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Colts hire Rob Chudzinski as assistant HC


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I really dont get this move.  The only thing it says to me is that they dont have faith in Pep Hamilton.  Which i dont think the Offense is our issue.  It doesnt make sense if they are bringing him in for Trent, because he didnt utilize trent right either.  He is an offensive minded coach, and we need more help on D in my opinion.

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I really dont get this move. The only thing it says to me is that they dont have faith in Pep Hamilton. Which i dont think the Offense is our issue. It doesnt make sense if they are bringing him in for Trent, because he didnt utilize trent right either. He is an offensive minded coach, and we need more help on D in my opinion.

pep was pretty horrible for most of the year
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I really dont get this move.  The only thing it says to me is that they dont have faith in Pep Hamilton.  Which i dont think the Offense is our issue.  It doesnt make sense if they are bringing him in for Trent, because he didnt utilize trent right either.  He is an offensive minded coach, and we need more help on D in my opinion.

Don't over think it. Guys like Tom Moore, Butch Davis, and Eric Mangini were added as consultants....because good coaches help teams win, not because they lack faith in the current staff. And Chud only coached Richardson for a couple games.

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I really hope I don't get confused with Canuck Colt. Please don't bash hockey or the CFL though. They are pretty good in their own respect.

Don't even bother trying to discuss things with the large politically-correct mindless cheerleader bunch who post here.

Like all posts we are expressing our opinions and last I looked we were allowed to have opinions different from the mindless cheerleaders without getting personally attacked...but maybe that is not true here anymore.

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Don't even bother trying to discuss things with the large politically-correct mindless cheerleader bunch who post here.

Like all posts we are expressing our opinions and last I looked we were allowed to have opinions different from the mindless cheerleaders without getting personally attacked...but maybe that is not true here anymore.


I hope the irony in the bolded portion isn't lost on you.

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Everyone chill out. The more NFL minds the better, I don't think Mr. Fired Brown's coach is at risk of usurping Pag/Pep or manusky.

Only the haters dislike this move, Gabe.  The same ones in every stinking thread.  I may have to go on the offensive here soon...I have been way too nice to some clueless individuals.   :ticked:  :cuss:  :censored2:

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Don't even bother trying to discuss things with the large politically-correct mindless cheerleader bunch who post here.

Like all posts we are expressing our opinions and last I looked we were allowed to have opinions different from the mindless cheerleaders without getting personally attacked...but maybe that is not true here anymore.

I personally would love to smash a couple of you into the boards and take off the gloves.  I love this team...I cheer lead.  I also slam the poor play.  Say something worthwhile please or do not say anything at all.  That goes for a couple of others who are clueless as well.


An opinion is welcome.  No....WRONG without explanation is not....post away if it is meaningful.

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This move is very curious. I think it could mean they think Pep needs some help with the offense and they want someone to groom Luck. It also is beneficial that Chud has experience with Richardson which may help get him jump started.


I also find it interesting that no other team wanted Chud as their OC. Maybe not that maybe vacancies out there.

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Chud is a solid offensive mind and a good QB developer. His Panther teams finished 7th and 12th in the NFL in 2011 and 2012, with a rookie QB in 2011 and a banged up Oline both years. Our Oline was bad but we have Andrew Luck, Trent Richardson (hmm), TY Hilton, Coby Fleener and actually 2 dependable O linemen and still finished 17th in the NFL. Chud will add to the offensive thinking as well as help develop Luck. And yes, if Pep's offense doesn't improve quite a bit, I'm sure Pagano won't hesitate to plug in a proven O coordinator very fast.

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I said in another thread recently that I felt Pagano needed like an advisor or assistant head coach to help him next year, but didnt think it would be him..... Why are we trying to become the Cleveland Browns? Pagano, Arians, Manusky and now Chudzinki all were on the Browns staff together at one point. I know it's how most NFL teams operate, but I'm tired of all the "hire only my BFF's" that goes on

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I said in another thread recently that I felt Pagano needed like an advisor or assistant head coach to help him next year, but didnt think it would be him..... Why are we trying to become the Cleveland Browns? Pagano, Arians, Manusky and now Chudzinki all were on the Browns staff together at one point. I know it's how most NFL teams operate, but I'm tired of all the "hire only my BFF's" that goes on

Bill Belichick hired his son as an assistant.....AJ Foyt IV is one our scouts. 3 Polians here....Best friends?  Better or worse than family? :)

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I said in another thread recently that I felt Pagano needed like an advisor or assistant head coach to help him next year, but didnt think it would be him..... Why are we trying to become the Cleveland Browns? Pagano, Arians, Manusky and now Chudzinki all were on the Browns staff together at one point. I know it's how most NFL teams operate, but I'm tired of all the "hire only my BFF's" that goes on

Actually 2 of those hires are very good (Arians and Chud). I do think the D needs something more.

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pep was pretty horrible for most of the year


The play calling did improve toward the end of the season, but rarely did I feel things were ever being made easier on Luck through play calling.  It felt like he was constantly battling everything - poor O-line play, lack of experience at WR, poor play calling putting him in 2nd and long and 3rd and long constantly, setting him up to fail. 


The other point to be made about this is this team still seems to be searching for an offensive identity.  In 2012, they started conservatively on offense.  Then after Chuck got ill, they moved full bore into the Arians, sling it down-the-field offense.  In 2013, they started somewhat up-tempo, then after the 49er game and Richardson acquisition, they went, for most of the season, into the Stanford/1970's Steelers-style offense of 2 yards and cloud of dust.  They then finished the season by evolving into what can best be described as a spread pseudo-Manning-type offense.  Now, to this, you add Chud, someone out of the Turner tree who has also called plays for a QB like Newton. 

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Tell me about it.


'Everyone is supposed to be entitled to their own opinion, but everyone who disagrees with me is a mindless homer who can't think for themselves.' Okay dude, whatever.


If there's anything a non-conformist dislikes more than a conformist, it's another non-conformist who doesn't conform to their standards of non-conformity.

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What exactly are the duties of an assistant head coach? Make coffee, bring donuts?


To assist the head coach. 


In all seriousness, I'm sure Pagano reached out to Chudzinski and they discussed a very particular arrangement, not for Chudzinski to be Pagano's flunky errand boy. With his background, RC is probably going to be working closely with Pep on offensive stuff, and their roles will be clearly defined. Unless they start sharing play calling duties or something like that, I don't see a downside to this arrangement. 

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Actually 2 of those hires are very good (Arians and Chud). I do think the D needs something more.

I didn't like the Arians hire at the time, and am glad he's gone. I don't really have an issue with the Chudzinski hire, per se. Just making an observation that he was also one of Pagano's "guys." I think the coaching staff needed some help, definitely, and I'm glad the team was aware of this fact and has tried to address it. Can't really complain. I hope he brings something to the table

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I said in another thread recently that I felt Pagano needed like an advisor or assistant head coach to help him next year, but didnt think it would be him..... Why are we trying to become the Cleveland Browns? Pagano, Arians, Manusky and now Chudzinki all were on the Browns staff together at one point. I know it's how most NFL teams operate, but I'm tired of all the "hire only my BFF's" that goes on

Manusky was never with the Browns.  But even at that, and to your overall point, it's like any other job and networking.  You tend to trust the people you've already worked with, know how one another operates, etc.  It can cut in one of two ways, one good and one bad, sure.  I won't argue that, and the Browns weren't very good while those guys were there.  But they were all position coaches at the time except Arians, and I don't think anyone here would say Arians was a primary reason why the Browns were bad.  To me, Manusky is the weakest link here, and even at that, I think that Manusky isn't a bad DC.  I think sometimes, he had a terrible game plan (which by the way, was exacerbated by awful execution at times), and others, outstanding. 

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Manusky was never with the Browns.  But even at that, and to your overall point, it's like any other job and networking.  You tend to trust the people you've already worked with, know how one another operates, etc.  It can cut in one of two ways, one good and one bad, sure.  I won't argue that, and the Browns weren't very good while those guys were there.  But they were all position coaches at the time except Arians, and I don't think anyone here would say Arians was a primary reason why the Browns were bad.  To me, Manusky is the weakest link here, and even at that, I think that Manusky isn't a bad DC.  I think sometimes, he had a terrible game plan (which by the way, was exacerbated by awful execution at times), and others, outstanding. 

I did not think so, but I got lazy and did not check resources.  I knew he was with 49ers and Chargers as DC....I now see Redskins too and Chargers as a Linebackers coach...Hey I should not have been lazy earlier.  :)  You have to play 60 minutes...not just a half  :funny:

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I did not think so, but I got lazy and did not check resources.  I knew he was with 49ers and Chargers as DC....I now see Redskins too and Chargers as a Linebackers coach...Hey I should not have been lazy earlier.   :)  You have to play 60 minutes...not just a half  :funny:

Perhaps someone forgot to tell the Colts that this year, lol.  Funny, I was listening to I think Boomstick on the radio, and everytime we were down by a bunch at the half, Pagano would give the halftime speech and say "We've been here before guys!  Lets get it done!"  Like, coach, I know we've been here before, but you shouldn't have to say that every other week.

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I don't get why people dislike the move. I don't think it is to "undermine" or "belittle" Pep Hamilton. I think Pep Hamilton had some great play calls and not so great play calls. I think Rob Chudzinksi was brought in to help minimize the "not so great play calls" and voice his opinion. and from what ive heard, he is a TE guru. The Colts, I believe, have one of the better TE duos in the nfl, now with a TE guru like Rob Chud, it should help greatly. Why not like the move with another great offensive mind in the coaching staff? I don't think Rob Chudzinski sits in a dark room, plans to overthrow Pep and laugh in a sinister way like some people think. I believe he was brought in to simply work with Pep, help in any way and make this team better. Go COLTS!

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BLOODontheTracks is literally the only person in this thread making any sense. 


How does a guy who coached in Cleveland for less than one year have any sort of pull with Alex Mack or TJ Ward??


No idea how this makes Richardson any good??


Wasn't wanted in Carolina, the next year they host a playoff game.


Fired by THE BROWNS of all teams after he took a 5-11 team to a 4-12 record with 5 pro bowl players. 


Just like the Richardson trade that was UNANIMOUSLY LOVED by this board, this being a "Great" hire is a drastic over reaction. It sounds like a long time friend and colleague picking a guy up when he's was down. Kudos to Pagano for being a good guy and friend. 


Chud isn't a bad guy or a bad coach. He just wasn't head coach material. 

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BLOODontheTracks is literally the only person in this thread making any sense. 


How does a guy who coached in Cleveland for less than one year have any sort of pull with Alex Mack or TJ Ward??


No idea how this makes Richardson any good??


Wasn't wanted in Carolina, the next year they host a playoff game.


Fired by THE BROWNS of all teams after he took a 5-11 team to a 4-12 record with 5 pro bowl players. 


Just like the Richardson trade that was UNANIMOUSLY LOVED by this board, this being a "Great" hire is a drastic over reaction. It sounds like a long time friend and colleague picking a guy up when he's was down. Kudos to Pagano for being a good guy and friend. 


Chud isn't a bad guy or a bad coach. He just wasn't head coach material. 



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BLOODontheTracks is literally the only person in this thread making any sense. 


How does a guy who coached in Cleveland for less than one year have any sort of pull with Alex Mack or TJ Ward??


No idea how this makes Richardson any good??


Wasn't wanted in Carolina, the next year they host a playoff game.


Fired by THE BROWNS of all teams after he took a 5-11 team to a 4-12 record with 5 pro bowl players. 


Just like the Richardson trade that was UNANIMOUSLY LOVED by this board, this being a "Great" hire is a drastic over reaction. It sounds like a long time friend and colleague picking a guy up when he's was down. Kudos to Pagano for being a good guy and friend. 


Chud isn't a bad guy or a bad coach. He just wasn't head coach material. 


Or maybe the glass is half full.

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BLOODontheTracks is literally the only person in this thread making any sense. 


How does a guy who coached in Cleveland for less than one year have any sort of pull with Alex Mack or TJ Ward??


No idea how this makes Richardson any good??


Wasn't wanted in Carolina, the next year they host a playoff game.


Fired by THE BROWNS of all teams after he took a 5-11 team to a 4-12 record with 5 pro bowl players. 


Just like the Richardson trade that was UNANIMOUSLY LOVED by this board, this being a "Great" hire is a drastic over reaction. It sounds like a long time friend and colleague picking a guy up when he's was down. Kudos to Pagano for being a good guy and friend. 


Chud isn't a bad guy or a bad coach. He just wasn't head coach material. 

Is your name BpG or BOT?   HA HA!


Blood is that you?




What do you think Blood?  No


Expand on that Blood..."I call nonsense"


Nice talking with ya buddy... haha  :lol:  :funny:  :spit:  lmao

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