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So when does Eli Manning get benched?


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When you look across the NFL landscape and the QB position in particular, it'd be tough to come up with any justification in my head to bench Eli Manning. At a casual glance, I can pick 12 teams that would probably start him immediately. He's having a rough preseason, yes. But he's a 10-year vet who has won in the league. It's not like the Giants have a young Aaron Rodgers or an Andrew Luck waiting to take the reigns. 

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He was also the main reason they beat the Patriots. No wonder you want him benched.

Yeah, it was ALL Eli not that great defensive line. Please. Not everything comes down to fandom you know. The Pats have not played the Giants since 2011 and Eli has been awful since then. No playoffs and a ton of turnovers. He can't have another start to this season like he had last season.


And what about your reasoning for keeping him? Because you want a QB who goes down swinging like Favre did with all those picks at the end of his career? No thank you. Qbs are paid to win not lose games.

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Yeah, it was ALL Eli not that great defensive line. Please. Not everything comes down to fandom you know. The Pats have not played the Giants since 2011 and Eli has been awful since then. No playoffs and a ton of turnovers. He can't have another start to this season like he had last season.


And what about your reasoning for keeping him? Because you want a QB who goes down swinging like Favre did with all those picks at the end of his career? No thank you. Qbs are paid to win not lose games.

May be he needs to play the Pats to get his form back  :number1:

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May be he needs to play the Pats to get his form back  :number1:

I think at this point he would do anything. I don't get what happened to him. Perhaps once the great team around him went, he went too. He was never an elite QB to begin with but always had that great D and some pretty stout receivers too.

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I think at this point he would do anything. I don't get what happened to him. Perhaps once the great team around him went, he went too. He was never an elite QB to begin with but always had that great D and some pretty stout receivers too.

First they lost Manningham and then Hakeem had a really terrible year, everything started to fall apart. Of course, Eli making some ugly throws didnt help.


Hope this year, it gets better.

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First they lost Manningham and then Hakeem had a really terrible year, everything started to fall apart. Of course, Eli making some ugly throws didnt help.


Hope this year, it gets better.

Yeah, he lost some key pieces and his line is not good at all. You know it does not take much to lose your confidence. Makes me realize how special players like Manning and Brady are who always win despite all the turnover on their teams.

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Yeah, he lost some key pieces and his line is not good at all. You know it does not take much to lose your confidence. Makes me realize how special players like Manning and Brady are who always win despite all the turnover on their teams.


Just being mentally strong and being consistent and winning over such a long period of time, its special.


The very reason they are miles apart the next tier.

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You can't rely on Turdis Painter to run the Giants. I think Manning has some fault, but his O-Line isn't doing him any favors.  I do think they should be playing Nassib a bunch in preseason to see what they have in him. Regardless, they'll be drafting a QB next year for sure. 

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So you pick few plays where the ball bounced in his favor and that's it, he is not clutch.

You realize he did not directly land into a SB game right?. He beat Packers in Lambeay field. 49ers in SFO.

Tell me one QB where the ball never bounced in his favor?.

Ever heard, fortune favors the brave.



Its a miracle the Giants even made it into that Super Bowl.  The 49ers had a punt returner that fumbled the ball TWICE, the second time being in OVERTIME giving the Giants the go ahead win.


They were not even close to the best team in the league that year, they just rode a stroke of luck all the way to the title.  Kudos to them for doing so, but dont act like that team was great or anything, they were average and just had lady luck with them in the playoffs.

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Its a miracle the Giants even made it into that Super Bowl.  The 49ers had a punt returner that fumbled the ball TWICE, the second time being in OVERTIME giving the Giants the go ahead win.


They were not even close to the best team in the league that year, they just rode a stroke of luck all the way to the title.  Kudos to them for doing so, but dont act like that team was great or anything, they were average and just had lady luck with them in the playoffs.

How is it so easy for you guys to say a team wins due to "luck". Dont you think its disrespectful?.


I am sure even Belichick and Brady wouldn't say that. Give credit where its due man.

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Its a miracle the Giants even made it into that Super Bowl. The 49ers had a punt returner that fumbled the ball TWICE, the second time being in OVERTIME giving the Giants the go ahead win.

They were not even close to the best team in the league that year, they just rode a stroke of luck all the way to the title. Kudos to them for doing so, but dont act like that team was great or anything, they were average and just had lady luck with them in the playoffs.

Pretty much like 01 Pats

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Its a miracle the Giants even made it into that Super Bowl.  The 49ers had a punt returner that fumbled the ball TWICE, the second time being in OVERTIME giving the Giants the go ahead win.


They were not even close to the best team in the league that year, they just rode a stroke of luck all the way to the title.  Kudos to them for doing so, but dont act like that team was great or anything, they were average and just had lady luck with them in the playoffs.

Neither Giants team was good much less great. '07 was 10-6 and '11 was 9-7. They got hot at the right time in the playoffs. They had a lot of luck  but played great too, especially their Dline.

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Yeah, it was ALL Eli not that great defensive line. Please. Not everything comes down to fandom you know. The Pats have not played the Giants since 2011 and Eli has been awful since then. No playoffs and a ton of turnovers. He can't have another start to this season like he had last season.

And what about your reasoning for keeping him? Because you want a QB who goes down swinging like Favre did with all those picks at the end of his career? No thank you. Qbs are paid to win not lose games.

So it's all Eli when they lose and all everything else when they win? Got it. CoughBradycough.

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Yeah speaking of "luck," it took the Calvin Johnson "catch" and the Bizarro Failmary TIMES TWO (2 reversed touchdowns against MN...can't believe people forget that) for the Packers to even make the playoffs in 2010. Then they got the Bears in the NFCCG whose only playoff opponent was the 7-9 Seahawks. If the Bears would have won the NFCCG, it would have been just as big of a luck out for them.

In 2009 the Saints won the SB and I don't even have to open that can of worms.

Besides those 2 years it's been Wilson, Flacco, Eli times 2, Big Ben times 2...and Peyton Manning who is the only guy lately to win it all without taking chances. Sure go ahead and count Brady for the times his team carried him but that was 10 years ago.

Like it or not, playing God Mode Madden at quarterback looks good statistically but it rarely yields postseason success, let alone a SB. Maybe when Aaron Rodgers gets his playoff record to 5-11 while all those other guys win another ring people will get off this stat obsession.

Yeah yeah they won't win another one...ok then Kaep and Luck will.

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Recently. Yes. All Eli. How many times do you want me to say it?

Until you either a)figure out that the other people on the field at the same time are just as responsible for the team's recent funk (they're just as responsible for it as the rest of the Patriots were responsible for the SBs that Brady gets all the credit for) or b)figure out that it can only go 1 way. It can't only be the quarterbacks fault when you lose. If they win it has to be his fault to by that logic.

Besides, they went 7-9, not 4-12 like the Packers did in 2005 before Favre had a couple MVP caliber seasons still. Therefore I wouldn't overhaul the team completely outside of Eli even.

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Until you either a)figure out that the other people on the field at the same time are just as responsible for the team's recent funk (they're just as responsible for it as the rest of the Patriots were responsible for the SBs that Brady gets all the credit for) or b)figure out that it can only go 1 way. It can't only be the quarterbacks fault when you lose. If they win it has to be his fault to by that logic.

Besides, they went 7-9, not 4-12 like the Packers did in 2005 before Favre had a couple MVP caliber seasons still. Therefore I wouldn't overhaul the team completely outside of Eli even.



Of course there is truth in what you are saying but there is not a more important or impactful player on the field than the QB. That's why they get the big bucks.

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What are you trying to say exactly? It seems like you're arguing both sides of the QBWINZ argument.


Eli shouldn't get benched because he won 2 super bowls, but it's not his fault they're losing now because he's not the only player on the field? 

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Until you either a)figure out that the other people on the field at the same time are just as responsible for the team's recent funk (they're just as responsible for it as the rest of the Patriots were responsible for the SBs that Brady gets all the credit for) or b)figure out that it can only go 1 way. It can't only be the quarterbacks fault when you lose. If they win it has to be his fault to by that logic.

Besides, they went 7-9, not 4-12 like the Packers did in 2005 before Favre had a couple MVP caliber seasons still. Therefore I wouldn't overhaul the team completely outside of Eli even.

I have no idea what you are talking about at this point. You want to give Eli credit for winning the Super Bowls but yet you say it is a team game therefore he should not be benched for his recent poor play???


And please stop trying to make everything a Brady comparison. Brady has never thrown more than 14 picks in any one season and averages 11-12 wins a year. Eli has been one of the most inconsistent players despite his two Super Bowl wins. In the end, it is about winning and while the QB is one of 11 players on offense, he also controls the most and when a QB tosses 27 picks to 18 Tds, it is time to re-evaluate the position. That would be true of any player at any position if he was performing at Eli's current level. If anything he is getting more of a pass because of his past success, because his last name is Manning and because the Giants have done a lousy job at back up QB.

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Eli has never ever been the same kind of QB as Peyton.  Peyton makes an OL better than it is, and running plays work off of the threat of a pass.


Eli, like every QB, benefits from a good OL and running game.  Those things have declined the past two years, which has effected his play.


I would not bench Eli.  But I would notice that Nassib has outplayed Eli.  3rd string-shmerd string.  Nassib's passes had more zip and were on the money more than Eli's.

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I have no idea what you are talking about at this point. You want to give Eli credit for winning the Super Bowls but yet you say it is a team game therefore he should not be benched for his recent poor play???

And please stop trying to make everything a Brady comparison. Brady has never thrown more than 14 picks in any one season and averages 11-12 wins a year. Eli has been one of the most inconsistent players despite his two Super Bowl wins. In the end, it is about winning and while the QB is one of 11 players on offense, he also controls the most and when a QB tosses 27 picks to 18 Tds, it is time to re-evaluate the position. That would be true of any player at any position if he was performing at Eli's current level. If anything he is getting more of a pass because of his past success, because his last name is Manning and because the Giants have done a lousy job at back up QB.

You have said several times that quarterbacks are paid to win games. I don't look at it that way myself but that implies that the quarterback is who wins the game (or else what are you paying him for?). I compare him to Brady because you appear to be a Brady fan. I respect Brady but if there was ever a guy who was handed a free SB or 3...it wasn't Eli.
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You have said several times that quarterbacks are paid to win games. I don't look at it that way myself but that implies that the quarterback is who wins the game (or else what are you paying him for?). I compare him to Brady because you appear to be a Brady fan. I respect Brady but if there was ever a guy who was handed a free SB or 3...it wasn't Eli.

Wins and losses are tallied on a QBs resume so they do get credit for wins and losses. Personally I believe it is a team game but also believe the QB controls the game the most and therefore has the most affect on a win or a loss. If a QB throws two times as many picks than Tds then there is a problem. Eli averaged almost two picks a game last year. Generally just one pick can be the difference if a team wins or loses much less two picks. Had he thrown for 35 or 40 Tds then the 27 picks are bad but are off-set by the Tds. But he didn't. He threw 18 Tds. I am looking at his play not so much his position. His play last year should have gotten him benched regardless of past success. I believe if he continues to play at that level this season he will be benched, deservedly so.


And again, don't know what Brady has to do with this at all. Even if you believe he was gifted his rings ( I don't), he became a two time league MVP after his rings and has continued to propel the Pats deep into the playoffs despite having a lousy defense the last several seasons. Eli has yet to show an elite level of play like Brady or any other top QB for that matter. He has always been inconsistent in his play which is evidenced by the fact that he has never won a playoff game outside of his two championship years.

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Favre, Warner, Marino and others have had disastrous seasons before their additional MVP caliber years. Eli hasn't sunk down as far as those guys at their lowest.

The devil does Eli have to do be elite (not that I care...just rolling with your logic)? Win a SB? Win 2 SB? Win more SB that Peyton? Beat Brady in a SB?

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Favre, Warner, Marino and others have had disastrous seasons before their additional MVP caliber years. Eli hasn't sunk down as far as those guys at their lowest.

The devil does Eli have to do be elite (not that I care...just rolling with your logic)? Win a SB? Win 2 SB? Win more SB that Peyton? Beat Brady in a SB?

You think Eli is in the same league as Favre, Marino and Warner? I don't.

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