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Back to square one?


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After all the coaching and personnel changes why does it feel like the Colts are right back to square one? Think about it. A great QB in Luck, who when presses too much, makes mistakes. Peyton had those tendencies too. Sometimes trying to do too much because really that's the only chance they have. A defense that cant stop the run nor seem to get off the field consistently on 3rd and long. Making no name QB`s looking like the second coming of Joe Montana. No running game that really amounted to anything. An up tempo offense that could score points but still fell short on the big stage. Sounds all too familiar. The Colts have tried for 2 years to become a power running team. As much as I despise the Patriots they adapted and evolved into one in the course of a season, without ever intending to. Now they seem to have the right formula to win it all. I believe the Colts will get it fixed over time. This season was still a success and am proud of how hard the Colts fought. They have heart for sure. But it just feels ironic that after all the changes this is what`s left IMO as the identity of the Colts right now.    

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After all the coaching and personnel changes why does it feel like the Colts are right back to square one? Think about it. A great QB in Luck, who when presses too much, makes mistakes. Peyton had those tendencies too. Sometimes trying to do too much because really that's the only chance they have. A defense that cant stop the run nor seem to get off the field consistently on 3rd and long. Making no name QB`s looking like the second coming of Joe Montana. No running game that really amounted to anything. An up tempo offense that could score points but still fell short on the big stage. Sounds all too familiar. The Colts have tried for 2 years to become a power running team. As much as I despise the Patriots they adapted and evolved into one in the course of a season, without ever intending to. Now they seem to have the right formula to win it all. I believe the Colts will get it fixed over time. This season was still a success and am proud of how hard the Colts fought. They have heart for sure. But it just feels ironic that after all the changes this is what`s left IMO as the identity of the Colts right now.    

"After all the coaching and personnel changes why does it feel like the Colts are right back to square one?"



Because the team is a little over 48 hours from a disappointing loss.

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The Patriots are a great power running team because they have a great o-line and a hof G in Mankins. They also are without Gronk and Hernadez so they have no choice. I'm not worried about Luck or the offense at all will get better but i am concerned about Manusky in the defense. We have to get a C, defensive lineman, ILB and will be back again and go farther in the playoffs. 

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You want a running game? Then Satele and Mcglynn both need to go, I expect Satele gone but think Mcglynn remains in a backup role, If neither happens and they both remain starters come next year and have not turned themselves(if they remain healthy) in to legit NFL caliber O Linemen then someone on that staff needs to go. Sounds harsh yes but when knowledgable fans (and even analysts have) can point out a Guard or Centers inability to block with any inconsistency (Im putting it nicely there) and none of the coaches seemingly can nor can the GM then not only is there a problem at Guard and Center then there is likely a problem somewhere higher up, Its just a matter of where (I really dont believe that honestly for the record but the longer they remain on the team it does tend to get easier to believe)......I dont think the engine is broke nor the model....we just purchased a couple of bad parts however

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This isn't the Manning teams that under achieved in the playoffs this is a Colts team that over achieved when you look at all the injuries and where they were supposed to be at this point two years ago.  They took a step forward from last year.  I think some fans just had some really unrealistic expectations this year. 

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In no way am I trying to bash the FO nor discredit what the Colts have accomplished the past decade. Its just hard to believe the Patriots were able to stumble onto a power run game without trying to head in that direction and the Colts gave up on it and started winging the ball. I could just picture Pagano Saturday night standing on the sideline staring across at Belichick thinking "yeah that's what we want to be able to do, run the football and stop the run ". A formula for winning championships

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The sky isn't falling people.  The Colts won the division, won a playoff game, were in the Divisional Game well into the 3rd Quarter.  The Defense sucks at times, but it needs more talent.  Everyone was in love with the defense after SF when the Colts were playing complimentary football.  This is the vision that the brain trust  had.  We can disagree about whether or not the ground and pound offense suits Luck but Grigson and Pagano had the team on the right track.  3 of the 4 teams left are run the football and stop the run.  They know that the OL and DL need help - its on Grigson now,  The scheme works.

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In no way am I trying to bash the FO nor discredit what the Colts have accomplished the past decade. Its just hard to believe the Patriots were able to stumble onto a power run game without trying to head in that direction and the Colts gave up on it and started winging the ball. I could just picture Pagano Saturday night standing on the sideline staring across at Belichick thinking "yeah that's what we want to be able to do, run the football and stop the run ". A formula for winning championships

The Colts had to give up on the run.  It wasn't working because our OL is weak.  We had to start winging the ball because our biggest talent is the QB. If we are going to loose, then loose doing our best.

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A few new offensive lineman and a safety that can cover somebody will get the colts to the next level next year.Also need to teach defensive players to wrap up when tackling instead of just throwing their body at people. This team looked like they could beat the Pats until the bad 4th quarter.Still think the Pats got all the calls in that game...Late hit on Luck not called...Whalen tackled no holding or PI called...Velano tripping not called...PI on Gordy very bad call...Blounts long touchdown run should have came back watch the replay Mankins had his hands in Mathis face the whole play.Even with Lucks pics if the Colts get those calls things might have been different.

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2011 they won 2 games.  Last yr played out of their minds and got the wild card when they were expected to finish dead last.  This yr expected to take a step back from their magical 2012.   Instead they  improved winning the division and tying last years record even though the schedule was much harder.  Won an amazing game in the Playoffs. 


This was with a good portion of their starters on IR.


Colts didn't try for two yrs to be a power running team.  Arians hates to run the ball Pep wanted it this year.  Also the top two running backs got hurt so they had to adjust on the fly. 


By this time most teams aren't even close to where the young Colts are.

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Square one?


What are you smoking?


We are 23-12 in the Grigson/Pagano/Luck era. I hardly call that square one.

Obviously you didn't read. Let me fill you in. 1 dimensional offense, no run game and can`t stop the run. The same as before gutting the team and starting from scratch. Not about wins/losses..about team philosophy, something preached from day 1 of this new regime

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Obviously you didn't read. Let me fill you in. 1 dimensional offense, no run game and can`t stop the run. The same as before gutting the team and starting from scratch. Not about wins/losses..about team philosophy, something preached from day 1 of this new regime


You do have valid points.


I am just purely stating that, in the end, it only matters how many games you can/will win.


To me, it is always a process. One step at a time.

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I agree with this. We look like the Colts from the last decade. The feeling I get from watching this team is eerily similar to the feelings I got watching the Manning era teams. So the OP definitely has a point here. 


Games like the one we had in San Francisco, KC, or the last couple of games of the regular season give me hope that this team can play serious football. You just can't change the mentality or the culture of a team in just 2 years. I just wish Pags was a little bit more stricter guy. He comes off as a soft personality which is not bad, but I think being a little gritty might just make our team play a more consistent games like I mentioned before.


I think this team will be great next year barring crazy amount of injuries like this year again.

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Obviously you didn't read. Let me fill you in. 1 dimensional offense, no run game and can`t stop the run. The same as before gutting the team and starting from scratch. Not about wins/losses..about team philosophy, something preached from day 1 of this new regime


The differences are myriad, actually. To sum up, the teams we had before the regime change were a finished product. We were what we were, year in and year out, for the better part of a decade. The team now is a work in progress. Several improvements need to be made, but no one expects the Colts to come back next year and not be better than they were this year. The front office is going to move heaven and earth to improve the rushing attack and strengthen the defense. We're going to add players at crucial positions, we're not just going to plug in UDFAs and late round draft picks. 

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