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Looking ahead to the Packers


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Guys, are we doing this again? Getting our hopes up? I know "any given Sunday" but let's taper our hopes and work with reality.

-We thought we could hang with the Bears because "Cutler's not that great and Marshall is overrated." How did that turn out?

-We lost to the freakin' Jags! We barely beat the Vikings.

I see a game where we will lose, hang in there, take our lumps and learn. Barely any chance of a win.

eh...I just don't see it being real close unless you can run the ball to take some of the pressure off the passing game. My opinion only.

This. ^^

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Guys, are we doing this again? Getting our hopes up? I know "any given Sunday" but let's taper our hopes and work with reality.

-We thought we could hang with the Bears because "Cutler's not that great and Marshall is overrated." How did that turn out?

-We lost to the freakin' Jags! We barely beat the Vikings.

I see a game where we will lose, hang in there, take our lumps and learn. Barely any chance of a win.

Enh I don't really think we are going to win I just see the plan of attack we have to take. Like I said in another thread it would take a minor miracle to beat the Packers.
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We all know the game is about matchups, right? Last year we were torched because we didn't have the DBs with the ability to cover their WRs.

I don't know the extent of Vontea's injury, I hope it's not serious. Personally I think he's played better in each game and he and Powers are pretty good CBs.

But after that there's a steep drop off. So a lot will depend on how much pressure can be put on Rodgers.

That's my take on the D. I'm not sure if the Pack D is any better than what we've seen so far.

we do but does Arians?
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Guys, are we doing this again? Getting our hopes up? I know "any given Sunday" but let's taper our hopes and work with reality.

-We thought we could hang with the Bears because "Cutler's not that great and Marshall is overrated." How did that turn out?

-We lost to the freakin' Jags! We barely beat the Vikings.

I see a game where we will lose, hang in there, take our lumps and learn. Barely any chance of a win.

What else are we supposed to talk about then for a few weeks? How awful we are?

Besides, it's not unheard of that we can hang with any team and show improvement even in a loss. *shrugs* You can talk about any game even if you are a heavy underdog.

I don't give up on ANY game. And heck the Pack are pretty much my second favorite team too but they are not unbeatable.

I do wonder how tonights robbing of the Packers via refs is going to effect them moving forward too.

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Misery loves company. Come on over Packer fans, we can commiserate as to how we lost games in the last minute.

After watching the Packers game, the Jags loss actually hurts less for me because I know there are a bunch of fans hurting way more than us right now. I guess it is all relative in this world. :(

I am certain we will overcome the Jags loss and the Packers have the Saints to beat up in their next game, the defense that keeps on giving this season. :) Just run it up on the Saints, will ya, Mr. Rodgers???

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Feel sorry for the Saints right about now lol.

Greenbay is going to intense next week you can count on that.

Who dat, who dat, who dat they think gonna lose to the Saints??? :) BACK TO THE Saints!!!

Saints being down 0-4 and playing Chargers on Sunday Night Football at home. I am going to love that game no matter who loses :) :).

That might be the only game I might feel sorry and root for the Saints because it is the fake punks Chargers.

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Misery loves company. Come on over Packer fans, we can commiserate as to how we lost games in the last minute.

After watching the Packers game, the Jags loss actually hurts less for me because I know there are a bunch of fans hurting way more than us right now. I guess it is all relative in this world. :(

I am certain we will overcome the Jags loss and the Packers have the Saints to beat up in their next game, the defense that keeps on giving this season. :) Just run it up on the Saints, will ya, Mr. Rodgers???

Colts/Packers/Pats/Broncos are all 1-2.


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hard to say....Capers is a good DC, so I'd expect quite a few different looks thrown at Luck and a good dose of blitzes. I don't see him sitting back in coverage and daring luck to pick it apart. I don't know that the Colts have the offensive personnel to hold off the pressure from the front 7.

It will certainly be a challenge, but what I do like is we will have pretty much all of our starting offensive line back for the first time this season. Costanzo, Reitz, Satele, Mcglynn, Justice and throw Essex in there as another option. I thought we blocked pretty well in the passing game vs. the Jags. Justice to me has performed pretty well the whole way. I just don't understand why we can not get it together in the run blocking department. We do okay when we do, but that is rare..

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It will certainly be a challenge, but what I do like is we will have pretty much all of our starting offensive line back for the first time this season. Costanzo, Reitz, Satele, Mcglynn, Justice and throw Essex in there as another option. I thought we blocked pretty well in the passing game vs. the Jags. Justice to me has performed pretty well the whole way. I just don't understand why we can not get it together in the run blocking department. We do okay when we do, but that is rare..

if they can keep GB from getting penetration up the middle and give Luck a pocket he can step up in, then you might be alright - if he can't step up, its going to be a hard time getting away from Matthews unless he has options where he can get it out of his hands quick. Getting Brown going on the ground would definitely help to slow down any pass rush.

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What else are we supposed to talk about then for a few weeks? How awful we are?

Besides, it's not unheard of that we can hang with any team and show improvement even in a loss. *shrugs* You can talk about any game even if you are a heavy underdog.

I don't give up on ANY game. And heck the Pack are pretty much my second favorite team too but they are not unbeatable.

I do wonder how tonights robbing of the Packers via refs is going to effect them moving forward too.

One thing I do know is the Packers offensive line seems to be just as bad as ours. I watched them give up 4 sacks before halftime to the bears, and then I turn around last night and watch them give up 8 or more sacks to the Seahawks. Granted the Seahawks and Bears are very good pass rushing teams. I think we can give them some trouble with Freeney and Mathis in the game for what it's worth, but I'm not sure if it will be enough because we have several personnel matchup issues in the secondary going against their wide receivers.

I expect us to be in alot of Cover 2 in this game because I don't think we will be able to, nor will it be wise to do much man to man on their guys. I don't have a big problem with that strategy because the Packers are not a ferocious running team at all with the great Cedric "I like to fumble" Benson. They probably won't be able to run us out of Cover 2 with the running game. Freeney, Nevis, Redding, and Mathis should be able to make some noise.

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if they can keep GB from getting penetration up the middle and give Luck a pocket he can step up in, then you might be alright - if he can't step up, its going to be a hard time getting away from Matthews unless he has options where he can get it out of his hands quick. Getting Brown going on the ground would definitely help to slow down any pass rush.

I think we are going to be double teaming Matthews certainly.

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What else are we supposed to talk about then for a few weeks? How awful we are?

Besides, it's not unheard of that we can hang with any team and show improvement even in a loss. *shrugs* You can talk about any game even if you are a heavy underdog.

I don't give up on ANY game. And heck the Pack are pretty much my second favorite team too but they are not unbeatable.

I do wonder how tonights robbing of the Packers via refs is going to effect them moving forward too.

Sorry, I'm not trying to be negative. I'm just not much of a "rah-rah" guy. Absolutely we can talk about the game and what we expect.

What I see, and don't like, is that right now we equate to that annoying little dog that barks at everything. We're about to get into a fight with a pit bull - the Packers. Yes every dog has it's day, but I try to taper my expectations. I expect us to play like a team that's rebuilding.

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Guys, are we doing this again? Getting our hopes up? I know "any given Sunday" but let's taper our hopes and work with reality.

-We thought we could hang with the Bears because "Cutler's not that great and Marshall is overrated." How did that turn out?

-We lost to the freakin' Jags! We barely beat the Vikings.

I see a game where we will lose, hang in there, take our lumps and learn. Barely any chance of a win.

The Vikings just beat the 49ers....

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vikings beat 49ers because they matched up well against them. 49ers are a power running team and vikings are good at stopping power running backs because peterson is one. this explains why they stopped both jones drew and frank gore. This also explains why they beat the 49ers. The colts have trouble against short power running backs and short finese running backs like jones drew and sproles.

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I just think we should all prepare to lose by 15+

I mean...we just lost to the Jaguars... THE JAGUARS!!! I Just don't see how anyone expects us to win, or even have this game be close. Yeah, Freeney will be back, but I still don't see our pass rush being that effective. Also, who in the world is going to cover, well....Anybody on the Packers offense? Who is going to block Clay Mathews? Oi...not looking forward to this game...

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I just think we should all prepare to lose by 15+

I mean...we just lost to the Jaguars... THE JAGUARS!!! I Just don't see how anyone expects us to win, or even have this game be close. Yeah, Freeney will be back, but I still don't see our pass rush being that effective. Also, who in the world is going to cover, well....Anybody on the Packers offense? Who is going to block Clay Mathews? Oi...not looking forward to this game...

A Jaguars loss does not necessarily say a whole lot. They have never had any offense even when Peyton was here, but they always managed some way to beat us at least once every now and then as long as MJD was on the field. We lost to a bad Texans team before when Peyton was here as well, and a bad Titans team before.

Green Bay will be tough no doubt, but just because you lose to an inferior opponent it doesn't mean that you are doomed to annhilation against a more talented opponent.

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