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Would you want the Colts to hire Jim Harbaugh?


What if the Colts hired Jim Harbaugh?  

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  1. 1. Would you want the Colts to hire Jim Harbaugh?

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Book it ...  if the Colts get clowned in the playoffs AGAIN ...  


Look for something to happen ...    and not with the GM....  


And I know a guy who knows a girl...    who ...       ...................................


well..   :goodluck:


When did the Colts get CLOWNED in the playoffs in the last two years?


Was this game televised?   Did it get reported?     I'm not aware that that happened.....


What game was that?

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In other words, the same mistakes and deficiencies keep repeating. Things like the team not being prepared, and not executing. These types of things, to me, are indicative of inadequate preparation, which falls on the head coach. This is the biggest knock on Pagano, if you ask me.

The Colts are talented enough with just a few key players, that they've managed to win DESPITE these ongoing defects. But how much better could they have been, if better prepared? And how much of Luck's career will have been wasted behind a mediocre O-line (not that that is Pag's fault).

That said, I'm not sure there's a better HC out there to choose from. I mean, what do we really know about Harbaugh? How much of his success in San Fran was due to having talented players, versus great coaching?

How do you determine that the team isn't "prepared"?

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Pags lack of willingness to "flip the script" and make changes is just mind boggling..    Esp for a team that is soooo  limited in so many ways...


What Pitt and New England have done to them is just ....    and the QB does need to take care of the ball ...  but without him, where is this team?   I could go on and on..  but we all know.




Another great Rick V interview...

When did the Colts get CLOWNED in the playoffs in the last two years?


Was this game televised?   Did it get reported?     I'm not aware that that happened.....


What game was that?

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I would play him over Reggie in a heart beat right now....    But Reg is Chuck's pal.      


This is troubling to me.. .      Chuck is trying to be friends before being a "LEADER" ..     IF Reg does in fact have a triceps tear?  He has NO business being in the game.     PERIOD.    BUT he was.  ...   and really HURT this team against Cleve.


Trent has taken snaps from Brown, Ballard, and Herron...       WHY?    This could be for a number of reasons..  one of which is NOT that TR is more talented.


Don't come around here with that kind of talk, didn't you know Griff Whalen is the next coming of Marvin Harrison? He just needs a chance!




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Starting games slowly is a "chronic" ..Colt issue...   and IMO when a team insists on starting inferior players over players that can change a game ...  well ...         Talent on the field dictates coverage....        It's not rocket science. . 


IE ..  TR and Donte...         We are in week what ...???  and this staff is still wanting to play slow vets over YOUNG talent that WON us a game last week.      DM's 27 yard catch was HUGE ... and Boom's run on the GL.   ??


I mean really?  What does it take ?      Chuck is cutting his own throat..  

Because it's the most plausible explanation for the failure to execute.

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If Griff took Nick's roster spot, there would be no drop off in WR play, and there would be a backup KR/PR. Griff may even provide better WR play than Nicks, actually.

If I were coach, I think I would have Pep call some designed QB running plays or rollouts to get Luck into the game a little faster. Nothing dangerous, but Luck seems to have a linebacker mentality, so maybe running the ball would help us not have such slow starts, not to mention provide a threat that the defense has to think about.

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Starting games slowly is a "chronic" ..Colt issue...   and IMO when a team insists on starting inferior players over players that can change a game ...  well ...         Talent on the field dictates coverage....        It's not rocket science. . 


IE ..  TR and Donte...         We are in week what ...???  and this staff is still wanting to play slow vets over YOUNG talent that WON us a game last week.      DM's 27 yard catch was HUGE ... and Boom's run on the GL.   ??


I mean really?  What does it take ?      Chuck is cutting his own throat..  

Chuck is out of his league trying to be a NFL Head Coach...just like Pep is out of his league trying to play call against the good NFL D-coordinators.

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I would agree with Chuck...  but Pep can only play the players he "is told to play" ...   that is some thing that is out of his control.. 


I LOVE Pep's O ... but not with TY, Wayne and Nicks on the edge with Trent...    


Just take TY out of the pattern and who can win?    NO ONE.

Chuck is out of his league trying to be a NFL Head Coach...just like Pep is out of his league trying to play call against the good NFL D-coordinators.

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That's impossible to quantify.

If it could be truly quantified, then it would be a discussion of facts, and we wouldn't have to conjecture about what's plausible and what's not. In the absence of such, we do the best we can, with the limited information we have, and try to infer what is most likely. IMO, coaching is the common denominator across multiple aspects of team performance--be it the starting line-up, play-calling, game-planning, match-ups, technique, or what-have-you. And I'm not just talking about Pagano. There are other coaches on the team too.

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Right on..   I wish I were as articulate as you...     


you and GC are really good at putting thought into written word..     Nice talent to have.. 

If it could be truly quantified, then it would be a discussion of facts, and we wouldn't have to conjecture about what's plausible and what's not. In the absence of such, we do the best we can, with the limited information we have, and try to infer what is most likely. IMO, coaching is the common denominator across multiple aspects of team performance--be it the starting line-up, play-calling, game-planning, match-ups, technique, or what-have-you. And I'm not just talking about Pagano. There are other coaches on the team too.

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If it could be truly quantified, then it would be a discussion of facts, and we wouldn't have to conjecture about what's plausible and what's not. In the absence of such, we do the best we can, with the limited information we have, and try to infer what is most likely. IMO, coaching is the common denominator across multiple aspects of team performance--be it the starting line-up, play-calling, game-planning, match-ups, technique, or what-have-you. And I'm not just talking about Pagano. There are other coaches on the team too.


So saying that 'the team is not prepared' shouldn't be evaluated as if it's meant to be a statement of fact? 


You also said that it's the biggest knock on Pagano, in a thread about the potential value of changing head coaches. You can see why your statements would be applied to your opinion of Pagano specifically, right?


End of the day, I don't think the team lacks in preparation, and I don't think the play calling or gameplanning has been deficient this season, for the most part. That's my opinion. I think player execution has been lacking at times. And I think that partly speaks to coaching, but the player has to bear most of that responsibility. Some matchups are head-scratchers, but again, player execution comes into play. Some of the lineup decisions are questionable, as well, but nothing that I think is hurting the team. At least not so far this season.


You're right that it's mostly a discussion based on conjecture, but conjecture and inference have a way of being viewed as fact. Suggesting that the team wins despite coaching defects eventually turns into "Pagano is holding this team back." 


Overall, fans have a way of determining that when they don't see things the way the staff does, that the staff is wrong. Once that's determined, especially with beliefs that are popular among the majority, you start to deal with confirmation bias. Like this idea that the staff is using Richardson as the lead back, when he's never really been the lead back all season long, or the idea that they're holding back Newsome and Moncrief, when in reality their roles have been growing constantly for some time now, etc. These things undermine the credibility of these complaints, IMO.


And then, there's the fact that these complaints are about a team that is 9-4, is three years into a rebuild, and still has some pretty decent potential to make noise. 

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Pagano isn't going anywhere, We more than likely finish up 12-4 or 11-5. Win the division and make a run in the playoffs. I would not be surprised if it's a deep run as long as we stay healthy.

We have won 9/11 games 3/1 vs AFC north. Will more than likely finish 3/1 vs NFC east. That really should be 4-0 we gave the Philly game away.

all while still building. We have 2 rookie Olineman We played without Mathis the entire year and Art Jones was hurt the majority of the season. We hit on our early picks scored in UDFA's.

I don't see how you can fire the guy. We have a full draft this yr sprinkle in a few reasonable FA's future is bright.

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I think the Raiders will be the front runners for Harbaugh.


He and the wife love California and especially the Bay Area.     If you've never visited,  you should put it on your list.   Hard to beat the Bay Area.      And I say that as someone who lives 350 miles south of that in LA.


Also, Harbaugh spent a year or two as an apprentice with the Raiders coaching staff.   So, he has some roots with the organization.


If he leaves SF, or is fired,   Oakland will probably give him a black check to do what he wants, hire who he wants, and fire who he wants.   


That's my read of things.


Remember,  for as great as he is,  and he is a great coach,  he wears out his welcome pretty quickly.    4 years at Stanford and most were happy to see him leave.    4 years at San Fran and they may fire him.


He's very, very, very high maintenance...

SF is a great place to visit, but I'm sure glad I don't live there any more.  And Oakland? Ewwwwww! 

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I think the Raiders will be the front runners for Harbaugh.


He and the wife love California and especially the Bay Area.     If you've never visited,  you should put it on your list.   Hard to beat the Bay Area.      And I say that as someone who lives 350 miles south of that in LA.


Also, Harbaugh spent a year or two as an apprentice with the Raiders coaching staff.   So, he has some roots with the organization.


If he leaves SF, or is fired,   Oakland will probably give him a black check to do what he wants, hire who he wants, and fire who he wants.   


That's my read of things.


Remember,  for as great as he is,  and he is a great coach,  he wears out his welcome pretty quickly.    4 years at Stanford and most were happy to see him leave.    4 years at San Fran and they may fire him.


He's very, very, very high maintenance...

I use to be stationed north of the bay area and loved it.  Just hated the people

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I would play him over Reggie in a heart beat right now....    But Reg is Chuck's pal.      


This is troubling to me.. .      Chuck is trying to be friends before being a "LEADER" ..     IF Reg does in fact have a triceps tear?  He has NO business being in the game.     PERIOD.    BUT he was.  ...   and really HURT this team against Cleve.


Trent has taken snaps from Brown, Ballard, and Herron...       WHY?    This could be for a number of reasons..  one of which is NOT that TR is more talented.

T-Rich ran better than Boom that game !! I support both but I think T-Rich should have got the most carries. Yes, Boom got the criticle first down but it was only..what? 6 inches ?? at least T-Rich could have got a whole yard !! They both whiffed on a blocking assignment, I really dont see why everyone is in favor of Boom over T-Rich, I think they complement each other well.

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SF is a great place to visit, but I'm sure glad I don't live there any more.  And Oakland? Ewwwwww! 


I hear you.     And yet,  Oakland -- believe it or not -- has the 2nd hottest real estate market in the country.   Been that way for some time.    And the only reason I know that obscure stat is that my sister-in-law finally bought a home there after bidding on, and losing out on,  about two dozen homes.      She wound up spending about 50K more than she wanted to in order to buy her first house.


Crazy, crazy market!     So lots of people apparently want to live in Oakland!    Go figure!

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T-Rich ran better than Boom that game !! I support both but I think T-Rich should have got the most carries. Yes, Boom got the criticle first down but it was only..what? 6 inches ?? at least T-Rich could have got a whole yard !! They both whiffed on a blocking assignment, I really dont see why everyone is in favor of Boom over T-Rich, I think they complement each other well.

Well, considering Luck threw the ball 53 times neither TRich or Boom were major factors running the ball. And if you don't see the difference in boom and trich you need to have your eyes checked lol

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Not another "Should You....Can We....Will We...Won't We....bring someone else in thread..."  :scratch:  :slaphead:

Why not? 


How about a thread on whether the Colts should trade a weekend with Andrew Luck for $20 million in salary cap space.  Then they can go out and sign a couple offensive linemen.

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I hear you.     And yet,  Oakland -- believe it or not -- has the 2nd hottest real estate market in the country.   Been that way for some time.    And the only reason I know that obscure stat is that my sister-in-law finally bought a home there after bidding on, and losing out on,  about two dozen homes.      She wound up spending about 50K more than she wanted to in order to buy her first house.


Crazy, crazy market!     So lots of people apparently want to live in Oakland!    Go figure!

I hope that home came with an electric fence and some Rottweilers to keep the "neighbors" out. Oakland is California's version of Detroit.

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Well this thread is going to be alive as long as the Colts keep losing to big teams.Just face it. We can only win against mediocre teams. If the road to the Superbowl  goes to Denver or New England, then it time to pack it up. I would really welcome Jim Harbaugh to be the new Coach. Time for some changes. 

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I really don't want to watch his antics on the sidelines in a Colt's shirt.  Ugg


Plus the fact that despite his winning there is talk that they want to push him out and the players don't like him as coach.  I mean a coach is winning games and everyone hates his guts.... Huge red flags there.  If he's really that disliked it's going to implode at some point, only a matter of time.

Did you watch the Cowboy's game today...nothing is more ugly that that...

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Most fans would be happy with 11-5 every year !! Not good enough for ya' ?? Keep in mind that this is year 3 and also the year we were supposed to start competing for the division title !! I say keep Pag's !!!

That would be true if we wern't playing in the juco division of the NFL.
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He's going to Michigan...question is do we need to upgrade our coach and GM...it doesn't look like we have much talent other than Luck...


hes not going to downgrade himself to college. that doesnt make sense for a coach of his caliber. What would be next? Bellichick going to Oregon?

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we need harbaugh...PERIOD! We will make team decisions based on whats right for our future. Not for past mistakes. If Harbaugh was the coach:


-Trich wouldnt be the first stringer

-The starting offensive line today would not at all be playing except for castonzo.

-the defense would be way better...

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hes not going to downgrade himself to college. that doesnt make sense for a coach of his caliber. What would be next? Bellichick going to Oregon?

Harbaugh was in college before. Bill was not. Plus it is Jim's alma mater that is putting 8 mil on the table. I would not blame him for taking the job ...

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