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What they're now saying about A. Luck


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Great traditional pocket passers who can run when needed will be forever in the NFL. You just can't substitute a QB who can dissect a defense before the ball's even snapped. Luck, and I would throw Wilson in this category, are of that player type. Kaepernick and RGIII just aren't there yet. I said it last year and I'll reiterate it here, take away the read-option and force those guys to throw predominantly from the pocket, and they will go through the same growing pains as Luck did last year. They have the ability to be good pocket passers, but at this point, I think it's clear that the pistol/read-option was the primary basis for their success last year.

BA throwing luck to the wolves was good for his development kind of like Moore with Peyton , rg3 camp gave him easy read by rolling him out 1.2 run etc... Option read stuff but rg3 with out the option read is obsolete
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actually they're sticking to the plan with him; from the beginning it was laid out as a three year process to develop him as a passer and ease him into things. Start with what he's comfortable with and build from there. That's why you won't find me making any absolute statements as to his worth; just his potential. The injury does set him back a little bit, but part of the frustration you saw this offseason wasn't just the injury, but he feels he's ready to take on more in the passing game; he was actually lobbying for that at the end of last year too. The lumps he's taking now weren't unexpected...or at least shouldn't have been (injury not withstanding). No one said he was a pro-ready passer. :)

As for Luck, no one is really shocked that he's the fastest out of the gate, so it wasn't terribly newsworthy last year. Some jealousy out there it seems ;)



This was a thread about Luck and someone mentioned the other three guys. I gave an opinion on two of them RG3 and Wilson. I'll stick by my belief that Wilson's height will always be a problem for him. That's not to say he can't become a very effective and upper echelon QB. I don't think I said anything really negative about RG3 , other than he came out of college a little raw in the NFL game. If it is a long term plan to let him get the crap beat out of him the first year as part of his development .. so be it. Please don't give e that Shanahan nonsense that he takes less hits in that read option offense. Even the team doctor asked that he be removed from that exposure. But that's just my opinion .. right , wrong .. half right .. half wrong.. dunno. 


Anyway .. like I said , my thread here was to just show a few things that were being said about Andrew Luck. If you look at Stampede blue , you'll see that there were others that said he was by far the best of that crop. I didn't even bother to include any of those. Who cares.. Luck is our guy and that what t is. If RG# ends up the better QB , so what .. as long as Luck continues to win games , we're happy. 


BTW... who are you saying is jealous and of who ?

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BA throwing luck to the wolves was good for his development kind of like Moore with Peyton , rg3 camp gave him easy read by rolling him out 1.2 run etc... Option read stuff but rg3 with out the option read is obsolete

Anyone else think the read option revolution might have gone a bit Dolphins wildcat on us?

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Anyone else think the read option revolution might have gone a bit Dolphins wildcat on us?

I don't think it's been rendered "as useless" but I definitely do think the hype is over.  It's screen pass material at this point - not difficult to stop, but capable of providing big gains if you get caught off guard.

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I don't think it's been rendered "as useless" but I definitely do think the hype is over.  It's screen pass material at this point - not difficult to stop, but capable of providing big gains if you get caught off guard.

That's exactly how I see the Wildcat, not useless but now will only work as a gadget play almost. Funny I was only just reading Pat Kkrwin's book the other day talking about how the wildcat will revolutionise the game as it's unstoppable looking at the X and O's ....

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Funny thing but I was reading a 2012 Draft book by Nolan Narowski and the PFW staff ...the book hangs around in the bathroom. He had Luck rated at an 8.5 which is the highest I ever remember seeing in that book. he did have a negative on Luck as he said he doesn't have elite arm strength. Said he would be best suited to play in warm weather for a west coast offense. I thought  "what he God's name would he rank him now as That assessment has been proved to be hogwash ? Answer would be off the charts. I'm sure many remember P Simms saying he didn't see many NFL throws from Luck while at Stanford. Here's Simms now....




Phil Simms, on CBS's "NFL Monday QB" show:

"I underestimated almost everything about this guy. He's bigger, stronger, more mobile than I expected and has adapted to the NFL game very fast... He can do anything you want. His mechanics are flawless. He has great balance. He is big and strong. His shoulder is in the right angle that you always want. And the arm angle makes his throwing motion very efficient. He can drive the football down the field with ease."

Here are some other's ... You can see them all on Stampede Blue.



Never seen a QB who's numbers are more irrelevant - Luck is such a star, cld care less about the box score #eyetest


Albert Breer        

Maybe the most impressive thing watching Luck today is his poise in the pocket as all heck is breaking loose around him.




Couldn't agree more “@nfldraftscout: Truth RT @Aaron_Nagler: I know this sounds crazy, but Andrew Luck is underrated.”


12:48 PM - 6 Oct 2013





Andrew Luck is the real deal. He needs a nickname, like the Goofy Assassin or something


1:01 PM - 6 Oct 2013





Chase Stuart, New York Times (and Football Outsiders):


"As a rookie, Andrew Luck led one of the great N.F.L. turnarounds, taking a Colts team that was 2-14 without him in 2011 to 11-5 with him in 2012. This year, Luck has been even better, and Indianapolis, with a 13-3 record in its last 16 games and with recent victories over San Francisco and Seattle, has become a serious 

"The No. 1 pick in the 2012 draft, Luck will probably never be able to escape the spotlight, but somehow he is still an underrated quarterback."



Sorry....   but not one of those quotes address elite arm strength.    Not one.    They all rave about how great Luck is....   and he is....     but no one says his arm is better than they thought....    Simms comes closest...


But even if they say his arm is stronger than they thought,  that STILL doesn't mean Luck has elite arm strength....


And here's the deal.....    he doesn't.   Andrew Luck does not have an elite arm.    But his arm is still very good.


His arm is not Stafford's,  or Culter's,  of Vick's,  or Brees'  or Roethlisberger, Kaepernick...   or a number of other QB's.


But it doesn't matter.    Because none of them have Luck's brains and ability to handle pressure (except maybe Brees.)


Elite arm strength is highly over-rated.   Montana didn't have it.    Neither Manning has it.    


You can still have a very good, very strong arm with a quick release without having an "elite arm"....


Don't get hung up on the arm....   it's only one of many aspects of QB play....   and Luck has high marks in every category with his highest mark in the most important area.....      his brain.


Really.........           Seriously.     :thmup:

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Sorry....   but not one of those quotes address elite arm strength.    Not one.    They all rave about how great Luck is....   and he is....     but no one says his arm is better than they thought....    Simms comes closest...


Simms now says:


]I underestimated almost everything about this guy.... He can drive the football down the field with ease.


Two years ago, this is what Simms said:

But the one thing I don't see, I just don't see big-time NFL throws. I don't care what anybody says. I've watched a lot of him. He never takes it and rips it in there. And you can say what you want but, man, you've got to be able to crease that ball every once in a while. We see it every week in these games. Hey, he can develop it but even in the USC game, you know, he's very careful with it, guides it a lot. That's what I see.

There's not a lot of rotation on the ball and there's not a tremendous amount of power. Not that you need to have that power arm. I'm not saying you've got to have that exclusively but, man, it sure helps when you can do that because there's four or five plays a game it is about arm strength. And sometimes quarterbacks who don't have it, they pass those plays up. Why? Well, they go, 'I don't know if I can make that throw,' so they throw it short. That's why I'm a little more reserved in my judgment than everybody else.



Setting aside the comments about "elite" arm strength, Simms is clearly saying that he underestimated Luck's arm strength.

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Sorry....   but not one of those quotes address elite arm strength.    Not one.    They all rave about how great Luck is....   and he is....     but no one says his arm is better than they thought....    Simms comes closest...


But even if they say his arm is stronger than they thought,  that STILL doesn't mean Luck has elite arm strength....


And here's the deal.....    he doesn't.   Andrew Luck does not have an elite arm.    But his arm is still very good.


His arm is not Stafford's,  or Culter's,  of Vick's,  or Brees'  or Roethlisberger, Kaepernick...   or a number of other QB's.


But it doesn't matter.    Because none of them have Luck's brains and ability to handle pressure (except maybe Brees.)


Elite arm strength is highly over-rated.   Montana didn't have it.    Neither Manning has it.    


You can still have a very good, very strong arm with a quick release without having an "elite arm"....


Don't get hung up on the arm....   it's only one of many aspects of QB play....   and Luck has high marks in every category with his highest mark in the most important area.....      his brain.


Really.........           Seriously.     :thmup:



Sims states that he "can drive the ball down field with ease ". That means he has a very good arm. Nolan Narowski said he might be best suited to play in a west coast offense and a warm weather city where he didn't have to drive the ball through bad weather. I stared the post by quoting him saying he didn't have "elite arm strength" which is what he said. But then he goes on to question whether or not if his arm strength is an issue. My point is that he has a very good arm , contrary to what some of the "experts " thought. 


Nowhere do I state that he has as good an arm as Cutler or Kap. What I do say or imply is that there are no limitations in his game due to any lack of arm strength.



Comprende ?

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Sorry....   but not one of those quotes address elite arm strength.    Not one.    They all rave about how great Luck is....   and he is....     but no one says his arm is better than they thought....    Simms comes closest...


But even if they say his arm is stronger than they thought,  that STILL doesn't mean Luck has elite arm strength....


And here's the deal.....    he doesn't.   Andrew Luck does not have an elite arm.    But his arm is still very good.


His arm is not Stafford's,  or Culter's,  of Vick's,  or Brees'  or Roethlisberger, Kaepernick...   or a number of other QB's.


But it doesn't matter.    Because none of them have Luck's brains and ability to handle pressure (except maybe Brees.)


Elite arm strength is highly over-rated.   Montana didn't have it.    Neither Manning has it.    


You can still have a very good, very strong arm with a quick release without having an "elite arm"....


Don't get hung up on the arm....   it's only one of many aspects of QB play....   and Luck has high marks in every category with his highest mark in the most important area.....      his brain.


Really.........           Seriously.     :thmup:

Of the guys you named with elite arms, one does not belong. HINT: his name is Drew Brees

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Sims states that he "can drive the ball down field with ease ". That means he has a very good arm. Nolan Narowski said he might be best suited to play in a west coast offense and a warm weather city where he didn't have to drive the ball through bad weather. I stared the post by quoting him saying he didn't have "elite arm strength" which is what he said. But then he goes on to question whether or not if his arm strength is an issue. My point is that he has a very good arm , contrary to what some of the "experts " thought. 


Nowhere do I state that he has as good an arm as Cutler or Kap. What I do say or imply is that there are no limitations in his game due to any lack of arm strength.



Comprende ?



I agree he has very good arm strength....   and if you want to say very, very good arm strength I'm fine with that too....


I just don't think he has elite arm strength.    What experts now refer as "a lot of RPM's on his passes"


When he you see the passes of guys with a big gun,  they just look different than Andrew's passes.....


I'd say Luck's arm strength is in the upper half....    top-16....   but I wouldn't put it in the "elite" category...  which I'd peg at roughly top-6-8....


Just my opinion.....

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I agree he has very good arm strength....   and if you want to say very, very good arm strength I'm fine with that too....


I just don't think he has elite arm strength.    What experts now refer as "a lot of RPM's on his passes"


When he you see the passes of guys with a big gun,  they just look different than Andrew's passes.....


I'd say Luck's arm strength is in the upper half....    top-16....   but I wouldn't put it in the "elite" category...  which I'd peg at roughly top-6-8....


Just my opinion.....




I hear ya. The problem with my post was that I quoted him ,N. N. ,on the "elite" comment and then went on to say that he was wrong. What he was wrong about was A.Luck might possibly be best suited for a team that didn't need a strong armed QB


. I think you might have him a bit low but it's really not an issue. I would say that Kap , Cutler , Vick and Stafford are the "elite" guys. Any difference between Luck and guys other than them to me would be minute. But I'm just a fan and certainly no expert on rating NFL arm strength.

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Walter White can not be replaced.

Yes, that was a skip quote. I wanted to see if the dude i quoted actually hates skip and would recognize that those are his words and not mine. 

There has to be a replacement for walt white now...

Skip makes blue meth?

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Arm strength is an overrated skill. Look at the "elite" arms in the league: Cutler, Stafford, Kap etc. All of them with deficiencies in other areas. Now look at Manning and Luck. Neither have what would be called an "elite" arm, but have very good skills in other faucets of being a QB. Can you honestly list any of the big gun QBs that you'd rather have than Manning or Luck? I certainly can't.

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Of the guys you named with elite arms, one does not belong. HINT: his name is Drew Brees


You know.....   personally, I agree with you.....    I really do....     but whenever guys like Jaworski,  or Dilfer,  or any other QB who works for ESPN,  or the guys on NFL Network  talk about QB's with elite arm talent,   Bree's name always comes up.


I also think Aaron Rodgers doesn't have quite the same gun.    But he's always mentioned as well....


So,  I'm not sure if it's a Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder type thing, or if those guys (Brees and Rodgers) have improved their arm strength beyond what many fans believe?

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You know.....   personally, I agree with you.....    I really do....     but whenever guys like Jaworski,  or Dilfer,  or any other QB who works for ESPN,  or the guys on NFL Network  talk about QB's with elite arm talent,   Bree's name always comes up.


I also think Aaron Rodgers doesn't have quite the same gun.    But he's always mentioned as well....


So,  I'm not sure if it's a Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder type thing, or if those guys (Brees and Rodgers) have improved their arm strength beyond what many fans believe?

I see it in Rodgers. I could be biased against Brees after watching him at Purdue with a below average arm...which has always made me suspicious.

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Funny thing but I was reading a 2012 Draft book by Nolan Narowski and the PFW staff ...the book hangs around in the bathroom. He had Luck rated at an 8.5 which is the highest I ever remember seeing in that book. he did have a negative on Luck as he said he doesn't have elite arm strength. Said he would be best suited to play in warm weather for a west coast offense. I thought  "what he God's name would he rank him now as That assessment has been proved to be hogwash ? Answer would be off the charts. I'm sure many remember P Simms saying he didn't see many NFL throws from Luck while at Stanford. Here's Simms now....




Phil Simms, on CBS's "NFL Monday QB" show:

"I underestimated almost everything about this guy. He's bigger, stronger, more mobile than I expected and has adapted to the NFL game very fast... He can do anything you want. His mechanics are flawless. He has great balance. He is big and strong. His shoulder is in the right angle that you always want. And the arm angle makes his throwing motion very efficient. He can drive the football down the field with ease."

Here are some other's ... You can see them all on Stampede Blue.



Never seen a QB who's numbers are more irrelevant - Luck is such a star, cld care less about the box score #eyetest


Albert Breer        

Maybe the most impressive thing watching Luck today is his poise in the pocket as all heck is breaking loose around him.




Couldn't agree more “@nfldraftscout: Truth RT @Aaron_Nagler: I know this sounds crazy, but Andrew Luck is underrated.”


12:48 PM - 6 Oct 2013





Andrew Luck is the real deal. He needs a nickname, like the Goofy Assassin or something


1:01 PM - 6 Oct 2013





Chase Stuart, New York Times (and Football Outsiders):


"As a rookie, Andrew Luck led one of the great N.F.L. turnarounds, taking a Colts team that was 2-14 without him in 2011 to 11-5 with him in 2012. This year, Luck has been even better, and Indianapolis, with a 13-3 record in its last 16 games and with recent victories over San Francisco and Seattle, has become a serious 

"The No. 1 pick in the 2012 draft, Luck will probably never be able to escape the spotlight, but somehow he is still an underrated quarterback."


Nothing new at ALL.. .


Phil had a big axe to grind with Luck or his dad a few years ago...  


"not a great long ball thrower" ...    Phil is BACKTRACKING at FULL SPEED right now.


Andrew Luck is simply the "real deal" ..


IF ANYTHING quotes like this just remind how SAVY or how STUPID some are.  


Believe it ..   Politics plays a part..

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Skip is just so angry


It seems weird for a guy that it not a colts fan to care so much.........STILL


 And Skip has the biggest man crush on that 5 letter last name from Florida, that i refuse to say, who still thinks he can play QB in the NFL...Skip still thinks he could become the greatest QB of all time, and will argue the point until he becomes blue in the face.

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The arm strength thing always baffled me.  How can a guy throw a 50 yard pass from his knees and not have arm strength.  I watched every game he played at Stanford, so when people started saying he couldn't push the ball down the field, I really started questioning my ability to correctly judge a college player's ability.  Well, who's laughing now?


And another thing...Jon Gruden was on air with Mike and Mike this morning and he said Luck should have won the Heisman and should have been ROY. 

Gruden is always a captive of the moment....he gushes about every young phenom or legendary qb. He would be wrong on both accounts...and by a large margin. RGIII is having a horrible year without an offseason of work and rust but his last two years...one in college and one in the pros....please...it isn't even close he outplayed Andrew on paper and on the field. This year....Andrew has taken another step and is on that cusp of pro-bowl caliber qb while RGIII is a shell of what he is capable of. People over-react all the time and its a long season and I'm sure Luck will still keep getting better...but he was not even close to playing at the level RGIII did last year or his heisman year. We don't have to take away rightful credit of a kid to just build up our own guy. Luck is clearly killing it this year and hopefully beyond but to try to take away awards the RGIII won clear and away...just seems petty. I don't care if its Gruden or not.....next week he will be saying Wilson should have been the ROY.


I think that's a common misconception, specifically about Kaepernick. The Niners ran a lot of pistol last year, but that's just a formation. They didn't do very much read option until the playoffs, after Kaepernick had already established himself as a playmaker. And, in my opinion, part of what stymied their offense earlier this year was a rigid insistence on NOT running read option. If I were the Niners, I'd have been running read option against the Colts until they proved they could stop it, because we looked like a dog chasing its tail against the Raiders. First game of the season for the Niners, they kept Kaepernick in the pocket, and he went through his progressions like a true pro style QB, making accurate throws all over the field, short, long, and intermediate (which I think is the most telling for any QB, is how they make the intermediate throws that passing games rely on most heavily). I think Kaepernick has work to do, but he's got the makeup to be a true progression based pocket passer.


As for Griffin, from what I've seen of him, he isn't used as a progression passer. Their passing concepts are very quick and contained, mostly to one side of the field. I'm not saying he doesn't have the ability, but the Redskins don't run that kind of offense. And with him not being as mobile right now, that's a big mistake on their part. But as far as being a pocket passer, I think Griffin is clearly behind the other three.


As a matter of fact, from what I've seen of Terrelle Pryor this season, I think he's better as a progression based pocket passer than Griffin. He needs refinement, but Pryor is much more advanced than I expected. He scans the field, makes pro level throws, even throws guys open. I've been more impressed with Pryor than Griffin, by a long shot.


Of course, give me Luck over the rest of them.

What is the deal with people....RGIII is way way more polished and accomplished than Pryor....these comments are just really piling on imo. Apparently one should come back from reconstructive knee surgery in less than a year with no offseason work and no preseason games and just light up the NFL...this league is too good to just get by on athleticism and talent alone. You have to be prepared...dialed in...put the work in to be successful or you get ate up. RGIII didn't do that...couldn't do that and is paying for that...but to think he is behind someone like Pryor...wow...I can't believe you haven't watched RGIII and said WOW at some of his throws are you kidding me? Supes I'm with you most of the time but I think you just got caught up with this one a little.


I think the critics of Luck's arm strength may have been fooled by his delivery.  Just like the ball looks different when Rodgers or Griffin or Manning throws, it looks different when Luck  throws it too.  I guarantee you he throws it farther than Peyton and nobody is talking about Peyton's delivery as he is on record pace.

I agree...he does have an unusual angle. Obviously there is only limited information out there from what he did in college....and he did almost everything...really really well. The one knock was his accuracy on his deep throws was lacking...in terms compared to everything else he did....not exactly to anyone else outside perhaps Griffen. It was evident Griffen threw a lot more deep throws and was very accurate. Luck did have some issues in college...he often would lift his back foot causing throws to come up short or offline...which some could probably think he lacked some arm strength IDK....watching all his other throws I don't see how they could conclude that....all that should have been concluded was he had some mechanical issues on those throws...we saw them his rookie year....be honest...Chicago and other games if you guys will just put down your homer glasses and be objective. Does that mean he had a weak arm...heck no...and it sure looks like he has made a lot of progress and undoubtedly put a lot of work into it. Doesn't mean he didn't grow this offseason. He has plenty of arm...and when he does things right....its beautiful to watch....by far he is the most talented QB in the class...but there is no harm in recognizing some greatness in others guys.

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Arm STRENGTH............... for a QB...     is a "factor":...      


Good Lord knows it is NOT the deciding factor.



P Manning's rookie year he was tossing lollipops ALL OVER THE FIELD.    Then the second half he got better.


THEN his second year he stated putting "PACE" on the ball.        NFL QB's "then" needed to DRIVE the ball.


Still so now but .. .      different game from 10 years ago.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Gruden is always a captive of the moment....he gushes about every young phenom or legendary qb. He would be wrong on both accounts...and by a large margin. RGIII is having a horrible year without an offseason of work and rust but his last two years...one in college and one in the pros....please...it isn't even close he outplayed Andrew on paper and on the field. This year....Andrew has taken another step and is on that cusp of pro-bowl caliber qb while RGIII is a shell of what he is capable of. People over-react all the time and its a long season and I'm sure Luck will still keep getting better...but he was not even close to playing at the level RGIII did last year or his heisman year. We don't have to take away rightful credit of a kid to just build up our own guy. Luck is clearly killing it this year and hopefully beyond but to try to take away awards the RGIII won clear and away...just seems petty. I don't care if its Gruden or not.....next week he will be saying Wilson should have been the ROY.


What is the deal with people....RGIII is way way more polished and accomplished than Pryor....these comments are just really piling on imo. Apparently one should come back from reconstructive knee surgery in less than a year with no offseason work and no preseason games and just light up the NFL...this league is too good to just get by on athleticism and talent alone. You have to be prepared...dialed in...put the work in to be successful or you get ate up. RGIII didn't do that...couldn't do that and is paying for that...but to think he is behind someone like Pryor...wow...I can't believe you haven't watched RGIII and said WOW at some of his throws are you kidding me? Supes I'm with you most of the time but I think you just got caught up with this one a little.


I agree...he does have an unusual angle. Obviously there is only limited information out there from what he did in college....and he did almost everything...really really well. The one knock was his accuracy on his deep throws was lacking...in terms compared to everything else he did....not exactly to anyone else outside perhaps Griffen. It was evident Griffen threw a lot more deep throws and was very accurate. Luck did have some issues in college...he often would lift his back foot causing throws to come up short or offline...which some could probably think he lacked some arm strength IDK....watching all his other throws I don't see how they could conclude that....all that should have been concluded was he had some mechanical issues on those throws...we saw them his rookie year....be honest...Chicago and other games if you guys will just put down your homer glasses and be objective. Does that mean he had a weak arm...heck no...and it sure looks like he has made a lot of progress and undoubtedly put a lot of work into it. Doesn't mean he didn't grow this offseason. He has plenty of arm...and when he does things right....its beautiful to watch....by far he is the most talented QB in the class...but there is no harm in recognizing some greatness in others guys.

You seriously have no idea what you are talking about if you think RG3 should have won the Heisman by a large margin.  He lost more games than Luck and played a cupcake schedule, against the worst defenses in the country.  And yes Luck did deserve rookie of the year, because he was entire team last year.  It's completely *ic to think otherwise.  You either have no clue what you are talking about, or you are just trying to be "that guy"  Get over yourself...

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Suspicious of what?   Brees has NO WHERE close to the arm Rodgers has ... but he is far smarter.


And just as athletic.    (In his prime)


Top QB's in the NFL by JD>


Manning...     (we know who)


.Rodgers/LUCK    ..  and I totally believe it now and I believed it at the end of last season.


Where is all the RG3, Wilson, Kap talk RIGHT NOW!?  Everyone falls in LOVE with FLUFF.


National media Is just now "GETTING HIP" TO Andrew.


But that is how I like it.







I see it in Rodgers. I could be biased against Brees after watching him at Purdue with a below average arm...which has always made me suspicious.

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You seriously have no idea what you are talking about if you think RG3 should have won the Heisman by a large margin.  He lost more games than Luck and played a cupcake schedule, against the worst defenses in the country. 

Me and those voting on the heisman seemed to be on the same side...and they are the only ones that matter. If Luck wanted to win it based on his schedule....should have beat Oregan.....and could have proven it even more by beating OSU. He didn't....and his stats aren't even close to RGIII. Heisman can grow into a popularity contest it is true...but RGIII for that year was the most outstanding player in college football. Just as he was the most outstanding rookie last year. This year....whew....Luck is the most impressive sophmore I think I've seen in years...much less this year...kudos to him and I'm loving it.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Me and those voting on the heisman seemed to be on the same side...and they are the only ones that matter. If Luck wanted to win it based on his schedule....should have beat Oregan.....and could have proven it even more by beating OSU. He didn't....and his stats aren't even close to RGIII. Heisman can grow into a popularity contest it is true...but RGIII for that year was the most outstanding player in college football. Just as he was the most outstanding rookie last year. This year....whew....Luck is the most impressive sophmore I think I've seen in years...much less this year...kudos to him and I'm loving it.

Nope your wrong, and so were the voters.  They only cared about the hype and what he did in the last month.  Luck was the best player in college. Period. He had the better rookie year.  He won 2 more games with out leaning on a running attack.  This has nothing to do with me being a Colts fan.  I have watched every game both of these QBS have ever played, college and pro.  I know what I'm talking about.  

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They destroy it..   


Hype is so very dangerous in "today's" world... 

Nope your wrong, and so were the voters.  They only cared about the hype and what he did in the last month.  Luck was the best player in college. Period. He had the better rookie year.  He won 2 more games with out leaning on a running attack.  This has nothing to do with me being a Colts fan.  I have watched every game both of these QBS have ever played, college and pro.  I know what I'm talking about.  

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Suspicious of what?   Brees has NO WHERE close to the arm Rodgers has ... but he is far smarter.


And just as athletic.    (In his prime)


Top QB's in the NFL by JD>


Manning...     (we know who)


.Rodgers/LUCK    ..  and I totally believe it now and I believed it at the end of last season.


Where is all the RG3, Wilson, Kap talk RIGHT NOW!?  Everyone falls in LOVE with FLUFF.


National media Is just now "GETTING HIP" TO Andrew.


But that is how I like it.

How he went from the arm he had at Purdue to the arm he has now. I have never seen anyone increase their arm strength that much...especially after having two shoulder surgeries.

I don't know how you figure Brees is far smarter than Rodgers, but to each their own.

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