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Espn: Peyton Manning Would Leave Colts 'peacefully' If They Drafted Andrew Luck


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Posted · Hidden by Zebra3, November 7, 2011 - Screenname of user is a violation of forum rules.
Hidden by Zebra3, November 7, 2011 - Screenname of user is a violation of forum rules.

The Houston Texans could really use Manning correctly. Colts get a fresh start and the Texans get a Superbowl run. Win-win, right?

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No offense to anyone whether they be in the front office or on the couch at home, but Peyton manning has earned more loyalty that this. It disgusts me personally to see the fevered speculation about all of this. Yes, I know football is a business, but it's also a team sport that works on team moral, loyalty and players playing for reasons other than a pay check. Just as fans support a team for things other than their record. I support the Colts because I thought that the Colts organization was different. the Colts were the 'good' guys of the NFL that believe in values like loyalty, honor, duty, doing the right thing because it's the right thing. That was the attitude of the team, the players, the fans, the organization, the city, the stadium, everything - up until this year for sure, and perhaps last as well.

You mention duty. What is the first duty of any NFL team? To put a winning product on the field. That's why Marvin Harrison was cut the moment he lost a step. That's why Unitas finished his career a charger. It's why Montana wore a chiefs uniform at the end. If cutting/trading Peyton Manning made us a better team (and I'm not saying it would mind you) then the colts have a duty to do just that. No one player is more important than the team. We're seeing why that is right now, because we structured our team so that one player was more important than the entire team.

Do you get upset when we cut guys with time still on their contracts? Aferall the team certainly put on paper a committment for serveral years. Do they not have a duty to honor that contract? Is that not the honorable thing to do?

And I think you're giving the fans way too much credit. Fans want to win. That's why no one cared about the Colts before Manning showed up and they started winning. It's like that in every city with every team. It has nothing to do with "doing things the right way." It's about winning.

I'm not saying you don't do things the right way or fill your team with high character guys. But you do that because those sort of people are the type of people who make you into a winner. This is football. A game men play where they beat the crap out of each other in order to move a leather ball across an imaginary line.

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The Houston Texans could really use Manning correctly. Colts get a fresh start and the Texans get a Superbowl run. Win-win, right?

To be honest if Manning can make the Colts SB contender, there is no reason he cannot turn any other NFL team into one. With Texans? SB bound.

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I could see Manning going to either the Jets, 49ers, Redskins, or Dolphins. If the Niners had Manning right now, that team would be extremely scary, they are allowing the least points per game and have a lot of offensive weapons (Edwards, Crabtree, Gore, Davis, Walker, Morgan etc.)

Same with the Jets, they have a pretty darn good defense and a good O line + running game.

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I could see Manning going to either the Jets, 49ers, Redskins, or Dolphins. If the Niners had Manning right now, that team would be extremely scary, they are allowing the least points per game and have a lot of offensive weapons (Edwards, Crabtree, Gore, Davis, Walker, Morgan etc.)

Same with the Jets, they have a pretty darn good defense and a good O line + running game.

How about the Jets and the brothers share the same stadium and play in SB there? That will be classic...

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Thank you.

I'm sick of this speculation that essentially has the Colts tossing Peyton Manning aside for Luck, like the Buccaneers threw Coach Dungy overboard to get Gruden.

No offense to anyone whether they be in the front office or on the couch at home, but Peyton manning has earned more loyalty that this. It disgusts me personally to see the fevered speculation about all of this. Yes, I know football is a business, but it's also a team sport that works on team moral, loyalty and players playing for reasons other than a pay check. Just as fans support a team for things other than their record. I support the Colts because I thought that the Colts organization was different. the Colts were the 'good' guys of the NFL that believe in values like loyalty, honor, duty, doing the right thing because it's the right thing. That was the attitude of the team, the players, the fans, the organization, the city, the stadium, everything - up until this year for sure, and perhaps last as well.

OK, I know, not entirely on topic in this thread, but still....

Either way, if the Colts part ways with a healthy Peyton Manning because they have decided to go after Andrew Luck, they are not the organization I thought they were, and the shine will definitely have gone off the horseshoe.

You may have missed it....Peyton is not healthy. I'm not sure many fans actually want to lose 18 if he's fully recoverd. Most think he's done, so we need a decent QB, and taking one of the best 'prospects' is absolutely the correct decision. If Peyton is healthy, then we'll discuss with Luck if he'll sit behind Manning to learn the ropes, if we could afford both that is(very doubtful), or we hawk off Luck for as much as we can get.

I really can't understand your disgust one little bit. You are not thinking this through.

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I'm not saying you don't do things the right way or fill your team with high character guys. But you do that because those sort of people are the type of people who make you into a winner. This is football. A game men play where they beat the crap out of each other in order to move a leather ball across an imaginary line.

Oh please, not the big men beating crap our of each other over the pigskin line again. I find that line of reasoning to be anachronistic at best. However, be that as it may, I think the game has moved beyond leather helmets and missing front teeth. I understand the points you made in the rest of the post but none of that alters my point of view on the matter. Having supported teams that suck my entire life, I know that there is more to the game, and other games, than winning.

As for the point about contracts, I don't care what teams or players do contractually. Generally speaking they each do what is best for them. In specific cases though, and Peyton Manning is one of them, there are additional elements to consider. So no, I probably haven't objected when a relatively less well known player is cut. However I objected big time when Rob Morris was cut (for example) for precisely these kinds of reason because from everything I saw, Morris was a character guy, a Colt through and through, and a pretty decent tackler. I thought we handled him badly, and I said so at the time.

Sure it's a business, sure it's a rough game, but some things go beyond those concerns - IMHO.

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I really can't understand your disgust one little bit. You are not thinking this through.

What I'm thinking through is a) people wanting Manning to play this year - not realistic. B) people saying if manning doesn't play this year we need to draft Luck and trade Peyton - not very smart when for all we know Peyton could be 100% next season. c) people within the media and fan base continue discussing Mr Luck giving credence to the entire thing. d) people posting here express sentiments - as some have - that amount to tossing Peyton aside for Luck regardless of his status.

As for thinking the actual situation through, how about this. Remain loyal to the team and Manning, remain realistic about this season, wait patiently for Feb/March when a final eval can be done on Manning's neck and shoulder to determine whether he is/is not, will be/will not be healthy next season, then we can have this discussion. Having it now, along with all the calls for it to be done, is simply premature and disrespectful - imho.

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The same people who are denying this news, are the same ones who were saying there was no way Peyton would miss a game, or he would need a third surgery...

Face it people Luck is the Peyton Manning or John Elway of this generation, they come every 15 years, he is as NFL ready as he can be, you don't pass on that for four years of maybe...

Peyton threw his last pass as a Colt to Blair White, it was an incopletion.

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As for the point about contracts, I don't care what teams or players do contractually. Generally speaking they each do what is best for them. In specific cases though, and Peyton Manning is one of them, there are additional elements to consider. So no, I probably haven't objected when a relatively less well known player is cut. However I objected big time when Rob Morris was cut (for example) for precisely these kinds of reason because from everything I saw, Morris was a character guy, a Colt through and through, and a pretty decent tackler. I thought we handled him badly, and I said so at the time.

How do you reconcile that with concepts you say are so important like loyalty, honor, duty? If you're upset because you think we're doing Manning wrong (which is an oversimplification but I'm trying to save space) how can you then go back and say teams should do what they think is best for them? Isn't that why we would hypothetically be cutting or trading Manning? I'm assuming whatever decision is made would be done for what the people making the decision feel is in the best interest of the team.

Now if your objection is because you think it's a bad move, that's one thing. Depending on his health and the other circumstances I might very well agree with you. But you seem to be making this a morality issue which I disagree with.

What we owe (IMO) Manning is to be honest and upfront with him about his status and future with the team. No more, no less. From reading your posts, I'm of the opinion you feel we owe him more than that?

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You mention duty. What is the first duty of any NFL team? To put a winning product on the field. That's why Marvin Harrison was cut the moment he lost a step. That's why Unitas finished his career a charger. It's why Montana wore a chiefs uniform at the end. If cutting/trading Peyton Manning made us a better team (and I'm not saying it would mind you) then the colts have a duty to do just that. No one player is more important than the team. We're seeing why that is right now, because we structured our team so that one player was more important than the entire team.

Do you get upset when we cut guys with time still on their contracts? Aferall the team certainly put on paper a committment for serveral years. Do they not have a duty to honor that contract? Is that not the honorable thing to do?

And I think you're giving the fans way too much credit. Fans want to win. That's why no one cared about the Colts before Manning showed up and they started winning. It's like that in every city with every team. It has nothing to do with "doing things the right way." It's about winning.

I'm not saying you don't do things the right way or fill your team with high character guys. But you do that because those sort of people are the type of people who make you into a winner. This is football. A game men play where they beat the crap out of each other in order to move a leather ball across an imaginary line.

APPLAUSE you are so right and people here are sooooooooooooooooooooo naive... Team is more important than player, any player

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What I'm thinking through is a) people wanting Manning to play this year - not realistic. B) people saying if manning doesn't play this year we need to draft Luck and trade Peyton - not very smart when for all we know Peyton could be 100% next season. c) people within the media and fan base continue discussing Mr Luck giving credence to the entire thing. d) people posting here express sentiments - as some have - that amount to tossing Peyton aside for Luck regardless of his status.

As for thinking the actual situation through, how about this. Remain loyal to the team and Manning, remain realistic about this season, wait patiently for Feb/March when a final eval can be done on Manning's neck and shoulder to determine whether he is/is not, will be/will not be healthy next season, then we can have this discussion. Having it now, along with all the calls for it to be done, is simply premature and disrespectful - imho.

Ok so not talking about the future, what can yoou give us permission to talk about? Tehe Falcons game? What would you entertain as a good topic?

People like you are a cancer to this fanbase, you all keep talking about how you saw this team suck for decades, it's almost like you miss that, you've enjoyed 13 years of connstant success and now that there is a chance to prolongue that for another 15 years, you want to go back to 1996 and be romantic about it.

WE AS FANS MOVE ON TOO, I'll take 15 years of success rather than 3 or 4, I don't want this team signing the McNabbs of the next five years, once you get a chance to build for the future, you do it PERIOD and I also wish Peyton coulfd win more rings, I don't want him to be on this terrible team without a chance

Montana got sent to the Chiefs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok so not talking about the future, what can yoou give us permission to talk about? Tehe Falcons game? What would you entertain as a good topic?

No one said anything about permission to discuss, I simply gave my opinion. Believe it or not, moderators have those as well.

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You mention duty. What is the first duty of any NFL team? To put a winning product on the field. That's why Marvin Harrison was cut the moment he lost a step. That's why Unitas finished his career a charger. It's why Montana wore a chiefs uniform at the end. If cutting/trading Peyton Manning made us a better team (and I'm not saying it would mind you) then the colts have a duty to do just that. No one player is more important than the team. We're seeing why that is right now, because we structured our team so that one player was more important than the entire team.

Do you get upset when we cut guys with time still on their contracts? Aferall the team certainly put on paper a committment for serveral years. Do they not have a duty to honor that contract? Is that not the honorable thing to do?

And I think you're giving the fans way too much credit. Fans want to win. That's why no one cared about the Colts before Manning showed up and they started winning. It's like that in every city with every team. It has nothing to do with "doing things the right way." It's about winning.

I'm not saying you don't do things the right way or fill your team with high character guys. But you do that because those sort of people are the type of people who make you into a winner. This is football. A game men play where they beat the crap out of each other in order to move a leather ball across an imaginary line.

Agreed. Also, Polian's motto has always been: "You don't draft for your needs, you take the best player possible at that moment". So, if you have the first pick of the draft, are you not going to take Adrew Luck because you have a healthy Manning? He would be, at this moment, the best prospect in the draft by almost all accounts. I just can't see them not drafting Luck, given the chance, regardless of Manning's situation. That is, unless, some team pulls a Ditka and gives you an entire draft class for the pick.

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I want a healthy Peyton, however, I know he has limited time here even then. And we will be back on the 0-16 bus shortly thereafter unless something is done. Colts fans from even the Baltimore days remember before Peyton, and we have a look after Peyton (right now!) and we want to avert that; and not just for 1 or 3 years. All the while Miami many fans around here are ticked with their win, believing they are a #1 draft pick away (and each round) from becoming the Next Indy Colts type AFC franchise for the next 10-12 years.

I hope Peyton becomes healthy, but we also have to plan for the eventual transition... now. Whether that involves Luck or not, I am not sure. But if they don't plan for the transition to somebody good,I will be exceptionally disappointed. I am a fan of Peyton, but also the Colts. And neither should overlooked because of the other.

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Rodgers wasn't the #1 pick. #1 picks don't sit and wait for 4 years to play.

Rogers should have been the number one pick, not Smith. But coach Nolan of the 'Niners couldn't get past the personality conflict he had with Rogers so didn't want to take him. Rogers was the second quarterback taken ion the draft. But nobody else was selecting QB's that year so his wait in the Green Room and slide down the draft scale was incredible draft day TV drama. the Packers were so fortunate to land him at #24 and Ted Thompson knew it and couldn't get Favre out of town fast enough; causing another drama we all had to stomach involving Rogers.

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APPLAUSE you are so right and people here are sooooooooooooooooooooo naive... Team is more important than player, any player

naive??? Anndrew Luck couldnt hold peytons sack......of groceries! yes, he is a fine young talent and may or may not eventually be a great nfl qb. peyton manning will go down as one of the greatest IF not the greatest qb of all time! BUT, you are ready to trade him off for a rookie that everyone says is "gonna be great!" If and thats "If" peyton becomes healthy, he will and deserves to wear the horseshoe on his helmet until he doesnt want to anymore! do you know the kinda drive for perfection peyton is known for having? how many hours upon hours he has spent watching and dissecting film? i have heard and read from MANY sources that he is unmatched in those areas! Luck may be more interested in cooking than football for all we know! when you look back at the history of football, its all the greats that are most frequently talked about. We have one of the GOATs on are team and you would get rid of him for some rookie kid that has NO nfl experience. Peyton (if he becomes healthy) could play 4 or 5 more years at a level that luck will probably never reach!! you guys that think the grass is greener over at stanford university are the ones that are naive imo. if peyton says he cant play....fine, draft luck. if peyton says he will stay a colt if we draft luck.....fine, draft luck. Otherwise trade the pick for a bunch of fresh new talent and lets let our boy (the guy that put indianapolis ON THE FREAKIN MAP) take us back to a couple more superbowls!! we will draft a qb in four years that they may say is a BETTER prospect than andrew luck. Edited by mr. football
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I don't get everyone on here screaming for Luck. If anything the last couple of years worth of draft picks has shown is that there is no can't miss college player. He could be the next Ryan Leaf for all we know. You have to calm down and see what happens to Manning, see if he's healthy. The man deserves to play in a Colt uniform as long as he wants. If he's healthy draft tools on defense and weapons on offense and some free agents to get him another couple of rings. You know what you have with Manning, with Luck I'm just not ready to believe the hype and I'm not ready to throw Manning away. EVER HEAR OF LOYALTY.......guess not.

If Peyton says he can play Trade the # 1 pick down for more picks to rebuild our defense. We can pick up a young QB in later rounds. Look at Andy Dalton he wasn't drafted in the first round.
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Rogers should have been the number one pick, not Smith. But coach Nolan of the 'Niners couldn't get past the personality conflict he had with Rogers so didn't want to take him. Rogers was the second quarterback taken ion the draft. But nobody else was selecting QB's that year so his wait in the Green Room and slide down the draft scale was incredible draft day TV drama. the Packers were so fortunate to land him at #24 and Ted Thompson knew it and couldn't get Favre out of town fast enough; causing another drama we all had to stomach involving Rogers.

should of, could of don't count

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If Peyton says he can play Trade the # 1 pick down for more picks to rebuild our defense. We can pick up a young QB in later rounds. Look at Andy Dalton he wasn't drafted in the first round.

Good idea, but the Bengals also have one of the best, if not the best D in the league.

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Peyton Manning would walk away (or be traded) from the Colts 'peacefully' if the team drafted Andrew Luck No. 1 overall in the 2012 NFL Draft, it's kind of crazy around here.

Here are Laura's Tweets from earlier this morning:

ESPN NFL Sunday Countdown: If #Colts took Luck, #Manning would believe Luck should start, so he (#18) would leave peacefully

ESPN NFL Sunday Countdown: Option on Manning is scheduled for March 8. Gives #Colts from March 5 to March 8 to trade him if they decide to

I personally didn't see this ESPN countdown segment, but Laura (who used to work with me here at Stampede Blue) is a strong source to follow on this.


Doesn't sound like Manning...saying he'd leave so Luck could start..But it does sound like ESPN

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The same people who are denying this news, are the same ones who were saying there was no way Peyton would miss a game, or he would need a third surgery...

Face it people Luck is the Peyton Manning or John Elway of this generation, they come every 15 years, he is as NFL ready as he can be, you don't pass on that for four years of maybe...

Peyton threw his last pass as a Colt to Blair White, it was an incopletion.

Face it?..Luck is John Elway....???

Dont get carried away...

Remember how highly-rated Carson Palmer was?

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Agreed. Also, Polian's motto has always been: "You don't draft for your needs, you take the best player possible at that moment". So, if you have the first pick of the draft, are you not going to take Adrew Luck because you have a healthy Manning? He would be, at this moment, the best prospect in the draft by almost all accounts. I just can't see them not drafting Luck, given the chance, regardless of Manning's situation. That is, unless, some team pulls a Ditka and gives you an entire draft class for the pick.

That's simply not true. both Polians have drafted to fill team needs. This is another of many examples of people misunderstanding what is meant when they say Polian takes the BPA. It means that Bill's past tendencies dictate that he is more likely to take the BPA on the board that fills a need rather than trading the pick. It doesn't mean that he's going to draft just any player who is the BPA if it serves no purpose to fill a team need. So if you want to use the "he drafts the BPA" argument to say he wouldn't trade the pick then that's one thing...but to say he'd take just any player at any position regardless of team need is ridiculous.

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Isn't Tom Brady and Aaron Rogers carrying their Defenses also?

Far from it:

Super Bowl winning Quarterback records while scoring 30 points

Manning, P 72-7

Brady, T. 59-2

Brees, D. 50-6

Manning, E 29-6

Roethlisberger, B 25-2

Rodgers 19-2

Kinda sad to score 30 points on offense and lose as much as Manning, Brees or Eli has.

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Peyton Manning would walk away (or be traded) from the Colts 'peacefully' if the team drafted Andrew Luck No. 1 overall in the 2012 NFL Draft, it's kind of crazy around here.

Here are Laura's Tweets from earlier this morning:

ESPN NFL Sunday Countdown: If #Colts took Luck, #Manning would believe Luck should start, so he (#18) would leave peacefully

ESPN NFL Sunday Countdown: Option on Manning is scheduled for March 8. Gives #Colts from March 5 to March 8 to trade him if they decide to

I personally didn't see this ESPN countdown segment, but Laura (who used to work with me here at Stampede Blue) is a strong source to follow on this.


Doesn't sound like Manning...saying he'd leave so Luck could start..But it does sound like ESPN

I soon after added in that thread just a comment or 2 later

Personally I'd love to know ESPN's source for this, I mean , Peyton Has refused all comments regarding luck questions in every article I read that when it was directed to him

Edited by bayone
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You mention duty. What is the first duty of any NFL team? To put a winning product on the field. That's why Marvin Harrison was cut the moment he lost a step. That's why Unitas finished his career a charger. It's why Montana wore a chiefs uniform at the end. If cutting/trading Peyton Manning made us a better team (and I'm not saying it would mind you) then the colts have a duty to do just that. No one player is more important than the team. We're seeing why that is right now, because we structured our team so that one player was more important than the entire team.

Do you get upset when we cut guys with time still on their contracts? Aferall the team certainly put on paper a committment for serveral years. Do they not have a duty to honor that contract? Is that not the honorable thing to do?

And I think you're giving the fans way too much credit. Fans want to win. That's why no one cared about the Colts before Manning showed up and they started winning. It's like that in every city with every team. It has nothing to do with "doing things the right way." It's about winning.

I'm not saying you don't do things the right way or fill your team with high character guys. But you do that because those sort of people are the type of people who make you into a winner. This is football. A game men play where they beat the crap out of each other in order to move a leather ball across an imaginary line.

No, Marivin Harrison was cut once he wouldn't take a paycut. The colts tried several times to keep him.

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