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Any chance 'Boom' supplants T-Rich? (Merge)


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Isn't that the whole definition of a bust?  If JaMarcus Russell was a 7th round pick, no one would care.  But he was a first rounder and set the Raiders back a few years.  You could make the case that Trent was a first round pick twice, seeing as how Cleveland took him 3rd overall (in fact, they traded up from 4 to 3 to draft him), and we gave up a 1st for him.  You give up a first, you expect to see results.  RG3 cost the Redskins many draft picks, so they should be fine with it if he develops into an average starter or very good backup?  When you invest a lot into a player, you will have high expectations in return.  I don't think that's absurd.  He and Bradshaw run behind the same line, so to blame the OL doesn't justify it, in my opinion.  Simply put, Richardson is an average to below average RB in the NFL, and a bust of a draft pick.  He was starting to look decent at points during the year, but he's lately reverted back to the same old Trent.  He has everything going for him now; he's been in the offensive system for quite some time and the guy ahead of him is now injured.  It's his chance to show everyone what he's made of

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You said "he would be out of the league"....


Now, to be argumentative, you're sarcastically saying "usually keep a stranglehold on their jobs"


Two different things.


If you want to say he wouldn't start on most teams -- fine.    That's a fair argument.


But that wasn't your original argument that I responded to.    You claimed if he wasn't a #1 pick he'd be out of football.


And that's simply not true.


And that's what I'm talking about.........

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No, he wouldn't start - he wouldn't be playing, period.  Based on his performance to date... through nearly three full seasons?   Three seasons.  It's difficult for a productive RB in this league to get a second contract.  Were he not a # 1 pick, he would not be playing in this league.  Players routinely get benched, canned or cut for much, much less. 


Had he been an UFA, he would be working at Best Buy by now. 

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Well....   you're all over the map in this reply.....    but it doesn't really matter,  because you're pretty much wrong on all of them.


That's impressive.


And perhaps the best one is this....   that's it's pretty difficult for a productive RB in this league to get a 2nd contract.


You gotta know that if you're going to make a claim like that,  you're going to have to back it up with those pesky facts.


Please feel free to list productive running backs who, after their first contract expired in 3 or 4 years,  had trouble getting a 2nd contract.    


This is a list I look forward to seeing.


You're still arguing out of emotion.   Frustration and anger are getting the better of you.   But, be my guest.   Take the time to compile that list.    And I'll check it out.



Why do you always leave massive gaps                             in your posts?............... and you always 


 use .....................  


                        why is that?

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Eh, I am aware that Brown is no longer on the Colts roster. He still played behind the same offensive line as Richardson last year, and had far greater success.


This year running the ball (not catching out of the backfield), Bradshaw is averaging 4.7 yards per carry, Richardson 3.4. 


That is a MASSIVE difference. 


To put it in perspective, Bradshaw is ranked 14th in the league in yards per carry. Richardson is ranked 45th.


Bradshaw - 14th

Richardson - 45th



Any explanation for this? Or shall we just blame it on the offensive line...

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Well....   you're all over the map in this reply.....    but it doesn't really matter,  because you're pretty much wrong on all of them.


That's impressive.


And perhaps the best one is this....   that's it's pretty difficult for a productive RB in this league to get a 2nd contract.


You gotta know that if you're going to make a claim like that,  you're going to have to back it up with those pesky facts.


Please feel free to list productive running backs who, after their first contract expired in 3 or 4 years,  had trouble getting a 2nd contract.    


This is a list I look forward to seeing.


You're still arguing out of emotion.   Frustration and anger are getting the better of you.   But, be my guest.   Take the time to compile that list.    And I'll check it out.

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You blamed the offensive line, saying;


"I don't care who we have running the ball they aren't going anywhere behind this train wreck."


I have shown you that Bradshaw has run the ball far better than Richardson. As did Donald Brown last year.


Does that not suggest to you that Trent is the problem? Why is he ranked 45th in yards per carry, while Ahmad is averaging nearly 5 yards per carry?


Trent is part of the problem, yes, he's ineffective. The O-line is to blame also. How in the world can you not see that?

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Trent is part of the problem, yes, he's ineffective. The O-line is to blame also. How in the world can you not see that?


The Colts offensive line is far from great. I can see that fine, thank you very much.


My issue was you trying to blame Trent's issues on the offensive line. "Oh, nobody can run behind that train wreck."


Well actually, yes, yes you can run behind that line, as I have shown you with Bradshaw's stats. I can pull up Brown's from last year if you still can't see my point?

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If you honestly think Trent Richardson would be out of the league if he weren't a #1 pick,  then you simply don't know much about football.     I'm sorry,  I don't mean this in a mean-spirited kind of way.



Richardson is statistically the 2nd worst runner in NFL history to ever get significant carries. Not that big of a leap to assume he wouldn't be on a roster if he wasn't living off of his hype.


No team in their right mind would be giving him carries like Grigson insists on doing. 

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Trent is part of the problem, yes, he's ineffective. The O-line is to blame also. How in the world can you not see that?


The Colt's run blocking isn't even half as bad as you people make it seem. It looks a lot worse when your runningback is awful. 

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The Colt's run blocking isn't even half as bad as you people make it seem. It looks a lot worse when your runningback is awful. 

Tell ya the truth if ya watch him closely in recent memory I have never seen a Back take so many steps and gotten so few yards out of them, It consistently takes him 9-10-11 steps just to get to the LOS. There is no way that's normal

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It doesn't matter what Boom does, Richardson will be the starter by default. Grigson panicked when Ballard got injured, and the Browns made him a offer he couldn't refuse. They played him for a fool. Now he's trying to justify the move he made by continuously making the coaching staff start him.

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Trent Richardson has never had a good game as a Colt. It's crazy if you think about it. Even the worst players in the league look good at least a few weeks out of the year. Hell, Cassius Vaughn had 2 picks in a game last year.


But TRich has NEVER had a game where you look at it objectively and say "wow, Trent was really impressive last game". It's crazy to think that his best game running as a Colt was a game where he had 2 fumbles. 

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Trent Richardson has never had a good game as a Colt. It's crazy if you think about it. Even the worst players in the league look good at least a few weeks out of the year. Hell, Cassius Vaughn had 2 picks in a game last year.


But TRich has NEVER had a game where you look at it objectively and say "wow, Trent was really impressive last game". It's crazy to think that his best game running as a Colt was a game where he had 2 fumbles. 

The game he got hurt he was on his way to surpassing 100 yards on the ground. Your statement is not true.

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