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Polian Just Said...


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if he was good enough to be the fg kicker, he would be doing it now and saving the colts money and cap space.

Lol what's with you and this cap space thing with McAfee? How bad do you think the kicker and Punter are crippling our cap space?

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Lol what's with you and this cap space thing with McAfee? How bad do you think the kicker and Punter are crippling our cap space?


everyone seems to forget when the colts were trying to find a couple million to pay a player they wanted but couldn't. this cap room will be short lived when luck gets his next contract. just like the colts with manning and every other team with a top qb. it's happening to the ravens this year. all these free agents people want the colts to sign aren't going to be 2-3 year contracts. if they are good signings, the colts will have their contracts and lucks to make room for. it's not just about this year and next (a couple million isn't a big deal). you want a salary structure that will support your franchise qb for hopefully 15 years.

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It tells me nobody wanted an old kicker who missed clutch field goals.


he was 35 when the colts released him, not that old for a kicker. he had been missing them for a long time. it's amazing how some players can be great with no pressure, and then bad when it really counts. to me, great players perform at their best in big spots.

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he was 35 when the colts released him, not that old for a kicker. he had been missing them for a long time. it's amazing how some players can be great with no pressure, and then bad when it really counts. to me, great players perform at their best in big spots.

I never said he was the best , but you made it sound like the guy missed every other kick.

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A coach could not allow one player to do it all today in my observation.  You get a high scoring game where that leg will be sore.


We know Pat would love to do it, and is a Youtube legend with his 70 yarders.....just not practical in the NFL....

Brother it would not be good for a franchise to do this,can you imagine how much of a mess that would create on Special teams if your one and only kicker of any kind was injured

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I do not see merit in the argument that this would be too much of a strain on his leg. There are a lot of sports that require constant kicking over a long period of time, with a heavier ball. Try being a goalkeeper in Gaelic Football.  


If there are issues with McAfee being the kicker, that shouldn't be one of them.

Is that Bob and Mike Gaelic?    :lol:


Gaelic football is not the Not For Long Anton.....Have to disagree that the extended kicks will not wear down a kicker or punter.  I even thought Pat was a little less long on his kickoffs this past year....we need to preserve out stud punter, and let him kick a long one or two for a last second win or halftime points.

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Mac potentially doing it all has been discussed a lot locally and nearly everyone who has witnessed his kicking agree that he is not the answer post AV.     Just too erratic, he is not consistent enough.    Perhaps if he really worked on it maybe???    Who kows....


I don't see it happening.    But if he could do it all that would be great having the extra roster spot.

For Seth Olsen!!!   haha  haha  :lol:  :lol:  :funny:  :funny:  :spit:  :spit:  lmao  lmao  rotflmao  rotflmao


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Is that Bob and Mike Gaelic?    :lol:


Gaelic football is not the Not For Long Anton.....Have to disagree that the extended kicks will not wear down a kicker or punter.  I even thought Pat was a little less long on his kickoffs this past year....we need to preserve out stud punter, and let him kick a long one or two for a last second win or halftime points.


I don't know what you mean in the bolded text. It is simple muscle memory though, repetitive motion will become natural to him, as I am sure it already has. As long as he maintains strong core stability and proper stretching there is no reason why he can't do both in a 20-game season. Look at a quarterback or a pitcher in baseball who plays pretty much every day... the leg has much stronger and more stable muscles than the arm/shoulder, and they fling the ball much more than a punter/kicker kicks. At the end of the day it is not a very physically demanding role to play for a professional athlete.


Again I think any argument that wear and tear is the reason for not letting McAfee kick is just wrapping him in cotton wool.

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McAfee has said he wants to do it and I believe it would make him the first player in NFL history to do punts, kickoffs, field goals, and extra points.  I certainly think he has the leg strength for it.  To me, it becomes an issue of wearing the leg out because of him taking too many kicks.  How will his leg hold up when you get to week 15, 16, 17, and the playoffs?


with our offense of the future he'll never have to punt haha

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I don't know what you mean in the bolded text. It is simple muscle memory though, repetitive motion will become natural to him, as I am sure it already has. As long as he maintains strong core stability and proper stretching there is no reason why he can't do both in a 20-game season. Look at a quarterback or a pitcher in baseball who plays pretty much every day... the leg has much stronger and more stable muscles than the arm/shoulder, and they fling the ball much more than a punter/kicker kicks. At the end of the day it is not a very physically demanding role to play for a professional athlete.


Again I think any argument that wear and tear is the reason for not letting McAfee kick is just wrapping him in cotton wool.

NFL...Not For Long.  


I do not see it happening.  He gets hurt...you are done as a team.  But then again some people think offense and defense are the only 2 phases of the game.  Mac likes to tackle...takes one time....out for the year...and the teams would be preying on him...I would!!  


All Colts fans have to do is watch highlight/lowlights of the Charger playoff game...when Mike Scifres pinned PM deep with every punt.

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NFL...Not For Long.  


I do not see it happening.  He gets hurt...you are done as a team.  But then again some people think offense and defense are the only 2 phases of the game.  Mac likes to tackle...takes one time....out for the year...and the teams would be preying on him...I would!!  


All Colts fans have to do is watch highlight/lowlights of the Charger playoff game...when Mike Scifres pinned PM deep with every punt.



Well that is actually a good point, but still not enough for me to consider it a viable enough reason. The NFL is full of 'What Ifs', an injury is much less likely to happen your last line of defense on Punt/Kick returns that any other player on the field. And although it wouldn't be ideal, you can always move around roster spots and bring in a few guys if McAfee went down, though having to fill two new spots for one player admittedly would be a bit of a problem.


I agree it probably won't happen, I was just making the point that leg tiredness shouldn't be the reason it doesn't.

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Well that is actually a good point, but still not enough for me to consider it a viable enough reason. The NFL is full of 'What Ifs', an injury is much less likely to happen your last line of defense on Punt/Kick returns that any other player on the field. And although it wouldn't be ideal, you can always move around roster spots and bring in a few guys if McAfee went down, though having to fill two new spots for one player admittedly would be a bit of a problem.


I agree it probably won't happen, I was just making the point that leg tiredness shouldn't be the reason it doesn't.

Good debate Anton....can we keep Patty Mac out of the pubs too.....?  Naaah...wouldn't want to ruin his olympic prowess in swimming :)

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he was cut and nobody wanted "the most accurate kicker of all time". what does that tell you?


Actually.....   Vanderjagt was signed the next year by Dallas....    he ripped up a groin muscle during his time there and that was that... 


Ended his career in the CFL....


There may have also been a drinking problem as an added issue....


This story hi-lites the idea of just how much, or how little, is a kicker worth?    A guy can go from being a great kicker to an OK kicker in short order....


That's why some teams won't give a kicker much of a long-term deal...  


If I were the Raiders I would never have drafted a kicker in the first round.    Never.


But Sabastian Janakowski has turned out to be great......    even in hindsight, I wouldn't have done it....   but I don't think the Raiders regret it for an instant...

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Actually.....   Vanderjagt was signed the next year by Dallas....    he ripped up a groin muscle during his time there and that was that... 


Ended his career in the CFL....


There may have also been a drinking problem as an added issue....


This story hi-lites the idea of just how much, or how little, is a kicker worth?    A guy can go from being a great kicker to an OK kicker in short order....


That's why some teams won't give a kicker much of a long-term deal...  


If I were the Raiders I would never have drafted a kicker in the first round.    Never.


But Sabastian Janakowski has turned out to be great......    even in hindsight, I wouldn't have done it....   but I don't think the Raiders regret it for an instant...

You make good points....it is a shame that Janakowski may have been the Raiders MVP the last few years....amazing truth to it however....:)

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Made alot of us ill,was really an easy kick for a kicker of his talent, lol who can forget this? http://youtu.be/GILXUJa2l1w


Made alot of us ill,was really an easy kick for a kicker of his talent, lol who can forget this? http://youtu.be/GILXUJa2l1w

Not me, I was there. I remember we were all filing out of the Dome when we heard a big roar, Bettis had done the unthinkable and fumbled on the goalline, Harper somehow got tackled by Roethlisberger. We all ran into the tunnel on the lower bowl just in time to see that close up. I thought  the Colt's were never going to make it to the Superbowl after that. Won it the next year even though this 05 team was by far the best one I've seen in Indy in my opinion.

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It still makes the old linebacker ill.....it gave an entirely new meaning to "Wide Right!"  WOW!




Made alot of us ill,was really an easy kick for a kicker of his talent, lol who can forget this? http://youtu.be/GILXUJa2l1w



Kickers are not even football players are they?   haha At least that is what Schlereth says :)

Kickers....Don't get me started...AV did help us beat Baltimore in our 2006 SB run so I am grateful. But these specialists are special often for all the wrong reasons more often than not.

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Nothing to do with the topic really but does anyone else get really angry any time they see Polian on ESPN?

Only when he says stupid things....like widening the football field for safety.....and this thread :)  In no way should McAfee do double duty!!  It is a recipe for disaster.


I actually like hearing Polian's philosophy; especially when he is face to face with Bill Parcells.  Love Polian...Hate Polian....love Parcells...hate Parcels....2 HOF minds...that do not always agree.... :thmup:

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Nothing is gained by having one player do all 3 kicking duties...and, as Brent explained,

one well placed hit and a lot could be lost..

You dont need a backup punter (lots of guys used to be punters)

but you better have a backup place kicker or the Saints might take out you're No.1 guy to earn some bounty money.

Indy has elite players at both positions..

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Only when he says stupid things....like widening the football field for safety.....and this thread :)  In no way should McAfee do double duty!!  It is a recipe for disaster.


I actually like hearing Polian's philosophy; especially when he is face to face with Bill Parcells.  Love Polian...Hate Polian....love Parcells...hate Parcels....2 HOF minds...that do not always agree.... :thmup:

Put Bob Knight in that same room with Bill Parcels & Bill Polian & "let me tell you something chuck" I wanna get some popcorn, sit back, & enjoy the fireworks.  haha Must See TV in all it's splendid glory...

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your idea of a good fg kicker is one that makes every meaningless fg, but misses ones in the clutch????

that will win you a lot of championships. there is a reason no team wanted him.

Those meaningless field goals won the games to get to the playoffs. It's a shame he shanked on that one but everyone here, almost was screaming to drop AV. Which is ridiculous. There are tons if kickers that dropped clutch kicks, but he was the mist consistent.

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Put Bob Knight in that same room with Bill Parcels & Bill Polian & "let me tell you something chuck" I wanna get some popcorn, sit back, & enjoy the fireworks.  haha Must See TV in all it's splendid glory...

And his old buddy Tony LaRussa too...talk about some legends having at it!!!  :)

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