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Have the highs been worth the lows...?


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Wins against 49ers, Seahawks, Broncos compared to losses against the Dolphins, Chargers, Rams and Cardinals...


Considering the fact that I was at the Seahawks and Broncos games and they were unbelieveable I want to lean towards yes BUT I'd also much rather have our team hot at the right time aka the end of the season, like the Panthers seem to be.

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I don't care about losing a game where we play poorly and get blown out but when a pattern develops where we play extrodinarily bad for whole games and halves of other games for 5 games in a row that's a giant concern and the frustration in Andrew's face and body language is very hard to see...... he doesn't deserve that.

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With the 9ers and Panthers being the 2 wc spots they won't have a snowballs chance in hell of making the playoffs.

They're at worst (after tonight) one game behind, and they play head to head in the final game. I don't know where they stand with the other tiebreakers, but they clearly have a good chance.

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Yes, yes and yes! I go to all the games and when we beat Denver it was the end of an era. When we beat Seattle at their own physical game we proved that this was not the Colts of past years. When we went on the road and beat San Francisco we proved that we were not going to be just an offense with another great quarterback. This year regardless of the outcome has changed the culture of Colts football. 

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Probably not but I had a blast at the Seahawks game

I remember after the broncos win somebody asked would you trade the W to have Reggie back

And I said Absolutely.........I still feel that way

These games of looking like a hot mess are excruciating. Nothing to cheer for.Give me a glimpse, a sign of some kind that the Colts are still a monster in progress!

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Wins against 49ers, Seahawks, Broncos compared to losses against the Dolphins, Chargers, Rams and Cardinals...


Considering the fact that I was at the Seahawks and Broncos games and they were unbelieveable I want to lean towards yes BUT I'd also much rather have our team hot at the right time aka the end of the season, like the Panthers seem to be.


Call me after a high.


Also, it's not the end of the season.

There's still plenty of time for the Colts to correct things, and the Panthers to fall apart.

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With the 9ers and Panthers being the 2 wc spots they won't have a snowballs chance in hell of making the playoffs.


Arians has the Cards n the thick of the 2nd WC race.  I think SF needs a win tonight to keep from falling behind AZ in the WC race.


Probably not but I had a blast at the Seahawks game

I remember after the broncos win somebody asked would you trade the W to have Reggie back

And I said Absolutely.........I still feel that way

These games of looking like a hot mess are excruciating. Nothing to cheer for.Give me a glimpse, a sign of some kind that the Colts are still a monster in progress!



Something went wrong with the Monster recipe... I think I have figured it out too.  




We built.... Milton!  milton1_zpse3580b4d.jpg



{yes I'm dating myself severely!}

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It's all in the course of a season folks. I remember in 2006 when the Jags put up 41 to our 17, of course we were a better team, but at the same time, we have to be willing to take our bumps. We are playing without Reggie Wayne. The dude is a Hall of Famer, and arguably the most consistant reciever in the league. This could be our humbling, and in the long run, it won't be a bad thing. As long as this team sticks together, and doesn't start trashing each other in the media we will be fine. This is what growth looks like. We seem to forget that we are still building, and with the success last year, and the huge wins this year, I understand that. We are by no means a complete product yet. We are still missing pieces, and the injuries hurt bad. Actually, it would have been understandable to have a much worse record than what we do. Things look bad right now, but it's going to get better. Maybe not next week, maybe not until next year, but things will turn around. We've been spoiled for the past decade or so. Right now, we are a team that is still learning the ropes. We are young pretty much all the way around. As a fan base, we can't start being Chicken Littles. Let's enjoy the ride. Many other franchises wish they could be where we are.

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"Have the highs been worth the lows?"

Oh yeah, no doubt.  It was great watching those 3 games against the top teams when we had a full roster...Bradshaw running against SF, TY catches against the Seattle secondary, the Colts D defending against Peyton especially the 3 CBs.

Yeah...well worth it.  We are just missing so many pieces....if only Bradshaw had stayed healthy for the year.

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"Have the highs been worth the lows?"

Oh yeah, no doubt. It was great watching those 3 games against the top teams when we had a full roster...Bradshaw running against SF, TY catches against the Seattle secondary, the Colts D defending against Peyton especially the 3 CBs.

Yeah...well worth it. We are just missing so many pieces....if only Bradshaw had stayed healthy for the year.

Wish Thomas would have stayed healthy also. Injuries are one thing, but to so many main starters just blows.

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Wins against 49ers, Seahawks, Broncos compared to losses against the Dolphins, Chargers, Rams and Cardinals...


Considering the fact that I was at the Seahawks and Broncos games and they were unbelieveable I want to lean towards yes BUT I'd also much rather have our team hot at the right time aka the end of the season, like the Panthers seem to be.

so far, the high s have been worth the lows..


The worry is the final third of the season........can we regain some of the energy we had late last year?

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We're not the only team to have our season go wayward thanks to being ravaged by injuries.  I get why our offense is sputtering.  It's because the offense that is on our IR list is better than the juggerNOT that is on the field.

I still don't get why our defense lost it's swagger though.  It would be one thing if we lost to the Rams 17-8, and the Cardinals, say, 20-11.  But, to let those teams score 38 and 40, respectively....?

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  Guess u are asking if its worth trading wins against those teams for losses against the others.  Yes any day of the week u want to beat the best.  The Broncos game was a season maker no matter what happens from here.   Colts have a little over a month to get things right if they want to make a serious playoff run.  I see them giving the Titans the KO punch this weekend and building on that.

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