the outside, not being in his shoes. His emotions were high and yeah maybe he didn't do praise the higher power whom he believes in where we could see it in television but he may have later in the locker room. No one knows and can make that judgment outside Russel himself. And even if he may not have praised the higher power that he believes in during this time and situation. It in NO way determines whether he is truly humble and graceful.

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Just out of curiosity did QB RW thank his creator for guiding him & giving him the strength to endure this heartbreaking loss with grace? I just wanna see if he's consistent.

If a person is very pious, they usually thank a higher power in both wins & losses equally. I'm not calling into question RW's devoutness just the balance of it in good times & bad.

I know it sucks to lose the SB & I'm not trying to trivialize the pain of it. I just wanna know that RW is humbled in both victory & defeat & you don't only praise a higher power when you beat GB in the Championship Game.

Grace & humility flow equally regardless of what the final score indicates when all is said & done. JMO.

You should be a judge, SW1 :).

You like to keep people accountable.

Last year, you were ballistic on peyton not accepting the blame. Now Wilson.

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*4 Super Bowls

You forgot the asterisk

They even have an asterisk in their team logo.


Gotta say Brady played really good even with properly inflated footballs. 

Full credit to him for learning to throw a standard pressure ball so effectively in just two weeks.

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That's all very easy to wanna sit back and judge from the outside, not being in his shoes. His emotions were high and yeah maybe he didn't do praise the higher power whom he believes in where we could see it in television but he may have later in the locker room. No one knows and can make that judgment outside Russel himself. And even if he may not have praised the higher power that he believes in during this time and situation. It in NO way determines whether he is truly humble and graceful.

How exactly am I judging RW Weslo? Give me a break with that ridiculous nonsense. It's about balance. Is the athlete the same when they win or lose? It's a question of consistency not religious devotion. 


Did you meet him at UW-Madison like I personally did? I think I know him better than you or Gavin actually do with all due respect. 

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You should be a judge, SW1 :).

You like to keep people accountable.

Last year, you were ballistic on peyton not accepting the blame. Now Wilson.

Yes, last year I said Peyton Manning needed to take responsibility for his role in the SB loss & not refuse to say "I" didn't play my best football tonight not the cop out "we" the team nonsense failed to make plays. 


This go round, I was sick & tired of so many pundits heaping so much praise on RW it drove me crazy. Or in the Championship Game where if you take away that onside kick recovery vs GB & RW has no chance to win the game for Seattle in OT. Okay, you can make the argument that my resentment is with the media coverage & not Wilson directly or personally. I will admit that publicly. 


It is possible to acknowledge that RW won a ring last year, Peyton Manning played poorly, & still feel bad that I wanted 18 to be the 1st QB to win 2 Lombardi Trophies with 2 different teams. Will Manning do this if he comes back 1 more year? No, I'd say that dream is officially dead. JMO. 

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Even if Lynch got the ball with 26 seconds left, there's no guarantee Beast Mode punches it in the endzone. Strange stuff happens in the SB especially when a player must make 1 final play. 


I don't accept the premise that it's a Hawks victory if Lynch is handed the ball because the handoff can go haywire or the RB gets hit just right & fumbles the ball before crossing the plane. 


Bright lights & the biggest moments can mess with an athlete's head & give them butterflies. A lot of strange stuff can go down in 26 seconds. It's not like the play game clock read 8 seconds.

I hear you SW1 but when you need one yard you have to at least go to the horse that got you there. If Marshawn gets stopped he gets stopped. At least you know you went down with what your best shot. I'm sorry but with the Super Bowl on the line and the way the mojo was going in their favor it's mind boggling why Carroll would get too cute with the play call there. They even had a timeout in case Marshawn did get stopped. Pete cost his team the chance to go back to back in my view.

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I hear you SW1 but when you need one yard you have to at least go to the horse that got you there. If Marshawn gets stopped he gets stopped. At least you know you went down with what your best shot. I'm sorry but with the Super Bowl on the line and the way the mojo was going in their favor it's mind boggling why Carroll would get too cute with the play call there. They even had a timeout in case Marshawn did get stopped. Pete cost his team the chance to go back to back in my view.

Good point CM1788. The timeout gave the Hawks plenty of time to run the ball with Lynch & still regroup even if Beast Mode loses ground. Well stated point of view there.  :thmup:

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Yes, last year I said Peyton Manning needed to take responsibility for his role in the SB loss & not refuse to say "I" didn't play my best football tonight not the cop out "we" the team nonsense failed to make plays. 


This go round, I was sick & tired of so many pundits heaping so much praise on RW it drove me crazy. Or in the Championship Game where if you take away that onside kick recovery vs GB & RW has no chance to win the game for Seattle in OT. Okay, you can make the argument that my resentment is with the media coverage & not Wilson directly or personally. I will admit that publicly. 


It is possible to acknowledge that RW won a ring last year, Peyton Manning played poorly, & still feel bad that I wanted 18 to be the 1st QB to win 2 Lombardi Trophies with 2 different teams. Will Manning do this if he comes back 1 more year? No, I'd say that dream is officially dead. JMO. 

Keep the faith my friend.

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And now for the next few weeks the talk will turn back to deflategate,  and does the NFL seriously  fine and/or suspend the reigning Super Bowl MVP..???


Some think that's a certainty.


Some think it will never happen.


It's going to be an interesting few weeks to follow, that is for sure.


For now, Enjoy the :lombardi:   Everything else aside, it was a hard fought win last night.

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Still completely stunned by how all that ended. What a roller coaster ride.


Brady's joined a very elite club. He made a couple of huge mistakes but overall that was a great and gutty performance. That Seahawks' D makes you earn every yard... those guys are the real deal. But Brady's short passing game and quick recognition are exactly the way to beat those guys.


On a side note... I actually feel sorry for those of you still trying to dump on the Patriots. Apparently you're ignoring the latest news and have already passed judgement. It's your right to do so, but it's getting sillier and sillier between the details that are coming out and the way the Pats responded on the field in the second half of the AFCCG and SB. They looked pretty good against the NFL's best defense playing with league-managed balls. If you're expecting the NFL to drop the hammer, I'd brace yourself for some major disappointment. 

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Still completely stunned by how all that ended. What a roller coaster ride.

Brady's joined a very elite club. He made a couple of huge mistakes but overall that was a great and gutty performance. That Seahawks' D makes you earn every yard... those guys are the real deal. But Brady's short passing game and quick recognition are exactly the way to beat those guys.

On a side note... I actually feel sorry for those of you still trying to dump on the Patriots. Apparently you're ignoring the latest news and have already passed judgement. It's your right to do so, but it's getting sillier and sillier between the details that are coming out and the way the Pats responded on the field in the second half of the AFCCG and SB. They looked pretty good against the NFL's best defense playing with league-managed balls. If you're expecting the NFL to drop the hammer, I'd brace yourself for some major disappointment.

All of this. It's sad how the evidence now points to complete exoneration ; even Kravitz believes so.

Thanks to those Colt fans who gave congratulations ; its been a fun though exhausting run.

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Lynch got stopped on 1st and Goal.

No guarantee he gets it. After those solid completions from Wilson, and he was having a great second half up to then, why wouldn't you throw it?

He still gained yardage on that play. I think he could have gotten in between the remaining 3 tries and the timeout.

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Still completely stunned by how all that ended. What a roller coaster ride.


Brady's joined a very elite club. He made a couple of huge mistakes but overall that was a great and gutty performance. That Seahawks' D makes you earn every yard... those guys are the real deal. But Brady's short passing game and quick recognition are exactly the way to beat those guys.


On a side note... I actually feel sorry for those of you still trying to dump on the Patriots. Apparently you're ignoring the latest news and have already passed judgement. It's your right to do so, but it's getting sillier and sillier between the details that are coming out and the way the Pats responded on the field in the second half of the AFCCG and SB. They looked pretty good against the NFL's best defense playing with league-managed balls. If you're expecting the NFL to drop the hammer, I'd brace yourself for some major disappointment. 


As you state, they did look pretty good against the NFL's best defense with leaque-managed balls.  So for those wanting to see Tom fail with properly inflated footballs (not my words, just words I read and heard)  well, that didn't happen.


And yes, new reports leaking out daily and yet  the investigation is still on-going.  Of course people are still going to talk about it until some ruling, one way or the other is stated by the league.   haha  People are going to talk about it for years to come,  no matter what.


 And yes, some are still expecting the hammer to be dropped. 

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And yes, new reports leaking out daily and yet  the investigation is still on-going.  Of course people are still going to talk about it until some ruling, one way or the other is stated by the league.  And yes, some are still expecting the hammer to be dropped. 


I'm just saying that the more details emerge, the more inaccurate the initial reports from Mortensen and Kravitz seem to be. 



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If his HC & OC told RW to throw the ball to surprise NE, what the hades is he supposed to do defy his coach & coordinator? Seriously, come on man.


Doesn't the Hawks player he threw it to bear some responsibility here to either catch it or knock it down? Stop blaming Wilson. That's just foolish if you ask me LKD. 


I didn't know all the details.  It wasn't Wilson's fault but OC/Carroll.  I like Wilson.

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That was the worse call i've seen in an SB

Not sure what that had to do with how great Tom played last night but I would agree in another thread.


I was VERY impressed with Tom last night. Any thoughts of can he throw or was using deflated balls aiding him during previous games is total nonsense after that performance. Can't say how impressed I was enough. Easily one of his finest performances ever imo. Guy was just a surgeon moving them up and down the field. Took hit after hit and stood in the pocket and delivered the ball. Had a couple bad decisions but didn't get down...just came right back swinging. Its hard to root for the Pats but it wasn't hard to be impressed with him and Edelmans performances last night. That Butler kid looked good too....couple nice defenses and of course the play of the year.

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After his performance last night it is about impossible not for someone to say Tom has been the best qb in the 2000s (his generation). Like Montana and Bradshaw and Unitas before him he is the standard bearer of QB play going forward. Always cool under pressure. Make all the throws and a fiery leader unlike many others...guy gets mad respect from me.



Peyton is still my favorite to watch...and he is always worth the price of admission considering all he would do on the field (like a general) but there is no doubt Tom hasn't had an equal during his time.

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After his performance last night it is about impossible not for someone to say Tom has been the best qb in the 2000s (his generation). Like Montana and Bradshaw and Unitas before him he is the standard bearer of QB play going forward. Always cool under pressure. Make all the throws and a fiery leader unlike many others...guy gets mad respect from me.



Peyton is still my favorite to watch...and he is always worth the price of admission considering all he would do on the field (like a general) but there is no doubt Tom hasn't had an equal during his time.


That's ridiculous drivel.  Jaworski has been nothing but fair in evaluating QB play (via endless watching of tape) through the years and he has never (nor any expert) has said Brady is best of the decade and he has no peers.  Most experts have Manning and Rodgers above him yearly.  If you are judging by Super Bowls, then you are talking best teams of the decade and I might agree with that.  

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That's ridiculous drivel.  Jaworski has been nothing but fair in evaluating QB play (via endless watching of tape) through the years and he has never (nor any expert) has said Brady is best of the decade and he has no peers.  Most experts have Manning and Rodgers above him yearly.  If you are judging by Super Bowls, then you are talking best teams of the decade and I might agree with that.  

I think in terms of physical skills hard not to put Rodgers ahead of Brady but in terms of accomplishments, it is Brady and it is not even close. Kind of like the Jordan/Lebron argument. Lebron has a better skillset but he is not as accomplished as Michael. He might be one day but not now ...

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Lynch got stopped on 1st and Goal.

No guarantee he gets it. After those solid completions from Wilson, and he was having a great second half up to then, why wouldn't you throw it?

1st and goal from the 5 and he gets them to the HALF yard line. For the love of all that is holy at least go for a QB sneak and then try to run again and then save your pass for the final desperation play! No way I take the ball out of my best players hands in that situation. Great defensive play by the Pats tho.

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Lynch got stopped on 1st and Goal.



No guarantee he gets it. After those solid completions from Wilson, and he was having a great second half up to then, why wouldn't you throw it? 


He got stopped inside the 1 after a five yard gain. That's really not a stop at all.

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That's ridiculous drivel.  Jaworski has been nothing but fair in evaluating QB play (via endless watching of tape) through the years and he has never (nor any expert) has said Brady is best of the decade and he has no peers.  Most experts have Manning and Rodgers above him yearly.  If you are judging by Super Bowls, then you are talking best teams of the decade and I might agree with that.  

I would agree...but after last night eventually stuff starts to add up...and his accomplishments are above and beyond any of his current peers. It isn't one thing or another he does better but the whole package....the coolness, clutch, and just picks apart defenses and the moment is never to big for him. I don't just look at one season or another....I'm sure Marino in most categories look better than Montana etc but at some point unless your just LOOKING for a reason to bring Brady down then you have to admit he has done the most of any qb during his tenure....wins,sbs,tds,yds he is right there...I mean the guy has records just as much as Peyton or Rodgers....and this has been going on for quite some time. You don't have to be the best every year...the consistancy and standard of excellence is unmatched. Like it or not he is the standard bearer for qbs during his tenure. I know wins are a team accomplishment but so are yds and tds etc...and this guy has done it all. I don't know what else he could do if you DON'T consider him the best of his time. Does he need to win 5,6,7 SBs....own every passing record known to man? What more do you want from the guy. I wanted to see him carry a team...and he did that. I had some doubts about him during that first run of SBs with how great Belicheck and that defense was but watching him just carve up that defense in the 4th quarter last night (best defense this league has seen in a decade) iced it for me....and I'm a Peyton fan....Colts/Luck fan...at some point unless your totally biased then you have to look at him objectively and see the truth. Just a remarkable qb and leader.

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Congrats to the Patriots. They were in hunt mode from about Week 6 on, and overcame a lot of obstacles to get to and win the Super Bowl. As much as I dislike seeing them win again, they established themselves as the best team in the AFC, and were able to hang tough against a really good Seahawks team. 


I feel like the Hawks gave them the win with that play call, but that's another story. The Pats still deserve a lot of credit.

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After his performance last night it is about impossible not for someone to say Tom has been the best qb in the 2000s (his generation). Like Montana and Bradshaw and Unitas before him he is the standard bearer of QB play going forward. Always cool under pressure. Make all the throws and a fiery leader unlike many others...guy gets mad respect from me.



Peyton is still my favorite to watch...and he is always worth the price of admission considering all he would do on the field (like a general) but there is no doubt Tom hasn't had an equal during his time.


Peyton is one of the best pre-snap, cerebral recognition of defenses etc. But post snap, Brady is better, IMO, with his decision making under pressure. Biggest advantage for Brady is his arm strength over Peyton.


Same game plan as last year, move the ball with short passes but with better arm strength, that extra half a foot of ball location matters while installing a plan to execute a plan of thousand paper cuts by dinking.  Brady's arm strength makes him mighty hard to intercept even if you jump it compared to others. Peyton's arm strength makes it easier to not just jump it but also return it for a pick six at this stage of his career.

Case in point, DRC tried jumping Brady's pass last year in the AFCCG vs the Broncos and got burnt with a completion that whizzed past him. Brady, even in 2007, had 75% of his passes go for 20 yards or less. He is the best short passing game QB I have ever seen since Montana, no doubt. He is money within those 20 yards.

The case is closed w.r.t ability under pressure between Brady and Peyton, to me. QB cerebral ability pre-snap, Peyton. Post-snap recognition and standing tall under pressure with great decision making, hands down Brady. One outstanding example in the SB was Brady throwing that duck once he realized Gronk fell down during his route, very quick thinking and decision making under pressure. It is not the same as grounding a screen pass once they realize an RB is covered, 2 different things.

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Congrats to the Patriots. They were in hunt mode from about Week 6 on, and overcame a lot of obstacles to get to and win the Super Bowl. As much as I dislike seeing them win again, they established themselves as the best team in the AFC, and were able to hang tough against a really good Seahawks team. 


I feel like the Hawks gave them the win with that play call, but that's another story. The Pats still deserve a lot of credit.

That call will haunt Carroll for the rest of his life .

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I think in terms of physical skills hard not to put Rodgers ahead of Brady but in terms of accomplishments, it is Brady and it is not even close. Kind of like the Jordan/Lebron argument. Lebron has a better skillset but he is not as accomplished as Michael. He might be one day but not now ...

Nobody thinks Terry Bradshaw and Troy Aikman are the greatest but they are among the most accomplished.  So, if that's what you want to hang your hat on, that's fine.  Just don't act like he is throwing pin perfect passes in double or triple coverage 40 yards down the field...like Manning, Rodgers and Brees can do.  However, he can throw 7-yard passes across the middle all day.  His greatest talent is that he doesn't grow tired of making those mundane throws.     

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    • Good. I want to see this offense and Richardson shut up the naysayers. 
    • I get it, for the most part I agree with this post. 
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