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Arian Foster is saying things that NCAA isn't going to like!


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I feel like I shouldn't have to run from the NCAA anymore. They're like these big bullies. I'm not scared of them.



The more and more I hear from him, I think not only is he doing things right on the field, but his articles and interviews as well as the ESPN documentary make me really like this guy.




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The more and more I hear from him, I think not only is he doing things right on the field, but his articles and interviews as well as the ESPN documentary make me really like this guy.




How do you not like a guy like Arian Foster?  The dude is just an all around good player and person.  As much as I want to dislike intra-division rivals, I cannot dislike Arian.  I'll root for him (and JJ Watt for that matter) as long as he plays in the NFL.  Provided of course some news comes out about them that is image shattering.

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How do you not like a guy like Arian Foster?  The dude is just an all around good player and person.  As much as I want to dislike intra-division rivals, I cannot dislike Arian.  I'll root for him (and JJ Watt for that matter) as long as he plays in the NFL.  Provided of course some news comes out about them that is image shattering.

I feel the exact same way.  Well said

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Foster is just like a lot of the thiefs that played college football

You get a scholarship,...room and board..and you're still on the take???....it speaks to character.

..and then like a coward and a backstabber...you come out a burn your school after you're gone...

He's trash

Okay I get the point about education being its own reward, but it just doesn't make any sense for a student-athlete who is maintaining his grades and preforming on the field to not at least get a stipen to help them support themselves.  Its not like these kids can get jobs as well.  Not to mention that like AF said in the article, a lot of these kids are coming from inner city areas.  Not all of the students parents are as affluent as lets say Luck's parents, or Mannings'.  Heck I would venture to say that a good 90% of these kids have parents who are living paycheck to paycheck and are barely making ends meet.  So there is definitely no way they can help them financially.  Are there exceptions to the rule, of course that goes without saying, but to label them cowards, thieves and backstabbers is a little harsh.  According to the article, weekends the cafeterias were not open on campus, so these students, with no jobs, no money (from parents either) how are they supposed to eat on Sat and Sun?  It's a flawed system that the NCAA is using, they can make money hand over fist by flaunting these kids on Saturdays, but when it comes to the kids putting money in their pockets its wrong.  Talk about being COMPLETELY hypocrtical

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Foster is just like a lot of the thiefs that played college footballYou get a scholarship,...room and board..and you're still on the take???....it speaks to character...and then like a coward and a backstabber...you come out a burn your school after you're gone...He's trash

Alrighty then......

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Foster is just like a lot of the thiefs that played college football

You get a scholarship,...room and board..and you're still on the take???....it speaks to character.

..and then like a coward and a backstabber...you come out a burn your school after you're gone...

He's trash



....Not sure if serious.....And if so then I guess you magically believe that a scholarship means that those players are set no matter what? Give me a break. Do you really know what living like a college student is like (especially one who's doing a sport), because if not you're in no position to call him a coward, backstabber or a thief. Just being ignorant if so.

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Foster is just like a lot of the thiefs that played college football

You get a scholarship,...room and board..and you're still on the take???....it speaks to character.

..and then like a coward and a backstabber...you come out a burn your school after you're gone...

He's trash

Like the NCAA is loaded with high character people. NCAA is full of two faced * who only care about how much money can be made off of the players. Different rules for different colleges. Different punishments for different colleges. Then completely overlooking certain colleges and their breaking of the rules. You talk of cowards and backstabbers?  The NCAA is loaded with people who have those habits. 

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Foster is just like a lot of the thiefs that played college football

You get a scholarship,...room and board..and you're still on the take???....it speaks to character.

..and then like a coward and a backstabber...you come out a burn your school after you're gone...

He's trash


judgemental much?  

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Okay I get the point about education being its own reward, but it just doesn't make any sense for a student-athlete who is maintaining his grades and preforming on the field to not at least get a stipen to help them support themselves. Its not like these kids can get jobs as well. Not to mention that like AF said in the article, a lot of these kids are coming from inner city areas. Not all of the students parents are as affluent as lets say Luck's parents, or Mannings'. Heck I would venture to say that a good 90% of these kids have parents who are living paycheck to paycheck and are barely making ends meet. So there is definitely no way they can help them financially. Are there exceptions to the rule, of course that goes without saying, but to label them cowards, thieves and backstabbers is a little harsh. According to the article, weekends the cafeterias were not open on campus, so these students, with no jobs, no money (from parents either) how are they supposed to eat on Sat and Sun? It's a flawed system that the NCAA is using, they can make money hand over fist by flaunting these kids on Saturdays, but when it comes to the kids putting money in their pockets its wrong. Talk about being COMPLETELY hypocrtical

Student loans?

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Foster is just like a lot of the thiefs that played college football

You get a scholarship,...room and board..and you're still on the take???....it speaks to character.

..and then like a coward and a backstabber...you come out a burn your school after you're gone...

He's trash


Being a thief would imply he stole something.

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A scholarship is payment enough once all of the living arrangements have been taken care of imo.


Pay the kid's rent, pay for the kid to eat, pay for him to live. Then the free education is his salary.

:lol: This is a joke right? Especially to those student athletes who the universities obviously milk as much money as they can out of their name/fame during their college careers. Once apartment/dorm, food, classes and books are paid for that's it. The "pay for him to live" doesn't really extend past that. It's not like once those are paid for the student will never need money for the rest of the semester  :rollseyes:

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Student loans cover admissions and room and board, 


Pell grant covers books and nothing more, my wife received the pell grant and believe me it wasn't enough to cover her books.  Not to mention that you always get the Pell grant after classes start.

That's not correct

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:lol: This is a joke right? Especially to those student athletes who the universities obviously milk as much money as they can out of their name/fame during their college careers. Once apartment/dorm, food, classes and books are paid for that's it. The "pay for him to live" doesn't really extend past that. It's not like once those are paid for the student will never need money for the rest of the semester  :rollseyes:


Can you clarify what your point is? I'm finding it hard to decipher your post.

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Student loans cover admissions and room and board,

Pell grant covers books and nothing more, my wife received the pell grant and believe me it wasn't enough to cover her books. Not to mention that you always get the Pell grant after classes start.

You can use student loans for anything really. It's just how much your willing to take out, and subsequently pay back in interest.

Grants can also be used on anything because it's money awarded to you, and it isn't monitored.

Certainly either or both is enough to cover eating when you included how much a scholarship covers/pays for.

There's also meal plans that can be included into enrollment. Though again they would likely have to pay those back after graduating. Depends on the university though.

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Eh, let 'em get paid. Many are anyways- Foster's certainly not unique in that regard. Half these players won't graduate, and a healthy chunk of the ones that do are going to get bogus, cakewalk degrees that the school spoonfeeds them. True student athletes aren't the rule in big time college football, but the exception. The saying should be athlete-student, because football comes first. I know because I've seen it firsthand where guys are guided out of the "tough" majors where they'd have to work and devote some time for the sake of the program.  While it's easy for fans to envy the attention these players get at the time, the schools are shortchanging the heck out of many of these guys' futures, which they couldn't really care less about so long as it's not so bad that it damages the school's image and brand equity. 


Only 1.7% of these players will ever go pro (and many less ever make it to a second contract). I'm all for these guys getting what they can, while they can.

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Student loans cover admissions and room and board,

Pell grant covers books and nothing more, my wife received the pell grant and believe me it wasn't enough to cover her books. Not to mention that you always get the Pell grant after classes start.

I received a Pell grant and it covers much more than books and classes, as it designed to do. It was about twice as much as books and classes, I used the extra as my income for a semester. I even told them how much extra it was and they explained that its supplements income while your a student.

Sounds like someone has some explaining to do to you.

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I received a Pell grant and it covers much more than books and classes, as it designed to do. It was about twice as much as books and classes, I used the extra as my income for a semester. I even told them how much extra it was and they explained that its supplements income while your a student.

Sounds like someone has some explaining to do to you.

Exactly right.

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Okay I get the point about education being its own reward, but it just doesn't make any sense for a student-athlete who is maintaining his grades and preforming on the field to not at least get a stipen to help them support themselves.  Its not like these kids can get jobs as well.  Not to mention that like AF said in the article, a lot of these kids are coming from inner city areas.  Not all of the students parents are as affluent as lets say Luck's parents, or Mannings'.  Heck I would venture to say that a good 90% of these kids have parents who are living paycheck to paycheck and are barely making ends meet.  So there is definitely no way they can help them financially.  Are there exceptions to the rule, of course that goes without saying, but to label them cowards, thieves and backstabbers is a little harsh.  According to the article, weekends the cafeterias were not open on campus, so these students, with no jobs, no money (from parents either) how are they supposed to eat on Sat and Sun?  It's a flawed system that the NCAA is using, they can make money hand over fist by flaunting these kids on Saturdays, but when it comes to the kids putting money in their pockets its wrong.  Talk about being COMPLETELY hypocrtical

Grown men deserve the money they make...the coaches get what they get

I know you understand that no college student is starving....anyone who says they are is lying

Students get Pell grants..as Joker said.....cash money in their hands...

Arian said he had no money after he paid the rent....you don't pay rent in a dorm. If you live off campus..you may get the cash equivalent of your dorm rent

Scholarships are 30.000 a year......athletes already get paid..and its college..its not really a pay-for-service job

....Plus you signed the scholarship...you gave your word..and then cheated...Arian is a loser

...and even if you were on the take.....a liar and a cheater...

........why come out later and burn the University that helped you?

No class. No honor.

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:lol: This is a joke right? Especially to those student athletes who the universities obviously milk as much money as they can out of their name/fame during their college careers. Once apartment/dorm, food, classes and books are paid for that's it. The "pay for him to live" doesn't really extend past that. It's not like once those are paid for the student will never need money for the rest of the semester  :rollseyes:

You are living in an alternate universe..

..where room and board and books and tuition is NOTHING for a 20-year old...

..but unless you simply now how..students can get grants that will give them a the money they need for pizza and beer and weed..

..and then there's the truth....2/3 of D-1 athletes are not stars or even starters....they don't win games or even lose them because they don't play.....

..and the scholarships pay for them, too....revenue sports pay for nonrevenue sports

Its a good system....

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Grown men deserve the money they make...the coaches get what they getI know you understand that no college student is starving....anyone who says they are is lyingStudents get Pell grants..as Joker said.....cash money in their hands...Arian said he had no money after he paid the rent....you don't pay rent in a dorm. If you live off campus..you may get the cash equivalent of your dorm rentScholarships are 30.000 a year......athletes already get paid..and its college..its not really a pay-for-service job....Plus you signed the scholarship...you gave your word..and then cheated...Arian is a loser...and even if you were on the take.....a liar and a cheater...........why come out later and burn the University that helped you?No class. No honor.

How you describe the players sounds like a description of the coaches they play for.

People need to stop acting like college football is anything but big business. My god, it's the #2 sport in the US behind the NFL. If these players had another choice, like baseball's minor league system, I think players would leave in droves. Get on it NFL.

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You are living in an alternate universe....where room and board and books and tuition is NOTHING for a 20-year old.....but unless you simply now how..students can get grants that will give them a the money they need for pizza and beer and weed....and then there's the truth....2/3 of D-1 athletes are not stars or even starters....they don't win games or even lose them because they don't play.......and the scholarships pay for them, too....revenue sports pay for nonrevenue sportsIts a good system....

It's a great system for the universities....and the coaches and coordinators that millions of dollars.

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How you describe the players sounds like a description of the coaches they play for.

People need to stop acting like college football is anything but big business. My god, it's the #2 sport in the US behind the NFL. If these players had another choice, like baseball's minor league system, I think players would leave in droves. Get on it NFL.

Not all.....that's media spin..and the fan view

for every college you watch...there are 50 you don't see,

Kids going to school because they play any of 30 sports...bankrolled part by revenue from football and basketball

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You are living in an alternate universe..

..where room and board and books and tuition is NOTHING for a 20-year old...

..but unless you simply now how..students can get grants that will give them a the money they need for pizza and beer and weed..

..and then there's the truth....2/3 of D-1 athletes are not stars or even starters....they don't win games or even lose them because they don't play.....

..and the scholarships pay for them, too....revenue sports pay for nonrevenue sports

Its a good system....

if you think this doesn't happen in every major program, you're delusional. The school can't keep boosters from getting to these kids.

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It's a great system for the universities....and the coaches and coordinators that millions of dollars.

Most school athletic departments don't make money..most coaches don't make millions

...again...alternate universe

.and all kids on scholarship get to go to class for free..its a really great system for students...especially poor ones who could never

afford college if they didn't get there because of sports.

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Not all.....that's media spin..and the fan viewfor every college you watch...there are 50 you don't see,Kids going to school because they play any of 30 sports...bankrolled part by revenue from football and basketball

What is media spin? Coaches at big time programs are cheating...or at least have a "don't ask don't tell policy." And it's not the responsibility of football/basketball players to pay for other sports....that's the universities problem.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Why can't the NCAA just allow a small allowance to these kids?  Or how about pay them $10/hr for practices and film study.  That would make up the income the kids can't get because they can't get jobs.  Nobody would be making an unfair amount of money and these college athletes can pay some bills and eat.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Most school athletic departments don't make money..most coaches don't make millions

...again...alternate universe

.and all kids on scholarship get to go to class for free..its a really great system for students...especially poor ones who could never

afford college if they didn't get there because of sports.

Here's my argument why the scholarship alone is not enough...There is no way I could afford a Ferrari, but somebody comes along and gives me one.  But now I have no money to insure it.  These kids get to go to school they would otherwise never be able to afford, but now they get a whole new set of expenses they wouldn't have otherwise.  And on top of that they can't get a job to pay for anything.  

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Most school athletic departments don't make money..most coaches don't make millions...again...alternate universe.and all kids on scholarship get to go to class for free..its a really great system for students...especially poor ones who could neverafford college if they didn't get there because of sports.

What universe are you living in? We are talking big time programs....not southwest indiana tech. There are coordinators in the SEC making six figures. The lowest payed coach in the Big 10 is making over a million dollars.

And those poor student athletes can do what every other non athlete does....qualify academically/earn a SCHOLARship/use grants/take out loans

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