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Tomlin Not Underestimating Collins, Colts


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I can't stand the Steelers but I admire their coach. He is an excellent coach, mature beyond his years with a lot of charisma. It also doesn't hurt that he is from my neck of the woods. :thmsup: Anyway, good article below. Coach Tomlin will definitely have his team prepared on Sunday and though the Steelers are heavy favorites, you can rest assured that he will not allow them to take this game lightly. He knows that the Colts still have capable players and he also is an eye witness to what Collins can do when he is on. So I hope our boys are ready to execute and play with some intensity this week.

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I can't stand the Steelers but I admire their coach. He is an excellent coach, mature beyond his years with a lot of charisma. It also doesn't hurt that he is from my neck of the woods. :thmsup: Anyway, good article below. Coach Tomlin will definitely have his team prepared on Sunday and though the Steelers are heavy favorites, you can rest assured that he will not allow them to take this game lightly. He knows that the Colts still have capable players and he also is an eye witness to what Collins can do when he is on. So I hope our boys are ready to execute and play with some intensity this week.

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All that is from Tomlin is posturing. Is he going to take us lightly, no. But does he expect the steelers to take the colts apart, yes. I do like Tomlin as a coach, he seems to know how to balance getting in his players faces, and being a quiet leader at times as well. Only if we had a coach who could do the same.

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I can't stand the Steelers but I admire their coach. He is an excellent coach, mature beyond his years with a lot of charisma. It also doesn't hurt that he is from my neck of the woods. :thmsup: Anyway, good article below. Coach Tomlin will definitely have his team prepared on Sunday and though the Steelers are heavy favorites, you can rest assured that he will not allow them to take this game lightly. He knows that the Colts still have capable players and he also is an eye witness to what Collins can do when he is on. So I hope our boys are ready to execute and play with some intensity this week.

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All that is from Tomlin is posturing. Is he going to take us lightly, no. But does he expect the steelers to take the colts apart, yes. I do like Tomlin as a coach, he seems to know how to balance getting in his players faces, and being a quiet leader at times as well. Only if we had a coach who could do the same.

Yeah...He is treating the Colts as if they are a dangerous opponent even if they aren't which is why I think that the Steelers will be out to really take it to us this game. We aren't going to be sneaking up on anybody this week.

I agree that Tomlin strikes an ideal balance in regards to his temperment.

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take all the coaches in the NFL that didn't take their teams to the SB in the last 2 years and you can make a case that Caldwell is greater than them.

actions decide things. Yes you can make a case that Tomlin is a better coach based on what he has achieved, but there is no telling that he would be successful in our organization.

I take Caldwell. I can see him being back in SB and winning it in the next 4-5 years.

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take all the coaches in the NFL that didn't take their teams to the SB in the last 2 years and you can make a case that Caldwell is greater than them.

actions decide things. Yes you can make a case that Tomlin is a better coach based on what he has achieved, but there is no telling that he would be successful in our organization.

I take Caldwell. I can see him being back in SB and winning it in the next 4-5 years.

I hope you are right.

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Caldwell took us to a SB. If we had Tomlin there is no guarantee he would do that for us.

No point to downgrade a great coach like Caldwell.

You can say Caldwell is a good coach and that he was an integral part of the team that went to the Superbowl until the cows come home, but this year is proving to you how much of that Superbowl year was Caldwell, and how much was Peyton Manning.

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You can say Caldwell is a good coach and that he was an integral part of the team that went to the Superbowl until the cows come home, but this year is proving to you how much of that Superbowl year was Caldwell, and how much was Peyton Manning.

Every NFL town hates their coach...

All Bears fans think Lovie Smith is an *..

In Pittsburgh..they think Tomlin is a total loser...

Jets fans think Ryan is a fat freak

'Dont fall for that..

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Yeah...He is treating the Colts as if they are a dangerous opponent even if they aren't which is why I think that the Steelers will be out to really take it to us this game. We aren't going to be sneaking up on anybody this week.

I agree that Tomlin strikes an ideal balance in regards to his temperment.

Tomlin isnt playing..,it doesn't matter that he thinks..

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I can't stand the Steelers but I admire their coach. He is an excellent coach, mature beyond his years with a lot of charisma. It also doesn't hurt that he is from my neck of the woods. :thmsup: Anyway, good article below. Coach Tomlin will definitely have his team prepared on Sunday and though the Steelers are heavy favorites, you can rest assured that he will not allow them to take this game lightly. He knows that the Colts still have capable players and he also is an eye witness to what Collins can do when he is on. So I hope our boys are ready to execute and play with some intensity this week.

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Tomlin's press conference's are very fun to watch. He's a players coach but yet, doesn't take a thing lightly whatsoever. He executes his coaching style to the perfect balance. His prescence has been felt here in Pittsburgh and that was said to be a very hard feat to accomplish after replacing Coach Cowher.

That said, Tomlin says this about every team and downplays NOBODY. If the Steelers would ever play Notre Dame, Tomlin would paint them out to be the '72 Dolphins manning the '85 Bears defense. Steelers fans are happy that we've landed Tomlin. Very solid indeed.

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Tomlin isnt playing..,it doesn't matter that he thinks..

Who said anything about him playing? It matters what he thinks since he is their head coach and as such he is responsible for helping to make sure that his players have the proper mind set entering into a game. Simple point being that they won't be taking us lightly despite our 0-2 record. They respect the fact that we still have some playmakers on this team and they have been snake bitten by Collins in the past.

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Tomlin's press conference's are very fun to watch. He's a players coach but yet, doesn't take a thing lightly whatsoever. He executes his coaching style to the perfect balance. His prescence has been felt here in Pittsburgh and that was said to be a very hard feat to accomplish after replacing Coach Cowher.

That said, Tomlin says this about every team and downplays NOBODY. If the Steelers would ever play Notre Dame, Tomlin would paint them out to be the '72 Dolphins manning the '85 Bears defense. Steelers fans are happy that we've landed Tomlin. Very solid indeed.

Thanks for taking the time to reply and offering a Steeler fan perspective. I would venture to guess most Steeler fans don't think Tomlin is "a total loser", as someone here suggested. lol

Yeah most coaches will display respect for an opponent even when they know that their team is superior. So you are right in that this isn't anything ground breaking. But I just felt that his comments were respectful and insightful of the potential that is bottled up in this team presently. He is just a classy guy in general and you guys are fortunate to have him as your coach. Just felt this was an opportunity for this Colts fan to express that.

It is good that he respects every opponent the same regardless. The things that he touched on regarding the Colts is exactly what could rise up and give credence to the words, "Any given Sunday."

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take all the coaches in the NFL that didn't take their teams to the SB in the last 2 years and you can make a case that Caldwell is greater than them.

actions decide things. Yes you can make a case that Tomlin is a better coach based on what he has achieved, but there is no telling that he would be successful in our organization.

I take Caldwell. I can see him being back in SB and winning it in the next 4-5 years.


So, what you're saying is only two coaches took their team to the Super Bowl last season. The rest sucked. Correct?

Er, ok...

So a coach "taking" his team to the Super Bowl makes him great... Right. Ok, I'll remember that. It has nothing to do with the players, it's the coach.

Therefore, Caldwell is a great coach. Maybe the greatest ever. First year coaching he takes his team to the Super Bowl. Nevermind the fact he got spanked in that game and was made to look inferior in every way by his opponent, or that he's looked inferior in all of his other attempts thereafter, he took us to the Super Bowl.

He's a great coach.

That, coupled with your inability to distinguish between the 3-4 and 4-3 in another thread is going to earn great credit for your future posts.

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Are you are talking about Caldwell as the wrong disciple?

Didn't Caldwell take us to a Super Bowl? How many teams can say that about their coach?

Are you seriously mentioning the Super Bowl? He took Tony Dundy's team back!

Caldwell is a nightmare. Peyton being out only exposes his consistant in ability to take this team into the future. When Brady went out with his knee...Belichik and the other coaches adjusted the Patriots to his absense. Caldwel has done none of it! We are doomed this season!

Read this from a Patriots fan...it makes great sense which is why our organization wont read it. http://www.patspulpit.com/2011/9/12/2420229/and-then-grant-said-to-lee-a-season-without-peyton

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Caldwell took us to a SB. If we had Tomlin there is no guarantee he would do that for us.

No point to downgrade a great coach like Caldwell.

I agree, I like Caldwell better than most people. I think Caldwell will prove to be a better HC than Dungy.

That said, I would trade Caldwell for Tomlin. Tomlin, IMO, is a rare coach in the league of Tom Landry, Chuck Knoll, Bill Walsh, etc.

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All that is from Tomlin is posturing. Is he going to take us lightly, no. But does he expect the steelers to take the colts apart, yes. I do like Tomlin as a coach, he seems to know how to balance getting in his players faces, and being a quiet leader at times as well. Only if we had a coach who could do the same.

This says it all right here. He won't take us lightly, but he expects to destroy us.

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Are you seriously mentioning the Super Bowl? He took Tony Dundy's team back!

Caldwell is a nightmare. Peyton being out only exposes his consistant in ability to take this team into the future. When Brady went out with his knee...Belichik and the other coaches adjusted the Patriots to his absense. Caldwel has done none of it! We are doomed this season!

Read this from a Patriots fan...it makes great sense which is why our organization wont read it. http://www.patspulpit.com/2011/9/12/2420229/and-then-grant-said-to-lee-a-season-without-peyton

Tomlin did the same thing when Ben had the 4 game suspension. Everyone was figuring that the Steelers would go 0-4, maybe 2-2 at best. Instead the Steelers ended up going 3-1 and came close to pulling out the 4th game. I like Tomlin, because even though some of what he says is posturing a lot of it isn't.

Last week against Seattle, even after the Steelers shut them out he was not happy. I remember one reporter asking him if he liked the way the Steelers played. Tomlin flat out told him. I haven't looked at it yet, but I am sure there are plenty of things I can complain about. Then he said that the "stench" from week one was not wore off and would not be for quite some time. That was not coach speak, that was brutal honesty.

Mike Wallace said after the loss to the Ravens that those six days up to the Seattle game were the longest six days he ever experienced. lol

I wish Peyton the best and look forward to seeing him on the field next year. I have much respect for him, the colts and from what I have read on the boards here a ton of respect for the colts fans also.

Good luck on Sunday and lets hope for no injuries.

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Caldwell took us to a SB. If we had Tomlin there is no guarantee he would do that for us.

No point to downgrade a great coach like Caldwell.

No offense but the Steelers have been to two super bowls so far with Tomlin with a 1-1 record. Also the Steelers have yet to have a losing season with him as a head coach, so forgive me for not understanding what the point is that you're trying to make.

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No....we've dont quite well..

would you have traded Dungy for Lovie...?

I would have taken Lovie over Dungy in a hearbeat.

Well, yeah, that's kind of what he's supposed to say. No NFL coach has ever gone into a game going "Hey, these guys suck. I'm just trying to keep my players from seriously injuring one of them. We're already gameplanning for the following week."

Exactly. I'm taking nothing away from Tomlin but....what did you expect him to say?

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This "Caldwell can't coach" crap started after the Super Bowl he was held responsible for losing because the Colts lost an "unanticipated" onside kick... GREATEST COACHING MOVE EVER, proclaims the national media. Colts get out foxed, says the local media. Well, all a Coach can do is put players in a position to win. Hank Bassett was in perfect position. Caldwell didn't drop the darned ball. Taking into account, the unimaginable disaster of having had Peyton disappear, I expect the Colts to get better and better through this season like last years', barring any more disastrous injuries. The ones they are suffering through right now, don't seem as destructive as last years'. No one has been IR'd yet.

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Are you are talking about Caldwell as the wrong disciple?

Didn't Caldwell take us to a Super Bowl? How many teams can say that about their coach?

Tomlin is 1-1 in the big game in just 3yrs.. he also had the oldest team in the league last year.

But I must say, Caldwell has Peyton, and Tomlin has that Defense. Either way, I'd take Tomlin, only because he's my idea of a football coach.

I feel that the organization tried to hard to get a Dungy replica in Caldwell. I have no problems with Caldwell, I really like him, and he's a great QB Coach.

But If I had to chose between the two to coach a team, it'd be Tomlin.

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Every NFL town hates their coach...

All Bears fans think Lovie Smith is an *..

In Pittsburgh..they think Tomlin is a total loser...

Jets fans think Ryan is a fat freak

'Dont fall for that..

This is the most inaccurate statement I've ever read. Tomlin took over a veteran team back in 2007 and everyone was wondering how the veteran players were going to handle things "Tomlin's way." What separates Tomlin from most is his love for his players and how he wears it on his sleeve but yet, tells it like it is and treats them like men, kind of like how Dungy would treat his players but Tomlin has more fire so to speak.

Pittsburgh loves Tomlin and for good reason. Since the Steelers have had only 3 head coach's in 4 decades (Noll, Cowher, Tomlin) and how the Rooney's stick by their man, I expect Tomlin to be the Steelers coach the next 15 years or possibly more.

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caldwell sucks as a hc....and if u dont think so i got us going 0 and 16 this year and if we win a game it will be week 17 . players play the game but a good coach is worth at least 3 wins off of the the leadership/motivation factor and caldwell has a 0 rating in those departments

I agree with the last point, players play the game, but a great coach can motivate a team to wins. I am a IU Football fan and have seen them win games they shouldn't have won because they didn't give up. This team has given up twice this season. They will probably give up a third time against the Steelers. Caldwell had the ultimate oppurtunity to motivate his team with the media saying they would be bad without Peyton. Instead of proving the media wrong, they more than proving them right. As far as everyone still holding on to the Superbowl run two years ago, Manning was the leader not Caldwell. That is more than clear now.

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caldwell sucks as a hc....and if u dont think so i got us going 0 and 16 this year and if we win a game it will be week 17 . players play the game but a good coach is worth at least 3 wins off of the the leadership/motivation factor and caldwell has a 0 rating in those departments

caldwell knows he made some bad calls but that can be corrected, he is going to make some adjustments.

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