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Pagano Ranked 21 out 25 Head Coaches

Larry Horseman

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This year was in a way Paganos official rookie year although he did have some experience from last year.  I think he learned a lot from this season and will continue to make strides as a head coach going forward.  He hasn't been at it long enough for me to say he's not a good coach.  I actually don't have a bad opinion of Chuck at this point, it's still kind of forming.   What I do like about him is the players seem to exert maximum effort for him at all times and they remain composed even when things are not going well, they really believe in what he teaches.  That's an aspect of coaching that will take your team far.  What I didn't like was some of the game management on the offensive side of the ball, but it seems he and the Colts are willing to add more knowledge to the staff to help in this area with the signing of Chud.  Also I think things will be better with Pep being in his second year.


We'll see what happens, but all in all I don't think Pagano is a bad coach.



This year was in a way Paganos official rookie year although he did have some experience from last year.  I think he learned a lot from this season and will continue to make strides as a head coach going forward.  He hasn't been at it long enough for me to say he's not a good coach.  I actually don't have a bad opinion of Chuck at this point, it's still kind of forming.   What I do like about him is the players seem to exert maximum effort for him at all times and they remain composed even when things are not going well, they really believe in what he teaches.  That's an aspect of coaching that will take your team far.  What I didn't like was some of the game management on the offensive side of the ball, but it seems he and the Colts are willing to add more knowledge to the staff to help in this area with the signing of Chud.  Also I think things will be better with Pep being in his second year.


We'll see what happens, but all in all I don't think Pagano is a bad coach.

I agree. The key is bringing in linemen on both sides of the ball. Luck will get much better when he gets the time to accually go through his progressions instead of depending on his strength and running ability to avoid the rush. In turn, the receivers will improve if that can happen. Alot of fans seem to overlook it takes time to build a team that is strong enough to advance deep into the playoffs.

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Arian's team? Arian is a very good coach but it was Grigson and Pagano's team that Arians worked with. Arians coached players that were drafted by Grigson with Pagano as head coach. Pagano did win one playoff game while it was Arians who went one and done in the playoffs.

Pagano came back to coach that playoff game. That was Pagano's loss.

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Not sure a lot of people "fully" read the article. It said that Kelly and Arians ranking are based on future potential, which is a terrible thing to even include but the point remains.


I don't agree with Reid being so high though. His Superbowl window closed years ago. I think his schemes and philosophies are too old school, and his ability to change with the times will be his down fall. I'm not saying he needs to go out and get a Colin Kaepernick, but his West Coast offense is incredibly un-imaginative, and just like in Philly his last couple of years, his record is fluffed by a great RB.


But in reagards to Pagano, I've always felt that when they hired him, he was going to try and make the Colts into Baltimore-lite. And in addition to that, I've felt that he and Grigson have been "selling dreams" to a certain degree. Its always been "We want to run the ball, and stop the run" but as a commentator during a game I can't remember said, I don't think it's ever going to be what they want it to be. The DL is never going to be an OC's nightmare and the run game isn't going to be what they want it to be because they will do exactly what Polian did and never properly dedicate too it.


I really think that Grigson and Pagano are thinking that T-Rich is going to be their Ray Rice. But he's not. Hamilton seemed to make it worse with his insistence on running the ball, but when they un-leash Luck, that's when the offense comes alive. Arians had it right with letting Luck take shots. Luck's deep ball ability is greatly un-appreciated. Some of his best plays have been on passes of 20+ yards. And with Arians, we had Ballard to control the clock for us and occaisonaly get 1st downs and he wasn't a pure "Bell-cow" back. But his running style worked better with Luck.


I think Pagano needs to open it up a bit. This isn't Baltimore, Richardson isn't Ray Rice. You have a QB who could be a league MVP one day. Base your scheme around your personal, not vice versa. It's too late now, but I still think we should have stuck with the 4-3. Granted we cut a bunch of poor scheme fits the last 2 years, but we are struggling on defense because we don't have scheme fits.

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Didn't see a topic on this and thought it would create some interesting discussion. Here's a link to the article: http://www.rotoworld.com/articles/nfl/46250/57/the-nfls-best-coaches


Note that the 7 new hires were ranked separately from existing HCs. 


Pagano (and Grigson and Irsay) are building this team to be a championship team.  Irsay has said numerous times that he does not want Luck to be Peyton -- he realized the shortcoming of our team when we were built solely around Peyton and Peyton was expected to throw the whole team on his back.  Those years, we did very well because Peyton was a beast -- however, we only walked away with 1 title because we were not a well-balanced team (the only time our D was very good was when Peyton gave them a big lead and they were able to let loose with the pass-rush -- if our offense struggled to score, our defense was pretty terrible for the most part and I think if Dwight Freeney or Robert Mathis ever get elected to the HOF they should thank Peyton more than anyone for giving them opportunities to focus solely on blitzing -- let's face it, if Freeney played with the Browns or the Raiders or a whole lot of other teams that didn't put points up like Peyton did, he wouldn't be anywhere near 100 sacks). 


Anyway, this is still Luck's team and he is/will be our franchise player for a while.  However, Irsay knew when he made the change to this new Grigson/Pagano regime that we need to build a defense and we need to establish a run game to take a little weight off Luck.  Pagano has 22 regular season wins in his first 2 years and 1 playoff victory -- if you think about it for a second (we went 2-14 the year before he got here and had a very large turnover of players and a whole new offensive and defensive scheme, with a lot of very inexperienced players coming into the mix, and a LOT of very valuable players got hurt this past year) -- what Pagano has done in 2 years is remarkable.  As we continue to put pieces in place we will be a team that will be in the AFC Championship or Super Bowl for many years.  Pagano has a vision, unfortunately for him we do not have all the pieces in place at this time (mainly we need improvements on the OL and we could use a few more studs on D), but as we build and continue to follow this vision, we are going to continue to see great things.  Yes, Luck is an exceptional QB, and while we may never see him break Peyton's passing records because we are building this monster the right way (balanced), I am almost certain that we will see Luck with more superbowl rings on his fingers when all is said and done.

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They have had one losing season under Rex and made it to two AFC champions games.....not exactly shambles.

Honestly, Tannenbaum and his attachment to Sanchez is what brought him down. And his attachment to another terrible QB in Geno, will do him in if he doesn't wake up. When Ryan keeps his mouth shut and doesn't have a butt fumbling QB, he's a pretty good coach. I still think his offenses will always be mediocre though. He'll always have just enough to get by and try to wing it on the back of his defense.


But lets not overrate him either. Going to the AFC Championship isn't that hard, especially back then. I hate to say it, but we're the inferior conference. I'd like to see him make 2 consecutive NFC championships with Mark Sanchez vs. Quality defenses.

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Actually Pagano coached the playoff game and Arians missed it with an illness and it showed...The playoff win this year wasn't because of Pagano the defense gave up 40+ points and Luck bailed us out...Pagano is supposed to be a defensive coach and our defense was horrible the end of the year when it mattered ..We r stuck with him so I want him to figure it out and succeed...Just because I criticize him and don't blindly praise him doesn't mean I don't want him too..I just call it like I c it and he needs to be accountable at some point..If Luck struggled and the defense was winning due to his coaching I'd be the 1st to praise him..

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Mentioning Ryan Tannehill and Andy Dalton in the same sentence with Andrew Luck is such a farce it isn't even funny.  Jason Garrett is #24...Who compiled this peace of crap list? This topic is supposed to rank "The NFL's Best Coaches" not the worst. How in the hades did HC Garrett make the cut? Pathetic just pathetic. 


"Have the Colts succeeded because of Pagano, or in spite of him?" We survived the Jim Caldwell HC tenure & you seriously have the audacity to ask that question now with an 11-5 record & a KC miraculous comeback? Child please...LOL! 

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Reading a lot of posts today and not commenting directly to them...I cannot tell if people are serious or are being sarcastic.  If you are being sarcastic please tell us.  If not you need to go to school...I have just the class for you.....



You can always tell when SW1 is being sarcastic Brent. Not only is it my middle name, I usually mask my disgust, & sheer bewilderment in it when a so called "expert" says something really lame & preposterous in scope or reality.  haha

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I know right, if you ain't first you're last...

It does seem like too many writers adopt that misguided concept Buck. You are absolutely right my man.


And why is Bill Belichick always 1st in HC rankings anyway? Yes, Bill is brilliant, but the grey hoodie won his last SB in 2004 & Pete Carroll just had a dominate Lombardi trophy victory. Besides, rankings are only relevant on a year to year basis anyway to me. JMO. 


The head man who just won a ring must always be numero uno #1 on my list no excuses. 

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You can always tell when SW1 is being sarcastic Brent. Not only is it my middle name, I usually mask my disgust, & sheer bewilderment in it when a so called "expert" says something really lame & preposterous in scope or reality.  haha

I always assume sarcasm first with you Brother....I know you pretty well :)

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You can never be led astray with the wisdom & foresight of a Ricky Bobby quote Brent. LOL!  


"Well, Let me give you a saying from Colonel Sanders. I am too drunk to taste this chicken." Ricky tries man. He tries. There is nobility even in an epic mentoring shortcoming. But nevertheless, you only really fail when you stop trying right? Just Kidding!


It reminds me of that classic line in the film "Animal House" from actor John Belushi: "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?! Hades No!" 


"I thought that was the Japanese?" "Forget it. He's rollin"  :lol:  :funny:  lmao  I love historical timelines that are massacred for humorous purposes & people who are convinced that they are right despite evidence to the contrary. Their heart was in the right place anyway. 

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Perfect example!!!

NFL fans really got a clear view of Caldwell's coaching ability...



I just looked at his head coaching career.  Maybe not a great example?


NFL :26-22 reg season  2-2 Playoffs...


College:  26-63 with only 1 Bowl appearance.

Good point Buck & Brent. Hey, you 2 sound like a WWF tag team...Anyway, I was kind of hard on Caldwell in INDY, especially when 18 would have probably carried any HC to the SB in 2009, but I will give Jim Caldwell a fair shake in Detroit. I like him on a personal level, but his coaching NFL prowess has yet to be determined. If Pete Carroll can resurrect his HC career, anything is possible. 

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Good point Buck & Brent. Hey, you 2 sound like a WWF tag team...Anyway, I was kind of hard on Caldwell in INDY, especially when 18 would have probably carried any HC to the SB in 2009, but I will give Jim Caldwell a fair shake in Detroit. I like him on a personal level, but his coaching NFL prowess has yet to be determined. If Pete Carroll can resurrect his HC career, anything is possible. 

Oh I was a co-founder of the fire Jim Caldwell fan club, but I know enough to know that fans can't realistically guage a coaches performance when that coach is "coaching" Polian's team...


Caldwell sure wasn't unemployed from the NFL for very long, and since being a HC he has successfully helped an organization get another ring, so implying that his track record truly reflects his "coaching" ability is obviously the best example of "coaches record being a silly way to judge a coach"

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Oh I was a co-founder of the fire Jim Caldwell fan club, but I know enough to know that fans can't realistically guage a coaches performance when that coach is "coaching" Polian's team...

I ran out of likes Buck. I will give you 1 tomorrow though. Your Polian overlord comment/inference was spot on.  :thmup:  I respect Bill & his NFL legacy, but Bill always loved complete control of any organization he worked for. 


Loosening the reins never came easy to Bill except when it revolved around appointing his son GM in INDY. Yikes! Do you remember that annoying be the 1st to comment ball & like us on facebook snake attack when your mouse accidentally slide across it on the official website? I still have nightmares over those 2 demonic features. LOL!


Brent, Lollygager, & Jay Kirk know exactly what I'm talking about.  ;) 


Yes, both you & FJC [username FireJimCaldwell] were leading the posse for sure...I remember that quite well. 

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