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Who Is The Most Important Free Agent In 2012?


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Interested in hearing who people think is the most important player the Colts re-sign in 2012.

There are a bunch of players but the marquee guys not under contract for next year are:











Who is the priority? Personally I think there are two guys that are at the top of the list

Garcon - no matter who the QB, to me he is the guy they have to have back next year. I would bet he is Priority 1.

Tamme is the other. Clark has been hurt the last 2 years and was not very good when he did play this year. Would not surprised if he is done with the team so the pass receiving TE void goes to Tamme. Cheaper, younger and similar effectiveness to Clark.

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Interested in hearing who people think is the most important player the Colts re-sign in 2012.

There are a bunch of players but the marquee guys not under contract for next year are:











Who is the priority? Personally I think there are two guys that are at the top of the list

Garcon - no matter who the QB, to me he is the guy they have to have back next year. I would bet he is Priority 1.

Tamme is the other. Clark has been hurt the last 2 years and was not very good when he did play this year. Would not surprised if he is done with the team so the pass receiving TE void goes to Tamme. Cheaper, younger and similar effectiveness to Clark.

I agree, Garcon and Tamme. If we are going to a new system next year, we need to start with a as new as possible roster.

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Mathis is the only one Garcon can replaced with a better prospect in the draft

One of the things that make me say Garcon is his youth relative to Wayne & Mathis. Eventually productivity wanes and maybe this year we are already seeing that from both of those guys. I know Manning being out has killed Wayne's #s and Mathis has been hurt by a lack of pass attempts by the opposing QB, but I still don't believe those guys have had the best of years.

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Diem- He's a solid lineman, but if we have a young player ready to start at the position he's gone, if not 1-2 year contract

Foster- yes if he takes what he is worth, no if he wants more than that

Garcon- definitely resign, I think the Colts will be losing Wayne next year

Gonzo- gone

Lacey- who cares, they need to draft his replacement

Mathis- need to keep him, perfect compliment for Freeney and no replacement in sight on roster

Saturday- It's on him, will he return or is he ready to retire.

Tamme- resign, especially with Clark's health

Wayne- I think he is gone and I don't blame him. Although it ultimately depends on Manning's health and return.

Wheeler- see Foster, although I would like to see him stay with his constant improvement

Overall Mathis, Tamme and Garcon respectably.

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you know peyton will refuse to put his hands in other guy's butt but saturday

Dear God - please tell me your use of the word "in" instead of "on" was only a freaudian slip and not intentional.

As to the point of the thread, Saturday is waaaaay down the list of off season free agent priorities.

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It all depends on what direction we go with the defense and if Peyton is healthy or not. For example if we move to a 3-4 you could argue for letting Mathis go or if Manning can't come back do you bring back guys like Saturday, Diem, and Wayne with a young QB? If Manning can comeback i think the case for bringing those guys back comes up.

Also a guy like Tamme might depend on what kind of contract he wants and what direction we go with Clark.

Wheeler I think needs to come back if we stick with a 4-3 but again if we change the defense to a 3-4 or something then you can let him go.

There are alot of unanswered questions right now.

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Dear God - please tell me your use of the word "in" instead of "on" was only a freaudian slip and not intentional.

As to the point of the thread, Saturday is waaaaay down the list of off season free agent priorities.

jskinnz i was starting to think you were forgetting about me. you havent hassled me in awhile. never said saturday was our biggest priorty just that peyton would never have it. i do think garcon is most important

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Has to be Mathis. Unless we want to see three blockers each time on Freeney, we need him (you can thank Jerry Hughes for that later). Other than that, I think Tamme is important, and boy would I hate to see Reggie and Saturday leave, if for nothing else sentimental reasons.

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Assuming Peyton is back in 2012....we've seen him elevate WRs and TEs and hopefully he would do the same with whoever we have at those positions next year.

If Peyton is not back next year....then we are pretty much in full rebuild mode anyway and the offense begins its transition, presumably, to Andrew Luck.

So If I have to pick one guy....it would be Mathis because at least having him and Freeney secures the DE position and eliminates another glaring need on defense.

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Easily Mathis

Manning (assuming he is back) has made White, Gonzo, Tamme, *insert no-name TE/WR* into studs. Offense has never been a problem for the Colts recently in the playoffs, it's always DEFENSE. 07 Colts couldn't stop Billy Volek and if they did the Colts probably would have won that game. Yes we lost Freeney but it was Billy Volek.'08 Colts couldn't stop Sproles in OT, Manning never got to touch the ball in OT. '09 Colts gave up 18 points in the 2nd half after allowing only 6 in the first, couldn't stop Brees. Could be attributed to Freeney leaving. And last year the defense couldn't stop Mark Sanchez with 52ish seconds left or the Colts would have won.

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Easily Mathis

Manning (assuming he is back) has made White, Gonzo, Tamme, *insert no-name TE/WR* into studs. Offense has never been a problem for the Colts recently in the playoffs, it's always DEFENSE. 07 Colts couldn't stop Billy Volek and if they did the Colts probably would have won that game. Yes we lost Freeney but it was Billy Volek.'08 Colts couldn't stop Sproles in OT, Manning never got to touch the ball in OT. '09 Colts gave up 18 points in the 2nd half after allowing only 6 in the first, couldn't stop Brees. Could be attributed to Freeney leaving. And last year the defense couldn't stop Mark Sanchez with 52ish seconds left or the Colts would have won.

i couldn't have said it any better!!!

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I think Mathis as he is the hardest to replace and very valuable on our D. Without him, our pass rush goes down significantly and that means our pass defense gets worse. As much as I love Reggie, we can survive without him as PM has Pierre and Austin, but Robert is just too valuable plus in his prime.

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I understand anyone who says Mathis is most important. A case can be made for him but I think he is behind Garcon because of his age, his 2012 production and what I expect his contract demands to be. Giving a 3rd long term contract to an NFL player (outside of QB) is generally not good business. Garcon is younger and emerging to be the best WR on the roster. Wayne is old. Gonzo is gone. Collie has his injury history and Garcon is the best big play guy on the roster. To me, there is no doubt he the number one priority.

And FYI - those that have Saturday at or near the top of the priority list are just wrong. That is thinking with you heart and not your head.

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Garcon has butter fingers. A few good games this year doesn't mean he has cured that problem at all.

I think Mathis should be the priority of the guys on that list. After him it is time to pursue a quality free agent nose tackle to really solidify the defensive line and maybe a free agent linebacker or cornerback.

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Given the fact that I do not see the Colts giving Wayne a big 3rd contract, Mathis becomes the obvious choice to give that 3rd contract since he is younger than Wayne and has more mileage left comparatively though we may be comparing apples to oranges. Then Garcon, hands down, has to be the next most important one to me. Garcon's butter fingers have relatively been consistent this year (knock on wood, relatively :)) and even guys like Plaxico Burress catch just about 50%, so Garcon definitely has more upside to be given a 2nd contract.

I remember saying it before and I will say it again, we better be prepared to give Garcon a 4 yr. $20 mil. contract for his 2nd contract at least to retain him. He is worth only half of elite WR money as a #2 and unfortunately, elite WR money is around $10 mil. a year, so Garcon will get $5 mil. a year in the open market is my educated guess.

Mathis - we may have to do 3 or 4 years at $10 mil. a year for him to at least consider it, IMO.

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Mathis... if Freeney restructures his contract. The Colts cannot have 22 Million Cap hit on two defensive ends, who are both getting older, aren't quiet as impactful as they once were, CANNOT STOP THE RUN, and are in a rotation! That is far too much money for two defensive ends, who at this point are getting paid for what they did and not what they are going to do! There are plenty of young talented DE's in the draft, not to mention they can play the run as well as rush the passer I,E Ingram, Oakfor, Jackson, Johnson, Smith.. the list really goes on!

I said a few weeks back Clarke needed to be traded and got beat up for it! He cannot stay healthy and didn't look the same without Manning, I could see Clarke being traded to the Giants to paly with Eli, they could use a veteran TE! Tamme is also a very compitent replacement!

Wayne if he takes a similar contract to what he has $ wise.. Garcon is explosive and a playmaker and it doesn't matter who is throwing him the ball!

To me it's Garcon, Tamme, Mathis if Freeney restructures and they both make around $7 Mil a year and have the same cap hit they do now, otherwise I would seriously let Mathis walk and look to trade Freeney! Diem and Saturday if both restructure to even cheaper deals, to be quality depth. The rest are GONE.

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Easily Mathis

Manning (assuming he is back) has made White, Gonzo, Tamme, *insert no-name TE/WR* into studs. Offense has never been a problem for the Colts recently in the playoffs, it's always DEFENSE. 07 Colts couldn't stop Billy Volek and if they did the Colts probably would have won that game. Yes we lost Freeney but it was Billy Volek.'08 Colts couldn't stop Sproles in OT, Manning never got to touch the ball in OT. '09 Colts gave up 18 points in the 2nd half after allowing only 6 in the first, couldn't stop Brees. Could be attributed to Freeney leaving. And last year the defense couldn't stop Mark Sanchez with 52ish seconds left or the Colts would have won.

Easily? Really? What has the pass rush done this year with Frathis? No, I disagree, he does not rate as 1st priority for a big contract. Now if he were able to swallow a 3mil/yr with incentives contract, yep I would resign but he will want to hit the market and see what he can get, and he should because I don't think he will get that big contract.

I think Mathis as he is the hardest to replace and very valuable on our D. Without him, our pass rush goes down significantly and that means our pass defense gets worse. As much as I love Reggie, we can survive without him as PM has Pierre and Austin, but Robert is just too valuable plus in his prime.

Robert is no longer in his prime, he is on the end of prime or into to the downslide of his career. Small, speed guys don't go for 10 years.

Garcon has butter fingers. A few good games this year doesn't mean he has cured that problem at all.

I think Mathis should be the priority of the guys on that list. After him it is time to pursue a quality free agent nose tackle to really solidify the defensive line and maybe a free agent linebacker or cornerback.

Give it up and watch the games this year! Butterfingers were evident last season somewhat and definately the year before that but he has stepped up and played very well this year. His drops are significally down but people want to dwell on what happened 2 years ago and call it as it happened today. Again, he was from a small school program and had some growing and maturing to do, he has done that and is starting to look like a bonified star in the making. You resign those types.

Given the fact that I do not see the Colts giving Wayne a big 3rd contract, Mathis becomes the obvious choice to give that 3rd contract since he is younger than Wayne and has more mileage left comparatively though we may be comparing apples to oranges. Then Garcon, hands down, has to be the next most important one to me. Garcon's butter fingers have relatively been consistent this year (knock on wood, relatively :)) and even guys like Plaxico Burress catch just about 50%, so Garcon definitely has more upside to be given a 2nd contract.

I remember saying it before and I will say it again, we better be prepared to give Garcon a 4 yr. $20 mil. contract for his 2nd contract at least to retain him. He is worth only half of elite WR money as a #2 and unfortunately, elite WR money is around $10 mil. a year, so Garcon will get $5 mil. a year in the open market is my educated guess.

Mathis - we may have to do 3 or 4 years at $10 mil. a year for him to at least consider it, IMO.

Again, not sure a big 3rd contract is going to happen for a small speed guy who would play on 3rd downs for most teams. If you honestly think he will command a 10 mil/yr contract anywhere, youre smoking some very ilegal weed. I will agree with you assessment of Garcon and his money.

Interested in hearing who people think is the most important player the Colts re-sign in 2012.

There are a bunch of players but the marquee guys not under contract for next year are:

Diem- no way, unless it was minimum salary and as a back up role. Even then, not sure I want to see him back.

Foster- Oh boy on this one. Undersized but was he used properly in the system? Could he play better in a 3-4 system IDK? That injury was ugly and he may have to take a one year minimal money contract to show he can come back ffrom that and be worthy of a bigger contract. Even at his full strength, he was not a 5 mil/yr kinda guy IMO.

Garcon-#1 priority here!! While he is not a Andre Johnson type player, he will garner some attention in the FA market. I would like to say he will be around a 5 mil/yr type of guy but competition may drive that up, as it usually always does.

Gonzo-gone, he is gone this year because he has ticked in polians shoes or something. If Polian is here next year, Gonzo won't be. If Polian leaves, perhaps the new GM takes a look at what has transpired with Gonzo and whoever. Gonzo has talent but injuroes as well. Is he really injured this year or a Polian egomaniac issue? I think it lies in Polian not injury related this season.

Lacey- hahahahahahahahahahahahha, who gives this guy anything more than minimum salary is an *! He would be fine for depth here but he is nothing short of average in the NFL and that is stretching it.

Mathis- He may be his own worst enemy here for a new contract. Does he value his services at 3-4mil/yr or at 8-10? I could live with a 3-5 mil/yr contract but lets not get carried away with a super large contract for an aging speedster who is undersized and will be mostly a specialized player in most any other system for any other team. #2 or 3 priority here.

Saturday-WOW, last season I would have said no way, he needs to retire. This season he has been more solid and is a known commidity to this team. Lets not stretch this, he is old and undersized and has never been known to move people out of the way. Problem is, he is smart and knows this system and there is no back up plan for him on this team unless they think Pollak is the answer. OMG, I hope not cause he stinks at the gaurd spot. Maybe he will be better at the Center spot. Would like to see them try him there for the next 3-4 games just for funzies.

Tamme-I agree he needs resigned and shouldn't be a break the bank type of player. Several talents available like him so shouldn't be a big bidding war for him. #3 type or resign player.

Wayne- #2-3 resign player. If Wayne can accept that he is not a player who is going to get a 7-10 mil/yr contract now, we resign him to a 3-5mil/yr contract and maybe give him some incentives to increase that with some built in future gaurantees of money if he performs in the first year of a 3 yr deal. He is not burning people with speed but he knows the routes like he knows his body and that is worth something, just not 7mil/yr. Look at Welker, he is making 4 mil in cap space this year so is that the bar or high water mark for RW? I think if we can somehow retain Garcon and Wayne for an avg of 10 mil/yr combined for the next 3 yrs, we (and they) have done well.

Wheeler- An enigma here. Is he improved this year because he gets it now and his playing time has omproved his play or has he put in more effort because this is a contract year? Either way, I don't see a big contract in his future as you have to put your money somewhere in a cap system and I am not sure he will be worth putting the money in his area with his average talents.

Who is the priority? Personally I think there are two guys that are at the top of the list

Garcon - no matter who the QB, to me he is the guy they have to have back next year. I would bet he is Priority 1.

Tamme is the other. Clark has been hurt the last 2 years and was not very good when he did play this year. Would not surprised if he is done with the team so the pass receiving TE void goes to Tamme. Cheaper, younger and similar effectiveness to Clark.

I do think a lot of what the team does this offseason will start with what Manning does. Second, I think it makes a difference if the team retains the FO and are we in line for new coaches as well. If Manning is healthy and able to go, it would be wise to keep RW and Garcon for PM's final 3-4 years and increase the likelyhood that he has a potent offense withou the need for reteaching some spots. If Manning is not around, you go full rebuild but you have to give the new QB his tools and Garcon is #1 and Wayne #2 with Tamme #3. Rebuild that defense with new talent and move on from there. I would almost see if I could trade Freeney if they go into full rebuild and work on my interior of the DLine first. We will soon see how the team is put together here in the next couple months.

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More on Mathis. I understand those saying that the Colts do not have his replacement on the roster with the Hughes failure. But I would suggest that if they decide to trade either the rights to the # 1 pick, that a DE is potential # 1 selection - maybe Coples from UNC or they get one in round 2. If they let Mathis go, it will tell you right away one of their draft priorities.

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How in the world is Pierre Garcon the #1 concern? Hes not even the #1 WR, let alone being the 'main' concern of the entire offseason. The Dwight Freeny Syndrome strikes again. We see two good plays in meaningless moments of a game, and use those to rationalize the medicority of 10 other no shows.

Im not asking for superstar production, but a guy with no seasons over 6 tds or a thousand yards, combined with a slight diva problem, and at times has questionable hands? This is who you think your franchise should focus in on?!?!!? Come on man...............

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How in the world is Pierre Garcon the #1 concern? Hes not even the #1 WR, let alone being the 'main' concern of the entire offseason. The Dwight Freeny Syndrome strikes again. We see two good plays in meaningless moments of a game, and use those to rationalize the medicority of 10 other no shows.

Im not asking for superstar production, but a guy with no seasons over 6 tds or a thousand yards, combined with a slight diva problem, and at times has questionable hands? This is who you think your franchise should focus in on?!?!!? Come on man...............

Because he has shown improvement over each season, has speed and is youthful. You pay people in the NFL for talent and you keep those who you believe are going to be your star. Garcon is doing this and he will become the guy and the #1 (if not already). Who is your #1 priority on this team and why? BTW, how many drops does he have this season? Come on man!!

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Again, not sure a big 3rd contract is going to happen for a small speed guy who would play on 3rd downs for most teams. If you honestly think he will command a 10 mil/yr contract anywhere, youre smoking some very ilegal weed. I will agree with you assessment of Garcon and his money.

No, I am not smoking weed, thanks :).

These are the reasons why I think Mathis will demand $10 mil. a year. The obvious start - inflated salaries of DEs across the league. Mathis was projected as a 3-4 OLB or 4-3 DE when he was drafted. He has shown he can play the 3 point stance as a 4-3 DE and teams that use a combo of 4-3 and 3-4 variations to their fronts (Saints, Patriots, Ravens etc.), they would be willing to pay for talent that can put them at elite level on the pass rush front. Teams that blitz like the Saints and Ravens, maybe Pats some times - those are the teams where Mathis will enjoy 1-on-1 with O-linemen as opposed to the predictable no blitzing, just rush four philosophy of the Colts allowing 6 on 4 play vs Frathis for the opponents' O-line and add a putrid secondary that cannot guard 4 with 7. Heck, a team like the Jets would love to have Mathis play OLB but his contract and upside on that D will be limited in a pure 3-4.

Atlanta Falcons - look at what they paid for Ray Edwards from the Vikes, their pass D could use a lot of help, they would jump on board to pay Mathis $10 mil. Just look at this list and tell me who Mathis can potentially be paid more than, that will alone tell you how inflated the market is, and the quicker you come to terms with it, the easier it will be for you to accept that Mathis WILL demand $10 mil. a year. This was a list made a couple of years ago, you can only imagine what the market will be now. I am assuming that since the salary cap went back a couple of years (though it will go up again this offseason), the list from a couple of years ago is still relevant.


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Because he has shown improvement over each season, has speed and is youthful. You pay people in the NFL for talent and you keep those who you believe are going to be your star. Garcon is doing this and he will become the guy and the #1 (if not already). Who is your #1 priority on this team and why? BTW, how many drops does he have this season? Come on man!!

Garcon will NEVER be a star, he is exactly what he is. A marginal #2. What on earth has led you to believe otherwise?

At age 26 he will have yet to have a thousand yard season, or catch over 70 balls in a season. All of which (but this season) with the GoAT throwing to him. And this is someone who you think will be a 'star'?!

Look up a player like Cotchery, and tell me they aren't nearly identical.

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Exactly J Skinzz.. I proposed Trading the number one pick to the Browns for their two first rounders, and in the later pick of the first round, I would take Melvin Ingram!

If drafting pass rushers was so easy, why do the Bucs who drafted 2 interior studs with Gerald McCoy and Brian Price, and 2 DEs in Clayborn and Bowers this year still have issues with them being productive on the field at a high level? I can probably recite more draftee examples with teams but you get the point.

Pass rushing and D-line play is one of the most difficult things to do and transition to in the NFL. When you find one, you try to keep them, especially if you feel they can still contribute at a high level. Why do you think the Vikes gave up a boatload of picks to get Jared Allen? Same for the Bears with Julius Peppers? No, Mathis is not as good as those names exactly but I am just trying to validate the fact that pass rushers do not grow on trees in the NFL or in the draft, they develop over years and when they do develop, you just don't let them go easily, that is all.

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I propose trading Mathis and the first round pick to trade down and acquire the two first rounders from Cleveland, as well as many other draft picks.. because at the end of the first, or beginning of the second round would be two guys named Melvin Ingram and Quinton Coples, who are do it all defensive ends! And Freeney will still be around... Why pay the large new contract for Mathis when he doesn't play everydown and you are paying him for what he has done and not what he will do? I am saying to get VALUE for him, not just let him walk! And the Bucs have injury issues, McCoy has been hurt both years! Same with Price!

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And the Bucs have injury issues, McCoy has been hurt both years! Same with Price!

That is why the draft is not a sure thing, you can never anticipate durability. One thing with Mathis is that he has relatively been more durable than Freeney. If Mathis has lost a step and cannot beat 1-on-1s, then you let him go. I do agree with you that if we cannot give him the contract he wants, getting VALUE for him will be the right way to go. But if we do intend to let Wayne go (which makes re-signing Garcon a must since we don't want to spend more than 1 pick on a WR, IMO), and a rookie QB as a first round pick will not cost as much as in the past, we may have room to sign Mathis after all and maybe trade other pieces. It is the age old saying "a bird in hand is worth more than two in the bush", especially if the bird is a quality bird :).

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@IndyTrav- I have said on numerous threads to consider trading Freeney as well and that he DEFF TAKES A RESTRUCTURED DEAL TO STAY!

@Chad- Point blank I want a trade down and don't want Luck.. I agree that draft isn't a sure thing, but the boy Ingram can do it all! I like him because the S. Car Defense isn't known for being this shut down defense, and with nobody opposite of him, he produces tremendously! I also want a 4-3 Under Defense, so even if Ingram didn't pan out, he still stops the run well, and could be the defensive end next to the SAM Linebacker on the LOS, who blitzes and drops into coverage!

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