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Manning has MRI [Merge]


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He said he was pretty sore,  and was having the MRI tomorrow and will know more then.


I think he had one last week too,  so hopefully it's just precautionary, but I guess we'll see tomorrow.

I noticed they were going for the ankles alot....

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McCoy wanted this game bad, Chargers just dug too big a hole in the first half. The key to play Peyton is to keep it a one score game till the end and then breaks can fall your way sometimes. That's why this stretch of next 3 games, Broncos' D will have to make enough plays for Broncos to have a chance

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It's for his ankles.



report I saw said knee and ankles. Either way not good.


"I'm pretty sore," Manning said after the game. "They kind of got me twice in the lower area."


One play near the very end of the game was particularly harrowing, and a low blow by the desperate Chargers.. Defensive end Corey Liuget wrapped up Manning late and low after Manning got the ball out - a flag should have been thrown but wasn't - and Manning limped heavily around after the play.


(((helmet to just above knee / on knee , shoulder into & arms around knee, helmet sliding down into knee , sliding down leg, Manning twisted around and knee hitting ground )))


The other play was likely a sack by Chargers linebacker Larry English early in the game, where he grabbed Manning low and twisted him to the ground.


((( when he sacked Peyton he twisted his ankle at end of play , u could see it clearly )))


Manning wouldn't specify what part of his "lower area" would be receiving an MRI exam, but he has been reportedly dealing with ankle injuries since the Jacksonville game. It's also possible he might have suffered a knee injury based on how he fell from Liuget's takedown with less than two minutes to play




Cheap shot on Peyton Manning will be punished by NFL


With time and hope running out on the Chargers, right defensive end Corey Liuget went after Manning's legs. Late.


The NFL wants to protect its most precious commodity from hits above the neck and below the knees. The league isn't being very successful. Quarterbacks are falling everywhere.


And, for a moment out here late Sunday afternoon, it seemed, as Manning lie on the grass then when he limped off the field, that the Broncos would become the latest team to lose its starting quarterback. It's possible they could be without the best quarterback in the league for the biggest game of the season, Sunday at home against Kansas City


The hits are taking a toll.


He has a sprained right ankle. There may even be some ligament damage. Nobody with the Broncos is saying. They're using the NHL-like designation "lower body" injury to describe Manning's ailments.

But, in the game against Jacksonville, Manning was wrapped up as if he were the calf in a rodeo roping competition, and that's when the right ankle initially was injured.


It got worse in the game at Indianapolis when Manning's leg was wrenched once more.


He has had daily treatments, an MRI, an injection and, finally, a week off for the Broncos' bye.


"I thought I had made a little headway with the bye week and was feeling a little better, but I imagine I'll be pretty sore (Monday)," Manning said.


Anyone who looked at Manning closely in the first half Sunday would have been able to discern an occasional hint of a limp.


When the Broncos retrieved the ball back in the waning moments, a pass play was called, and executed, but Manning was slammed on the business part of the leg by Liuget


But the hit was late and illegal, and Liuget will be punished by the league office. (The "Brady Rule" was instituted years ago to protect quarterbacks from hits below the knee.)


 The Broncos need a healthy Peyton Manning for the two games with the Chiefs, and the one with the Patriots.


Read more: Paige: Cheap shot on Peyton Manning will be punished by NFL - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/paige/ci_24496873/paige-cheap-shot-peyton-manning-will-be-punished#ixzz2kKchsxqG 


In Post game analysis NFL network said as long as the refs dont call the Brady rule the defensive will hit QB's low as they are getting away with it


also in post game conference NFL network noted u know Peyton didnt like what happened when he spoke so long on it


Finally anyone watch a replay and Peyton after that last hit


((( hit came after Peyton released the ball & the  3rd & long   throw by the way went to DT for first down with less than 2 minutes left to secure win )))


u had to see Peyton just  sitting  there trying to get  up & holding his leg  , couldnt at first, trainers came out  , then heavily limping , was able to stay in game and not come out for injury as TO was called


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I think he was really upset at that official at the end of the game because he kept getting hit low and thanks to the Tom Brady Rule you aren't supposed to be able to target a QB low and I think his frustration/anger just boiled over for a second. 

Peyton said he hates QBs who complain about hits. He was upset because the refs made the Broncos take a timeout.


The broadcasters thought that he was upset because he didn't want a ruling that would require him to sit out a play.

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Peyton said he hates QBs who complain about hits. He was upset because the refs made the Broncos take a timeout.


The broadcasters thought that he was upset because he didn't want a ruling that would require him to sit out a play.


yeh he said that in post game conferance , he just  thought he could sit and gather himself as Chargers took TO first but then found out charged to Broncos or else he would of had to sit out next play & thats was cwhat he was frustrated at ,, if he went out which all brock would have to do is take a few knees, something like that, He was not at all asking for a flag as u point out , just trying to understand about the TO being charged


Mike & Mike in morning, Not Golic other mike, said Peyton looks so banged up that he wonders if he can evan  finsih season esp as 2 of next 3 games Vs #1 pass rushers of KC that can come off edge or pressure the middle & not let him step up in pocket


Golic says he will play but if he cant push off that right leg he was heavily limping on at end and grabbing at while on all fours on ground with trainers he will have to just dump opff ball and teams may get ready for it


 Golic saays he has at l;east right ankle and something else hurting but peyton would only say leg or lower body

as he says he doesnt want to give out info other teamss can use 



They also noted Peyton's 2 minute drill for TD at end of first half was just a " thing of beauty "


Itv was noted it takes 10 hrs of rehaab each time he gets hurt from his other practice & tape cstudy routine

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The Chargers made a game of it in the second half for only one obvious reason: Left tackle Chris Clark tries hard, but he is not Clady. Unable to avoid a weakside rush, Manning was stripped of the ball, giving San Diego a short field and new life with an easy touchdown drive in the third quarter, cutting Denver's lead to 28-13.


"I hate these fumbles," said Manning, who took the blame for the turnover



Kansas City favors a retro style, playing something the NFL used to call defense. The Chiefs have Pro Bowl quality tacklers in nose tackle Dontari Poe, linebacker Tamba Hali and safety Eric Berry


The Chiefs play ugly football.


There's only one way the Chiefs can beat the Broncos.


And that way is so painful you can feel Manning wince.


"I'm not trying to test my body," said Manning, who hesitated before saying he planned to play against Kansas City.

It's a brutal sport. The best way to beat Denver is to break Manning.


Read more: Kiszla: Peyton Manning's tender ankles a major concern - The Denver Post http://www.denverpos...n#ixzz2kKxmMKti 


Peyton said he hates QBs who complain about hits. He was upset because the refs made the Broncos take a timeout.


The broadcasters thought that he was upset because he didn't want a ruling that would require him to sit out a play.


Saw it on my ESPN app.  He is going to do it after taking shots to his knees during the game on Sunday.  Could be some bad news for the Broncos coming up but hopefully it's nothing.

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I think he's probably ok, he never left the game although he did seem to be hurt because he didn't get back up very quickly and they sent the trainers out there.


The one thing that bothers me is that Peyton called timeout and stopped the clock while he was trying to close the game out just so he could stay in the game.


They still won the game but I would have though that it would have been smarter to just let his backup go out there and finish it out.  

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I think he's probably ok, he never left the game although he did seem to be hurt because he didn't get back up very quickly and they sent the trainers out there.


The one thing that bothers me is that Peyton called timeout and stopped the clock while he was trying to close the game out just so he could stay in the game.


They still won the game but I would have though that it would have been smarter to just let his backup go out there and finish it out.  


alot of confusion, he thought Chargers called a TO, then found out it was charged to Broncos as he didnt keave and thats hy he complained thinking shopuld of been chargerrs time out


But yes, all Brock had to do was take knees

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I think he's probably ok, he never left the game although he did seem to be hurt because he didn't get back up very quickly and they sent the trainers out there.


The one thing that bothers me is that Peyton called timeout and stopped the clock while he was trying to close the game out just so he could stay in the game.


They still won the game but I would have though that it would have been smarter to just let his backup go out there and finish it out.  


alot of confusion, he thought Chargers called a TO, then found out it was charged to Broncos as he didnt keave and thats hy he complained thinking shopuld of been chargerrs time out


But yes, all Brock had to do was take knees


Peyton was probably thinking of Mark Rypien at that point.

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Peyton was probably thinking of Mark Rypien at that point.


i was actually thinking of writing that forgot rypins name, Peytons head torn off, Rypien in for 1 ply and fumbles it away on missed snap and then other team scores on retiurn or drive and this was on Denvers side of ball 

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alot of confusion, he thought Chargers called a TO, then found out it was charged to Broncos as he didnt keave and thats hy he complained thinking shopuld of been chargerrs time out


But yes, all Brock had to do was take knees


Oh so the officials charged his team with a timeout because he didn't leave the field.  I see.


Probably a bad decision because like you said all they needed was their backup to come in and take a knee.  As long as Brock didn't fumble the snap they would be ok.  

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"I'm pretty sore," Manning said after the game. "They kind of got me twice in the lower area."

One play near the very end of the game was particularly harrowing, and a low blow by the desperate Chargers.. Defensive end Corey Liuget wrapped up Manning late and low after Manning got the ball out - a flag should have been thrown but wasn't - and Manning limped heavily around after the play.

(((helmet to just above knee / on knee , shoulder into & arms around knee, helmet sliding down into knee , sliding down leg, Manning twisted around and knee hitting ground )))

The other play was likely a sack by Chargers linebacker Larry English early in the game, where he grabbed Manning low and twisted him to the ground.

((( when he sacked Peyton he twisted his ankle at end of play , u could see it clearly )))

Manning wouldn't specify what part of his "lower area" would be receiving an MRI exam, but he has been reportedly dealing with ankle injuries since the Jacksonville game. It's also possible he might have suffered a knee injury based on how he fell from Liuget's takedown with less than two minutes to play


Cheap shot on Peyton Manning will be punished by NFL

With time and hope running out on the Chargers, right defensive end Corey Liuget went after Manning's legs. Late.

The NFL wants to protect its most precious commodity from hits above the neck and below the knees. The league isn't being very successful. Quarterbacks are falling everywhere.

And, for a moment out here late Sunday afternoon, it seemed, as Manning lie on the grass then when he limped off the field, that the Broncos would become the latest team to lose its starting quarterback. It's possible they could be without the best quarterback in the league for the biggest game of the season, Sunday at home against Kansas City

The hits are taking a toll.

He has a sprained right ankle. There may even be some ligament damage. Nobody with the Broncos is saying. They're using the NHL-like designation "lower body" injury to describe Manning's ailments.

But, in the game against Jacksonville, Manning was wrapped up as if he were the calf in a rodeo roping competition, and that's when the right ankle initially was injured.

It got worse in the game at Indianapolis when Manning's leg was wrenched once more.

He has had daily treatments, an MRI, an injection and, finally, a week off for the Broncos' bye.

"I thought I had made a little headway with the bye week and was feeling a little better, but I imagine I'll be pretty sore (Monday)," Manning said.

Anyone who looked at Manning closely in the first half Sunday would have been able to discern an occasional hint of a limp.

When the Broncos retrieved the ball back in the waning moments, a pass play was called, and executed, but Manning was slammed on the business part of the leg by Liuget

But the hit was late and illegal, and Liuget will be punished by the league office. (The "Brady Rule" was instituted years ago to protect quarterbacks from hits below the knee.)

The Broncos need a healthy Peyton Manning for the two games with the Chiefs, and the one with the Patriots.

Read more: Paige: Cheap shot on Peyton Manning will be punished by NFL - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/paige/ci_24496873/paige-cheap-shot-peyton-manning-will-be-punished#ixzz2kKchsxqG

In Post game analysis NFL network said as long as the refs dont call the Brady rule the defensive will hit QB's low as they are getting away with it

also in post game conference NFL network noted u know Peyton didnt like what happened when he spoke so long on it

Finally anyone watch a replay and Peyton after that last hit

((( hit came after Peyton released the ball & the 3rd & long throw by the way went to DT for first down with less than 2 minutes left to secure win )))

u had to see Peyton just sitting there trying to get up & holding his leg , couldnt at first, trainers came out , then heavily limping , was able to stay in game and not come out for injury as TO was called

what is so hard for people to realize I am just passing on something I saw. If the report on my ESPN app was wrong fine.
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Peyton said he hates QBs who complain about hits. He was upset because the refs made the Broncos take a timeout.

The broadcasters thought that he was upset because he didn't want a ruling that would require him to sit out a play.

he wanted the timeout so he could stay in the game so I don't think he was mad they made them take one. I think in this case he was frustrated because he knew he was hurt. Being frustrated and upset about the situation does not mean he was complaining about the hit. His frustration boiled over and the way he was storming towards the ref I don't think it was all because of the time out.
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what is so hard for people to realize I am just passing on something I saw. If the report on my ESPN app was wrong fine.


he is is getting an MRI today, thats what i do just post what i read mostly, sometimes add observations to it


I wasnt trying to be critical at all and sorry if seemed that way

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He did not want the time out, he heard chargers call one so thought he could sit and gather himself after that hit, however the colts trainers saw him there and rushed to check him out, one they came out the TO was charged to Broncos otherwise he would of  had to come out, he tried to argue Chargers called it , & apparently if trainers didnt come out to see him then the chargers would of been charged with it


at least thats how i heard it explained on TV today







he wanted the timeout so he could stay in the game so I don't think he was mad they made them take one. I think in this case he was frustrated because he knew he was hurt. Being frustrated and upset about the situation does not mean he was complaining about the hit. His frustration boiled over and the way he was storming towards the ref I don't think it was all because of the time out.



Peyton said he hates QBs who complain about hits. He was upset because the refs made the Broncos take a timeout.


The broadcasters thought that he was upset because he didn't want a ruling that would require him to sit out a play.

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Liuget said it wasn't an intentional hit. " I was trying to get to him because I knew how critical it could be to us as a defense to get to him. I was just working it and trying to be the guy. I'm not sure how I caught him but I hope he is OK. It's not anything that is going to stop him from being Peyton Manning ."


The Broncos' scoring drives lasted 57 seconds; 2 minutes, 27 seconds, 1:25, and 3:26.

Read More: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/nfl/gameflash/2013/11/10/5514/index.html#ixzz2kMeA5bTh

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"Peyton Manning absolutely will play Sunday against the Chiefs," an NFL source said Monday morning.


A magnetic resonance imaging exam showed an aggravation of Manning's right high ankle sprain, but no new significant damage.


Manning might be held back from some practice time this week — as he was prior to the game against the Washington Redskins three weeks ago — but he will play in the Broncos' AFC West Division showdown Sunday night against the Kansas City Chiefs at Sports Authority Field at Mile High




Manning was the victim of two particularly hard hits.


The first, courtesy of Larry English, saw Manning get twisted down by his ankle for an early sack.


The second, by Corey Liuget, came in the game's final minutes. Liuget wrapped up Manning low and brought the quarterback down by his ankles and knees just after Manning completed a game-sealing pass to Demaryius Thomas.



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Always beat me to it Barry!. haha


But I'm glad there isn't any major damage, or new injuries. Denver needs to go max protect!


I have no idea what I am signed up to at times article and link   was from the Denver post Via e-mail, yet when i went to denver post iit wasnt there yet, it is now


I get , and if by computer to know , e-mails with links from my Cousins in Denver or like this one that same cousins   must i of signed me up for

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I would not call a high ankle sprain nothing. Especially one where he has gotten it tweaked. They can be nasty and take time to heal. I think it was Cris Carter who once said he had a high ankle sprain and the only thing he could do to let it heal was rest it for two weeks straight and even after that it was not better.  I think for Manning the plant leg will be something to watch as if his ankle is gimpy then that will effect his velocity and accuracy not to mention his ability to escape pressure. KC has to be licking their chops. Not that they weren't already.

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I didn't think it would be anything major, you don't stay in the game if you have a major injury.  


But it's good to hear anyways.  They just need to have him keep his feet up a couple days.



I would not call a high ankle sprain nothing. Especially one where he has gotten it tweaked. They can be nasty and take time to heal. I think it was Cris Carter who once said he had a high ankle sprain and the only thing he could do to let it heal was rest it for two weeks straight and even after that it was not better.  I think for Manning the plant leg will be something to watch as if his ankle is gimpy then that will effect his velocity and accuracy not to mention his ability to escape pressure. KC has to be licking their chops. Not that they weren't already.


Peyton stays in, Cutler doesnt


High ankle sprain needs rest, 3-5 weeks sometimes more


, Peyon has tweaked it starting in Jacksonville and all games since


U cant rest, or at least Peyton would refuse too , when 1st & 5th seed are on the line and next games are critical


OL needs to protect him


He was sore to start game after a rest, Now back to square one, needs ankles and right one to plant and push off of to get accuracy and velodcity


it is significant and will alter play calling, KC Defense has best rushes Edge and up middle with Poe  &  will be more limited now in movement to avoid sacks and get good throws,. they will  attack Clark to get to Peyton and while they may not design to take him out, enough hits just kep adding up and many analysts , u know so called experts and even Mike & Mike ib am wonder if he will last season


 Clady going down is now revealing how valuable he was to OL, Teams now scheming Vs Clark


why do u think wel;ker was in only part of game and only thrown to 3 times or so, mostly on sidelines or decoy


Jack Del Rio on NFL Netwok talking right now on Peyton, says some days may get off this week, others too


Del Rio says turned into league the play for clarification on hit as says it  got area that should be protected






 . The league says it was a legal hit because Corey Liuget initially made contact with his helmet to Peyton Manning’s thigh area. Liuget wrapped his arms below the knee, but it was the initial contact above the knee that made it legal.


  Liuget did make contact above the knee.


I will say Chargers defensive end Corey Liuget was coming off a Manny Ramirez block before he delivered a crunching tackle below Peyton Manning’s knees  


But after watching the play several times, referee Tony Corrente gagged on his whistle by not enforcing the Tom Brady Rule on Liuget.


Ramirez’ block did not knock Liuget off-balance. Liuget was under enough control that he could have hit Manning higher. That’s one part of the Brady rule.



The other part is the force of the contact. And it’s clear Liuget smelled pain to Peyton.


I talked to Mike Pereira, former NFL supervisor of officials who is now a rules analyst for Fox Sports, and he said he wanted to see the coaches’ film before determining the extent Ramirez’ block had on Liuget and whether there should have been a penalty.


“No question it was forceful,” Pereira said of the hit. “The contact itself was forceful. It wasn’t the reach-out-with-his-arms swipe. Could he have avoided it coming off that block? That’s going to be the question.”



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Peyton stays in, Cutler doesnt


High ankle sprain needs rest, 3-5 weeks sometimes more


, Peyon has tweaked it starting in Jacksonville and all games since


U cant rest, or at least Peyton would refuse too , when 1st & 5th seed are on the line and next games are critical


OL needs to protect him


He was sore to start game after a rest, Now back to square one, needs ankles and right one to plant and push off of to get accuracy and velodcity


it is significant and will alter play calling, KC Defense has best rushes Edge and up middle with Poe  &  will be more limited now in movement to avoid sacks and get good throws,. they will  attack Clark to get to Peyton and while they may not design to take him out, enough hits just kep adding up and many analysts , u know so called experts and even Mike & Mike ib am wonder if he will last season


 Clady going down is now revealing how valuable he was to OL, Teams now scheming Vs Clark


why do u think wel;ker was in only part of game and only thrown to 3 times or so, mostly on sidelines or decoy


Jack Del Rio on NFL Netwok talking right now on Peyton, says some days may get off this week, others too


Del Rio says turned into league the play for clarification on hit as says it  got area that should be protected






 . The league says it was a legal hit because Corey Liuget initially made contact with his helmet to Peyton Manning’s thigh area. Liuget wrapped his arms below the knee, but it was the initial contact above the knee that made it legal.


  Liuget did make contact above the knee.


I will say Chargers defensive end Corey Liuget was coming off a Manny Ramirez block before he delivered a crunching tackle below Peyton Manning’s knees  


But after watching the play several times, referee Tony Corrente gagged on his whistle by not enforcing the Tom Brady Rule on Liuget.


Ramirez’ block did not knock Liuget off-balance. Liuget was under enough control that he could have hit Manning higher. That’s one part of the Brady rule.



The other part is the force of the contact. And it’s clear Liuget smelled pain to Peyton.


I talked to Mike Pereira, former NFL supervisor of officials who is now a rules analyst for Fox Sports, and he said he wanted to see the coaches’ film before determining the extent Ramirez’ block had on Liuget and whether there should have been a penalty.


“No question it was forceful,” Pereira said of the hit. “The contact itself was forceful. It wasn’t the reach-out-with-his-arms swipe. Could he have avoided it coming off that block? That’s going to be the question.”



I wonder had the re-injury occurred earlier in the game if Peyton would have continued. But you right, the same injury sidelined Cutler and the Bears had first place on the line vs. the Lions.


For sure something to watch. High ankles are tough becasue there is nothing that works other than rest. Giving Peyton some days off each week should help but they need to max protect him more. He is taking way too many hits and teams will be aiming for his ankles the rest of the way ...

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I wonder had the re-injury occurred earlier in the game if Peyton would have continued. But you right, the same injury sidelined Cutler and the Bears had first place on the line vs. the Lions.


For sure something to watch. High ankles are tough becasue there is nothing that works other than rest. Giving Peyton some days off each week should help but they need to max protect him more. He is taking way too many hits and teams will be aiming for his ankles the rest of the way ...


Love of team , dedication and love of game overcomes pain as long as he thinks he can contribute something


Love Of Mom, Overcomes my issues, & i do what have to , yes one is job one is mother but only I know what I am going though under extraordinary circumstances, i pay g for help on whatever i can though, like Peyton Though, I really only trust me to do it right, sure he feels same about quarterbacking for team,


Brady too fights through issues 


Now off to MOM, have great day and nice conversing today, but point blank I worry every time Peyton Drops back

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Well all I can say on this subject of protecting Peyton and Luck also those players that are being paid millions to do that job are not doing a very good job and if they don't protect their franchise QB their playoff hopes are down the drain.  Luck has taken way too many hits this year also and even though he is young the body can only take so much abuse. These O-lines need to get the job done.

LMO   :)

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