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Upsetting the Applecart


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Chemistry among OLs is important. It seems Satele and McGlynn are destined to start this year. Camp reports and stories say Ijalana has the quickest feet of the OL and is now one of the strongest players. If we are to have a power running team we need someone like Ijalana to aid in the power runs. Problem is Cherilus is paid too much not to play tackle, Costonzo seems entrenched at the other tackle, Thomas seemed to be guaranteed the LG slot, and McGlynn & Satele are ranked high by the coaching staff. If Ijalana proves to be one of the 5 best (I believe he is) would the coaches start him somewhere and upset the team chemistry.

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Chemistry among OLs is important. It seems Satele and McGlynn are destined to start this year. Camp reports and stories say Ijalana has the quickest feet of the OL and is now one of the strongest players. If we are to have a power running team we need someone like Ijalana to aid in the power runs. Problem is Cherilus is paid too much not to play tackle, Costonzo seems entrenched at the other tackle, Thomas seemed to be guaranteed the LG slot, and McGlynn & Satele are ranked high by the coaching staff. If Ijalana proves to be one of the 5 best (I believe he is) would the coaches start him somewhere and upset the team chemistry.

Well if theres chemistry coming from Satele and McGlynn ,they are gonna have to show me tons more than they did last year,IMO they are both very replaceable.Hope they prove me wrong.

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Well if theres chemistry coming from Satele and McGlynn ,they are gonna have to show me tons more than they did last year,IMO they are both very replaceable.Hope they prove me wrong.

Holmes is the only real competition for Satele and he seems at least a year away from being able to compete with Satele. McGlynn could play C but I don't know how much better he would be. Thornton still is nursing his ankle and it seems the coaches are only going to use Ijalana at T.

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Holmes is the only real competition for Satele and he seems at least a year away from being able to compete with Satele. McGlynn could play C but I don't know how much better he would be. Thornton still is nursing his ankle and it seems the coaches are only going to use Ijalana at T.

McGlynn plays better at center than he does anywhere else,and Satele was playing hurt,Im really still waiting on both to show me something,not a real fan right now of either,thats going to have to be earned now after last year :thmup:

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McGlynn plays better at center than he does anywhere else,and Satele was playing hurt,Im really still waiting on both to show me something,not a real fan right now of either,thats going to have to be earned now after last year :thmup:

I haven't heard that any of the other OL have rotated in with the first unit OL like we have been doing on defense. We do still have 4 weeks before the first real game.

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Chemistry among OLs is important. It seems Satele and McGlynn are destined to start this year. Camp reports and stories say Ijalana has the quickest feet of the OL and is now one of the strongest players. If we are to have a power running team we need someone like Ijalana to aid in the power runs. Problem is Cherilus is paid too much not to play tackle, Costonzo seems entrenched at the other tackle, Thomas seemed to be guaranteed the LG slot, and McGlynn & Satele are ranked high by the coaching staff. If Ijalana proves to be one of the 5 best (I believe he is) would the coaches start him somewhere and upset the team chemistry.

Ijalana is playing with third string right now though. 

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It's in everyone's best interest to protect the franchise.  So if someone is implying the best players aren't starting, they must know something the coaches don't.  There's no conspiracy to play "favorites".


I'm with everyone else who thinks McGlynn played poorly last year.  I think Satele was probably playing hurt. I hope we have guys on the roster who will take their spots.  


Apparently, we don't have those guys right now, that's why they're starting.  Pure and simple.

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It's in everyone's best interest to protect the franchise.  So if someone is implying the best players aren't starting, they must know something the coaches don't.  There's no conspiracy to play "favorites".


I'm with everyone else who thinks McGlynn played poorly last year.  I think Satele was probably playing hurt. I hope we have guys on the roster who will take their spots.  


Apparently, we don't have those guys right now, that's why they're starting.  Pure and simple.

Hopefully the next several weeks will test McGlynn and Satele. If they start and play better then that is good but I hope they don't start over more talented players. It is embarrassing when one man knocks them both into two other players blowing up the entire strong side of our offense.

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Hopefully the next several weeks will test McGlynn and Satele. If they start and play better then that is good but I hope they don't start over more talented players. It is embarrassing when one man knocks them both into two other players blowing up the entire strong side of our offense.

That's my point. What makes you think the coaches, GM, or Irsay would let them start over more talented players?

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That's my point. What makes you think the coaches, GM, or Irsay would let them start over more talented players?

The fact that they have not rotated any of the other OL with the first unit in their places. I did not say it was favoritism but maybe to maintain chemistry.

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Where did you get this info Ijalana was playing so great that he could replace Cherilus ar RT? I watched quite a bit of tape last year on Cherilus last season, and to my ameatur eye his run blocking was quite good.

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Where did you get this info Ijalana was playing so great that he could replace Cherilus ar RT? I watched quite a bit of tape last year on Cherilus last season, and to my ameatur eye his run blocking was quite good.

There have been camp reports that Ijalana has some of the best feet of any OL. It also was stated by Costanzo that Ijalana was one of the team's strongest players. Maybe he is one of the 5 best players and maybe more suited to play T. I just don't believe he will play T no matter how good he turns out to be. I believe the first team is set and for chemistry purposes it will remain set as it is. I hope I am wrong but we will see.

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It seems Satele and McGlynn are destined to start this year.


There must be a reason for this. I know people are down on McGlynn, but I trust our coaches to make the right choices. I doubt he would be in there just to tick you off. Who knows, maybe by the end of camp Ijalana will supplant him. Don't worry for now, we haven't even played 1 preseason game yet.

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There have been camp reports that Ijalana has some of the best feet of any OL. It also was stated by Costanzo that Ijalana was one of the team's strongest players. Maybe he is one of the 5 best players and maybe more suited to play T. I just don't believe he will play T no matter how good he turns out to be. I believe the first team is set and for chemistry purposes it will remain set as it is. I hope I am wrong but we will see.

Well, that's a lot different than saying he is playing well enough to unseat Cherilus. I'm pulling for Ijalana, but lets face it, he has only played a couple quarters of nfl football....we really have no idea how good he is.

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Well, that's a lot different than saying he is playing well enough to unseat Cherilus. I'm pulling for Ijalana, but lets face it, he has only played a couple quarters of nfl football....we really have no idea how good he is.

It does not matter to me who starts. I just want the 5 best blockers in the game. If we can protect Luck and generate a running game we could have an offense like the one when we had a 1k rusher and 3 -1k receivers.

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It's in everyone's best interest to protect the franchise.  So if someone is implying the best players aren't starting, they must know something the coaches don't.  There's no conspiracy to play "favorites".


I'm with everyone else who thinks McGlynn played poorly last year.  I think Satele was probably playing hurt. I hope we have guys on the roster who will take their spots.  


Apparently, we don't have those guys right now, that's why they're starting.  Pure and simple.

Two things, I don't disagree with the idea McGlynn was not great last year but I've heard it floated that part of the problem was McGlynn was having to give so much help to Justice at tackle he looked worse than he really was because he was out of position a lot of the time.  I'll be honest I don't watch the line close enough to be able to back that up or not.


The other thing I do think we have the guys who will one day take Satele's and McGlynn's jobs maybe even before the end of the season but they are still rookies and have been hurt.  That would be asking a lot for them to take the jobs at this point.  With that said I do think they are the future answers. 


With that said I think you are spot on about them not playing favorites.  I hate people when people float the idea that Grigson and McGlynn must some how be buddies.  I don't know about anyone else but very rarely do workers hang out with management and become friends and that's what you have here.  I am sure Grigson is familiar with McGlynn from when he scouted him with the Eagles but I think that's about it.  Grigson is smart enough to know that Luck being healthy gives him the best chance to have a winning team and that's the best way for him to keep his job so I am sure he wants to make sure Luck is healthy.  Also to buy the whole Grigson and McGlynn are friends augment you have to over look the fact that Pagano is the coach and decides who plays and he has no reason to favor McGlynn over anyone else.


I've said it before I think most of the people who say that have spent so much time talking about how awful McGlynn is (I've seen it floated more than once that some think he's the worst lineman in the NFL) and rather admit that McGlynn is the best of what the Colts have at the moment they want there to be another reason that he's starting because it can't be that they were wrong in their opinion about McGlynn because if the Colts had someone better they would start him over McGlynn.

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Chemistry among OLs is important. It seems Satele and McGlynn are destined to start this year. Camp reports and stories say Ijalana has the quickest feet of the OL and is now one of the strongest players. If we are to have a power running team we need someone like Ijalana to aid in the power runs. Problem is Cherilus is paid too much not to play tackle, Costonzo seems entrenched at the other tackle, Thomas seemed to be guaranteed the LG slot, and McGlynn & Satele are ranked high by the coaching staff. If Ijalana proves to be one of the 5 best (I believe he is) would the coaches start him somewhere and upset the team chemistry.

What the hell is an apple cart? :dunno:

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I've said it before I think most of the people who say that have spent so much time talking about how awful McGlynn is (I've seen it floated more than once that some think he's the worst lineman in the NFL) and rather admit that McGlynn is the best of what the Colts have at the moment they want there to be another reason that he's starting because it can't be that they were wrong in their opinion about McGlynn because if the Colts had someone better they would start him over McGlynn.


Speaking as one of the people who think McGlynn is "awful", Its not a matter of admitting to having the wrong opinion of McGlynn (He is Terrible). He may very well be the best RG "at the moment; who is currently on the team" ... I have no problem admitting that. 


Actually, the fact that McGlynn may be best starting RG on the team IS the problem. There were several guards in free agency that we could have gotten for the same salary or less who would have been better than McGlynn.  Even if for some crazy reason you were going to keep McGlynn, someone else still should have been brought in.


It is not a matter of some "thinking" he is the worst ... Its a fact; he was statistically (per PFF)  the worst rated starting guard in the entire league last season.

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It does not matter to me who starts. I just want the 5 best blockers in the game. If we can protect Luck and generate a running game we could have an offense like the one when we had a 1k rusher and 3 -1k receivers.


No one can argue with that.  That's why I think the 5 best are starting each week.


The coaches see the players every day.  They know who's hurt, who's not experienced, and who plays the best with the others on the line.  They know if Iljalana is ready, if McGlynn is the best option at G, and who our best C is right now.


Nothing wrong with discussing it, but none of us know any more than they do. 

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Personally, I think Joe Gilbert and the OL coaches made their initial decisions on where to start various linemen in the first two days of camp.  Knowing Thornton would be out until the first PS game, they put Link at 2nd team RG to give some veteran depth and competition to the line's weakest spot.  After the Buffalo game, I suspect the coaches will do a lot more mixing and matching to find the best line options, the way Mudd used to do.  Ijalana, Cleary, Anderson, Linkenbach...I imagine they'll all see time at OT and OG during the course of the preseason...

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Personally, I think Joe Gilbert and the OL coaches made their initial decisions on where to start various linemen in the first two days of camp.  Knowing Thornton would be out until the first PS game, they put Link at 2nd team RG to give some veteran depth and competition to the line's weakest spot.  After the Buffalo game, I suspect the coaches will do a lot more mixing and matching to find the best line options, the way Mudd used to do.  Ijalana, Cleary, Anderson, Linkenbach...I imagine they'll all see time at OT and OG during the course of the preseason...


Yep.  And hopefully, someone other than McGlynn will emerge at G.  I think Satele will play better than last season, but only time will tell. 


It would be great if Ijalana can return to what he was before the first injury.  That's quality backup at OT, and maybe G.  And if Thorton and Holmes are what we expect, we'll have decent backups at the very least.

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I guess we will have smoe interesting questions for the coaching staff if Ijalana keeps playing better and gets healthy.


will they give him a shot at RG? can he upset Cherilus? maybe Castonzo?


either way, its a gret problem to have...one we havent had in years.


I hope he gets his shot, im hoping RG. Then next year is him vs Thornton.

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During pre-season games, don't the second and third team play more than the first team?  If that's the case, then I think they might be keeping McGlynn on the first team because he is a known commodity.  Let the others play more during pre-season to see what they can do. 


This was just a thought.  I don't claim to be an expert.

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Satele and McGlynn's days as started are numbered.    Indy drafted both players positions for a reason.  If Big Ben can stay healthy and he is killing it then I guarantee you Indy will find a place for him.

Chemistry among OLs is important. It seems Satele and McGlynn are destined to start this year. Camp reports and stories say Ijalana has the quickest feet of the OL and is now one of the strongest players. If we are to have a power running team we need someone like Ijalana to aid in the power runs. Problem is Cherilus is paid too much not to play tackle, Costonzo seems entrenched at the other tackle, Thomas seemed to be guaranteed the LG slot, and McGlynn & Satele are ranked high by the coaching staff. If Ijalana proves to be one of the 5 best (I believe he is) would the coaches start him somewhere and upset the team chemistry.

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BTW, I just reviewed yesterday afternoon's photos on Colts.com, and it really appears that Ijalana is now the second team LT.  All pictures of Ijalana seem to have Reitz on his right, and pictures of Sowell have Ziemba on his right...

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BTW, I just reviewed yesterday afternoon's photos on Colts.com, and it really appears that Ijalana is now the second team LT.  All pictures of Ijalana seem to have Reitz on his right, and pictures of Sowell have Ziemba on his right...


He (BI) did play some with the 2nd team.  It was tweeted out by several people.  I'm hoping he keeps showing that he's back and eventually they'll have enough confidence in him to give him a shot at G.  But I think they really like him at OT.

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I think we just have to sit and wait. They started the training camp with a certain group in mind for the first string o line. It's only logical that they want to give those guys a chance to form some cohesion in order to decide if that's the best decision.

They haven't even played the first preseason game. I am pretty sure that things will change, like Ijalana moving up if the coaches think he plays better than the others ahead of him.

My sense is that they wanted to stick with the pecking order at the beginning of the camp and not move too many pieces at once.

I can see them moving one player at the time because the idea is to allow as many players as possible to play together for an extended period of time.  

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I think we just have to sit and wait. They started the training camp with a certain group in mind for the first string o line. It's only logical that they want to give those guys a chance to form some cohesion in order to decide if that's the best decision.

They haven't even played the first preseason game. I am pretty sure that things will change, like Ijalana moving up if the coaches think he plays better than the others ahead of him.

My sense is that they wanted to stick with the pecking order at the beginning of the camp and not move too many pieces at once.

I can see them moving one player at the time because the idea is to allow as many players as possible to play together for an extended period of time.  

That is what I saying. They seem to be moving players around everywhere except OL. We know QB is set but the OL is not rotated and maybe they are trying to develop chemistry in the starting OL.

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That is what I saying. They seem to be moving players around everywhere except OL. We know QB is set but the OL is not rotated and maybe they are trying to develop chemistry in the starting OL.

I just noticed that all letters of your user name appear in Applecart. I really do hate the off season.

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Speaking as one of the people who think McGlynn is "awful", Its not a matter of admitting to having the wrong opinion of McGlynn (He is Terrible). He may very well be the best RG "at the moment; who is currently on the team" ... I have no problem admitting that. 


Actually, the fact that McGlynn may be best starting RG on the team IS the problem. There were several guards in free agency that we could have gotten for the same salary or less who would have been better than McGlynn.  Even if for some crazy reason you were going to keep McGlynn, someone else still should have been brought in.


It is not a matter of some "thinking" he is the worst ... Its a fact; he was statistically (per PFF)  the worst rated starting guard in the entire league last season.

Several things here.  I don't disagree with you that McGlynn being the best right guard on the team is a problem.  Clearly Grigson thinks it's a problem too or he wouldn't have spent a high draft pick on Thornton.  My main point was not to argue how great McGlynn is because I don't think he is.  I just think the idea that some people like to try to float is that the only reason he plays is because him and Grigson are buddies.  If that was the case why on earth would Grigson draft a guy who is being groomed to replace him?  He's playing because the Colts at the moment don't have a better option not because Grigson and him are friends and frankly I doubt if Grigson and McGlynn are big buddies outside of football.  Most GMs and football players don't hang out off the field just like most employees at a work place don't hang out with the guy who runs the company. 


Now is the fact that Grigson is our best right guard a problem? I agree with that point.  However, I don't buy the theory that the Colts are hiding someone on the bench who is better than him just because there is a "friendship" between Grigson and McGlynn.  That's what I was talking about.  Those are the people that I meant when I said they don't want to admit that they might be wrong about McGlynn because they don't want to admit that he isn't the worst right guard on the roster.  If there was someone better than him he would be on the field ahead of McGlynn, which by the way is Pagano's call not Girgson's in the first place which kinda destroys the whole Grigson and McGlynn are buddies and that's why he's playing argument from the get go. 


This is the other problem I have with arm chair GMs, if they don't like a player there is always someone better that we could have had.  First of all very rarely is that list of names of other players who were on the market when that player was that the Colts should have signed rather than him.  It's just the I don't like the guy we got so there must have been someone better argument, sometimes there isn't.  McGlynn was signed for a pretty cheap contract last year in a year when the Colts were very tight up against the cap and he was one of the first guys Grigson signed so odds are Grigson was still feeling out his budget to make sure he didn't get stuck still having must have address needs with no money to do it with.  It was also his first time as a GM, not shocking if he stuck to guys either he or his coaches were familiar with.  When putting in a new system that's not unheard of.  Also, the Colts were coming off a 2-14 season with an uncertain future just because the Colts might have wanted someone didn't mean that that someone wanted the Colts.  McGlynn might have very well been the best of what Grigson could get at the time.  With that all said I've always thought and still think McGlynn was a stop gap move till they could get the real answer at right guard in there which I think they have gotten in Thornton.  Thornton presence on the roster and the fact the Colts drafted him as high as they did speaks to your point about someone else being brought in.  No it wasn't the big splash that some wanted at the guard spot some wanted but spending less and building through the draft let the Colts address most of their needs this off-season rather than only addressing two or three with major free agent signings.  Also, drafting a guy like Thornton will take longer to develop but odds are he will provide the answer to the right guard position a lot longer than the high priced free agent would have and maybe even at a lower cost over the life of their careers. 


As to the last point, I said people acted like McGlynn was the worst right guard in the league last year not the worst starter.  It wouldn't take much of a leap for me to think that McGlynn could have very well been the worst starting right guard in the NFL last year, however, I dispute the idea he was the worst right guard in all of the NFL last year or else the Colts would have grabbed someone off of someone's practice squad or played one of their back ups if they were better than McGlynn.  Also, I think again the fact the Colts drafted Thornton speaks to the fact that the Colts were not happy with the right guard play last year. 


I will also say this, that is one companies publication opinion's of how guys played.  Just because they said it doesn't make it so.  Now with that also said that publication is pretty good and has proven to be pretty reliable so I wouldn't just discount them and I would also say even if Grigson wasn't THE worst starting right guard in the NFL last year he's probably close to the bottom of the list on just about everyone's list including and most importantly the Colts. 

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The depth chart that just came out seems to indicate starters listed based on seniority and if they started last year.

Well that and neither of the rookies we drafted have been on the field much due to injury to try to take the starting jobs away from Satele and McGlynn.  They are kinda the starters by default at the moment. 


The big x-factor right now might be Ijalana.  If he keeps preforming as well as he has been reported to preforming and if McGlynn doesn't preform and they don't think Thornton has progressed enough I wouldn't be shocked to see the Colts try Ijalana at guard before the pre-season is over. 

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Several things here.  I don't disagree with you that McGlynn being the best right guard on the team is a problem.  Clearly Grigson thinks it's a problem too or he wouldn't have spent a high draft pick on Thornton.  My main point was not to argue how great McGlynn is because I don't think he is.  I just think the idea that some people like to try to float is that the only reason he plays is because him and Grigson are buddies.  If that was the case why on earth would Grigson draft a guy who is being groomed to replace him?  He's playing because the Colts at the moment don't have a better option not because Grigson and him are friends and frankly I doubt if Grigson and McGlynn are big buddies outside of football.  Most GMs and football players don't hang out off the field just like most employees at a work place don't hang out with the guy who runs the company. 


Now is the fact that Grigson is our best right guard a problem? I agree with that point.  However, I don't buy the theory that the Colts are hiding someone on the bench who is better than him just because there is a "friendship" between Grigson and McGlynn.  That's what I was talking about.  Those are the people that I meant when I said they don't want to admit that they might be wrong about McGlynn because they don't want to admit that he isn't the worst right guard on the roster.  If there was someone better than him he would be on the field ahead of McGlynn, which by the way is Pagano's call not Girgson's in the first place which kinda destroys the whole Grigson and McGlynn are buddies and that's why he's playing argument from the get go. 


This is the other problem I have with arm chair GMs, if they don't like a player there is always someone better that we could have had.  First of all very rarely is that list of names of other players who were on the market when that player was that the Colts should have signed rather than him.  It's just the I don't like the guy we got so there must have been someone better argument, sometimes there isn't.  McGlynn was signed for a pretty cheap contract last year in a year when the Colts were very tight up against the cap and he was one of the first guys Grigson signed so odds are Grigson was still feeling out his budget to make sure he didn't get stuck still having must have address needs with no money to do it with.  It was also his first time as a GM, not shocking if he stuck to guys either he or his coaches were familiar with.  When putting in a new system that's not unheard of.  Also, the Colts were coming off a 2-14 season with an uncertain future just because the Colts might have wanted someone didn't mean that that someone wanted the Colts.  McGlynn might have very well been the best of what Grigson could get at the time.  With that all said I've always thought and still think McGlynn was a stop gap move till they could get the real answer at right guard in there which I think they have gotten in Thornton.  Thornton presence on the roster and the fact the Colts drafted him as high as they did speaks to your point about someone else being brought in.  No it wasn't the big splash that some wanted at the guard spot some wanted but spending less and building through the draft let the Colts address most of their needs this off-season rather than only addressing two or three with major free agent signings.  Also, drafting a guy like Thornton will take longer to develop but odds are he will provide the answer to the right guard position a lot longer than the high priced free agent would have and maybe even at a lower cost over the life of their careers. 


As to the last point, I said people acted like McGlynn was the worst right guard in the league last year not the worst starter.  It wouldn't take much of a leap for me to think that McGlynn could have very well been the worst starting right guard in the NFL last year, however, I dispute the idea he was the worst right guard in all of the NFL last year or else the Colts would have grabbed someone off of someone's practice squad or played one of their back ups if they were better than McGlynn.  Also, I think again the fact the Colts drafted Thornton speaks to the fact that the Colts were not happy with the right guard play last year. 


I will also say this, that is one companies publication opinion's of how guys played.  Just because they said it doesn't make it so.  Now with that also said that publication is pretty good and has proven to be pretty reliable so I wouldn't just discount them and I would also say even if Grigson wasn't THE worst starting right guard in the NFL last year he's probably close to the bottom of the list on just about everyone's list including and most importantly the Colts. 


I agree, I do not think the reason McGlynn is on the team is because he and Grigson are buddies.  Whether Grigson thinks he sees some untapped potential, or he thinks McGlynn is "right there ready to make that jump to the next level", or whatever .... I don't know but, regardless of the reason he needs to let it go.


I also agree Grigson was up against the cap when McGlynn was signed in 2012 and he might have been our best option, so I do not fault him for that.  My problem is this season (2013) McGlynn's salary doubled from $700,000 to $1.5 million, money was not an issue this off season, and there were better options available for around the same price or less.


Matt Slauson - signed 1 yr $800,000 - Bears

Kevin Boothe - signed 1 yr $800,000 - Giants

Geoff Schwartz - signed 1 yr $1.2 million - KC

Chad Rinehart - signed 1 yr $1.75 million - SD


All these players (as well as others) were available, signed 1 yr deals, are making about the same or less, and are all better than McGlynn.  These players are also good enough to possibly have long term potential if for some reason Thornton does not work out. At the price these guys signed for one of these players should have been brought in even if Grigson was determined to keep McGlynn.


I agree PFF's statistics are not an exact science and do not agree with them 100%.  With that being said, if you change the settings in the PFF rankings to include EVERY guard who took even one snap McGlynn still ranks dead last; #160 out of 160 total.  So even if PFF's rankings are off, and he was slightly better than they gave him credit for he would still be one of the worst guards (including both starters and back ups, and both LGs & RGs) in the entire league. 


I am all for Grigson turning over every rock to find hidden gems; but sometimes the reason they are under rocks is because like McGlynn they are scrubs, and no amount of polishing is going to make them into gems.

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