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Vikings Message Board Shuts Down


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Vikings Message Board shut down online, supposedly forever, in light of the Adrian Peterson child abuse scandal which impacted to Vikings and the Twin Cities.   And AP is activated to play this Sunday to play the Saints!


Hope a message board shut down and deactivation never happens to the Colts Fan Forum.  Because Colts fans are the best fans in the NFL!  :nfl: :pass:     :coltslogo:  :1colts:  :colts:  :coltslogo:  :thmsup:



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It is only going to get worse. The team needs to sit him. Look at the reasons why they shut it:


Vikings Message Board has been shut down permanently. It will not return. There are two primary reasons.


"1. The Vikings cowardly decision to reinstate a child abuser and think that an apology will make this blow over. We will not stand for this arrogance and we will no longer be the home of any support of the Vikings. We stand for those who cannot defend themselves.


"2. We will not give a voice to thugs who think child abuse is "cultural" or worse, openly advocate child abuse as a reasonable method of punishment. This ends here. Yes, a few board members have ruined it for everyone. Congratulations, a--holes."

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Can someone explain to me how this works? Who's in charge of the message board? Who has the authority to close it down? I know there are mods on any board who regulate content and can relocate threads. Didn't think they actually ran it the board in terms of it operation. Is there one super mod?



There is always one "owner" or super mod. Someone has to pay the bills. 

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Can someone explain to me how this works? Who's in charge of the message board? Who has the authority to close it down? I know there are mods on any board who regulate content and can relocate threads. Didn't think they actually ran it the board in terms of it operation. Is there one super mod?

That message board wasn't affiliated with the team like this board is. I'm guessing the mod who shot it down will be going to the press soon trying to get some clicks for his new website that is soon to follow

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by 21isSuperman, September 24, 2014 - shot at moderation?
Hidden by 21isSuperman, September 24, 2014 - shot at moderation?

Eh, there's no reason to shut down the forum.  Probably the head moderator just wanted a way out or he's got really thin skin. 


You see that a lot with mods. Questionable senses of humor as well. :-)

Edited by 21isSuperman
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see now this is like the old telephone tag game where you put a message out there to get passed on and eventually it comes back to you as something else.


This was ONE PERSON.  And this one person didn't write a particularly dignified statement.  Closing the forum was their way of making a statement (although as far as anybody knows, they may have been intending to close the forum and chose now so that they could get their 15 minutes of fame)


The people on the forum have stated it was not their decision or preference.


Anyway, that wouldn't happen here.  If the boards were being over run by fire-starters, we might do something to maintain order but, closing the board wouldn't happen in response to an event.


Only way I can think that closing would happen here is if people no longer used the boards

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It is only going to get worse. The team needs to sit him. Look at the reasons why they shut it:


Vikings Message Board has been shut down permanently. It will not return. There are two primary reasons.


"1. The Vikings cowardly decision to reinstate a child abuser and think that an apology will make this blow over. We will not stand for this arrogance and we will no longer be the home of any support of the Vikings. We stand for those who cannot defend themselves.


"2. We will not give a voice to thugs who think child abuse is "cultural" or worse, openly advocate child abuse as a reasonable method of punishment. This ends here. Yes, a few board members have ruined it for everyone. Congratulations, a--holes."

The phrase 'thugs' will come back on whoever ran this board

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Vikings Message Board shut down online, supposedly forever, in light of the Adrian Peterson child abuse scandal which impacted to Vikings and the Twin Cities. And AP is activated to play this Sunday to play the Saints!

Hope a message board shut down and deactivation never happens to the Colts Fan Forum. Because Colts fans are the best fans in the NFL! :nfl: :pass: :coltslogo::1colts::colts::coltslogo: :thmsup:


The Vikings have many sites devoted to the team -- the Daily Norseman, The Viking Age, Viking Territory and more. We also have at least one other message board similar to the Colts forum. I just checked it out and it is running.

I liked the content on the one that shut down but I did not like the format. It was difficult to read because of the dark background. I rarely followed that message board and I was not a member.

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Time to start boycotting the NFL all together.


If you're as sick of this crap as I am, then yes, it's time.


A league that defends child abusers, woman beaters, and even (alleged) murderers yet wants you to beleive they don't promote hardcore misogny. Come October, they'll pretend they care about women's struggles in this country when they sell those pink jerseys and make bank off of the merchandise meanwhile while pushing under the rug scandals.





Peterson should be in jail. People are right, he don't deserve this. He don't deserve a bunch of people that enjoy the power complex of abusing kids there defending him, he don't deserve the money and lifestyle where he's worshiped as a God for playing a game, he deserves to be in prison, along with Ray Rice, who people also sadly defend.

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Time to start boycotting the NFL all together.


If you're as sick of this crap as I am, then yes, it's time.


A league that defends child abusers, woman beaters, and even (alleged) murderers yet wants you to beleive they don't promote hardcore misogny. Come October, they'll pretend they care about women's struggles in this country when they sell those pink jerseys and make bank off of the merchandise meanwhile while pushing under the rug scandals.





Peterson should be in jail. People are right, he don't deserve this. He don't deserve a bunch of people that enjoy the power complex of abusing kids there defending him, he don't deserve the money and lifestyle where he's worshiped as a God for playing a game, he deserves to be in prison, along with Ray Rice, who people also sadly defend.



I think you are overstating when you say they promote hardcore misogyny  I don't think they promote that more than everybody else.  Not saying it doesn't exist but holding the NFL responsible because their action has not been fast enough or harsh enough for your liking is not fair.


I think they'll work through this in good order.  If they don't, I'll get irritated then.  But Bogie you are always angry about this issue, don't you think that may cause you to over react?

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Time to start boycotting the NFL all together.

If you're as sick of this crap as I am, then yes, it's time.

A league that defends child abusers, woman beaters, and even (alleged) murderers yet wants you to beleive they don't promote hardcore misogny. Come October, they'll pretend they care about women's struggles in this country when they sell those pink jerseys and make bank off of the merchandise meanwhile while pushing under the rug scandals.


Peterson should be in jail. People are right, he don't deserve this. He don't deserve a bunch of people that enjoy the power complex of abusing kids there defending him, he don't deserve the money and lifestyle where he's worshiped as a God for playing a game, he deserves to be in prison, along with Ray Rice, who people also sadly defend.

Thank goodness. See ya!!!

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Time to start boycotting the NFL all together.


If you're as sick of this crap as I am, then yes, it's time.


A league that defends child abusers, woman beaters, and even (alleged) murderers yet wants you to beleive they don't promote hardcore misogny. Come October, they'll pretend they care about women's struggles in this country when they sell those pink jerseys and make bank off of the merchandise meanwhile while pushing under the rug scandals.





Peterson should be in jail. People are right, he don't deserve this. He don't deserve a bunch of people that enjoy the power complex of abusing kids there defending him, he don't deserve the money and lifestyle where he's worshiped as a God for playing a game, he deserves to be in prison, along with Ray Rice, who people also sadly defend.



I am not sure it even matters if a small percentage boycott games or spending money on the NFL. I would like to think more would but I doubt it. The NFL actually created possibly more ratings and attention with the drama since this stuff sells in America a lot.


And the amount of money they make a year is beyond incredible.


I feel ya though........it bugs me too.

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lol you can still post and hang out even if you don't watch all the games. I do. I don't watch a lot of games but still catch up on it later and read forums. It is like just entertainment......it can be fun.

Even being on this site is beneficial to the colts, thus also beneficial to the league. So if he is here, he isn't boycotting the league

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Time to start boycotting the NFL all together.


If you're as sick of this crap as I am, then yes, it's time.


A league that defends child abusers, woman beaters, and even (alleged) murderers yet wants you to beleive they don't promote hardcore misogny. Come October, they'll pretend they care about women's struggles in this country when they sell those pink jerseys and make bank off of the merchandise meanwhile while pushing under the rug scandals.





Peterson should be in jail. People are right, he don't deserve this. He don't deserve a bunch of people that enjoy the power complex of abusing kids there defending him, he don't deserve the money and lifestyle where he's worshiped as a God for playing a game, he deserves to be in prison, along with Ray Rice, who people also sadly defend.


     I don't think anyone is thrilled with some of the recent news but we should all keep in mind that the NFL has so many more players than the people we are hearing about right now.  There are a ton of good people who do the right thing playing in the NFL too.  It would be completely unfair to first ignore them then punish them for the actions of a few players and the inability of the league to handle player conduct in a uniform manner.

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On the old Colts forum (some members are still here...JJ I think was there)  it used to crash...especially after those heartbraking playoff losses....

The old board couldn't handle near the traffic this one can, technically speaking. It was either slow or crashed after a game.

I've only see this one get a little slow at those times but the admins fix it pretty quick.

The old, old, old, board, the one that wasn't moderated crashed after a 16 yr old who did post often

spammed like 20 pages of posts. It was shut down for months until a few got together to moderate what we have now.

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I don't think anyone is thrilled with some of the recent news but we should all keep in mind that the NFL has so many more players than the people we are hearing about right now. There are a ton of good people who do the right thing playing in the NFL too. It would be completely unfair to first ignore them then punish them for the actions of a few players and the inability of the league to handle player conduct in a uniform manner.

The forum is a much better place with rational members like you. Thank you.

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A couple of key points for me:

  1. It would be interesting to know the % of men in the NFL that commit abuse.  I doubt it is any greater than the general population, they just get more attention when it's brought to the attention of authorities.   So it probably seems like there's more because of the wall to wall press coverage it generates.
  2. When a guy is guilty, I want to see him bear the full brunt of the consequences his choices have brought.  Playing in the NFL is a privilege not a right and each of these men need to have behavior consistent with bringing honor to their profession and not disgrace.  
  3. I would like to see specific guidelines drawn up that pre-think these situations out, so the response is as consistent as possible across the board.  
  4. (In this point, I'm not speaking in anyway about the existing cases.)  We need to bear in mind that not everyone who is accused is in the end guilty.  My husband and I have spent long hours in marriage counseling with some very troubled marriages.  With a small portion of these situations, you will find that the wives are also very capable of bringing false charges, coaching kids in what to accuse and faking injuries.  In other situations they are so afraid they will not bring charges no matter what happens and will not leave the guy.  So how do you make a hard and fast rule that requires the police to file charges and/or for the guy to be found guilty when some of the women will not stand up to them in the courts? 
  5. I also think that if the league drew up policies that in some ways took the decision away from the teams, I think it would go better.  If a guy knew that if he was reported for spousal abuse it just might lose his paycheck, it could be enough to make him think twice about his choice.  
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Time to start boycotting the NFL all together.


If you're as sick of this crap as I am, then yes, it's time.


A league that defends child abusers, woman beaters, and even (alleged) murderers yet wants you to beleive they don't promote hardcore misogny. Come October, they'll pretend they care about women's struggles in this country when they sell those pink jerseys and make bank off of the merchandise meanwhile while pushing under the rug scandals.




should be in jail. People are right, he don't deserve this. He don't deserve a bunch of people that enjoy the power complex of abusing kids there defending him, he don't deserve the money and lifestyle where he's worshiped as a God for playing a game, he deserves to be in prison, along with Ray Rice, who people also sadly defend.

Quality rant but its ignorant of the truth.

The NFLPA defends child abusers, beaters and murederers ..the NFL doesn't

...and the courts let these folks walk....that's who you should draw hard words..

The NFL cares about these issues as much as you and I do....which may not be saying much

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A couple of key points for me:

  • It would be interesting to know the % of men in the NFL that commit abuse.  I doubt it is any greater than the general population, they just get more attention when it's brought to the attention of authorities.   So it probably seems like there's more because of the wall to wall press coverage it generates.
  • When a guy is guilty, I want to see him bear the full brunt of the consequences his choices have brought.  Playing in the NFL is a privilege not a right and each of these men need to have behavior consistent with bringing honor to their profession and not disgrace.  
  • I would like to see specific guidelines drawn up that pre-think these situations out, so the response is as consistent as possible across the board.  
  • NO. I think that's wrong. There is no need for consistency.

    There always has to be judgment on a case-by-case basis...To not do so is to not think about each case.

  • (In this point, I'm not speaking in anyway about the existing cases.)  We need to bear in mind that not everyone who is accused is in the end guilty.  My husband and I have spent long hours in marriage counseling with some very troubled marriages.  With a small portion of these situations, you will find that the wives are also very capable of bringing false charges, coaching kids in what to accuse and faking injuries.  In other situations they are so afraid they will not bring charges no matter what happens and will not leave the guy.  So how do you make a hard and fast rule that requires the police to file charges and/or for the guy to be found guilty when some of the women will not stand up to them in the courts? 
  • TRUE...The NFL does not need to get in the middle of husband-wife disputes when the police and the courts don't want to.

    That's why I dodnt blame Goddell for the Ray Rice case. If Goddell gave him a 2-year suspension instead of 2 games..Ray would still be beating his wife./ I dodnt want moral values made in suspensions and fines by the National Football League//

  • I also think that if the league drew up policies that in some ways took the decision away from the teams, I think it would go better.  If a guy knew that if he was reported for spousal abuse it just might lose his paycheck, it could be enough to make him think twice about his choice.  

What you mean is: If the league got the NFLPA to agree to policies that took decisions away from the teams because that's the only wayy it works. Remember...the NFLPA is the bad guy here. Its their players who are hitting, abusing and drugging.

The union lets Roger Goddell and the owners take the blame./

Bottom line, to me?

We are looking fo sports leagues to make us feel better about the dark side of society. We want the major pro sports to get us vengence what a husband beats his wife.

We (and all the media) are fools to look for moral retribution from the National Football League.

The NFL should only punish people who go through the courts..because they're a football league, nothing more

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Time to start boycotting the NFL all together.


If you're as sick of this crap as I am, then yes, it's time.


A league that defends child abusers, woman beaters, and even (alleged) murderers yet wants you to beleive they don't promote hardcore misogny. Come October, they'll pretend they care about women's struggles in this country when they sell those pink jerseys and make bank off of the merchandise meanwhile while pushing under the rug scandals.





Peterson should be in jail. People are right, he don't deserve this. He don't deserve a bunch of people that enjoy the power complex of abusing kids there defending him, he don't deserve the money and lifestyle where he's worshiped as a God for playing a game, he deserves to be in prison, along with Ray Rice, who people also sadly defend.


So what do you think will happen to child abuser and domestic abuser Hope Solo??  She beat up her sister and her nephew.


I'm guessing she gets a 0 game suspension. . . 


If anything we should boycott women's soccer.  At least the NFL is punishing these players.  US soccer is ignoring it when it comes to Solo.

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I think the condemnation Peterson is receiving is nauseating. People aren't thinking rationally about what transpired. Knee-jerk reactions without understanding the physiology of the human body. Ignorance is bliss I guess.


I agree there is too much kneejerk reactions going on here.  With Peterson I guess they decided to throw out the concept of innocence until proven guilty.  


And there is a line between discipline and child abuse and we havn't even clearly established where that line is as a society.  


25 years ago what he did probably wasn't considered child abuse.  

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And since no one has yet to mention it in this thread -- then I will.


The Vikings have done another 180 and have now suspended Peterson and put him an the exempt list so he can take care of his personal business.


And because of the public's blind somewhat irrational anger the concept of innocence until proven guilty goes out the window.


I tell you get one well known case going and the public will at the snap of the fingers turn into a giant lynch mob just waiting to string anyone up for anything.  

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