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I Need To See More From Dallas Clark


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He was 5 of 11 for 60 yards.

Collins was 13 of 29 for 93 yards.

ahhh, so i was wrong, but to compare stats, collins had 8 more passes complete for only 30 yards and 16 more passes incomplete.

not good, just shows that he checks down and/or over throws passes because he feels rushed.

i think the best bet is to start Painter this coming week to see what he can do from the start of the game instead of a 4th quarter appearance while down.

I actually liked his composure, except a few of his underthrown passes ala the final pass of the game intended for Collie that was underthrown like 8 yards

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ahhh, so i was wrong, but to compare stats, collins had 8 more passes complete for only 30 yards and 16 more passes incomplete.

not good, just shows that he checks down and/or over throws passes because he feels rushed.

i think the best bet is to start Painter this coming week to see what he can do from the start of the game instead of a 4th quarter appearance while down.

I actually liked his composure, except a few of his underthrown passes ala the final pass of the game intended for Collie that was underthrown like 8 yards

I was not suggesting your conclusions were incorrect, just giving you the correct stats.

Painter has a lot of work to do. But so does Collins, so IMO I'd just as soon see Painter in the game. He (Painter) reminds me a little of that QB from Any Given Sunday... once he does some bone headed thing (fumble returned for a TD), throws up his dinner then he'll play well.

After the GB game, I thought Painter did enough to at least earn a chance in the opener. And I think last night leading an 80 yard drive in 3:00 for the tying TD, he has earned his chance to start against TB.

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No it makes me look like I don't have a bunch of time on my hands (I do) and his per 16 game average was posted above. 59rec/689yds/6.7tds.

As a point of reference that 'underachiever' Vernon Davis, he's 53/680/6.1 ..........

That's Vernon's best season though... I'm not knocking him. Like I said, you could make many excuses for him, given his circumstances. I'm just saying, I think he's far more athletic than Dallas, and yet Dallas has outproduced him. So I'm not giving Vernon credit for what I think he might be able to do, especially not if you want to take credit away from Dallas for what he's actually done.

And again, I don't know if you caught it earlier, but I'm not trying to pray Dallas into the Hall of Fame. I just think the criticism of him because he's not a great blocker is kind of fanatical. He's never been a great blocker, and yet, he's considered by most to be a top five tight end right now (maybe not you, but I think you're in a small minority). Call him an incomplete player, call 2009 an aberration, say he's injury prone, point out that he's 32... None of that takes away from the fact that he's widely regarded as one of the best at his position, regardless of his deficiencies as a blocker.

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That's Vernon's best season though... I'm not knocking him. Like I said, you could make many excuses for him, given his circumstances. I'm just saying, I think he's far more athletic than Dallas, and yet Dallas has outproduced him. So I'm not giving Vernon credit for what I think he might be able to do, especially not if you want to take credit away from Dallas for what he's actually done.

And again, I don't know if you caught it earlier, but I'm not trying to pray Dallas into the Hall of Fame. I just think the criticism of him because he's not a great blocker is kind of fanatical. He's never been a great blocker, and yet, he's considered by most to be a top five tight end right now (maybe not you, but I think you're in a small minority). Call him an incomplete player, call 2009 an aberration, say he's injury prone, point out that he's 32... None of that takes away from the fact that he's widely regarded as one of the best at his position, regardless of his deficiencies as a blocker.

No, that's Vernons career per game average, just as it is for Dallas. And they are near identical.

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He's been very disappointing recently. To many dropped passes and trouble when it comes to blocking. Hope he can pick it up as the season goes on.

Polian said on his weekly radio show interview yesterday

Polian said Dallas Clark did a good job blocking most of the night. This was in response to a caller asking why Clark was blocking Harrison one-on-one, without help, on running downs.


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This sentence is all I need to see in order to know you don't know what you're talking about.

Eldridge has been in every game (he has not missed a snap due to injury this year) and his blocking has been outstanding.

Eldridge has been on the injury report nearly his entire career and has missed quite a few games prior to this season. Only three games in BTW....and I do believe he is a better blocker than Clark, and should be in there as a blocker to allow Dallas to do what he does best.

Saying you know everything you need to know about someone from one sentence is exactly the kind of short sided garbage that makes people not want have football discussions on message boards. It doesnt make you cool, or witty, or even look like you know anything Mod Edit. Dont be so quick to rush to Judgement, as its really not becoming.

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Eldridge has been on the injury report nearly his entire career and has missed quite a few games prior to this season.

Who cares about the injury report? All I care about is the games and as I stated he has not missed a snap because of injury this year.
Only three games in BTW....and I do believe he is a better blocker than Clark, and should be in there as a blocker to allow Dallas to do what he does best.
Then why did you say his blocking has been sub par?
Saying you know everything you need to know about someone from one sentence is exactly the kind of short sided garbage that makes people not want have football discussions on message boards.
Why? When one sentence makes a statement about a player's blocking being sub par when it has been excellent, tells me what I need to know about a poster. It may take you longer but not me.
It doesnt make you cool, or witty, or even look like you know anything Mod Edit .
Oh boy you sure put me in my place. Whatever will I do.
Dont be so quick to rush to Judgement, as its really not becoming.
There was no reason to delay judgement. Your comment showed me what I needed to know and it showed that in the case of Eldridge, you don't know what you're talking about. You should not be so quick to whine and make excuses, as it's really not becoming.
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Who cares about the injury report? All I care about is the games and as I stated he has not missed a snap because of injury this year.

Then why did you say his blocking has been sub par?

Why? When one sentence makes a statement about a player's blocking being sub par when it has been excellent, tells me what I need to know about a poster. It may take you longer but not me.

Oh boy you sure put me in my place. Whatever will I do.

There was no reason to delay judgement. Your comment showed me what I needed to know and it showed that in the case of Eldridge, you don't know what you're talking about. You should not be so quick to whine and make excuses, as it's really not becoming.

Dude, you are sick...need anger management help, and you cant read. I didnt say eldridge's blocking was "sub par" I said it hasnt been stellar.

Let me help you here:

stel·lar (stlr)


1. Of, relating to, or consisting of stars.


a. Of or relating to a star performer.

b. Outstanding; principal.


He is not a star performer.

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Dude, you are sick...need anger management help,

Why? I'm not the one getting upset.
and you cant read. I didnt say eldridge's blocking was "sub par" I said it hasnt been stellar.
I can read, just mis-remembered... it happens from time to time at my age.
Let me help you here:

stel·lar (stlr)


1. Of, relating to, or consisting of stars.


a. Of or relating to a star performer.

b. Outstanding; principal.


He is not a star performer.

Thanks for the quote and further proof that it only took one sentence for me to know, you don't know what you're talking about. Because his blocking has been outstanding. And if you are just talking about his duties as a blocker (which you are because you said his blocking..." he has been a star performer in all three games this season.

Now if you were to say his receiving has not been stellar, then I would agree. Or if you stated that combining all the duties of a TE, Eldridge has not been stellar, then I would agree. But by narrowing the focus to his blocking only and claiming that is not stellar.... that is just one of those things that is not true no matter how many definitions you posts.

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Why? I'm not the one getting upset.

I can read, just mis-remembered... it happens from time to time at my age.

Thanks for the quote and further proof that it only took one sentence for me to know, you don't know what you're talking about. Because his blocking has been outstanding. And if you are just talking about his duties as a blocker (which you are because you said his blocking..." he has been a star performer in all three games this season.

Now if you were to say his receiving has not been stellar, then I would agree. Or if you stated that combining all the duties of a TE, Eldridge has not been stellar, then I would agree. But by narrowing the focus to his blocking only and claiming that is not stellar.... that is just one of those things that is not true no matter how many definitions you posts.

His blocking has not been outstanding....what are you basing that on...your opinion?

Ok, here we go again...let me help you out bro...

out·stand·ing (out-stndng, outstn-)


1. Standing out among others of its kind; prominent. See Synonyms at noticeable.

2. Superior to others of its kind; distinguished.

This definition does not describe Brody Eldridge's Blocking in his young NFL career so far. IMO.

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No you haven't.

Yes he has! His uncle's friend's girlfriend's cousin's aunt's neighbor's gardener who knows a guy whose brother's dog's ex wife's grandpa's 3rd cousin twice removed heard it from a guy who heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend he's been messin around.

Clark = career over. We have THE source.

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His blocking has not been outstanding....what are you basing that on...your opinion?

Ok, here we go again...let me help you out bro...

out·stand·ing (out-stndng, outstn-)


1. Standing out among others of its kind; prominent. See Synonyms at noticeable.

2. Superior to others of its kind; distinguished.

This definition does not describe Brody Eldridge's Blocking in his young NFL career so far. IMO.

It comes from watching what he does, analyzing it, understanding expectations and being able to understand what I see on the field. I can see why that would be difficult for you.

Still that first sentence of yours was all I needed to read to know that you don't know what you're talking about. All your other posts have just confirmed my original judgement.

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Yes he has! His uncle's friend's girlfriend's cousin's aunt's neighbor's gardener who knows a guy whose brother's dog's ex wife's grandpa's 3rd cousin twice removed heard it from a guy who heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend he's been messin around.

Clark = career over. We have THE source.

I did not know. Please forgive me.

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It comes from watching what he does, analyzing it, understanding expectations and being able to understand what I see on the field. I can see why that would be difficult for you.

Still that first sentence of yours was all I needed to read to know that you don't know what you're talking about. All your other posts have just confirmed my original judgement.

By definition what you just said was your opinion. Others dont share your opinion. I am glad you have it all figured out though. I look forward to debating with you in the future. Just make sure you dont only bring your opinion...bring some facts as well. And try not to "mis-remember" too much, it kind of made you look silly when you were arguing something that was never said.........

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By definition what you just said was your opinion. Others dont share your opinion. I am glad you have it all figured out though. I look forward to debating with you in the future. Just make sure you dont only bring your opinion...bring some facts as well.

I did bring facts. All you have to do is watch the game. As far as others sharing my opinion that really doesn't matter, especially when it comes to blocking.

And try not to "mis-remember" too much, it kind of made you look silly when you were arguing something that was never said.........

I may misremember items now and again but I'd rather do that than draw the wrong conclusions like some. I won't name names but the posters initials are X.f.i.l.e.s.

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I said this in the other bash on Clark thread but I think it's worth repeating Clark has probably been effected more by not having Manning than any other player on the roster. He's not being able to do what he is good at which is line up in the slot get a miss match and go down the field. We are keeping him in to block like a traditional tightend and having him running normal tightend routes and he's just out of his comfort zone and it's showing. It's going to take a while to adjust.

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I did bring facts. All you have to do is watch the game. As far as others sharing my opinion that really doesn't matter, especially when it comes to blocking.

I may misremember items now and again but I'd rather do that than draw the wrong conclusions like some. I won't name names but the posters initials are X.f.i.l.e.s.

Awesome, so we have determined no one else's opinion matters but yours......stats mean nothing because you just watch.........and you like coffee...

Super! Have a great day.

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i wouldnt be opposed to trading clark for a few late round draft picks. colts need to get bigger and stronger players. imagine a jermichael finley type player at TE. that would be awesome.

I AGREE!! Dallas has seemed to drop atleast 1 wide open pass every game for as long as i can remember. I Dont like his attitude or his demeaner its time for him go. He played awful last game and the whole year for that matter. Hardly even tries to make his blockin assignments and his size has nothing to do with it ive seen small running backs block who ever they need to Dallas is just puttin out (Edit) effort while the rest of the team is bustin there butts for this organization. Dallas walks around with a sense of entilement that i dont appretiate as fan of the game of football and of the Colts organization. GET RIDE OF HIM bring in a 6'6 or 6'7 TE with great hands and get this jerk outta here

Edited by Megan
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I AGREE!! Dallas has seemed to drop atleast 1 wide open pass every game for as long as i can remember. I Dont like his attitude or his demeaner its time for him go. He played awful last game and the whole year for that matter. Hardly even tries to make his blockin assignments and his size has nothing to do with it ive seen small running backs block who ever they need to Dallas is just puttin out (Edit) effort while the rest of the team is bustin there butts for this organization. Dallas walks around with a sense of entilement that i dont appretiate as fan of the game of football and of the Colts organization. GET RIDE OF HIM bring in a 6'6 or 6'7 TE with great hands and get this jerk outta here


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I AGREE!! Dallas has seemed to drop atleast 1 wide open pass every game for as long as i can remember. I Dont like his attitude or his demeaner its time for him go. He played awful last game and the whole year for that matter. Hardly even tries to make his blockin assignments and his size has nothing to do with it ive seen small running backs block who ever they need to Dallas is just puttin out (Edit) effort while the rest of the team is bustin there butts for this organization. Dallas walks around with a sense of entilement that i dont appretiate as fan of the game of football and of the Colts organization. GET RIDE OF HIM bring in a 6'6 or 6'7 TE with great hands and get this jerk outta here

Apparently you must not know who Dallas Clark is or has done.

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I AGREE!! Dallas has seemed to drop atleast 1 wide open pass every game for as long as i can remember. I Dont like his attitude or his demeaner its time for him go. He played awful last game and the whole year for that matter. Hardly even tries to make his blockin assignments and his size has nothing to do with it ive seen small running backs block who ever they need to Dallas is just puttin out (Edit) effort while the rest of the team is bustin there butts for this organization. Dallas walks around with a sense of entilement that i dont appretiate as fan of the game of football and of the Colts organization. GET RIDE OF HIM bring in a 6'6 or 6'7 TE with great hands and get this jerk outta here

wow.....just, wow. :slaphead:

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Awesome, so we have determined no one else's opinion matters but yours......

Nice try, but no, I value the opinions of many posters on this forum. Just not the opinions of posters when I can tell they don't know what they are talking about based on one sentence.
stats mean nothing because you just watch
Well, there are not a lot of stats for a blocking TE that are released to the public. But after years of grading oline, I'm pretty good at it and he's grading out at 94% on blocks. That is about as well as can be expected. And some stats have more meaning than others but I don't know what that really has to do with anything being discussed about Clark and Eldridge.
.........and you like coffee...
And your opinion means something because you don't watch and you like conspiracy theories and old TV shows?
Have a great day.

I always do.

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Nice try, but no, I value the opinions of many posters on this forum. Just not the opinions of posters when I can tell they don't know what they are talking about based on one sentence.

Well, there are not a lot of stats for a blocking TE. And some stats have more meaning than others but I don't know what that really has to do with anything being discussed about Clark and Eldridge.

And your opinion means something because you don't watch and you like conspiracy theories and old TV shows?

I always do.


Kind of funny. I do enjoy some coffee while watching old episodes of Xfiles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How about we not trade Dallas Clark. For god sakes, he's had one bad game, and we all go crazy and say he should be traded. YOu guys really turn your back on someone quickly. Let's not trade him, and keep him because besides Wayne he's the most reliable player on this offense.

I'm with you with what you said.. It makes me sick to see fans saying get rid of Clark. Yes he is having a bad game, but come on people Clark is solid. I'm tried of people saying get a TE like Finley. Finley has had a couple of good games and people are saying get Finley or someone like him. We have that in Clark and more. So lets know what we are talking about before we start talking trade. Get your football acumen up.

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Clark just hasn't been himself this season...could be Painter (that overthrow in the 4th qtr), could be his bad wheel, could be mental after having his wrist crushed last season. I think that got into his head personally. That and Painter has his two favorites and doesn't spread it around like Manning does

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I think the team is just in a collective, mental funk right now. We've been oh-so-close to winning 4 of our 5 games now, but we're making goofy mistakes at the worst possible times. Or, we have a lead, and then our offense sputters thus putting all of the pressure back on the defense.

Dallas will shake it off. Hopefully he returns to 100% next year as well.

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Maybe he quit caring?

Something is going on inside his head! In addition to all the drops, the one pass where he got one hand on it, you could see he pulled up guarding against getting hit ... if he goes all out for that pass, he likely catches it - errrrrr n/m he would have likely dropped it.

And ... obviously I am a HUGE Clark fan - but I dont like the effort he has been putting forth this season.

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Something is going on inside his head! In addition to all the drops, the one pass where he got one hand on it, you could see he pulled up guarding against getting hit ... if he goes all out for that pass, he likely catches it - errrrrr n/m he would have likely dropped it.

And ... obviously I am a HUGE Clark fan - but I dont like the effort he has been putting forth this season.

When I started this thread a while back he did something very similar on a screen pass where he thought the rush was coming so he batted the ball to the ground on purpose and no one was near him. I definately think he is hearing footsteps.

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Most other players without his history would get benched. He has been horrid, not just poor, but HORRID this year. To make it worse, the little guy can't block for jack.

Go back and read some of the crap I was taking at the time I started this thread. I knew someting wasnt right.

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