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Can't See The Forest For The Trees?

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I've been relatively excited about what's going on at West 56th Street and I am on the record as saying that this squad is more talented than the one that Peyton Manning took over. I've been hovering around thinking (that all things being equal - though they seldom are) the Colts could be anywhere from .500 to maybe even a wildcard team.


I watched this pre-draft video that Krapitz shot of his interview with Mike Mayock, whose opinion I really respect. And Mayock seemed to rightly believe that we were thin at WR, TE and OLine and intimated that we we're too small on Defense.

Now fast forward to June 26th and after everything we have done so far this off-season:

I think (past Collie frail health - One good lick and itsawrap) we look pretty good at WR. At least I know we've been thinner before.

With the addition of Fleener and Allen, I'm not sure I've ever been more hyped up about our TEs.

We brought in Mckinney, Redding and Chapman (gotten bigger). And our Linebackers (IMO) are going to be pretty good.

I am very excited about seeing LT Castanzo, LG Ijalana, OC Satele, RG McGlynn and RT Justice.

We added Zbikowski to partner with Bethea. Vaughn to go with Powers. And we'll probably add Jenkins come Training Camp.

Am I just too close too this thing?

Am I missing some MAJOR area that we're not looking competitive in?

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I've been relatively excited about what's going on at West 56th Street and I am on the record as saying that this squad is more talented than the one that Peyton Manning took over. I've been hovering around thinking (that all things being equal - though they seldom are) the Colts could be anywhere from .500 to maybe even a wildcard team.


I watched this pre-draft video that Krapitz shot of his interview with Mike Mayock, whose opinion I really respect. And Mayock seemed to rightly believe that we were thin at WR, TE and OLine and intimated that we we're too small on Defense.

Now fast forward to June 26th and after everything we have done so far this off-season:

I think (past Collie frail health - One good lick and itsawrap) we look pretty good at WR. At least I know we've been thinner before.

With the addition of Fleener and Allen, I'm not sure I've ever been more hyped up about our TEs.

We brought in Mckinney, Redding and Chapman (gotten bigger). And our Linebackers (IMO) are going to be pretty good.

I am very excited about seeing LT Castanzo, LG Ijalana, OC Satele, RG McGlynn and RT Justice.

We added Zbikowski to partner with Bethea. Vaughn to go with Powers. And we'll probably add Jenkins come Training Camp.

Am I just too close too this thing?

Am I missing some MAJOR area that we're not looking competitive in?

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If the chemistry is there by the time we take that Flight or Ride to Chi-Town... I believe we'll come out the Gates Strong. For the 1st Time in like a Decade or so, the Pre-Season may be CRUCIAL for this Year. Give the team a Chance to get more Familiar with another. Instead of the Peyton-Era when we just Bombed Pre-Season & Competed in the Reg. Season

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I'm with you Brian...and I'm rarely wrong about my own team. In '09, when Marshall Faulk was talking about how our team was 'in shambles', I felt we were good enough to seriously kick @** all season long. Sure enough, boom 14-0 start.....didn't quite end the way I'd of liked but still.

This year, I don't know if we get in as a wildcard, but we'll definitely be contending for a spot down to the last week or so. The division winners I see being NE, Cinci, Houston, and Denver. After that I see Buffalo, Pitt, BMore, Indy, KC, and possibly SD, all fighting it out for the two WCs.

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My thoughts exactly. Maybe I am overboard, and I don't want to burn'em out...but a lot of guys from the 1st unit on both sides of the ball should get a lot of minutes together.

I look for them to have the 1st & 2nd Qtr's together. Then the 2nd/3rd Team split the 2nd Half

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I don't get it either.

Why do people think Collie is more concussion prone. He's as concussion prone as anyone else, maybe even less so because of his special helmet. Should Rodgers hang it up if he gets another concussion?

It's cause he suffered 2. IMO, he seemed Fine last year. He played all 16 Games, didn't really have Stand-Out stats... but that's due to our QB Situation. With him starting at #2 WR this year, I think he'll have a Great Year. Starting off his Year going against the Bears' CB's

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It's cause he suffered 2. IMO, he seemed Fine last year. He played all 16 Games, didn't really have Stand-Out stats... but that's due to our QB Situation. With him starting at #2 WR this year, I think he'll have a Great Year. Starting off his Year going against the Bears' CB's

There are several players in the NFL who have suffered two concussions, and more. They've been able to take hits since then without further incident. I don't understand the idea that, because Collie has been concussed before, that he's at increased risk moving forward.

The risk of suffering another concussion is highest in the weeks or maybe months after you first suffer one, which is why it was so dangerous to put him back in when we did. The team was more careful than they would have been maybe three years prior, but still not careful enough. And that explains why the hit in the Jags game, which wasn't as forceful as the hit against the Eagles, was such a big deal. And after that, we shut him down for the year.

But it's been a year and a half for him now. As was mentioned, he's wearing a state of the art helmet that's designed to reduce the force to the head and neck, not just with big traumatic hits, but also with all the little hits a player takes throughout the season (which studies indicate are as troublesome over the course of an NFL career as the few big hits a player takes). He just played an entire season without incident. I think we can stop worrying about Austin Collie now. If he takes another big hit, he's at risk, but so is everyone else in the NFL. I don't think it's accurate to describe him as being "frail."

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All good reads above... The one thing I think we leave out is the fact that special team now matters in INDY. Luck will not have to drive 85 yards every possession as we have had to do in the past. Our defense will create some opportunities for good field postion. ALSO TY Hilton along with the other speedsters will create some big plays in the return game. Im excited about the speed in which Hilton can change directions and stop on the dime.

Special Teams this year will win games for us and make up for some of our inexperience on offense early in the season.

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Why do people think Collie is more concussion prone. He's as concussion prone as anyone else, maybe even less so because of his special helmet. Should Rodgers hang it up if he gets another concussion?

I don't think he's "prone" but his position and size aren't doing him any favors. Playing over the middle is more dangerous than arguably any position on the field. Factor in he's not a big guy and he had 2 bad concussions in 7 weeks time, you get the "prone" label. I personally wouldn't use prone. I'd use likely. Or at higher risk.

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There are several players in the NFL who have suffered two concussions, and more. They've been able to take hits since then without further incident. I don't understand the idea that, because Collie has been concussed before, that he's at increased risk moving forward.

The risk of suffering another concussion is highest in the weeks or maybe months after you first suffer one, which is why it was so dangerous to put him back in when we did. The team was more careful than they would have been maybe three years prior, but still not careful enough. And that explains why the hit in the Jags game, which wasn't as forceful as the hit against the Eagles, was such a big deal. And after that, we shut him down for the year.

But it's been a year and a half for him now. As was mentioned, he's wearing a state of the art helmet that's designed to reduce the force to the head and neck, not just with big traumatic hits, but also with all the little hits a player takes throughout the season (which studies indicate are as troublesome over the course of an NFL career as the few big hits a player takes). He just played an entire season without incident. I think we can stop worrying about Austin Collie now. If he takes another big hit, he's at risk, but so is everyone else in the NFL. I don't think it's accurate to describe him as being "frail."

I Agree. I was just giving you guys the reasons why the ones who disagree with your statement think he is Fragile. I believe he's good to go and make an impact the same size if not bigger the year we went to the super bowl

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The "too small" comment always kills me.

Although at the time we were too small on the DL (and that was a timing issue more than anything), I can't help but think a big part of his "too small" comment is directed towards our 2 ilbs. And what drives me bananas is this fascination with analysts in determining that 1 inch of height and about 5-10 pounds in weight seems to determine whether a guy is "undersized" or is ideal.

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The "too small" comment always kills me.

Although at the time we were too small on the DL (and that was a timing issue more than anything), I can't help but think a big part of his "too small" comment is directed towards our 2 ilbs. And what drives me bananas is this fascination with analysts in determining that 1 inch of height and about 5-10 pounds in weight seems to determine whether a guy is "undersized" or is ideal.

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The "too small" comment always kills me.

Although at the time we were too small on the DL (and that was a timing issue more than anything), I can't help but think a big part of his "too small" comment is directed towards our 2 ilbs. And what drives me bananas is this fascination with analysts in determining that 1 inch of height and about 5-10 pounds in weight seems to determine whether a guy is "undersized" or is ideal.


49ers ILBs

Patrick Willis - 6'1 240

Navorro Bowman 6'0 242

Colts ILBs

Pat Angerer - 6'0 236

Kavell Conner - 6'0 243

Real undersized.

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Dr. Kill-joy checking in....

The Seahawks got in to the playoffs by winning their conference with a 7-9 record. I can see us with that record this year. But it's hard to see that winning our conference. The Texans are quite capable of winning many, many more games than that. So, for me, it's hard to see a path to the playoffs as a wildcard, because that typically means 10 wins. And to get to 10 wins, we're going to have to win more than a few games on the road. And winning on the road in the NFL, as all of you know, is incredibly difficult.

Also, do we really see enough difference makers on this team? But there are lots and lots and lots of question marks to be answered. So, far more of these questions will have to turn out well for us in order to reach the playoffs. The odds say that's not likely.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we can't make the playoffs. I am saying it's not likely. So many things have to go our way for this to happen, it's just not likely. Not impossible, but not probable.

Getting above .500 is just so, so hard in the NFL when you're coming from 2-14. Finding 10 wins as we sit here today in mid-June is not easy. My personal rule of thumb is that when you're counting on so many things going your way, the odds of all, or even most of that happening are not high.

For me, if we win 7 games this year and can win 10 and make the playoffs next year, I'd be ecstatic! Of course, nothing would make me happier than if we're a year ahead of that schedule.... :thmup:

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I've been relatively excited about what's going on at West 56th Street and I am on the record as saying that this squad is more talented than the one that Peyton Manning took over. I've been hovering around thinking (that all things being equal - though they seldom are) the Colts could be anywhere from .500 to maybe even a wildcard team.


I watched this pre-draft video that Krapitz shot of his interview with Mike Mayock, whose opinion I really respect. And Mayock seemed to rightly believe that we were thin at WR, TE and OLine and intimated that we we're too small on Defense.

Now fast forward to June 26th and after everything we have done so far this off-season:

I think (past Collie frail health - One good lick and itsawrap) we look pretty good at WR. At least I know we've been thinner before.

With the addition of Fleener and Allen, I'm not sure I've ever been more hyped up about our TEs.

We brought in Mckinney, Redding and Chapman (gotten bigger). And our Linebackers (IMO) are going to be pretty good.

I am very excited about seeing LT Castanzo, LG Ijalana, OC Satele, RG McGlynn and RT Justice.

We added Zbikowski to partner with Bethea. Vaughn to go with Powers. And we'll probably add Jenkins come Training Camp.

Am I just too close too this thing?

Am I missing some MAJOR area that we're not looking competitive in?

No I don't share it yet. 1 This team is NOT BETER than Peytons frist team not even close. There will be ABSOULTLY NO PLAYOFFS THIS YEAR. The Ol is young guys and rejects from other teams & havn't played a down together. Other than Satele I worrry about them all. We have a talented, but young Rookie QB who hasn't played a down yet. We have 2 rookie TE's who may be good? havn't played a down yet, I worry greatly about our LB's Angerger & Conner who is inconsistent inside on a 3/4 defense, Angerger may be to small we will see. Zib we will see if he can play, who knows he a try hard guy, the corners who knows other than Powers who get hurt often. Mathes & Freeney we will see Less worried about Mathes than Freeney. Wr you feel good othe than Wayne, & Collie bad head, Maybe Avery bounces back? Maybe? New Schemes both side of the ball. I just see to many questions UNANSERED at this point. Honestly 5 wins would be a great job by this bunch with tough play & improvement through out the season! :eyebrow:
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Dr. Kill-joy checking in....

The Seahawks got in to the playoffs by winning their conference with a 7-9 record. I can see us with that record this year. But it's hard to see that winning our conference. The Texans are quite capable of winning many, many more games than that. So, for me, it's hard to see a path to the playoffs as a wildcard, because that typically means 10 wins. And to get to 10 wins, we're going to have to win more than a few games on the road. And winning on the road in the NFL, as all of you know, is incredibly difficult.

Also, do we really see enough difference makers on this team? But there are lots and lots and lots of question marks to be answered. So, far more of these questions will have to turn out well for us in order to reach the playoffs. The odds say that's not likely.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we can't make the playoffs. I am saying it's not likely. So many things have to go our way for this to happen, it's just not likely. Not impossible, but not probable.

Getting above .500 is just so, so hard in the NFL when you're coming from 2-14. Finding 10 wins as we sit here today in mid-June is not easy. My personal rule of thumb is that when you're counting on so many things going your way, the odds of all, or even most of that happening are not high.

For me, if we win 7 games this year and can win 10 and make the playoffs next year, I'd be ecstatic! Of course, nothing would make me happier than if we're a year ahead of that schedule.... :thmup:

I'm not predicting a playoff berth, not at all. It wouldn't be shocking; it's been done before. And there's always shuffling of division rankings, so the fact that Houston won the division last season isn't really important. I think they'll be good again, but there are five new playoff teams every year in the NFL. They only won 9 games last year. They aren't untouchable.

You mention difference-makers. I think we have several. I know our players carry the stink of a 2-14 season on them, but we still have good players. On defense alone, we have four (Freeney, Mathis Bethea are elite; Powers is above average). On offense, there are lots of question marks, but let's assume Luck has a respectable rookie season, Wayne has a Wayne-like season (1,200 yards, 100 catches, 8 touchdowns), and Fleener contributes at a good level (60 catches, 750 yards, 5 touchdowns). All of that is significantly better than last season, when the quarterbacking was atrocious, the skill players suffered, and we lost several games due to inept offense.

I'm being optimistic, especially on offense, but I just can't imagine us not being noticeably better on both sides of the ball. We were sooo bad last season (and really, watching the games, if not for Manning's brilliance in 2010, we're looking at a four win season). There's no way we're not better. And if the stars align, I could see us in the hunt going into December. And that would be a pleasant surprise.

What I'm preparing myself for is a young team with a new coaching staff that has to figure out how to win. I expect a lot of close games throughout the season, and some heartbreaking losses. I wouldn't be surprised if we only win 3 games, but I'll be disappointed if we're not highly competitive in the vast majority of those games.

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Why do people think Collie is more concussion prone. He's as concussion prone as anyone else, maybe even less so because of his special helmet. Should Rodgers hang it up if he gets another concussion?


"Second impact syndrome occurs when an athlete returns to sport too early after suffering from an initial concussion. The athlete does not need to receive a strong second blow to the head to set the effects in motion. The athlete may receive only a minor blow to the head or a hit to the chest or back that snaps the head enough to have the brain rebound inside the skull."

Some trainers believe ODing on creatine can help lessen the affects and limit multiple concussions. Regardless, the science is well established that a player who has suffered from one or more concussions is IN FACT more concussion prone.

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49ers ILBs

Patrick Willis - 6'1 240

Navorro Bowman 6'0 242

Colts ILBs

Pat Angerer - 6'0 236

Kavell Conner - 6'0 243

Real undersized.

You take one look at those 49er LBs and you cannot tell me that our LBs are anywhere near that size.

You think Angerer looks like this?


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honestly, i think we will have like a 4-12 record but we wont get like hammered week in and week out and really believe that by this time next year, we will be really pumped up for the league.

i really think 2 years from now, we will really be sb contenders.

im a homer btw

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I'm not predicting a playoff berth, not at all. It wouldn't be shocking; it's been done before. And there's always shuffling of division rankings, so the fact that Houston won the division last season isn't really important. I think they'll be good again, but there are five new playoff teams every year in the NFL. They only won 9 games last year. They aren't untouchable.

You mention difference-makers. I think we have several. I know our players carry the stink of a 2-14 season on them, but we still have good players. On defense alone, we have four (Freeney, Mathis Bethea are elite; Powers is above average). On offense, there are lots of question marks, but let's assume Luck has a respectable rookie season, Wayne has a Wayne-like season (1,200 yards, 100 catches, 8 touchdowns), and Fleener contributes at a good level (60 catches, 750 yards, 5 touchdowns). All of that is significantly better than last season, when the quarterbacking was atrocious, the skill players suffered, and we lost several games due to inept offense.

I'm being optimistic, especially on offense, but I just can't imagine us not being noticeably better on both sides of the ball. We were sooo bad last season (and really, watching the games, if not for Manning's brilliance in 2010, we're looking at a four win season). There's no way we're not better. And if the stars align, I could see us in the hunt going into December. And that would be a pleasant surprise.

What I'm preparing myself for is a young team with a new coaching staff that has to figure out how to win. I expect a lot of close games throughout the season, and some heartbreaking losses. I wouldn't be surprised if we only win 3 games, but I'll be disappointed if we're not highly competitive in the vast majority of those games.

I agree with much of what you say, Supe.... but I veer off toward the end. I think the only way we only win 3 games is if Andrew is hurt in September and lost for the year. Seriously. If he's playing the whole season as Newtwon and Dalton did, I'll be shocked if we can't win at least 5 games. I've been predicting 5-6. I'm now upping it to 5-7 games. That seems more reasonable as I look through the schedule.

And I further agree that we'll be very competitive even in games we lose. I don't expect many blowouts, or one-sided games. Very few. I can see us losing some games by 7-10 points where we're in it for 3 1/2 quarters, and trail by 4 and they kick a late FG to win by 7. Or we trail by 7 and they kick one late to win by 10. I can even see us trailing by 4 and Andrew is driving us down the field and throws a late pick when he doesn't see the safety or linebacker. Rookie QB's do that all the time.

A preview to make you laugh.... I just read the biggest piece of nonsense this off-season. A writer from SI who predicts we're going to have a car crash of a season. Doesn't rule out 0-16. Really. Says we've got a good chance at the number one pick again next year. Seriously. I think that writer needs a drug/alcohol test. I'm going to link in a separate thread.....

Overall.... there are enough decent players and good coaches here to win a fair number of games. For me that's 5-7....

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No I don't share it yet. 1 This team is NOT BETER than Peytons frist team not even close. There will be ABSOULTLY NO PLAYOFFS THIS YEAR. The Ol is young guys and rejects from other teams & havn't played a down together. Other than Satele I worrry about them all. We have a talented, but young Rookie QB who hasn't played a down yet. We have 2 rookie TE's who may be good? havn't played a down yet, I worry greatly about our LB's Angerger & Conner who is inconsistent inside on a 3/4 defense, Angerger may be to small we will see. Zib we will see if he can play, who knows he a try hard guy, the corners who knows other than Powers who get hurt often. Mathes & Freeney we will see Less worried about Mathes than Freeney. Wr you feel good othe than Wayne, & Collie bad head, Maybe Avery bounces back? Maybe? New Schemes both side of the ball. I just see to many questions UNANSERED at this point. Honestly 5 wins would be a great job by this bunch with tough play & improvement through out the season! :eyebrow:

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"Second impact syndrome occurs when an athlete returns to sport too early after suffering from an initial concussion. The athlete does not need to receive a strong second blow to the head to set the effects in motion. The athlete may receive only a minor blow to the head or a hit to the chest or back that snaps the head enough to have the brain rebound inside the skull."

Some trainers believe ODing on creatine can help lessen the affects and limit multiple concussions. Regardless, the science is well established that a player who has suffered from one or more concussions is IN FACT more concussion prone.

From the same article:

Who gets second impact syndrome ?

Any athlete may be at risk for SIS if he/she returns to sports competition while still experiencing the symptoms from an initial injury.


Because SIS has a higher mortality rate in young athletes, the focus needs to be on the prevention of SIS. The key to preventing SIS is to ensure that athletes do not return to sport with any post-concussion symptoms.

It's been a year and a half. Would anyone argue that Collie is still experiencing symptoms from any of the head injuries he suffered in 2010? He just played a full year without incident.

It is true, and well-documented, that an individual who has suffered a concussion is at greater risk after the event, but that risk doesn't continue indefinitely.

Another thought from the article:

Any athlete who demonstrates or complains of symptoms of concussion including headache, disorientation, confusion, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and fogginess should be IMMEDIATELY pulled from the activity and be referred to a sports medicine physician for follow-up care. Under treating or not taking a possible concussion seriously is just too high a price for an athlete to pay.

This is likely why Collie was removed from the Patriots game in 2010. Some people around the web have indicated that he simply MUST have suffered another concussion in that game, even though he wasn't hit. It seems more likely that he was still demonstrating symptoms from the first concussion, not that he was concussed again.

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All good reads above... The one thing I think we leave out is the fact that special team now matters in INDY. Luck will not have to drive 85 yards every possession as we have had to do in the past. Our defense will create some opportunities for good field postion. ALSO TY Hilton along with the other speedsters will create some big plays in the return game. Im excited about the speed in which Hilton can change directions and stop on the dime.

Special Teams this year will win games for us and make up for some of our inexperience on offense early in the season.

also... we just picked up RB Mewelde Moore and he's a pretty good punt returner/3rd down back...

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I don't get the skepticism. Are some you saying that you think Dalton is better than Luck? No way. The Bengals had promising talent much like we do this year and people boldly proclaimed them as someone to watch out for. I look at our team and say the same thing. This version of the Colts bears no resemblance to last year's team at all. Plus, Luck should be a LOT better than Dalton and every bit as good as Newton (imo). Newton had no offseason and the Panthers were not a good team last year. We play in a much worse division than the Bengals. If we don't have a .500 season, I will be shocked.

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"Second impact syndrome occurs when an athlete returns to sport too early after suffering from an initial concussion. The athlete does not need to receive a strong second blow to the head to set the effects in motion. The athlete may receive only a minor blow to the head or a hit to the chest or back that snaps the head enough to have the brain rebound inside the skull."

Some trainers believe ODing on creatine can help lessen the affects and limit multiple concussions. Regardless, the science is well established that a player who has suffered from one or more concussions is IN FACT more concussion prone.

Second impact syndrome occurs when an athlete returns to sport* too early * after suffering from an initial concussion.

Collie is way pasted that, it's been years now. Like Superman said above, this was the concern during the season he received the first concussion and actually happened. His second "concussion" was probably just second impact syndrome.

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I don't get the skepticism. Are some you saying that you think Dalton is better than Luck? No way. The Bengals had promising talent much like we do this year and people boldly proclaimed them as someone to watch out for. I look at our team and say the same thing. This version of the Colts bears no resemblance to last year's team at all. Plus, Luck should be a LOT better than Dalton and every bit as good as Newton (imo). Newton had no offseason and the Panthers were not a good team last year. We play in a much worse division than the Bengals. If we don't have a .500 season, I will be shocked.

Cinn. is a better all round team picking for years in the upper part of the draft. And they are not changing schemes. Enough said! Cleveland sucks which by the way beat us last year. Tenn And Houston are very good teams.
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It's been a year and a half. Would anyone argue that Collie is still experiencing symptoms from any of the head injuries...

Neither you nor I can say.

We all watched him lay there on the ground out cold after his second concussion (grade 3 concussion = most severe) . So Collie did in fact go through second concussion syndrome. As a result he is now more likely to suffer another concussion as the result of lighter hits. Because the brain damage caused by concussions generally (much less grade 3 concussions) is indeed accumulative from hit to hit even when players appear to fully recover. ONLY the NFL tries to say there is not enough information to draw that conclusion. And I think it would be intellectually dishonest to feign not understanding why the NFL would take that position.

Repeat concussions cause cumulative effects on the brain. Successive concussions can have devastating consequences, including brain swelling, permanent brain damage, long-term disabilities, or even death. - WebMd

Really not sure what the argument is? The notion that Austin Collie is not now more susceptible to future concussions is laughable and ignores reality. John Mackey's story is now infamous....and anyone putting forward the notion that Austin Collie is tougher than John Mackey is off their rocker. Collie is indeed more susceptible to future and more severe concussions.

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