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Luck makes it to the semifinals in the madden cover vote.


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Do you think he has a shot at being on the cover? I for one would love to see Luck on the cover. I honestly couldn't give a rip less about the cover vote stuff some of you believe in, and I want Luck to have a spectacular 2014 season to prove to the football world again, that the curse does not exist.

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He beat Foles first, then Kuechly. Pretty easy matchup-wise.

Luck probably will beat Newton and lose to Sherman in the finals.

How is beating the DPOY easy? Didn't Kuechly win DPOY?

Kap had an average season at best. Nothing compared to the super bowl season

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Honestly I could see Luck winning this. I don't think Newton's as tough as he's rated.

Vote Kap because Sherman will be tough to beat. Gamers like to talk crap, so they're going to vote for the biggest crap talker in the game.

Gamers talk trash, but don't back it up. Sherman backs his up

Can't tell you how many times I've joined a Call of Duty lobby with people trash talking then get quiet as a mouse when we come back in the lobby after the match cause I went 22-5 while they went 4-16

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Gamers talk trash, but don't back it up. Sherman backs his up

Can't tell you how many times I've joined a Call of Duty lobby with people trash talking then get quiet as a mouse when we come back in the lobby after the match cause I went 22-5 while they went 4-16

got to love a quality call of duty reference

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How is beating the DPOY easy? Didn't Kuechly win DPOY?

Kap had an average season at best. Nothing compared to the super bowl season


From a resident of the Carolinas, there aren't many Panthers fans. There are however many 49ers fans.


Most Panthers fans are like me, whereas Panthers are my 2nd team(or NFC team in my case) because we all moved from somewhere else. I go to many games and even own a Cam jersey, but my fandom for Colts is above all others.


Oh and Kuechly is a ridiculously better player than Kaepernick, it's not even close. Panthers have been killing those drafts...Cam, Kuech, Star...


Luck will probably lose this round however because of Cam's personality. Luck is just an awkward goof, which is why we all love him. Well that and his knack for winning football games.

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and he beat Luke Kuechly to make it there.......ridiculous, Kaepernick isn't half the football player that Kuechly is.


Ridiculous? What does "being half the football player" have to do with a Madden Cover? How many players on the Madden Cover won the Super Bowl the year they was on the cover? None. So who cares, its just a cool way to involve fans in a major decision, It couldn't be telling us who the best player for a year that hasn't even started yet is. Heck, Payton Hillis was on the cover recently. 

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though it's already been broken, i think if anyone else can break the madden curse... it's Luck...nothing else every seems to phase him..and honestly i think it's about time Luck receive his dues...he's been robbed of the heisman...IMO....and the ROY award...it's about time he wins something..he deserves it...but i do think sherman gets it

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I really think Sherman is gonna get it but I would actually have to go and buy Madden if Luck won.  I would so think that would be awesome if he won though.  Problem is, my 2 year old stuck a toy in my PS3 and broke it :(.  I'm slowly nudging the wife that we need a new system.  *coughPS4cough*

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From a resident of the Carolinas, there aren't many Panthers fans. There are however many 49ers fans.


Most Panthers fans are like me, whereas Panthers are my 2nd team(or NFC team in my case) because we all moved from somewhere else. I go to many games and even own a Cam jersey, but my fandom for Colts is above all others.


Oh and Kuechly is a ridiculously better player than Kaepernick, it's not even close. Panthers have been killing those drafts...Cam, Kuech, Star...


Luck will probably lose this round however because of Cam's personality. Luck is just an awkward goof, which is why we all love him. Well that and his knack for winning football games.



I also am in the Carolina's like you and Carolina is my nfc team as well. I think Luck can bet Cam, and I've been voting for Kap only because I think he would be easier to beat in the finals then Sherman.  Being a colts fan in NC is very hard especially with all the NE and Steelers fans around,..  (in a whisper) there everywhere....


Browns fans too...  ::shrugs::

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How is beating the DPOY easy? Didn't Kuechly win DPOY?

Kap had an average season at best. Nothing compared to the super bowl season

He beat him because its' a popularity contest more than anything.  The casual football fan would rather watch Kaepernick run around in the backfield and make a throw. 

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He beat him because its' a popularity contest more than anything. The casual football fan would rather watch Kaepernick run around in the backfield and make a throw.

Well in that case, Cam Newtons gonna win

That scramble he had against the Pats I think it was when he was shaking and baking in the backfield should do it

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Well in that case, Cam Newtons gonna win

That scramble he had against the Pats I think it was when he was shaking and baking in the backfield should do it

Ha.  Realistically, I don't see him getting past Sherman anyway.  I think he'll win it all.  Would be cool to see Andrew on the cover, though.

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How is beating the DPOY easy? Didn't Kuechly win DPOY?

Kap had an average season at best. Nothing compared to the super bowl season

Because the majority of football fans probably don't really know who Kuechly is. He's relatively new, isn't flashy, and plays for a team that doesn't get a lot of national attention. Kaepernick on the other hand was in the superbowl, is flashy, and constantly grabs headlines.

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Luck vs Sherman would be a good Stanford battle but of course the Seattle player would win it!

Speaking of Sherman vs Luck... Has Sherman ever talked smack about Andrew?

When would he get the chance to. Sherman was getting creamed in our game vs seattle so there was no place for Sherman to talk.

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