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Changing of the Guards


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Trai Essex is a 6-5 and 324 lb lineman who played all 5 offensive line positions for Pittsburgh last year. He seems more suited as a G and that is how the Colts list him. Maybe he can settle in as the starting LG in place of Reitz. Justin Anderson is a 6-5 and 342 lb rookie we drafted from Georgia. Anserson played DT in 2010 at Georgia but moved back to the OL in 2011 to help lead one of college football's best rushing attacks. Anderson played RT at Georgia but the Colts list him at G on the PUP list. I believe Justin is eligible to come off PUP after game 6. Maybe he could take RG from Mike McGlynn. Mike McGlynn would back up C and G. Joe Reitz could move to back up G and train to eventually move to T. Reitz played basketball in college and should have the feet to move to T. Hopefully he could push Justice at RT. Several posters have said that Satele has been inconsistant at C and it may be because of his short arms. He has 30" arms which are some of the shortest in the NFL. Maybe Mike McGlynn takes the C job from Satele. Linkenbach seems to have regressed and become worse than he was last year. If Reitz can play tackle and be a backup at G then maybe Linkenbach and Olsen can be cut.

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Holy Cow. I was worried about our OL this year but everyone kept saying it was an overstatement. What gives? Please list the worst offensive lines in the NFL. "1" being the worst and list on down from there the bottom 5.

Pretty sure we've all been petrified of our offensive line all summer.

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Pretty sure we've all been petrified of our offensive line all summer.

Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. While it's true that a line needs time to gel, anyone who expected journeymen, cast offs, or guys who couldn't make a roster to all of a sudden be quality starters for us was delusional.

They are who we thought they are.

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Just look at the best o-lines and ask yourself why they are so much better than the Colts o-line. The Broncos may have the best line and it's because they drafted lineman early in the draft year after year. RT Orlando Franklin was a 2nd round pick in 2011. LG Zane Beattles was a 2nd round pick in 2010. Center J.D. Walton was a 3rd round pick in 2010. LT Ryan Clady was a 1st round pick in 2008. RG Chris Kuper was a 5th round pick in 2006.

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I hope they put Essex in for Sunday.


When is Arians going to figure out that Screen passes help take the stress off the O-Line??? This is a no brainer.

Plus didn't we get Moore to be a 3rd down back catching passes out of the backfield?? AND Brown can do the same thing (when he keeps his eye on the ball) so Arians......let's help ourselves out instead of shooting ourselves in the foot!

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Trai Essex is a 6-5 and 324 lb lineman

Justin Anderson is a 6-5 and 342 lb rookie

Several posters have said that Satele has been inconsistant at C and it may be because of his short arms. He has 30" arms which are some of the shortest in the NFL.

Essex played on the Steelers during an era where they really didn't have a very good offensive line and he never proved capable of holding down a starting job. He's good depth and could start for you in a pinch but I'd be legitimately worried if you're counting on him as an upgrade. Seventh round rookies also don't tend to look so hot their first year in the league, even when they do come to be solid contributors down the line. You also have to remember that there are serious downsides to being that big. Not too many offensive lineman are terribly effective at 340+ lbs.

Arm length is important for OTs but it really doesn't mean anything when it comes to interior OL, so I'd say there's almost no chance that's what is hindering Satele. Honestly, the best way to see improvement might be to not mess with the lineup too much if you can avoid it. Chemistry and communication is critically important on the line and if you keep shuffling around pieces you're really going to struggle to build anything.

Just look at the best o-lines and ask yourself why they are so much better than the Colts o-line. The Broncos may have the best line and it's because they drafted lineman early in the draft year after year. RT Orlando Franklin was a 2nd round pick in 2011. LG Zane Beattles was a 2nd round pick in 2010. Center J.D. Walton was a 3rd round pick in 2010. LT Ryan Clady was a 1st round pick in 2008. RG Chris Kuper was a 5th round pick in 2006.

If you look at the great lines over the last decade you'll find that there's no real trend for when to take starting linemen in the draft. LTs tend to be first and second round picks but every other position can be found anywhere in the draft and as UDFAs. It's not about drafting those guys early, it's about scouting well, coaching well, and drafting them often.

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Essex played on the Steelers during an era where they really didn't have a very good offensive line and he never proved capable of holding down a starting job. He's good depth and could start for you in a pinch but I'd be legitimately worried if you're counting on him as an upgrade. Seventh round rookies also don't tend to look so hot their first year in the league, even when they do come to be solid contributors down the line. You also have to remember that there are serious downsides to being that big. Not too many offensive lineman are terribly effective at 340+ lbs.

Arm length is important for OTs but it really doesn't mean anything when it comes to interior OL, so I'd say there's almost no chance that's what is hindering Satele. Honestly, the best way to see improvement might be to not mess with the lineup too much if you can avoid it. Chemistry and communication is critically important on the line and if you keep shuffling around pieces you're really going to struggle to build anything.

If you look at the great lines over the last decade you'll find that there's no real trend for when to take starting linemen in the draft. LTs tend to be first and second round picks but every other position can be found anywhere in the draft and as UDFAs. It's not about drafting those guys early, it's about scouting well, coaching well, and drafting them often.

Maybe you are right and 3 or 4 more inches of arm extension would not make a difference for Cs and Gs . It is strange that Satele started for 2 other teams and neither fought to keep him. A quick strong hand punch is also important so maybe Satele is inconsistant in that area.
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Just look at the best o-lines and ask yourself why they are so much better than the Colts o-line. The Broncos may have the best line and it's because they drafted lineman early in the draft year after year. RT Orlando Franklin was a 2nd round pick in 2011. LG Zane Beattles was a 2nd round pick in 2010. Center J.D. Walton was a 3rd round pick in 2010. LT Ryan Clady was a 1st round pick in 2008. RG Chris Kuper was a 5th round pick in 2006.





using that criteria it certainly appears the colts have comparable talent.

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Castonzo, Essex,Satele,Anderson,and reitz is my ideal line up after week 6

that makes no sense. a rookie who hasn't been able to even practice and a guy who hasn't played tackle. it's ideal to get luck hurt. get the starting five healthy and have essex for experienced depth at either tackle or guard and see what happens.

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Most Lol are over reacting when it comes the the Oline.... players like Jeff likenbach has no place on an NFL team... but guys like justice, Samson are good Lineman... both can play football... this team will look much better as the season goes on.. by week six the Oline will look like Costanzo LT, Mike LG, Samson C, Essex RG, Justice RT.

will be the best looking Oline since the days of Glenn

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Most Lol are over reacting when it comes the the Oline.... players like Jeff likenbach has no place on an NFL team... but guys like justice, Samson are good Lineman... both can play football... this team will look much better as the season goes on.. by week six the Oline will look like Costanzo LT, Mike LG, Samson C, Essex RG, Justice RT.

will be the best looking Oline since the days of Glenn

that wouldn't surprise me at all. i do think mcglynn stays on the right side due to his and justices familiarity with each other. i like essex.

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Why do so many people talk about replacing Reitz with that guy or the other guy. Sorry but I believe Reitz is Colts' best guard and he can't be replaced by a scrub picked up from the waiver wire. I think finding somebody to play right guard is a real issue and it's worth discussing more than the left guard. Costanzo-Reitz is Colts' best adjacent pair of linemen.

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Arians runs a man power blocking scheme well thats what he ran in pittsburgh so im pretty sure thats how we're blocking here

I thought it was Zone because I have seen Olsen have to come out of his stance from the LG spot and go clear around to the right of the Right Tackle a few times 1 in preseason and once vs the Bears that I remember, I remember thinking WHAT THE HECK if your gonna do that just take out the LG altogether!
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I thought it was Zone because I have seen Olsen have to come out of his stance from the LG spot and go clear around to the right of the Right Tackle a few times 1 in preseason and once vs the Bears that I remember, I remember thinking WHAT THE HECK if your gonna do that just take out the LG altogether!

your talking about pulling your guard or tackle? thats part of power running(not just power running lots of teams do it) you pull guards or tackles on trap plays and counter plays and other misdirection plays. simply misdirection to get the defense going one way and pulling the backside guard or tackle to come kick out the DE or OLB(they simply turn into the lead blocker)

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Hopefully Anderson does well when he comes of the PUP.

I hope so too but I think we need to remember he'll be a late round pick who has missed camp and all season to that point. If he just makes it out there to play by the end of the season I'll be happy. So I think we kinda need to lower expectations for him this season. He could help improve the o-line but I doubt he is going to be the answer to our prayers or anything not that you said that.
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I hope so too but I think we need to remember he'll be a late round pick who has missed camp and all season to that point. If he just makes it out there to play by the end of the season I'll be happy. So I think we kinda need to lower expectations for him this season. He could help improve the o-line but I doubt he is going to be the answer to our prayers or anything not that you said that.

I wonder why we cut Fugger and kept Anderson in virtually the same circumstances?

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I agree RomanianColtFan Reitz is our best guard and does not need to be replaced by anyone. Costanzo and Reitz are a good tandem on the left side. We just need Reitz to get back on the field. Right guard is where we need help and Essex can't be any worse than the other two.

right guard appeared to be just fine last sunday. i like reitz's potential but to this point he is pretty much an unknown entity. this first unit needs to get healthy and play together. until then it's not fair to judge them good or bad.

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your talking about pulling your guard or tackle? thats part of power running(not just power running lots of teams do it) you pull guards or tackles on trap plays and counter plays and other misdirection plays. simply misdirection to get the defense going one way and pulling the backside guard or tackle to come kick out the DE or OLB(they simply turn into the lead blocker)

they trapped pretty well last sunday.

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I agree RomanianColtFan Reitz is our best guard and does not need to be replaced by anyone. Costanzo and Reitz are a good tandem on the left side. We just need Reitz to get back on the field. Right guard is where we need help and Essex can't be any worse than the other two.

That's the plus if we can keep Reitz healthy I think we can build around them. It's the rest of the line that I think is the issue. Satele is what is he is and I don't think we have a better option there right now and I think once the line gets put together after this season he'll be alright once we upgrade some of the talent around him. I think Justice can hold his own at right tackle at least of this season. He played pretty well on Sunday. Right guard is a hole. I would look for Essex to step in there maybe after this week (if Reitz is healthy). I think Essex will be able to help but I am not looking for him to come in and start right away (meaning Sunday). While he might know the coaches he has to learn the other players on this team. I heard Phil B. who said he talked to him the day he was signed and asked how long it would take for him to get ready since he hasn't been playing the past couple of weeks and it was a new team and he said give him a week. We will probably see him as a back up Sunday but if the guard poistion is still an issue after Sunday they might very give him a start against the Jags and see what he can do.
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Does anybody hold any hope that Ijalana recovers and becomes part of the Colts' future?

I know his chances to still be with the Colts are slim but I personally root for him.

Besides, he is Anthony Constanzo's best buddy and I still believe they would make a good tandem.

I really liked Ijalana and thought he would be a lock for this offensive line for years. I'm hoping he can come back because in my opinion it would save the Colts a lot of money in not having to overpay for a FA nor have to burn a draft pick. He was a beast at LT in college and some said would actually end up better than AC. I remember hearing Gruden talk about him and compared him to Tarik Glenn.

I hope he recovers, but 2 acl tears on the same knee isn't good.

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