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New information in Martin/Incognito saga.


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About 630-640am Cris Carter came on Mike and Mike. Here's what he was told by the players:

  • Ireland suggested Martin take care of it

  • The thing where they leave the table when a guy sits down? Happens all the time and Martin has also been the guy leaving the table on other people. Which leads to:

  • They called this him "simply having a bad day" because it affected him even though he did the leaving the table thing to others and had it done to him before

  • Martin also took part in other hazing, which included stealing a rookie's car himself

  • Martin laughed at the voicemails with other players as a joke (which I suspected) and had played them many times before, but it was his parents, agent or attorney who released them and possibly not his idea

  • The players want them both back, but are generally more upset with Martin and it's because he took an in-house matter public, though they don't know it was likely Martin's people who did it

  • Incognito is well-thought of in the locker room. This voice mail thing doesn't seem to me why Martin snapped - he just had a bad day. It's that Martin's people released this as proof of the "toxic environment" (my words) that is causing trouble right now


  • Tannehill, in an interview yesterday said that Incognito and Martin were "best friends", that Incognito was his "closest friend" and described the relationship like "big brother and little brother"
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Copy/paste from reddit thread:



About 630-640am Cris Carter came on Mike and Mike. Here's what he was told by the players:

  • Ireland suggested Martin take care of it

  • The thing where they leave the table when a guy sits down? Happens all the time and Martin has also been the guy leaving the table on other people. Which leads to:

  • They called this him "simply having a bad day" because it affected him even though he did the leaving the table thing to others and had it done to him before

  • Martin also took part in other hazing, which included stealing a rookie's car himself

  • Martin laughed at the voicemails with other players as a joke (which I suspected) and had played them many times before, but it was his parents, agent or attorney who released them and possibly not his idea

  • The players want them both back, but are generally more upset with Martin and it's because he took an in-house matter public, though they don't know it was likely Martin's people who did it

  • Incognito is well-thought of in the locker room. This voice mail thing doesn't seem to me why Martin snapped - he just had a bad day. It's that Martin's people released this as proof of the "toxic environment" (my words) that is causing trouble right now


  • Tannehill, in an interview yesterday said that Incognito and Martin were "best friends", that Incognito was his "closest friend" and described the relationship like "big brother and little brother"



thanks for posting . . . I also heard on the radio this morning that voicemail which was sent to the media (or was edited by the media) does not included the ending where Incognito changes the tone of his voice to a normal one and say . . . "okay call me " or maybe it was "call me" . . . it was reported that he then called him back . . . I don't recall the exact language that Incognito used but his voice inflection change and he told Martin  to call him, which he did  . . .


As it stands now I do not know who edited out the ending, the media or the person that sent it to the media . . . however the ending for me is important as it would tend to indicated that he was perhaps joking in the meat of the voice message as he changed his voice to a normal tone before hanging up . . .


this will get more interesting as time goes on . . .

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Copy/paste from reddit thread:



About 630-640am Cris Carter came on Mike and Mike. Here's what he was told by the players:

  • Ireland suggested Martin take care of it

  • The thing where they leave the table when a guy sits down? Happens all the time and Martin has also been the guy leaving the table on other people. Which leads to:

  • They called this him "simply having a bad day" because it affected him even though he did the leaving the table thing to others and had it done to him before

  • Martin also took part in other hazing, which included stealing a rookie's car himself

  • Martin laughed at the voicemails with other players as a joke (which I suspected) and had played them many times before, but it was his parents, agent or attorney who released them and possibly not his idea

  • The players want them both back, but are generally more upset with Martin and it's because he took an in-house matter public, though they don't know it was likely Martin's people who did it

  • Incognito is well-thought of in the locker room. This voice mail thing doesn't seem to me why Martin snapped - he just had a bad day. It's that Martin's people released this as proof of the "toxic environment" (my words) that is causing trouble right now


  • Tannehill, in an interview yesterday said that Incognito and Martin were "best friends", that Incognito was his "closest friend" and described the relationship like "big brother and little brother"



I don't believe it (at least all of it).  There's one side, Martin's, which we heard and is possibly overblown. The other, coming out now from players and former players with vested interest in self preservation as their "hidden and secret society" is revealed to the public, andfinally,  the truth,which is likely somewhere in between.  Ted Wells, a high powered lawyer NY has been hired to investigate and will begin with a document Martin and his agent/lawyer is putting together for him.  


I hope these players are on the up and up, because if it wasn't just joking around boys will be boys stuff without malice, it will eventually come out.  Unfortunately, some things that are all that connected they don't want to come out will be revelealed as well. I can never shake the image of Rafael Palmeiro in front of congress pointing and denying his involvement in steroids.  The cover up is always seen as worse than the original crime. I shall wait until the cards are all dealt.


and Goodell will reveal all as a gesture of goodwill to all fans, but especially the female fans.  It is important in all of this to not lose any od the fans base due to perceived tasteless antics of a secret culture.

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I've never heard of a bad day causing a player to suddenly get up and leave the facility, fly home and not return.


Also why did the Dolphins suspend Incognito if none of this was a big deal?  The coaches must have found out or known something that gave them cause to suspend him.

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I've never heard of a bad day causing a player to suddenly get up and leave the facility, fly home and not return.


Also why did the Dolphins suspend Incognito if none of this was a big deal?  The coaches must have found out or known something that gave them cause to suspend him.


If I had to hazard a guess, the first line of defense.  The "I had no idea, but when I heard, I did the right thing!"   Next is it was all in fun and Martin did as much as he got. Then it's the we all like each other and nobody is racist or being an overbearing bully.  This (italicized) would be false, I've heard many player interviews where they admit some players on the same team don't like each other and those just have to avoid each other off the field and in the locker room.


There's no timetable for the investigation, so in the interim, the Dolphins sink into the toilet.

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If I had to hazard a guess, the first line of defense.  The "I had no idea, but when I heard, I did the right thing!"   Next is it was all in fun and Martin did as much as he got. Then it's the we all like each other and nobody is racist or being an overbearing bully.  This (italicized) would be false, I've heard many player interviews where they admit some players on the same team don't like each other and those just have to avoid each other off the field and in the locker room.


There's no timetable for the investigation, so in the interim, the Dolphins sink into the toilet.


I suppose it is possible that Martin had some sort of depression or something which could have played into this.


The other thing that bugs me is they talk about it and say that Martin was considered a weak player or not very tough.  But why would you start the guy at tackle if he's weak? 


Dolphins are on defense and it seems to me that the players are doing their level best to avoid saying something that would hurt Incognito's career.  

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I suppose it is possible that Martin had some sort of depression or something which could have played into this.


The other thing that bugs me is they talk about it and say that Martin was considered a weak player or not very tough.  But why would you start the guy at tackle if he's weak? 


Dolphins are on defense and it seems to me that the players are doing their level best to avoid saying something that would hurt Incognito's career.  


It takes so many years and so much hard work in football to end up as a tackle in the NFL.  Martin played under Jim Harbaugh. There is absolutely some toughness in him.  I think it is personality based , and Incognito (and other players and even some coaches) mistakes personality for toughness.  Apply the wrong tactics to the wrong personality type degrades performance, not improves it.  And if there any level of emotional disorder (depression etc..) involved, then it makes it worse.  Many corporations have behavioral health  plans to help their team member employees become well and fully productive. Employees has to ask though, but does the NFL or teams even have such an infrastructure?

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This is either a good cover-up or the truth.

To be honest, I'm leaning towards these details more. It seems more realistic than the 'bullying' angle.

And it seems like the brotherhood angle is winning this fight. If this info is correct, then I have no I'll towards incognito, even with the racial slurs. I've heard things like this happening and not only in football. My friend is in the army and he told they throw racial slurs at each other all the time, but it's in a joking manner, kind of like incognito. It seems that the locker room is siding with incognito

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It takes so many years and so much hard work in football to end up as a tackle in the NFL.  Martin played under Jim Harbaugh. There is absolutely some toughness in him.  I think it is personality based , and Incognito (and other players and even some coaches) mistakes personality for toughness.  Apply the wrong tactics to the wrong personality type degrades performance, not improves it.  And if there any level of emotional disorder (depression etc..) involved, then it makes it worse.  Many corporations have behavioral health  plans to help their team member employees become well and fully productive. Employees has to ask though, but does the NFL or teams even have such an infrastructure?


I doubt it. . . I know it's a different disorder but didn't it take Brandon Marshall a while to get help?


I've had mild depression before and I'll tell you I can see where a guy who has depression, even a mild case could have a breakdown like that if they spend a lot of time with a guy who's main sense of humor is constantly ripping on people.  


And that is presuming the best of Incognito.  Anything worse then that and you bet it would cause someone with depression to break down.  


Also read another article which said that Martin was a bit aloof.  That too sounds like depression.  

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Players always defend their guys, and their perception won't necessarily match the public's of the situation. I'm not buying the backtracking and 'brother' thing but that's just me.

That is true, but from what it seems like, there was no problem with incognitos *ness and it was taken as a joke. I feel like if the eagles players let their feelings be known about Riley cooper, then the dolphins players would do the same to incognito. But they are doing the opposite.

I'm with the players, if you had a problem with incognito, bring it to him and ask him to stop. You don't have to prove your a 'man'. Just say "hey, I don't like this and could you stop." If he doesn't stop, then I would have done what Martin did and bring it to the coaches and bosses. But he didn't. Heck even at Walmart on those wacky assessments, they tell you to bring any complaints about employees to the management.

I agree and respect you pov, I just think Martin skipped a couple of steps in this situation. That's if he really has a problem.

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That is true, but from what it seems like, there was no problem with incognitos *ness and it was taken as a joke. I feel like if the eagles players let their feelings be known about Riley cooper, then the dolphins players would do the same to incognito. But they are doing the opposite.

I'm with the players, if you had a problem with incognito, bring it to him and ask him to stop. You don't have to prove your a 'man'. Just say "hey, I don't like this and could you stop." If he doesn't stop, then I would have done what Martin did and bring it to the coaches and bosses. But he didn't. Heck even at Walmart on those wacky assessments, they tell you to bring any complaints about employees to the management.

I agree and respect you pov, I just think Martin skipped a couple of steps in this situation. That's if he really has a problem.

I think a lot of their players dealt with it because he is basically the alpha male in that locker room, he's been there longer than the coaching staff and most if not all of the players. A joke is always funny if it's not being played on you. Sure Martin may have some blame in this but think about frats and even high school ball. Do you really want to be the one that tattled because you felt like you were being treated unfairly? That's the way I see it. He may have laughed along with everyone else but scared and hurting people do that too to hide the fact. I just think that when a player has a nervous breakdown it shows build-up and things went too far.
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I think a lot of their players dealt with it because he is basically the alpha male in that locker room, he's been there longer than the coaching staff and most if not all of the players. A joke is always funny if it's not being played on you. Sure Martin may have some blame in this but think about frats and even high school ball. Do you really want to be the one that tattled because you felt like you were being treated unfairly? That's the way I see it. He may have laughed along with everyone else but scared and hurting people do that too to hide the fact. I just think that when a player has a nervous breakdown it shows build-up and things went too far.

Funny thing about this situation is this 100% true also. I can't disagree. This whole incident can go both ways and it's showing. We will only know the truth or at least get close to it when Martin and incognito come out with their sides.

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Agree with a lot of what others have said.  The bottom line is, the media took this story and ran with it.  There's always going to be some middle ground.  I tend to side with Martin here, but if my assumption is proven false and instead, this is something that he fostered, I've got no sympathy for him.  Incognito's words, while detestable to me, is different within a group of people who find it's usage wholly acceptable.  I think its hypocritical for black people to use it freely and then condemn the use of it by others, even if used as a synonym for "dude."  But it's equally hypocritical to give off the indication that it's okay to be called the N word by the group and then, when it suits your agenda, call the man a racist.


Now, the whole reporting it and standing up for himself, I've maintained that he let this go on too long.  And it is very possible that he felt standing up for himself would have ostracized him from the team.  If true, the Dolphins organization failed him in making him feel like he couldn't speak his mind.  But he really hurts his case by participating in the same type of bullying that caused him to storm out.  I dunno, there's just WAY too many things we don't know..and we'll probably never know to tie the bow on this story.  What happens in the locker room stays in the locker room.  And even if something is made public, some things will remain hidden.


But you can probably bet that Incognito, and probably Martin's career with the Dolphins is over. 

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Forget the racial slurs... there was a voicemail that threatened physical harm, at the players mother!  There is nor room for that no matter what context or setting.  Keep it between the players.

2 of my friends and I made jokes about moms all the time.  It was okay between us.  Maybe we never used the word "kill", but there was plenty of sexual references and physical coercion and blah blah blha.  It was disgusting the words that came out of our mouth, but to some extent, the words mean much less than the intent behind them and whether that intent is understood.  It's just a bunch of dudes being stupid and having ag ood time.  If Richie and Martin understood that it was a joke, then who are we to say it is offensive?  I mean, it wasn't meant for us. 


Now, if Martin had said "Hey, that joke is out of line."  Then, if it gets said again, different story.  We just don't know all that transpired between the two.

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2 of my friends and I made jokes about moms all the time.  It was okay between us.  Maybe we never used the word "kill", but there was plenty of sexual references and physical coercion and blah blah blha.  It was disgusting the words that came out of our mouth, but to some extent, the words mean much less than the intent behind them and whether that intent is understood.  It's just a bunch of dudes being stupid and having ag ood time.  If Richie and Martin understood that it was a joke, then who are we to say it is offensive?  I mean, it wasn't meant for us. 


Now, if Martin had said "Hey, that joke is out of line."  Then, if it gets said again, different story.  We just don't know all that transpired between the two.



I'm a guy, I know how jokes between dudes that are essentially friends go - ( Hey man!... How's your wife and my kids?  etc...   yuk yuk  more stupid guy retort stuff... yuk yuk)


I don't buy Martin and Incognito are friends. Why?  Here's an article that Martin FEARED retribution from Incognito-




Remember, Incognito laced out to Adam Schefter too!  Incognito wouldn't really do anything people say?  Pfffftttt.  Tell that to a hotel security guard just as training camp was beginning-




Incognito has a history, on and off field.  He's no leader, he's a loose cannon. He's had NFL players swing a helmet at him!  LOL  His history is littered with , to quote Brian Casserly, epic "Turditude"!  I wonder if it was second year player Merlin Olsen instead of Martin how all this would have played out... or Reggie white entering his seconds season.  Hmmmm....


And GM Ireland supposedly told Martin to punch Incognito?  Wow... faill everywhere and it is going to get bad.  Richie Incognito does not get any benefit of the doubt from me.  It has to be proven.  Thant's my cal on the field.

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I'm a guy, I know how jokes between dudes that are essentially friends go - ( Hey man!... How's your wife and my kids?  etc...   yuk yuk  more stupid guy retort stuff... yuk yuk)


I don't buy Martin and Incognito are friends. Why?  Here's an article that Martin FEARED retribution from Incognito-




Remember, Incognito laced out to Adam Schefter too!  Incognito wouldn't really do anything people say?  Pfffftttt.  Tell that to a hotel security guard just as training camp was beginning-




Incognito has a history, on and off field.  He's had NFL players swing a helmet at him!  LOL  His history is littered with , to quite Brian Casserly, epic "Turditude"!  I wonder if it was second year player Merlin Olsen instead of Martin how all this would have played out... or Reggie white entering his seconds season.  Hmmmm....

Well I'm not disagreeing with you per se.  I'm just saying, there's two sides to this story.  And they are so far apart adn there is so much middle ground that we'll probably never know about to really feel like our opinion is on point.  There's a lot of blame to go around and not enough facts to really blame anyone with conviction.  About the only blame that you can throw out there for certain is that the media blew this story completely out of proportion before all the facts were in hand.  And that's nothing new. 

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I'm a guy, I know how jokes between dudes that are essentially friends go - ( Hey man!... How's your wife and my kids?  etc...   yuk yuk  more stupid guy retort stuff... yuk yuk)


I don't buy Martin and Incognito are friends. Why?  Here's an article that Martin FEARED retribution from Incognito-




Remember, Incognito laced out to Adam Schefter too!  Incognito wouldn't really do anything people say?  Pfffftttt.  Tell that to a hotel security guard just as training camp was beginning-




Incognito has a history, on and off field.  He's had NFL players swing a helmet at him!  LOL  His history is littered with , to quote Brian Casserly, epic "Turditude"!  I wonder if it was second year player Merlin Olsen instead of Martin how all this would have played out... or Reggie white entering his seconds season.  Hmmmm....

You seem to be trying very hard to believe everything the media is reporting. The modern media isn't very good with reporting things like facts. They like throw everything out there and clean up the mess at a later date. I learned long ago to take a wait and see approach when it comes to stories like this.

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Well I'm not disagreeing with you per se.  I'm just saying, there's two sides to this story.  And they are so far apart adn there is so much middle ground that we'll probably never know about to really feel like our opinion is on point.  There's a lot of blame to go around and not enough facts to really blame anyone with conviction.  About the only blame that you can throw out there for certain is that the media blew this story completely out of proportion before all the facts were in hand.  And that's nothing new. 


That's the media job.  If theres a story, and you come clean fast, they report and move on.  If you withhold, or deny, and they smell smoke, they will leave no stone unturned trying to uncover the full story. No different here. They just report as things come to light.  We can only judge based upon what is uncovered and reported.  The Lawyer, Ted Wells weill interview everyone from top brass down to the assistant hot dog cook in the stadium.  Not everyone is intensely involved in the secret society.  Things to follow up will come out.  Then eventually some players will follow suit.  I have a feeling.

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You seem to be trying very hard to believe everything the media is reporting. The modern media isn't very good with reporting things like facts. They like throw everything out there and clean up the mess at a later date. I learned long ago to take a wait and see approach when it comes to stories like this.

Exactly my thoughts as well.  I mean, I can generally take a stance against the bullying/harrassment since that is what is at issue in this whole ordeal.  But as between Martin and Incognito, reserving judgment on these particular set of facts (or lack thereof)

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That's the media job.  If theres a story, and you come clean fast, they report and move on.  If you withhold, or deny, and they smell smoke, they will leave no stone unturned trying to uncover the full story. No different here. They just report as things come to light.  We can only judge based upon what is uncovered and reported.  The Lawyer, Ted Wells weill interview everyone from top brass down to the assistant hot dog cook in the stadium.  Not everyone is intensely involved in the secret society.  Things to follow up will come out.  Then eventually some players will follow suit.  I have a feeling.

Yeah, and that just remains to be seen.  There's really no right or wrong opinion on this because it could really go either way depending on what comes out. I mean, there are wrong opinions, I guess, if it's not even loosely related to any facts that have been released.  But I don't see that going on in this thread.

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You seem to be trying very hard to believe everything the media is reporting. The modern media isn't very good with reporting things like facts. They like throw everything out there and clean up the mess at a later date. I learned long ago to take a wait and see approach when it comes to stories like this.

All these things happened, all are facts. point out the wrong?  Incognito has no credibility.  His close teammates hves little, and much to preserve. He has to prove his case.  And the Dolphins handed the keys to the kingdom to this loon. Ted Wells is the guy I'm counting on here.  He has well versed in sports investigations.  What he finds, I'll buy.


But if media finds things like this-




What will Wells find?

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All these things happened, all are facts. point out the wrong?  Incognito has no credibility.  His close teammates hves little, and much to preserve. He has to prove his case.  And the Dolphins handed the keys to the kingdom to this loon. Ted Wells is the guy I'm counting on here.  He has well versed in sports investigations.  What he finds, I'll buy.


But if media finds things like this-




What will Wells find?

All these things are facts? Ok...

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All these things are facts? Ok...


So you take the Dolphins word for it?  Ok.




{I'm following the Miami Herald guys... they been around the team more and know them much better than another media organization}


"If the NFL Review, which began Wednesday, shows that one of Martin's agents alerted Ireland and thus the Dolphins that his client felt uncomfortable or harassed or bullied or upset in any fashion and the response from someone as high in the Dolphins command structure as Ireland was to simply suggest Martin "punch" Incognito, it shows a callous disregard for Martin's well-being."


"If, as Murtha contends, coaches know everything, then we have a conspiracy on our hands.

And worse, we have a cover-up."


Granted, Ireland could be goofing off as much as the rest of the Dolphins.  But, It will get uglier before it gets better.

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So you take the Dolphins word for it?  Ok.




{I'm following the Miami Herald guys... they been around the team more and know them much better than another media organization}


"If the NFL Review, which began Wednesday, shows that one of Martin's agents alerted Ireland and thus the Dolphins that his client felt uncomfortable or harassed or bullied or upset in any fashion and the response from someone as high in the Dolphins command structure as Ireland was to simply suggest Martin "punch" Incognito, it shows a callous disregard for Martin's well-being."


"If, as Murtha contends, coaches know everything, then we have a conspiracy on our hands.

And worse, we have a cover-up."


Granted, Ireland could be goofing off as much as the rest of the Dolphins.  But, It will get uglier before it gets better.


I think, as more information comes out, that we're getting a different picture than what was originally painted. That doesn't mean Incognito wasn't in the wrong, and it doesn't mean Martin wasn't a victim. But I don't think it's as straightforward as we originally thought. It will probably be quite some time before the facts are all sorted out.

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Ted Wells has a huge job in front of him, but I believe he will be fair and comprehensive in his fact finding.  


I remember hating the memo when Canseco was blackballed by baseball and dismissed by people when he blew the whistle on steroids in baseball-




It took an investigation to really uncover the ugly truth, of which there are still impacts.

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I've never heard of a bad day causing a player to suddenly get up and leave the facility, fly home and not return.


Also why did the Dolphins suspend Incognito if none of this was a big deal?  The coaches must have found out or known something that gave them cause to suspend him.

There was a guy named Quin Pitcock who decided playing Video games was more important than playing football......

What team did he play for???

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I think, as more information comes out, that we're getting a different picture than what was originally painted. That doesn't mean Incognito wasn't in the wrong, and it doesn't mean Martin wasn't a victim. But I don't think it's as straightforward as we originally thought. It will probably be quite some time before the facts are all sorted out.


What I remember is a person who left his team and checked himself in to be helped, filed a player misconduct report.  What is new is that it is possible that most everyone in the Dolphins organization knew and top brass negligent to address it opens up the Dolphins for a potential lawsuit (thought it is football suicide for Martin to proceed with that) -






But Martin wants to play again... somewhere.  Somehow, I think both his and Incognito's career in the NFL are finished.  Martin blackballed, Incognito too toxic.

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This story has been out what, a week? 2 weeks now? And all this info is just now coming out. 


This seems like another 'rush to judgement' media hyperstorm. 


There is way to much to this story, and way to many facts for them to have reported when they reported. 

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What I remember is a person who left his team and checked himself in to be helped, filed a player misconduct report.  What is new is that it is possible that most everyone in the Dolphins organization knew and top brass negligent to address it opens up the Dolphins for a potential lawsuit (thought it is football suicide for Martin to proceed with that) -






But Martin wants to play again... somewhere.  Somehow, I think both his and Incognito's career in the NFL are finished.  Martin blackballed, Incognito too toxic.


You present that brief as if it's comprehensive, ignoring all the questions that have been raised over the past week.


To me, the chief question is why Martin waited six months to file a report about this. If the messages are six months old, and he was reportedly sharing them in the lockerroom and paling around with Incognito since then, what was the recent catalyst that caused him to leave the team and check himself into the hospital? 

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So you take the Dolphins word for it?  Ok.




{I'm following the Miami Herald guys... they been around the team more and know them much better than another media organization}


"If the NFL Review, which began Wednesday, shows that one of Martin's agents alerted Ireland and thus the Dolphins that his client felt uncomfortable or harassed or bullied or upset in any fashion and the response from someone as high in the Dolphins command structure as Ireland was to simply suggest Martin "punch" Incognito, it shows a callous disregard for Martin's well-being."


"If, as Murtha contends, coaches know everything, then we have a conspiracy on our hands.

And worse, we have a cover-up."


Granted, Ireland could be goofing off as much as the rest of the Dolphins.  But, It will get uglier before it gets better.

I never said I was taking anyone's side. I just think you are being very naive when it comes to the media.

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oh yeah...

well it was a Bad Day for Colts fans when you realize your third round draft pick is more interested in playing Call of Duty than showing up for practice...


LOL, true. But just because of the third pick  He was nothing special when he was on the field, unless my memory is erased on the Pitcock sector.  :)

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You present that brief as if it's comprehensive, ignoring all the questions that have been raised over the past week.


To me, the chief question is why Martin waited six months to file a report about this. If the messages are six months old, and he was reportedly sharing them in the lockerroom and paling around with Incognito since then, what was the recent catalyst that caused him to leave the team and check himself into the hospital? 


Right now, only Ted Wells and the league knows for certain, because of the written reports filed and the documents created for Wells to begin the investigation.  If it is just jocularity in the locker room, this will end tomorrow.  I'll bet it doesn't, because you don't call in Wells to investigate player banter.  There must be something substantive in those document(s) for him to proceed rather than question Martin and his agent and end it.  He is looking for serious infractions, if there are any. Two players careers are at serious jeopardy, and there does appear to be smoke.  I'm already on record saying both sides have puffed up their side, and the truth lies somewhere in the middle.  

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    • I agree. One of the fans who has criticized AR's game was MIA after the first game, but after this last game, he is very active and criticizing AR. Granted, AR did not have a good game this past Sunday, but every QB has good and bad games. Folks are being overly critical of him.   I don't attribute the first loss to AR; in fact, I think the Colts had a chance to win the Houston game because of AR's play. But those that don't like AR will not give him any credit. Flacco would not have won the Texans game. JMO.
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    • What a bunch of silly silly posters we have. He doesn't have to question himself. He has a host of employees that look at every possibility to improve the team and bring their ideas forward to be considered. Ballard at that point would still have others involved helping choose the best way forward. Bringing players in to work out often being a part of the process.   And yes the players and their agents get to look at what interest they have, who they would be coached by, potential playing time.   That said, I say trade Ballard, Gus and his coaching buddies for draft picks.
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