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Confirmed: Robert Mathis out for season with torn Achilles (merge)


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You go with Newsome and a 'healthy Cam Johnson too......there was a reason we kept extra OLBs.  Lets play football guys, and 98 will be working and rooting for ya!

You go with Newsome and a 'healthy Cam Johnson too......there was a reason we kept extra OLBs.  Lets play football guys, and 98 will be working and rooting for ya!

I would also use more inside Blitzes with McNary and Muamba

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I wouldn't trade a first. What I would do is offer a conditional pick- if after his suspension he can rack up atleast 4 or 5 sacks- give them a 3rd, if not a 4th.


That makes more sense, but you have to get past the auxiliary issues first. And for this guy, that might not be possible.

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I'd like to congrat Houston Texans for winning AFC South,




This isn't happening.  The Colts fielded a good team last night against one of the best teams in the NFL if not the best team.  Just because there is no hope of making a Super bowl run doesn't mean that the Colts can't still win the division and probably come away with a 10-6 record.

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How about no where is number 12 going?.


Much more rules friendly.....JlynRN......you were just emphasizing...not yelling....you may be now :)


LOL and some people who we ALL know, who shall remain nameless, can't get it thru their undisguised hatred for the Colts and can't see that without emphasizing my point !!!  Sure am glad we have an ignore feature, I haven't used it yet, but I'm about to  ROFL.  And no, not you Brent  LOL

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Gonna take a hell of a lot more then a pass rusher who was already suspended for 4 games for the Texans to win the South lol, In the short term this changes nothing, Cam Johnson is more the IMMEDIATE concern because if he is down for any length of time then we are down to 4 pass rushers, We may ride this out for a couple weeks before anything is done

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This isn't happening.  The Colts fielded a good team last night against one of the best teams in the NFL if not the best team.  Just because there is no hope of making a Super bowl run doesn't mean that the Colts can't still win the division and probably come away with a 10-6 record.

"No hope" that is quite subjective and hard to quantify.  Less hope? Sure.  As far as I can see it, even the Bills have some hope in winning the Super Bowl.

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That makes more sense, but you have to get past the auxiliary issues first. And for this guy, that might not be possible.

That maybe true but we have a lot of players ( with varying degrees) with off the field problems before:

Montori Hughes

Da'rick Rogers

Hugh Thornton ( could be wrong)

Vontae Davis ( according to his draft profile)


If we have  a strong family unit- like it seems in Indy, hopefully his talent can outweight his problems.

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"No hope" that is quite subjective and hard to quantify.  Less hope? Sure.  As far as I can see it, even the Bills have some hope in winning the Super Bowl.


You are correct, no realistic hope.  I suppose any team in the second week could win the Superbowl.

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You are correct, no realistic hope.  I suppose any team in the second week could win the Superbowl.

The Colts put up a very respectable fight against the AFC's best team in their own building without Mathis.  As far as I can see it, we are still a top 3 team in the conference with a very good shot of making a deep playoff run.  I would not be shocked at all to see us in the AFCCG.  I'm using logic, not delusion.

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I would also use more inside Blitzes with McNary and Muamba

i said the same thing in one of these threads :)  I said we need to come from everywhere.


I know this is not popular.  We may have more 4-3 in certain situations if we bring some undersized guys up.  By all means in disguise!!

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No, you don't. That would be making a problem worse. You don't make decisions like this out of desperation.


we're looking at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to sacking the QB. we dont have anyone else execpt pray for werner to be consistent

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That maybe true but we have a lot of players ( with varying degrees) with off the field problems before:

Montori Hughes

Da'rick Rogers

Hugh Thornton ( could be wrong)

Vontae Davis ( according to his draft profile)


If we have  a strong family unit- like it seems in Indy, hopefully his talent can outweight his problems.


I think Aldon Smith has been worse in the last 12-16 months than anyone we have on our roster. His issues are big, and they are repeat issues. Some of them haven't even really been focused on, like someone getting shot at a party at his home. I think he's a bad judgment kind of guy, and his mistakes are weighty, and he keeps making them.


If you take a comprehensive look at him and think you still want to take a chance on him, that's one thing. But I don't put him on the same level as those guys you mentioned. 

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we're looking at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to sacking the QB. we dont have anyone else execpt pray for werner to be consistent


So get someone else. Just not Aldon Smith, and not for a first rounder.


Don't make it like I don't think any move for a pass rusher would make sense. I'm simply saying that you don't trade a first rounder for Aldon Smith, knowing full well that he can't play until Week 11. Desperation doesn't excuse bad decision making. That's what gets you stuck with Trent Richardson, and not having a first rounder.

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LOL and some people who we ALL know, who shall remain nameless, can't get it thru their undisguised hatred for the Colts and can't see that without emphasizing my point !!!  Sure am glad we have an ignore feature, I haven't used it yet, but I'm about to  ROFL.  And no, not you Brent  LOL

I would be sad :)  I still only have one person on ignore.....and I like his posts :)

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Not everyone but many of the people here are as evidenced by the thread and all the people going on about how the Colts would blow out the Broncos.  Completely divorced from reality.


Yeah, all four of the people who said the Colts would blow out the Broncos.


You're here condemning an entire fan base, based on some exuberant fandom prior to a big game. If it makes you feel better about yourself, congratulations. To the rest of us, it makes you look rather petty.

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 is mathis picture hanging on our stadium???...if so..another one bits the dust...they should really take Luck's down...like NOW....it's obvious that that's a curse....and they way the o-line barley can keep Luck upright too....i shutter to think....*knock on wood*


That's just pure chaff you're talking.. I can't wheat to see what the Oline does with a little playing time together. 


No need to be so close the curtains on the season yet, it's not as bad a picture as you think. 








Ok I'm done  :hat:

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Yeah, all four of the people who said the Colts would blow out the Broncos.


You're here condemning an entire fan base, based on some exuberant fandom prior to a big game. If it makes you feel better about yourself, congratulations. To the rest of us, it makes you look rather petty.


The start of that thread was liked by 12 people not to mention all of the people that posted saying something similar.  I don't know where you got the number 4, can you at least try to be honest and use facts or am I asking too much from you.  I have a habit of doing that on this forum.

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So get someone else. Just not Aldon Smith, and not for a first rounder.


Don't make it like I don't think any move for a pass rusher would make sense. I'm simply saying that you don't trade a first rounder for Aldon Smith, knowing full well that he can't play until Week 11. Desperation doesn't excuse bad decision making. That's what gets you stuck with Trent Richardson, and not having a first rounder.


oh boy here we go again with that. trent ran hard when he got the chance. this isnt an offense where hes gonna get 20 carries a game

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I think Aldon Smith has been worse in the last 12-16 months than anyone we have on our roster. His issues are big, and they are repeat issues. Some of them haven't even really been focused on, like someone getting shot at a party at his home. I think he's a bad judgment kind of guy, and his mistakes are weighty, and he keeps making them.


If you take a comprehensive look at him and think you still want to take a chance on him, that's one thing. But I don't put him on the same level as those guys you mentioned. 

I understand that Smith has a record longer than maybe all of the players I mentioned combined. If there are no other options than trading for him ( to me he's a last resort option unless we can get him for a 4th etc.) I personally liked the looks of Marcus Smith prior to the draft and since Chip Kelly has called him out ( might not be calling out ) to perform better, he could be someone to look at. 

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The start of that thread was liked by 12 people not to mention all of the people that posted saying something similar.  I don't know where you got the number 4, can you at least try to be honest and use facts or am I asking too much from you.  I have a habit of doing that on this forum.


Okay, so I underestimated the number by 8. You're making it seem like everyone on the board and every Colts fan in general said the Colts would blow out the Broncos.

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oh boy here we go again with that. trent ran hard when he got the chance. this isnt an offense where hes gonna get 20 carries a game


Are you saying giving up a first rounder for Trent Richardson was a good trade?


Don't "here we go again." I'm not a Trent basher. But it was a bad trade. And if you can't admit that, and want to see the team make a similarly bad trade, then we're too far apart. 


Again, you don't trade a first rounder for Aldon Smith, desperate or not. 

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