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I like it when the experts don't believe in us.


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We have better players than last year and we will not take a step back, we will be a better team at season's end than we were last year. I've yet to hear one expert say we have less talent this year than last. We are upgraded in so many areas. The experts always give some vague/lame reason as to why we will fall back (no chuck strong momentum, they lost Arians,  soph. slump for Andrew, harder schedule, etc). Expert "well, I just think they'll have a hard time matching last year's win total"..then tell me where they are a less talented team that will cause the fall down! Is it  0-line...no, D-line...no, receivers....no, Safeties....ha ha ha ha stop you're killing me..you get my meaning.

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We have better players than last year and we will not take a step back, we will be a better team at season's end than we were last year. I've yet to hear one expert say we have less talent this year than last. We are upgraded in so many areas. The experts always give some vague/lame reason as to why we will fall back (no chuck strong momentum, they lost Arians,  soph. slump for Andrew, harder schedule, etc). Expert "well, I just think they'll have a hard time matching last year's win total"..then tell me where they are a less talented team that will cause the fall down! Is it  0-line...no, D-line...no, receivers....no, Safeties....ha ha ha ha stop you're killing me..you get my meaning.

Exactly Casserly said that although we are a better team on paper it will be  hard to win 11 games... and we will not make the Playoffs... but we are a better team with one of the easiest schedules.

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While you are certainly entitled to your opinion I will disagree with a couple of them. Wayne is older but still has the skills with 106 catches and 1,355 yards last season. It is yet to be determined if DHB has hands of stone as he has looked very good so far in training camp and preseason games. The verdict is still out on the o-line being they just started playing together. Your comment about the special teams play is not correct in my opinion. Last season 5 of 7 receivers were rookies so that will improve this season. Pittsburg didn't make the playoffs last year so them being better than the Colts is debatable with their lack of a decent RB and o-line to protect Ben. Till Kansas City and San Diego can put together teams that make the playoffs that comment is questionable. There are very few people who agree that the Colts are just an average team and I am not referring to Colt fans. The 10-6 record may be close but keep in mind that Luck has a season under his belt and will play better in turn making the players around him better. We also have a better than average RB in Bradshaw who can pick up those 3rd and 2s and is a very good receiver out of the backfield. Bradshaw's is one of the best blockers in the NFL. So as much as you say different there seems to be more than just Colts fans who have a different view of things that you. We will wait to see I guess. 


Bradshaw will not pick up anything without the offensive line doing some blocking. Bad running games are never a problem with the running back, it always the offensive line. Read Peter King today and see what his group (some of which really like the Colts) think. There is lots of support for Kansas City, San Diego and Pittsburgh making runs to the playoffs. Again, the running back in Pittsburgh isn't important. All NFL RBs are good. Some don't accomplish much because of their offensive line.

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We have better players than last year and we will not take a step back, we will be a better team at season's end than we were last year. I've yet to hear one expert say we have less talent this year than last. We are upgraded in so many areas. The experts always give some vague/lame reason as to why we will fall back (no chuck strong momentum, they lost Arians,  soph. slump for Andrew, harder schedule, etc). Expert "well, I just think they'll have a hard time matching last year's win total"..then tell me where they are a less talented team that will cause the fall down! Is it  0-line...no, D-line...no, receivers....no, Safeties....ha ha ha ha stop you're killing me..you get my meaning.


We have better players now, no doubt. It will take some time to work them all in together. The issue isn't this year, it was last year when they had a miracle season and won 11 games while being outscored. These things tend to even out hence the idea that they will be better than last year but the record won't be close to as good. I happen to agree with all of that.

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, September 4, 2013 - inflammatory/personal shot
Hidden by shecolt, September 4, 2013 - inflammatory/personal shot

TV "experts" along with "sideline reporters" are a joke; most of them are far dumber than fans.


Surely you do not believe that. Fans are really dumb, just look at some of them here.

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We have better players now, no doubt. It will take some time to work them all in together. The issue isn't this year, it was last year when they had a miracle season and won 11 games while being outscored. These things tend to even out hence the idea that they will be better than last year but the record won't be close to as good. I happen to agree with all of that.

I think the Colts are like a professional card player who has a better hand than last year when he won the pot (playoffs) on a bluff....but i honestly think Luck is a generational player that doesn't come along that often and I think the quality that will make him so special in the long run, compared to those that right now who look like his peers, is that most QB's have incremental improvement but Luck is going to demonstrate exponential growth and his end point will far outdistance his current peers. In other words, the Colts are the card player holding the Joker and they know it.

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I think the Colts are like a professional card player who has a better hand than last year when he won the pot (playoffs) on a bluff....but i honestly think Luck is a generational player that doesn't come along that often and I think the quality that will make him so special in the long run, compared to those that right now who look like his peers, is that most QB's have incremental improvement but Luck is going to demonstrate exponential growth and his end point will far outdistance his current peers. In other words, the Colts are the card player holding the Joker and they know it.


I don't know what you have seen to make you think that. I see a middle of the road QB on a middle of the road team. I think his peers are going to be better this year too....

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Regarding the OP, I like it when the media says nothing about expectations of the Colts and the Colts just go about taking care of their business. What they say, either positive or negative, has no influence whatsoever on what's going on with Indy. I just go to the media for factual info like cuts, roster moves, stats, etc...


It isn't worth losing sleep over.


I mean that just frees up more time for the media to talk ad nauseum about more important teams like the Jets, who haven't done anything since the "Guarantee"!


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We have better players than last year and we will not take a step back, we will be a better team at season's end than we were last year. I've yet to hear one expert say we have less talent this year than last. We are upgraded in so many areas. The experts always give some vague/lame reason as to why we will fall back (no chuck strong momentum, they lost Arians,  soph. slump for Andrew, harder schedule, etc). Expert "well, I just think they'll have a hard time matching last year's win total"..then tell me where they are a less talented team that will cause the fall down! Is it  0-line...no, D-line...no, receivers....no, Safeties....ha ha ha ha stop you're killing me..you get my meaning.

Very well said you should have started this thread instead of me. 

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Surely you do not believe that. Fans are really dumb, just look at some of them here.


I don't know what you have seen to make you think that. I see a middle of the road QB on a middle of the road team. I think his peers are going to be better this year too....

If you think that Luck is a middle of the road QB then you are surely in a small minority. Now you call some of us dumb?  

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If you think that Luck is a middle of the road QB then you are surely in a small minority. Now you call some of us dumb?  


Clayton has him ranked 13th. Isn't that middle of the road? The Colts are ranked in the middle of the pack too. And, yes, fans are really dumb especially fans overhyped about their favorite team. I do it too although I try to remain rational to some extent.

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Clayton has him ranked 13th. Isn't that middle of the road? The Colts are ranked in the middle of the pack too. And, yes, fans are really dumb especially fans overhyped about their favorite team. I do it too although I try to remain rational to some extent.

Believe as you wish but Clayton is not the know all. Luck is better than a middle of the pack QB. If you chose to overlook his rookie year thats on you. There is no need to go into the details as you know what he did as a rookie. It is what it is.

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Believe as you wish but Clayton is not the know all. Luck is better than a middle of the pack QB. If you chose to overlook his rookie year thats on you. There is no need to go into the details as you know what he did as a rookie. It is what it is.


There are many people who agree with Clayton. I think Luck will have a great season. I think RGIII and Wilson will have even better years...... We don't know what Luck will be with a decent offensive line protecting him. I'm not sure that he has one now. We don't know what he will be if he accepts making shorter throws and a higher percentage of completions. I think Luck is a huge question mark. I agree with you that I think he will be very good. I am not sure he will be very good and move into the top 10 QBs this year because of his surrounding cast.

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Clayton has him ranked 13th. Isn't that middle of the road? The Colts are ranked in the middle of the pack too. And, yes, fans are really dumb especially fans overhyped about their favorite team. I do it too although I try to remain rational to some extent.

I'd like to see who the other 12 QBs are ahead of him.

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I'd like to see who the other 12 QBs are ahead of him.


Look at the Clayton article. You will find it on the NFL General Forum. I pretty much agree with him but I would have had two more players in front of Luck right now, Wilson and RGIII. So I would have had him 15th or even a notch lower than that. Not bad for a second year QB and he may move into the top ten at the start of next year.

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Look at the Clayton article. You will find it on the NFL General Forum. I pretty much agree with him but I would have had two more players in front of Luck right now, Wilson and RGIII. So I would have had him 15th or even a notch lower than that. Not bad for a second year QB and he may move into the top ten at the start of next year.

Wait, Wilson and RG3 are not part of the 13 QBs ahead of Luck? I think Luck is better if Clayton is rating him as only the 13th best QB I would think HE would put RG3 and Wilson amoung the top 12. I gotta see this list now and shake my head at it.

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I'm really do like it when the experts don't believe in us. Because it's hilarious when we prove them wrong. I know people like Mike Wells don't want to be called a homer so he says we're going to take a step back. I'm not really sure he really believes that but that's what he's going to say through the media on ESPN.com anyway along with Kravitz that's just the way it is. 


I have followed this team intently since the end of last season and I know this team is very talented. I know this team has a supposive tougher schedule. But my question is if you think this team isn't a super bowl contender and will take a step back who's better? I really want to know! Because we made the playoffs last season with a lot less talent. This defense looks better than I can ever remember and this offense has a lot of weapons and is going to be very good. So yes tell me who's better and we can talk about it. 


Let's see, the Broncos are legitimately better, the Patriots are better, the Texans are better unless they play at LOS where they still can't win for whatever reason... and that's about it in the AFC.

Seahawks, 49ers, Falcons and arguably the Redskins are better than us. Seahawks made the playoffs going 7-9, but it's not like they were really going to get to the super bowl that year. Sure anything can happen in the playoffs (Like that same seahawk team beating the Saints that year), but just cause you make the playoffs doesn't mean you made it and you're the cream of the crop haha. Pretty sure if the Panthers made the playoffs this year and got matched up against the Seahawks in Seattle, most if not all of us would expect the Panthers to demolished. 

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Look at the Clayton article. You will find it on the NFL General Forum. I pretty much agree with him but I would have had two more players in front of Luck right now, Wilson and RGIII. So I would have had him 15th or even a notch lower than that. Not bad for a second year QB and he may move into the top ten at the start of next year.

Lucks better than Wilson.

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Lucks better than Wilson.


No. He is not. Now he may be eventually but he isn't right now. Wilson is playing for a much better team and a much better coach. That is an advantage. I think RGIII, Wilson, Cam Newton and the 49ers QB are all better than Luck right now. I can't spell San Francisco QB's name ;-)

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No. He is not. Now he may be eventually but he isn't right now. Wilson is playing for a much better team and a much better coach. That is an advantage. I think RGIII, Wilson, Cam Newton and the 49ers QB are all better than Luck right now. I can't spell San Francisco QB's name ;-)

Wilson playing for a better team doesn't make him the better player lol.

If you want to pose the argument that he will have more success this season with the Seahawks I could agree with that more. But pound for pound Andrew is the more complete, and ultimately, better of the two right now.

Luck also has a better skill set than Kap, but again you run into the issue of playing for a better team. Still Luck over Kap.

Newton I'll grudgingly give you. And RG3 is just ahead at this stage. But it isn't a huge gap by any means.

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No. He is not. Now he may be eventually but he isn't right now. Wilson is playing for a much better team and a much better coach. That is an advantage. I think RGIII, Wilson, Cam Newton and the 49ers QB are all better than Luck right now. I can't spell San Francisco QB's name ;-)

Cam Newton seriously? Haven't seem enough of Kaepernick either.Griffin physicaly is more talented but mentally....Not just anyone of them QB's could succeed under Center for the Colts last year. I can get on board with Wilson but not the others

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Cam Newton seriously? Haven't seem enough of Kaepernick either.Griffin physicaly is more talented but mentally....Not just anyone of them QB's could succeed under Center for the Colts last year. I can get on board with Wilson but not the others


Luck isn't even close to Cam Newton. Newton had one of the best second years of any QB in NFL history. He plays for a bad team that is not surrounding him with enough good players but he is the real deal. Griffin is every bit the mental equal of Luck. His coaches need to use him a bit more wisely and I think they will this year. The Colts last year were a miracle. Well, the miracle is over and reality will set in quickly in the NFL. I expect Kaepernick, Griffin, Wilson to all have better seasons than Luck this year. I expect Cam Newton to be better than all three of them. If Newton gets that team to .500 or a game above, he is having one hell of a season.

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Luck isn't even close to Cam Newton. Newton had one of the best second years of any QB in NFL history. He plays for a bad team that is not surrounding him with enough good players but he is the real deal. Griffin is every bit the mental equal of Luck. His coaches need to use him a bit more wisely and I think they will this year. The Colts last year were a miracle. Well, the miracle is over and reality will set in quickly in the NFL. I expect Kaepernick, Griffin, Wilson to all have better seasons than Luck this year. I expect Cam Newton to be better than all three of them. If Newton gets that team to .500 or a game above, he is having one heck of a season.


Yeah all those other guys won purely on skill, but Luck and the Colts? Divine intervention.

You know what's a miracle in the NFL? A QB fumbling and it resulting in a TD because it bounced to an offensive player.

Or throwing a game losing pick, but then getting gifted a win by replacement referees.

I heard a rumor the Colts players didn't even know they were playing football. Just "ooopsie daised" their way to all those wins by pure happenstance.

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Luck isn't even close to Cam Newton. Newton had one of the best second years of any QB in NFL history. He plays for a bad team that is not surrounding him with enough good players but he is the real deal. Griffin is every bit the mental equal of Luck. His coaches need to use him a bit more wisely and I think they will this year. The Colts last year were a miracle. Well, the miracle is over and reality will set in quickly in the NFL. I expect Kaepernick, Griffin, Wilson to all have better seasons than Luck this year. I expect Cam Newton to be better than all three of them. If Newton gets that team to .500 or a game above, he is having one heck of a season.


Cam is better than Luck???????  LOL  


I fully expect Luck to have the best 2nd year out of last year's QB class !!!  Yes last year's season could certainly have been seen as a miracle season.  BUT, I expect us to have an even better season this year considering all the additions and upgrades to our roster.


The Colts will pick up where we left off last year IMO.  Alot of people and talking heads expect us to take a step back, but I just don't see that happening.  


Let's GOOOO Colts !!!!!!!!!!!   :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:

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Bill Simmons and Cousin Sal on the nonsense report have us around 7-9 or 8-8.


I could see that. I am not a tunnel vision fan who thinks a sophomore slump with Luck and Pagano can't happen. But I think we have a shot at being 10-6 or 11-5 and winning the division if we take care of business against who we should and win a few against good teams because we are a good team as well

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Luck isn't even close to Cam Newton. Newton had one of the best second years of any QB in NFL history. He plays for a bad team that is not surrounding him with enough good players but he is the real deal. Griffin is every bit the mental equal of Luck. His coaches need to use him a bit more wisely and I think they will this year. The Colts last year were a miracle. Well, the miracle is over and reality will set in quickly in the NFL. I expect Kaepernick, Griffin, Wilson to all have better seasons than Luck this year. I expect Cam Newton to be better than all three of them. If Newton gets that team to .500 or a game above, he is having one heck of a season.

Hmm, Lucks rookie year was better then both of Newtons years, Newton had a running game to by the way. Mentally Cam is not even in the same zip code as Luck, Griffin seriously the mental equal of Luck.....is that why he went number 2 in the draft ? His coaches need to use him a bit more wisely? your seriously blaming Shanahan for Griffin getting injured? It was a guarantee it was going to happen no matter the coach or no matter how much you disagree, When he is running he is not smart with it. He needed to learn how to slide. Miracle is a strong word, it did not take some divine intervention lol, it just took a darn good QB lol and a softer schedule then some will admit.......If the Panthers dont get to .500 the reason is behind Center. Put any of the receiving talent that the Panthers have on the Colts and Luck would make them look better then Cam

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