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Gosder Cherilus

Dark Superman

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I realize that no one really talks about this guy on here and I just wanted to point out that this guy has been our best offensive lineman all season. He's a stone wall and has been very effective in the passing game.. I'm content with him and Costanzo as our ends, so if we can find the pieces to fill our inner core on the line we will be set for years to come.

Great job Grigson and Co. For bringing this guy to Indianapolis.

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If McGlynn moves to Center We might have all the pieces already


I agree.  A lot of us think that yet each Sunday, Satele trots out there and gets on the ball.  I can't figure it out.


If I had a car that constantly stalled out and didn't get me where I was supposed to, why would I keep trying to drive that car when there's another one that works perfectly fine in the garage?

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I realize that no one really talks about this guy on here and I just wanted to point out that this guy has been our best offensive lineman all season. He's a stone wall and has been very effective in the passing game.. I'm content with him and Costanzo as our ends, so if we can find the pieces to fill our inner core on the line we will be set for years to come.

Great job Grigson and Co. For bringing this guy to Indianapolis.

He's been solid, but he's not been our best linemen, not by a long shot. AC is our best.

Decent RT, definitely not pro bowl worthy. I agree, out OTs are set, as is the rest of the line if Thomas comes back - except at C. If we could get someone like Mack we'd be formidable.

Our biggest issue is when we put two less than average guys, like Satele and McGlynn next to each other.

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A lineman should get attention when blocking for a running back.  It takes good linemen for an RB to be successful.  Occasionally, the TV guys will show linemen swinging around to clear a path for the runner.  Does not happen enough, the focus is always on the RB.

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You guys keep saying "interior line" but forget Thornton will be a 2nd year, & Donald Thomas is coming back. We just need a center that's all & hope our injury bug problems fade next season






Nice knew Avatar!


Don't know how long you've had it, but this is the first time it's caught my eye....


Love it!     Good call!!        :thmup:

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He has been steady, wasn't great against the Chiefs though. Don't know if he is our best lineman... Castonzo is definitely a better run blocker.


Hard to know what we will get from Thomas next year, played pretty well until he went down. Thornton was terrible until the last couple of games, but he should not be considered a cert to start next year, so I would still like to see us bring in another Guard. Center is an absolute must, De La Puente would be a dream.

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He has been steady, wasn't great against the Chiefs though. Don't know if he is our best lineman... Castonzo is definitely a better run blocker.

Hard to know what we will get from Thomas next year, played pretty well until he went down. Thornton was terrible until the last couple of games, but he should not be considered a cert to start next year, so I would still like to see us bring in another Guard. Center is an absolute must, De La Puente would be a dream.

thornton was not terrible
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Him and Landry were my two favorite additions at the beginning of the year. He has shown more than enough that he is worth the contract we gave him.

I was glad to see these 2 signings too although reviewing them at this stage of the year, Landry has been just a smidge above avg and really hasn't given us the big impact plays we should be getting from that spot imo. If we had a competent RG, we might have even better play from Cherilous than we've already seen but I like he has given us to date.

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Nice knew Avatar!


Don't know how long you've had it, but this is the first time it's caught my eye....


Love it!     Good call!!        :thmup:




I HATE IT when I don't catch my misspellings!


That should be.....    nice NEW avatar!!      Hello?!?     Earth to me!!    Earth to me!!     Come in, me!!

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he was inconsistent.  not terrible


mcglynn is terrible.  thornton was always better than mcglynn


When McGlynn played Guard... probably. There was about a 3 game stretch when Thornton looked like our worst lineman... don't think he is comfortable in a power offense... has been much better in a quicker tempo, spread system, then again what lineman wouldn't be.


McGlynn is horrible, no one disputes that, but lets not act like that is the standard we should hold our linemen against. Thornton has improved, he is a rookie, and he has plenty of upside... but the jury is still out.

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When McGlynn played Guard... probably. There was about a 3 game stretch when Thornton looked like our worst lineman... don't think he is comfortable in a power offense... has been much better in a quicker tempo, spread system, then again what lineman wouldn't be.


McGlynn is horrible, no one disputes that, but lets not act like that is the standard we should hold our linemen against. Thornton has improved, he is a rookie, and he has plenty of upside... but the jury is still out.

mainly i just oppose your term terrible.  throw that around too much and and people here will start believing it

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mainly i just oppose your term terrible.  throw that around too much and and people here will start believing it


Fair enough, but during the period of play I was referring to, I think it is a justified desciption. Pretty subjective term though.

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I agree.  A lot of us think that yet each Sunday, Satele trots out there and gets on the ball.  I can't figure it out.


If I had a car that constantly stalled out and didn't get me where I was supposed to, why would I keep trying to drive that car when there's another one that works perfectly fine in the garage?

nicely put

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