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I still can't fathom how we got this good...


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I think they have been this good it's amazing what better line play can do along with at least a respectable run game and better execution can do.  The later is key you aren't seeing the killer turnovers or drops or missed passes like we had been seeing.


Still you could argue they played a "worse" game against the Bengals than they did the first time but that's only because of how good they played in the first outing.


Honestly, in three matchups against Denver other than a bad first half in the first game this season the Colts have been the better team.  I think the Colts are a bad match up for Denver.


Part of a successful playoff run is match ups.  So far the Colts have gotten great match ups. 


Now the big test comes.  The Pats.  We will see how much they have improved or not.  Still even if the Colts do get blown out in this game this has still been a very successful season as the Colts continue to take "the next step" and gain the kind of experience Peyton's Colts never got early in his career that I can't help but think is going to payoff for the Colts a lot over the next 10 years or so. 

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When the chips are down that is when you have to play to the best of your ability, or you lose em all. The o-line for the first time in a while had the same guys for two games in a row, and the defense is on a roll. I'd imagine have all the players available suited up for practice this week also gave the team a good feeling coming into the game. I'm not sure about what happened to Trent since he was a healthy scratch... but with Herron's shoulder I'd have to say he will be suited up next week even if he only warms the bench for the starters.

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seriously what in the world happened? I understand the playoffs are a different season but...it literally feels like a different season. Major Major props to Pagano for somehow pulling this off.

IMO........dropped the run and went total pass. Kinda what yall' wanted early on- let Luck sling it.

The defense adjusted to that kind of game and well.........

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I really think people underrate Arthur Jones. Him getting healthy and back on the field is really big for our defensive line and he is by far our best run stuffer up there. Along with Freeman seemingly getting healthier our run defense is playing a lot better. Our pass defense has been good for most of the year, and Newsome is really coming into his own and giving us a pass rush. Our defense is just getting hot at the right time, and add that together with our coaches developing very good game plans the past couple weeks, and you have a different product than we saw at times during the regular season. 

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I thought if we could run the ball at a respectable level or at least kept with the run giving them something to think about as well as took care of the ball I thought we had a good chance to pull the game out, Even after Lucks 2 picks I wasn't nervous but that had to do with the scores at the time of those picks. Our defense is really what won the game for us though

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I was thinking it reminded me of 2006 but in reality our qb is playing a lot better than the 2006 playoff qb

Part of why the 06 run worked was we only needed Peyton to be great for one half and when the time came he was.  The biggest flaw of the Manning era was too many times in the post-season it seemed like it was Peyton all by himself vs. the other team because guys around him didn't show up (other than Reggie and 06).  Luck is getting the help he needs that too many times Manning was not lucky enough to have, no pun intended. 

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I thought if we could run the ball at a respectable level or at least kept with the run giving them something to think about as well as took care of the ball I thought we had a good chance to pull the game out, Even after Lucks 2 picks I wasn't nervous but that had to do with the scores at the time of those picks. Our defense is really what won the game for us though

Agreed, defense won this game, but the offensive line is up there with them as well. Defense has been lights out so far in the post-season. 

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Well and the whole NFC Champion thing...

I've always been this way, and you can call me crazy, but the AFC Championship means way more to me than the Superb Owl. 

They've made too much of a spectacle of the game and it has lost a lot of meaning to me. 


Now don't get me wrong. I still really want the Colts to win the Superb Owl, but I will be more ecstatic to win the AFC.

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I've always been this way, and you can call me crazy, but the AFC Championship means way more to me than the Superb Owl. 

They've made too much of a spectacle of the game and it has lost a lot of meaning to me. 


Now don't get me wrong. I still really want the Colts to win the Superb Owl, but I will be more ecstatic to win the AFC.

2009 was beyond crushing to lose I care to not have that feeling again.  If the Colts beat the Pats on Sunday and then lose in the Super Bowl it will be crushing and that Pats win wont mean much. 


Also the two Giants wins over the Pats in the Super Bowl are probably the two happiest none Colts wins I have seen in my life. 

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2009 was beyond crushing to lose I care to not have that feeling again.  If the Colts beat the Pats on Sunday and then lose in the Super Bowl it will be crushing and that Pats win wont mean much. 


Also the two Giants wins over the Pats in the Super Bowl are probably the two happiest none Colts wins I have seen in my life. 

Like I said, you can call me crazy. It took me way longer to get over all those playoff losses to the Patriots than it was to get over Superb Owl 44.

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Like I said, you can call me crazy. It took me way longer to get over all those playoff losses to the Patriots than it was to get over Superb Owl 44.

At this point I am in happy to be there mood as far as the AFCCG.  If the Colts lose I'll be disappointed but the loss in Super Bowl 44 was the most disappointing moment I've ever had following the Colts I am not even sure a loss in the Super Bowl would equal that this year though.  Mostly because I still view these Colts as "a head of schedule."  So I really looked at today, next week and if it happens the Super Bowl as house money.  If the Colts cash in party but if they lose they have already gone further than they should have.


With that said my second favorite team is always whoever is playing the Pats, I love it even more when my second favorite team is also my favorite team :).

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I don't know that we're any better than before. Fewer mistakes on offense, more consistency, etc.


But especially on defense, I feel like the Broncos played right into our strengths. I think they had a flawed gameplan, trying to test our corners down the field, trying to run up the middle of our defense. They should have attacked the edges, and they should have attacked the middle of our pass defense, going right at the safeties and backers. They didn't. They could have protected the QB up the middle, stopping blitzes with their backs.

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I don't know that we're any better than before. Fewer mistakes on offense, more consistency, etc.


But especially on defense, I feel like the Broncos played right into our strengths. I think they had a flawed gameplan, trying to test our corners down the field, trying to run up the middle of our defense. They should have attacked the edges, and they should have attacked the middle of our pass defense, going right at the safeties and backers. They didn't. They could have protected the QB up the middle, stopping blitzes with their backs.

That was what was so surprising to me for the Broncos on offense. I know J Thomas number was called 7 times but it seemed less to me. I thought they would have had plenty of success if they went there more (glad they didn't). Also I know that Demaryius and Sanders are quicker and more explosive then Welker but he is very reliable overall, I was surprised that they only went to him only twice.....He is a FA.....Im actually expecting him to test FA

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2009 was beyond crushing to lose I care to not have that feeling again.  If the Colts beat the Pats on Sunday and then lose in the Super Bowl it will be crushing and that Pats win wont mean much. 


Also the two Giants wins over the Pats in the Super Bowl are probably the two happiest none Colts wins I have seen in my life. 


If I may,  I'd like to offer a different perspective....


My guess is '09 hurt so bad because I believe the Colts were the favorite.    Losing when you're the favorite is always worse than just losing.


But, if we're fortunate enough to make it to the SB,  I don't believe we'll be the favorite against either Seattle or Green Bay.


So,  for me at least,  if we get in and lose,  will I be disappointed?   You bet.   Big time.    But crushed?    No.    Because we will have lost to the better team, IMO.   We will not have lost while being the favorite.


Just a different way of dealing with a loss....   

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That was what was so surprising to me for the Broncos on offense. I know J Thomas number was called 7 times but it seemed less to me. I thought they would have had plenty of success if they went there more (glad they didn't). Also I know that Demaryius and Sanders are quicker and more explosive then Welker but he is very reliable overall, I was surprised that they only went to him only twice.....He is a FA.....Im actually expecting him to test FA


Welker might retire. I read an article about him a couple weeks ago. It's definitely on the table. 


A lot of those deep throws were against single-high coverage, and initial reads. They wanted to try us outside, especially Toler, and couldn't connect. If they had gone further into their progressions, they'd have probably found something in the middle of the field. I feel like they just picked the wrong holes to try to wriggle through. The only way they tried to attack the edge was with screens, and those weren't working for various reasons. 


The Pats are gonna run end arounds. They're going to run off tackle. They're gonna throw up the seam and across the middle. Those are the things our defense struggles with the most, and those are the things the Pats do the best.


I'm only saying I don't think our defense is suddenly better than it was all season long. 

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I don't know that we're any better than before. Fewer mistakes on offense, more consistency, etc.


But especially on defense, I feel like the Broncos played right into our strengths. I think they had a flawed gameplan, trying to test our corners down the field, trying to run up the middle of our defense. They should have attacked the edges, and they should have attacked the middle of our pass defense, going right at the safeties and backers. They didn't. They could have protected the QB up the middle, stopping blitzes with their backs.

Well said. We really eliminated a lot of the mistakes which were inhibiting our ability to get to the next level. I pray that carries into next week. 

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If I may,  I'd like to offer a different perspective....


My guess is '09 hurt so bad because I believe the Colts were the favorite.    Losing when you're the favorite is always worse than just losing.


But, if we're fortunate enough to make it to the SB,  I don't believe we'll be the favorite against either Seattle or Green Bay.


So,  for me at least,  if we get in and lose,  will I be disappointed?   You bet.   Big time.    But crushed?    No.    Because we will have lost to the better team, IMO.   We will not have lost while being the favorite.


Just a different way of dealing with a loss....

yeah that was the point I was trying to get at.
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I've always been this way, and you can call me crazy, but the AFC Championship means way more to me than the Superb Owl

They've made too much of a spectacle of the game and it has lost a lot of meaning to me. 


Now don't get me wrong. I still really want the Colts to win the Superb Owl, but I will be more ecstatic to win the AFC.


Excuse me, but what is so superb about this owl?  And why would the Colts want it?


I couldn't focus on the rest of this thread because I was worried about this owl...

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Outside of Luck playing out of his mind last week and really good this week, is the team as a whole really that much better?  The defense has played outstanding when not facing top tear quarterbacking.  Dalton was who he always is in the playoffs and Peyton has been a shell of his former self for the past month to month and a half.  The run defense has improved, hopefully that's the Art Jones effect and it can show itself next week as well, but the Colts' secondary plays a style of defense that has always given Peyton led teams trouble, tonight was no different.  


Forgot about the offensive line, they've played out of their minds.  I've wanted to see what Luck could do with time for awhile now and he's certainly not disappointing.  The point of this post wasn't to downplay making the AFC Championship game, just to point out that outside of the offensive line, I don't think the team has played all that out of the ordinary for them.  There have still been several mistakes that need cleaned up to have a chance in Foxboro.  Things like the personal foul on the first drive that led to a TD when we had them stopped, Cribbs doing his best to both get killed and fumble punts, and Davis dropping the easy INT (though his cut in front of the receiver to have what should have been an easy INT was fantastic).  This team hasn't come close to playing a perfect game and I hope they're saving it for Brady and co.

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Excuse me, but what is so superb about this owl? And why would the Colts want it?

I couldn't focus on the rest of this thread because I was worried about this owl...

There's a superb owl in the tree in my backyard, and it is kind of freaky.That darn spellcheck gets us all though.
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Agreed, defense won this game, but the offensive line is up there with them as well. Defense has been lights out so far in the post-season. 

You are exactly right, think of it, this defense has given up a total of 3 points in the 2nd half in last 2 games......

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Excuse me, but what is so superb about this owl? And why would the Colts want it?

I couldn't focus on the rest of this thread because I was worried about this owl...

To avoid repercussions from the NFL, I refrain from using their term for the Big Game.

It's from Stephen Colbert.

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