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Wildcard Weekend Predictions


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Panthers 17 Cardinals 9

Sadly, I predict a painfully bad game that will have everybody crying about rules changes, playoff changes etc boo hoo poor ESPN didn't get the alltime greatest playoff game for a debut bok hoo.

Ravens 20 Steelers 17

Good game but not a rivalry classic

Bengals 31 Colts 34

Good game

Lions 24 Cowboys 38

Good game but that's about it since the Cowboys will always lead

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Except for Arizona, I also like the home teams... 



Panthers 2, Cardinals 3
- Rule changes follow regarding sub-500 teams that make the playoffs. Bruce Arians reveals that he's wearing a uniform under his game day clothes and plays QB for AZ in the 4th quarter. 

Ravens 17, Steelers 20
- Late FG wins ugly game for Pittsburgh. They survive WC weekend without Bell and get him back for the divisional round. 

Bengals 28, Colts 31
- Mr. Money wins it with a late FG. Dalton throws INT on last-minute, last-ditch-effort drive. Marvin Lewis left to keep looking for that first-ever playoff win. 


Lions 9, Cowboys 35
- Punchless Lions' D gets steamrolled without Stompy McStomperton. Matt Stafford plunges deeper into mediocrity. 

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To be honest if I had to bet on any team to win and cover the spread I would personally take Carolina.  They are not a 7-8-1 team in my opinion and Arizona is not an 11-5 team with all of them injuries.  I think Carolina wins easily at home.  I think the Steelers win, Cowboys win and Colts/Bengals a toss up but of course I am pulling for the Colts!

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To be honest if I had to bet on any team to win and cover the spread I would personally take Carolina. They are not a 7-8-1 team in my opinion and Arizona is not an 11-5 team with all of them injuries. I think Carolina wins easily at home. I think the Steelers win, Cowboys win and Colts/Bengals a toss up but of course I am pulling for the Colts!

Cards are on the road
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Yeah it's all luck. They stink at football.

Reading your posts hurts my head.

Seattle is obviously one of the two best teams in the league, but what has happened to AZ, SF and even the rams losing their starting QB helped them secure the #1 seed. Their road would be much more difficult if the were playing in the wildcard round.

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I dont know how lucky they've been

49ers derail their season early by allowing news to leak out of their plans for Jim Harbaugh....and then the injuries come.

AZ has injury after injury and are down to their 3rd string QB

Even the Rams lost their QB before the season. While Bradford isn't great, I would take him over anything they have now.

Wasn't questioning them as a team, just how things the ball kind of bounced their way.

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Zona over panthers and lose to seattle, Lions over Cowboys and lose to GB, Seattle gets demolished by GB cause Wilson is not nearly the qb Rodgers is. Colts over Bengals, Ravens over Steelers. Colts go to Denver and upset Peyton, Ravens get demolished by Ne cause they don't have the same D that used to be able to stop Brady. Colts then get trumped by NE once again because Belicheck just seems to have our number. Packers Patriots Superbowl....a toss up

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Reading your posts hurts my head.

Seattle is obviously one of the two best teams in the league, but what has happened to AZ, SF and even the rams losing their starting QB helped them secure the #1 seed. Their road would be much more difficult if the were playing in the wildcard round.

Personal shot first. What a joke you are.

You are finding excuses for Seattle's success. They don't need luck. What happend to those teams are out of Seattle's control. They are No1 seed for a reason and give them credit.

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Personal shot first. What a joke you are.

You are finding excuses for Seattle's success. They don't need luck. What happend to those teams are out of Seattle's control. They are No1 seed for a reason and give them credit.

Yes, Shane Bond, I am the joke. Please keep posting with your glorious insight.

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Yeah what else can i expect from you other than the topic in hand.


Insults is all you do. What a joke.

Then stop quoting me and then twist what I said into something completely stupid. I said seattle have caught some breaks and you turn that into Seattle sucks.

It's just hard to not insult you....you are consistently a horrible poster no matter the subject.

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Then stop quoting me and then twist what I said into something completely stupid. I said seattle have caught some breaks and you turn that into Seattle sucks.

It's just hard to not insult you....you are consistently a horrible poster no matter the subject.

Problem with you is you find it hard to make a comment about a topic without making a personal remark.


You said they were very lucky and i said they aren to which you added "your head hurts reading my posts". Not necessary and out of topic.

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Problem with you is you find it hard to make a comment about a topic without making a personal remark.


You said they were very lucky and i said they aren to which you added "your head hurts reading my posts". Not necessary and out of topic.

No I just so it to you and I explaind why. And no, you didn't say that....you said it was all luck and they stink at football...which wasn't what I was implying at all.

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