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Would the Jags be open to trading Blackmon considering his off the field troubles?


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No, he did it twice total... the third incident was drug-related... unsure of what kind exactly (performance-enhanacing or social), but that is a different argument altogether. Alcohol is legal, drugs are not.


Getting DUIs does not mean you are not allowed to drink anymore. I think life would be pretty bleak at times without an occasional whiskey... queue the morally superior onslaught....


Exactly Gavin... we don't know if he's an alcoholic... so why presume?

Twice does show bad judgment however after being scolded for it, I can see why some may say he has an addiction to it, Its not to the point he has to have it or he freaks out I dont think its nearly that bad but something keeps drawing him to it after being told to stay away from it....Hopefully its just do to a lack of maturity because of age and he will grow out of it

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Do you know why "alcohol abuse" exists as a standardized medical diagnosis?  Because people who have alcohol abuse have a strikingly high incidence of medical, legal, and social problems.  It doesn't matter if it's formally an addiction or not.  Those are the guys who are going to get into a lot of legal and social problems.  Historical medical studies will bear that out.


Again, there's no way around it.  Justin Blackmon has an alcohol problem.  He's damaged goods.


Yes, and the finality of your statement makes it fact.


Addiction and behaviour are two very different things... no one has any evidence that he is an alcoholic.


I would safely say I have been around more alcohol abuse in my life than you have seen on TV. There is a huge difference between someone who behaves badly whilst intoxicated, and someone who has an addiction to alcohol... and they are treated VERY differently in any case of rehabiltation or legal process.

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You're so wrong, JoKeR. I am 100% on board with Sammy Watkins and would love to see him in the horseshoe next year!




No not you, it seems a mod has destroyed my ability to post videos for some reason, I have zero warnings so I wonder what it's all about. Thanks for posting for me though.

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I think the problem is poor judgment. When you have significant resources at your disposal, and you've already had a DUI, getting another one is evidence of poor judgment. The first one probably was as well, but not learning from that first one is what bothers me.

I wouldn't go so far as to label him an alcoholic, or even an alcohol abuser (he might be; I haven't exactly pored over all the facts related to his incidents, nor do I intend to). He might have just made bad decisions on a couple of occasions. A lot of us have done the same. But what bothers me is that he has resources that make it very easy to avoid driving under the influence, and did it anyways. Twice. With so much to lose, financially and professionally. That's poor judgment, and it makes it hard to trust him to make good decisions.

Why learn better judgement when you don't have to... when your bad behavior is consistently swept under the rug for you?

If I spend more than I make, and daddy/mommy dearest always throws cash in my accounts, why would I ever bother to learn how to balance my books or live within my means?

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Yes, and the finality of your statement makes it fact.


Addiction and behaviour are two very different things... no one has any evidence that he is an alcoholic.


I would safely say I have been around more alcohol abuse in my life than you have seen on TV. There is a huge difference between someone who behaves badly whilst intoxicated, and someone who has an addiction to alcohol... and they are treated VERY differently in any case of rehabiltation or legal process.


In the end, Anton, I think you're splitting hairs.  Whether it's an alcohol problem due to "alcohol abuse" or "alcohol addiction" is kind of irrelevant.  It's still a problem.  Both groups of people have a substance abuse problem.  Both groups of people have a high incidence of medical, legal, and social problems.


Technically, Justin Blackmon met criteria for "alcohol abuse" after the first DUI.  What does that mean?  It means he was high risk for having further medical/legal/social problems down the line.  So what happened?  He got himself another DUI... He got in trouble for other illicit substance abuse... He's just a hair away from being suspended from the league for a year.  That sure sounds like a problem to me.  Statistically speaking, he's more likely to continue having similar problems in the future than not.  Which is why the Colts would be wise to steer clear from him.


In other words, he's behaving just like I'd expect someone with an alcohol abuse problem to behave like.  It doesn't matter whether he's truly addicted or not (although I do suspect he is). 

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Why learn better judgement when you don't have to... when your bad behavior is consistently swept under the rug for you?

If I spend more than I make, and daddy/mommy dearest always throws cash in my accounts, why would I ever bother to learn how to balance my books or live within my means?


To be a responsible member of society.


There are a lot of spoiled and entitled athletes in the world that don't get in trouble. It's because, despite being spoiled and entitled, they have respect for the people around them -- teammates, authority figures, etc. 


Someone who continually displays poor judgment, like Blackmon, would likely do so whether they were being bailed out by mom and dad or not, and those mistakes might not even be related to alcohol or drugs. It's not like every knucklehead out there is being enabled. That's likely part of the picture, but I think that's painting with a broad brush. Every spoiled and entitled athlete isn't a knucklehead, and every knucklehead isn't spoiled and entitled.

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Blackmon touchdowns: 5

Hilton touchdowns: 7


The more touchdowns the better. This is not even an argument.


yes, i agree, the higher number is better.... u seem to have missed the part where the person i responded to posted the amount of receptions and yards they each had last season.  Blackmon had more in both categories but then the person stated the stats showed that TY had a better season.  i completely understand there are aspects of Hilton's game that are better or differnet than Blackmon's.  I am not saying Blackmon is better, or that he will have a better career.  I was simply pointing out that a WR with more yards and receptions (the TD stat was not posted) had a better year than the one with less in BOTH categories.  


never once did i say that lower TDs was better, so u r right, this is not even an argument since you posted something i would never argue with.  

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Every spoiled and entitled athlete isn't a knucklehead, and every knucklehead isn't spoiled and entitled.

Mostly agree, but consequences are used to teach knuckleheads reasons to straighten themselves out, where successful athleticism often has their leaders spoiling and protecting them, thereby teaching them that they are above consequences. Not a recipe for encouraging change in behavior.

I'm not saying this is a problem with all athletes. Just with knuckleheads.

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How is it that Blackmon was statistically better when it took him more receptions to get to the same yardage????? He got 25% more receptions than T.Y., he should of had more yards. Also lets state the fact that Gabbert didn't even start the whole year, Chad Henne came in and was decent. You say Reggie stats dropped when Peyton went down, yes, but that was also due to us throwing the ball less and the ball was still decently distributed to Reggie, Garcon, Collie, and Clark. We threw for 2995 passing yards that season. While the Jaguars threw for 3764 yards this season. There were a lot more yards to be had for Justin Blackmon to get that he simply didn't. Also, Cecil Shorts is a prime example. He also had less catches than Blackmon (55 compared to Blackmon's 64) and still compiled 979 yards. I'm not basing T.Y.'s better year completely off those stats either, which are clearly better anyways. I'm also looking at yards after catch, something Blackmon was O so good at Oklahoma State. T.Y. compiled 388 yards after catch on 50 receptions while Blackmon compiled 284 on 64 catches. Oh but Blackmon's quarterback wasn't as good as ours, ok even though that has nothing to do with his playmaking ability when the balls already in his hands, Cecil Shorts compiled 375 yards after catch on 55 receptions compared to Blackmon's 284 with 64 receptions. It doesn't matter who had more receptions, it matters who did more with those receptions. 

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In the end, Anton, I think you're splitting hairs.  Whether it's an alcohol problem due to "alcohol abuse" or "alcohol addiction" is kind of irrelevant.  It's still a problem.  Both groups of people have a substance abuse problem.  Both groups of people have a high incidence of medical, legal, and social problems.


Technically, Justin Blackmon met criteria for "alcohol abuse" after the first DUI.  What does that mean?  It means he was high risk for having further medical/legal/social problems down the line.  So what happened?  He got himself another DUI... He got in trouble for other illicit substance abuse... He's just a hair away from being suspended from the league for a year.  That sure sounds like a problem to me.  Statistically speaking, he's more likely to continue having similar problems in the future than not.  Which is why the Colts would be wise to steer clear from him.


In other words, he's behaving just like I'd expect someone with an alcohol abuse problem to behave like.  It doesn't matter whether he's truly addicted or not (although I do suspect he is). 


Agreed, was never arguing with that. I was merely pointing out how quick people were to blame alcohol for his own poor judgement. People make assumptions that they claim to be factual.


He is clearly immature and believes he is above the law to some degree. I thought he seemed a nice guy pre-draft based on his interaction with the little girl who he brought to the draft with him, and I don't want to say that was a front to increase his draft stock, but it seems a bit more likely when I think about it.


I believe he pulls it together though, like I said he does not have evidence of an addiction, he has a problem with bad choices, and that is much easier to fix than an addiction, so it isn't beyond the realm of possibility the he cleans up his act and fulfils his potential... because he as plenty of it.

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How is it that Blackmon was statistically better when it took him more receptions to get to the same yardage????? He got 25% more receptions than T.Y., he should of had more yards. Also lets state the fact that Gabbert didn't even start the whole year, Chad Henne came in and was decent. You say Reggie stats dropped when Peyton went down, yes, but that was also due to us throwing the ball less and the ball was still decently distributed to Reggie, Garcon, Collie, and Clark. We threw for 2995 passing yards that season. While the Jaguars threw for 3764 yards this season. There were a lot more yards to be had for Justin Blackmon to get that he simply didn't. Also, Cecil Shorts is a prime example. He also had less catches than Blackmon (55 compared to Blackmon's 64) and still compiled 979 yards. I'm not basing T.Y.'s better year completely off those stats either, which are clearly better anyways. I'm also looking at yards after catch, something Blackmon was O so good at Oklahoma State. T.Y. compiled 388 yards after catch on 50 receptions while Blackmon compiled 284 on 64 catches. Oh but Blackmon's quarterback wasn't as good as ours, ok even though that has nothing to do with his playmaking ability when the balls already in his hands, Cecil Shorts compiled 375 yards after catch on 55 receptions compared to Blackmon's 284 with 64 receptions. It doesn't matter who had more receptions, it matters who did more with those receptions. 


These things are very difficult to compare... saying someone didn't perform because of yards per catch isn't fair either, it more often than not is dictated by the route they are made run, and some players suit underneath passes, whilst some suit deep passes.


Not to mention the fact that they have very different roles and play in very different offenses. Plus Blackmon had a lot of double teams.

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All of this debating over alcohol is useless when people on both sides of the debate refuse are in denial that when anyone drinks to the point they lose their ability to think strait does have a drinking problem. The main reason we do have so many alcoholics is the fact that too many refuse to see the signs of a drinking problem. Having a drinking problem is being an alcoholic no matter how little you think it is. Is there such a thing as a part time drug addict? 

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All of this debating over alcohol is useless when people on both sides of the debate refuse are in denial that when anyone drinks to the point they lose their ability to think strait does have a drinking problem. The main reason we do have so many alcoholics is the fact that too many refuse to see the signs of a drinking problem. Having a drinking problem is being an alcoholic no matter how little you think it is. Is there such a thing as a part time drug addict?

Dear god, stop.

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All of this debating over alcohol is useless when people on both sides of the debate refuse are in denial that when anyone drinks to the point they lose their ability to think strait does have a drinking problem. The main reason we do have so many alcoholics is the fact that too many refuse to see the signs of a drinking problem. Having a drinking problem is being an alcoholic no matter how little you think it is. Is there such a thing as a part time drug addict?

Problem is we have no idea about Blackmon's ability to think, straight or otherwise. Nor do we know whether he was just barely over the legal line (maybe thinking he was OK), or totally soused and barely able to hold his head up.

Getting behind the wheel after a couple drinks is representative of something called poor judgement, which is NOT a condition exclusive to drinkers.

My guess is there aren't many posters, if any, in this forum who could claim they've entirely avoided making bad choices every once in a while. Knuckleheads just do it more often and more egregiously than the rest of us.

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Why are people still thinking we need another WR?  We have plenty on the roster.  We dont need a headache like Blackmon.  No matter what skills the guy has!!!!!

Hey, stop trying to get on topic! Debate about alcohol like everyone else is. Troublemaker. :)

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How is it that Blackmon was statistically better when it took him more receptions to get to the same yardage????? He got 25% more receptions than T.Y., he should of had more yards. Also lets state the fact that Gabbert didn't even start the whole year, Chad Henne came in and was decent. You say Reggie stats dropped when Peyton went down, yes, but that was also due to us throwing the ball less and the ball was still decently distributed to Reggie, Garcon, Collie, and Clark. We threw for 2995 passing yards that season. While the Jaguars threw for 3764 yards this season. There were a lot more yards to be had for Justin Blackmon to get that he simply didn't. Also, Cecil Shorts is a prime example. He also had less catches than Blackmon (55 compared to Blackmon's 64) and still compiled 979 yards. I'm not basing T.Y.'s better year completely off those stats either, which are clearly better anyways. I'm also looking at yards after catch, something Blackmon was O so good at Oklahoma State. T.Y. compiled 388 yards after catch on 50 receptions while Blackmon compiled 284 on 64 catches. Oh but Blackmon's quarterback wasn't as good as ours, ok even though that has nothing to do with his playmaking ability when the balls already in his hands, Cecil Shorts compiled 375 yards after catch on 55 receptions compared to Blackmon's 284 with 64 receptions. It doesn't matter who had more receptions, it matters who did more with those receptions. 


Because there is a different between the guy who can make a cut and get you the first down and the guy you send on a lot of fly patterns to either draw a safety off the guy making a cut or occasionally break free on their own for a big play.

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I think in the right program with Luck as his QB he could be an ELITE receiver...It would be worth the phone call to see if they would take a 1st round pick next year..I would do that deal in a second, he has the physical skills to be the Best receiver in the NFL within a few years instead of wasting away in Jacksonville.....

Blackmon was soooo good in college it was unbelievable.

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